Summary - in His Steps

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In His Steps

While preparing a sermon based on 1 Peter 2:21, the Reverend Henry Maxwell is interrupted by
a tramp knocking at his door, requesting assistance in finding employment. The minister
apologetically turns him away. Two days later, Maxwell delivers his sermon to the First Church
of Raymond, and at its conclusion, the same tramp unexpectedly appears and addresses the
congregation. This man, Jack Manning, relates how he lost his job as a printer and that his wife
has recently died. He boldly questions Maxwells sermon on Christian discipleship by asking
what it means to follow in the steps of Christ. Mannings speech concludes when he faints and
collapses in the aisle. Maxwell takes the tramp to his home to convalesce, but Manning dies a
week later.
This experience effects a great change in Maxwell. He realizes that Christian disciples should be
willing to sacrifice and consecrate their lives. He invites members of his congregation to take a
pledge for one year to ask the question, What would Jesus do? when facing every decision in
their individual lives. In His Steps depicts how those who choose to accept this invitation not
only influence the community of Raymond but also begin a movement that will spread
throughout the entire country.

In His Steps
Among that initial group of nearly fifty souls in Raymond who take the pledge is Rachel
Winslow, a gifted singer who chooses to forgo a promising career in order to consecrate her
talent to God. In addition to singing in the First Church of Raymond, she volunteers to help Mr.
and Mrs. Gray with tent revival meetings in the decayed Rectangle District, and her music
touches the hearts of those affected by life in the slums and saloons; in the process, she helps
bring souls to Christ.
After taking the pledge, the owner of Raymonds daily newspaper, Edward Norman, decides not
to publish on Sundays and omits certain news items (such as prizefights). Such actions lead to
losses in advertising revenue; however, the wealthy heiress Virginia Page, who also has taken the
pledge to do as Jesus would do, donates $500,000 to fund Normans visionary venture to create
a Christian daily.

Although not the first to pose such a question, Charles Monroe Sheldon certainly deserves credit
for popularizing the query, What would Jesus do? Each individual in Sheldons story who
accepts the pledge is allowed freedom to act according to his or her conscience and as directed
by the Holy Spirit. In their quest for divine guidance, the characters frequently pray.
In His Steps emphasizes a need to redefine Christian discipleship. Maxwells congregation
comprises those in Raymond who are affluent and comfortable. His invitation to follow Jesus
challenges them to consider living less selfishly. Living by the pledge serves as an essential test
of discipleship. Ultimately, sacrifice, self-denial, and suffering are essential to following in steps
of Jesus.
Furthermore, these new Christian disciples face accountability regarding their positions, wealth,
and talents. When consecrating all that they have to the service of God, they seek to utilize their
resources by sharing them with their neighbors and to bless those in need. Hence, the characters
consider themselves connected with the early Disciples of the ancient Christian church who
consecrated their lives to living like Christ, including having all things in common (Acts 2:44).
This keen sense of accountability leads Maxwell and others to social action and reform efforts in
their communities. In addition to their motivation to act as Jesus would, these new Christian

In His Steps
disciples perceive a divine nature and the worth of the immortal soul in every human being
regardless of external appearance, behavior, position, or class status.

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