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Madeline Thorne S00164565

EDLA309 Read IQ

READ IQ Week: 6
Caf & The
Daily 5

Interesting Aspects
Questions Raised
Writing should be fun and within a
greater context how does
Australian curriculum achievement
standardized testing relate to this?
standards productive and
GRR to achieve the best results,
receptive modes
how quickly should GRR be?
Conferencing questions

Winch, Chapter
29 & 3

The connection between Caf &

the Daily 5
Each step of the Daily 5 and
example assessment associated

Changes in language due to social

contexts teachers have to
explicitly teach these skills and
Oral language is a pathway to
reading and therefore written
Importance of encouraging talk,
discussions, questioning.
Visual literacy inner conversation
between pictures
Relationship between words,
pictures and meaning
Concept of Poetry

Does Caf & Daily 5 show

promising results in older ages or
just lower primary students?

How can teaching children to read

be affected by defamiliarisation?
We teach children to make meaning
in context yet defamiliarisation asks
us to see words in unfamiliar and
different contexts than would be
known to children.

Due to Marys absence in week 5, the lecture on poetry moved to later in the semester leaving
this week be a combination of different topics. The readings give insight to the connection
between oral language development and poetry whereby we use both areas of literacy to teach
each other. The tutorial on Caf and the Daily 5 showed how a balanced, multi-levelled approach
is effective in teaching children literacy skills.

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