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Madeline Thorne S00164565

EDLA309 Read IQ

READ IQ Week: 4
Teaching &
Reading with
Tech and Text

Writing to
and imagine

Winch, G., Johnston,
R., Holliday, M.,
Ljungdahl, L., &
March, P. (2014).
Literacy: Reading,
writing and children's
literature (5th ed.).
Melbourne: Oxford.
Chapters 1, 8, and

Interesting Aspects
Questions Raised
Reading as a meaning-getting,
What is authentic literature? What does
problem solving activity.
it look like? Where do I find it? Does it
only exist in paper form?
Broad view of text not just books
sms, twitter, images, movies, symbols, The debate of 21st literacy skills vs
music, lyrics, signs, email.
traditional reading, writing spelling skills
where should teachers priorities be
Technology as a pathway for text
placed in the classroom? Our job is to
gives students a way to express and
create effective members of society in
transform their creations
the 21st century society, what skills do
Significant differences in online
they need to become such people?
reading to paper based reading
Example grades of writing ACARA Should all writing be constructed
sample portfolios
through the writing process? Should we
always go through all 5 steps?
Persuasion Map ICT tool
How do the inquiry-based model of
learning (cycle) correlate with the
writing process model?
3 strategies for writing but can be
integrated? GRR with the inquiry
Reading requires multiple skills and all Great commitment to improving literacy
need to be explicitly taught.
but there are constant debates about
where those improvements are made in
Learning to read requires work in
the curriculum (reading, writing, 21st
modelled, shared, guided and
century literacy etc)
independent practice on key reading
Whilst the purpose and task of reading
changes through primary school the
need for explicit reading strategies

This weeks lecture and readings were focused on reading, context for reading, strategies for teaching
reading and practical classroom activities to aid in this. In comparison the tutorial was focused on writing
strategies and the implication of writing education in the classroom. This juxtaposition was interesting as it
allowed me to see the direct connections between reading and writing and how the education of the two
rely on each other for effective communication.

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