Foundations of Leadership

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Leadership Seminar I

Cornerstone Charter Academy

Ms. Lowman
Course Summary:
In this course, freshman students will discuss how to lead self, lead others, lead in the
community and lead in the future. All of these themes are designed to be interactively
practical with the goal of equipping students for high school life and for the future of
college or career. The course will focus on developing leadership skills to empower
students to embrace learning challenges and produce deep, retained learning. Students will
have opportunities to demonstrate learning and mastery of leadership skills in their daily
classrooms and in a community service project.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
Required Materials:
Chromebook (fully charged)
Notebook Paper
Pens and Pencils
Classroom Breakdown:
Unit 1: Lead Self
Unit 2: Lead Others
Unit 3: Lead in the Community
Unit 4: Lead in the Future
Classroom Expectations:
*Be Polite -
Students will treat every individual with respect, kind, persevere, patient and
cooperative with the teacher and their classmates.
There is to be no eating in class, unless told otherwise. This can be distracting.

*Be Prepared -
A positive attitude and class participation are essential in learning. This means no
Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited, without permission. Only
Chromebooks are allowed, when the teacher gives direction to have it out.
Approach challenges with an open mind, make an effort to do your best, and be self-
controlled knowing you are not alone.

*Be Punctual -
Students will arrive on time with all of their material. Visits to the restroom,
lockers, or office should be made before entering the room.

Leadership Seminar I
Cornerstone Charter Academy
Ms. Lowman
Consequences if you choose to break the rules:
* Warning/ Loss of daily participation points
* Parent Contact
* Detention
* Referral to Administrator

I strongly encourage you to be in class each day because we cover a lot of material during each class
period. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work and find out what you
missed in class. All missing materials will be in the designated folder, if you have questions ask the Ms.
Work that was due while you were absent is expected with your return to school.
Check the appropriate folder for any handouts that you missed.

Being tardy also keeps you from benefitting from the entire class and can also be a distraction to
others. If you are tardy, you will receive 1 warning. After that it will be a 15 minute detention for every
subsequent tardy.

All students must complete classwork, homework, projects, and tests. Any classwork or projects not
turned in on the due date are to be completed. When late, there will be 10 points taken off per day up
to 5 days.

There are several ways for you to keep up with your responsibilities for the class. One way is through
Edmodo ( Students can sign up with group code: _________________________________.
This code will be given in class. The window to sign up will close Friday.

Remember this is a privilege. Be professional and use the page for school relevant comments and
questions. Classroom expectations apply for students here, as well. Teacher discretion will be used on
student posts and access to posting.

Another way is through REMIND 101 text messages. I will send out a text message regarding
assignments. You can sign up to receive these text messages by texting @seminarCCA to 81010.

Parents can sign up for this as well.

I hold tutoring MOST Thursday from 3:05-3:45pm. It is best if you are able to sign up the day before,
so that work will be prepared. Tutoring is an excellent opportunity for you to make up work. Please

Leadership Seminar I
Cornerstone Charter Academy
Ms. Lowman
come if you have been absent or if you feel that you are slipping behind in the class. If you find you
need additional help, please let me know.


Your grade will be a summation of the average that you earn over the year.
Here are the years assignments:
Effective Habits Work (Quiz, Journals, Reflections) 25%
Projects - 20%
Community Service (in class and 25 hours out of class) - 20%
Classwork/Homework - 15%
Final (Website Portfolio) - 20%
Grading Scale:
A= 100-90
B= 89-80
C= 79-70
D= 69-60
F = 59-0

Cut and return by Friday, August 19

Name: _____________________________
Date: _________________________________
The syllabus was reviewed and explained in class. I was given the opportunity
to ask questions for clarification. I know the goals and expectations set.
Please initial and sign on the appropriate lines:
____________ I have read and understand the Syllabus.
Student Signature: __________________________________
Date: ____________________________

Parents Homework: Since you spend more time with the student listed
above, please feel free to share anything you would like about your fabulous
student. J

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