Regular Devotion 039

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This Week

What gets you excited? I know that this is a silly question, but think about it, what
really excites you? The definition of excitement is: something that arouses enthusiasm and
eagerness; an exciting incident. As a believer in Christ Jesus, we have to ask ourselves,
what in that realm arouses enthusiasm in us? Take a moment and eliminate all of the
carnal excitement and focus on spiritual excitement, or things divine that lift your spirits. This
week, lets get to the bottom of the cause for excitement.

Cause for Excitement

Great Sin
Exodus 32:17-20
Be careful! The excitement caused by sin is deceiving. It sounds like merriment and joy, but that is where it
fools us. As Moses returned to the Israelite camp, he heard the sound of excited merriment. As he and Joshua
discussed the noise, Moses identified it as sound not unfamiliar with Israel. He says that the noise he heard was
not the sound of mastery, or the sound of defeat, or even the sound of worship. It was the sound of sin. Many
of us are all too familiar with this type of excitement.
1. How familiar with this excitement are you? __________________________________________________
2. Does this excitement satisfy? Does it last? YES NO ___________________________________
Great Victory
1 Samuel 17:52
Victory, of any kind, is a cause to be excited. The soldiers of Israel have routed the Philistines and the
excitement that resulted was expressed in shouting. It is amazing how we are sometimes silent as we stand on
the precipice of victory and then when the moment arrives we explode with expression. What else releases
excitement better than a good old fashioned victory? Israel understood that with God on their side they would be
excited a lot.
1. Name a recent exciting victory. __________________________________________________________
Gods Power
1 Kings 18:22-41
Amazingly, this one does not always cause the excitement that it ought. Elijah points out to the people that he is
the only prophet visible on this particular day. He challenges the prophets of Baal to a duel and hen allows them
to go first. After a while he mocks them and builds his altar, douses it with water and calls on God. Jehovah
responds with fire and the excitement should begin. The writer doesnt detail the response of the nation, but
when God responds for us in this manner and with this magnitude, we ought to shout and dance.
1. When was the last time God caused you to be excited with His response? _________________________
2. How did you respond? __________________________________________________________________
Kings Coronation
2 Kings 11:12-16
There are cases where people go out of the way in an attempt to mess stuff up, but God is good. Athaliah
attempted to stack the deck in her favor, but God was in the mix and confounded her attempt. Johosheba hid
her brother and when he was crowned king, the country experienced a new excitement. I wonder if we will be
excited on November 8th!
1. Do coronations excite you? YES NO
How about elections? YES NO
Human Destruction
Esther 9:1-11
The Hebrews left in Persia are elated that they have survived the plot of Haman to have them all eliminated.
Esthers faith in God prevails and the Hebrews are spared. God, then, allows them to overcome their enemies
and the excitement caused by existing is soon heard throughout the country. This may seem a bit unusual, but

the Hebrew nation has been in captivity a couple of times and God is not tolerating undue abuse. They celebrate
even as they destroy their adversaries.
1. What form of captivity would cause you to celebrate when released? ____________________________
Handwriting on the Wall
Daniel 5:5-9
Excitement is not always a positive emotion. Sometimes consternation is the result of some events in our lives.
When the hand began writing on the wall the atmosphere at the party immediately changes. With this sudden
change of mood the king realizes that something is not right. The people soon understand the gravity of the
event and the entire party changes. God has different ways of creating excitement and we respond to them all.
We have to respond emotionally, spiritually, and physically to the handwriting on the walls.
1. Have you been excited by the handwriting on the wall? YES NO __________________________
Acts 19:13-29
Still today there are those who would usurp the power of the purveyors of Gods Word. The sons of Sceva
desired to duplicate, falsely, the action s of Paul for personal reasons. The miracle was not that they actually
conjured up the demons, but rather that the demons actions caused a response from the people that helped
spread the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit and Paul. This miracle is being replicated every day these
days. God will use those who pervert His Word to support His purpose. Be sure you know the LORD for yourself.
1. How will you know the real exciter from the false one? ________________________________________


In which Gospel will one find the phrase: If ye abide in me, and my words abide in

Answer: John 15: 7, Jesus speaking to His disciples as they journeyed to the Mount of Olives.
Responses: R. Simms TX J. Bauchum MO J. Simpson MO M. Arrington KS . Johnson TN J.
Jefferson TX M. Thompson KS T & T Williams TX
What group was cursed with emerods? (Think Giants)

Prayer List
God is still on the throne and He still answers prayer. Join with me, daily, as I pray for the
ills of our nation and our age. We can/must make a difference!!
Are YOU registered to VOTE?????
America pray that our country returns to her first love, God!
Sis. Delia Owens - Bereavement
Linda Neal Bereavement
Carolyn Anderson Illness
Robert Anderson victim of assault
Ralph Cobbins (KCKS) recovering from surgery
Irene Beard (KCKS) pray for healing.
Randall Pulley Pray for his recovery as he undergoes treatment for cancer.
(Mphs) Ari is my granddaughter and has had a less than normal life. She is bright and I
ask that you pray with me that God will assist me and others to fill in the gaps in her life so she can
become the productive young lady I know she can be. It wont be easy so I need your help!
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