Pols Reflection 1

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To: Candidate Smith, Presidential candidate

From: Christina Vagenas, Presidential candidate consultant
Date: October 2, 2016
Subject: Recommendation and overview regarding campaign tactics and success relative to the
2016 elections with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
As the campaign consultant for Candidate Smith in the 2020 Presidential elections, it is
my duty to direct him/her in the direction of success in winning this election and in getting the
approval of the citizens of the United States. Because of my truest concern for Candidate Smiths
success, I put together recommendations for winning this election by examining and analyzing
the successes of Candidate Clinton and Candidate Trump. The analyzations are from reviewing
media campaigns, demographics, as well as my opinions.
The most important question is: What made Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
successful in their campaigning? Some may argue it was their tactics in constant media
appearances and others may say it was their experiences. Critically, others may claim neither
candidate is worth it because of issues concerning Clintons emails or Trump making fun of
every person in sight. Although this may be the case, an individual candidate must win; the
winner will be the one most successful in persuading the people through their propositions and
ideas for the future and benefits of the United States, in some respect.
From the beginning of the Presidential campaigning process and throughout the entire
span of it, every person in the world knows who Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are, as well
as their visible intentions. By this I mean what they say they will do for the United States and
what they wish to please the people with. With Clinton, people know her as the former First

Lady of former President Bill Clinton as well as the Secretary of State, which is the fifth highest
position in the United States; this is proof of all the experience she has in the White House.
Although she has a negative as well as positive presence in the media, she has the support of
President Obama and Bernie Sanders. A quote by Sanders proves his full support and influence
on others in supporting Clinton: Our job now is to see that platform implemented by a
Democratic Senate, a Democratic House and a Hillary Clinton presidency and I am going to
do everything I can to make that happen.1 Because of their apparent support, this influences the
public in voting for Clinton, especially those who initially voted for Sanders in the primary
Trump, on the other hand, has countless amounts of experience in business. However he
does not have any in the White House or in government positions at all. His presence was mostly
from his TV show and his book, The Art of the Deal written with Tony Schwartz, which was
published in 1987. The reason people pay attention to this candidate so much is because of his
presence in the media. Whether it be negative or positive, he still gets attention. This can be a
good thing no matter what because people at the voting polls are more likely to vote for a
candidate they know or are familiar with rather than someone they know nothing about.
Although Trump has sneaky tactics such as undercutting Jeb Bushs website to go straight to the
Trump website, supporters still hold him highly. Trump supporters even include Vladimir Putin
and Kim Jong Un. Un says I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him.2 It
seems as if other leaders have strong approval for him as well, and this would navigate onto the
support of the people as well.
In each candidates media campaign, various tactics work for different demographic
groups. Yet a common tactic among both Clinton and Trump is degrading their opponent. In

several commercials, Clinton and Trump spoke of national pride and unity, negative aspects of
their opponent, and finally scaring the people into voting for them. In one of Clintons ads she
indicated that it would be dangerous to vote from Trump as President, and that by doing this it
could ruin everything for the nation. In a Trump commercial, the narrator spoke of the Clintons
financial troubles indicating that the nation would not want to deal with such a thing. The focus
on the commercials and ads are put on the other candidate, when really it should always be
focused on the candidate who is sponsoring that commercial. It all comes to appearance in the
media and how familiar the people are with the candidate. Whether good or bad presence in the
media, it is something, regardless, and the nation will most likely trust the individual they are
more familiar with.
Swing states are an important part of elections to keep in mind at all times. These are the
states with the citizens who are most likely to vote.3 Alternatively, individuals in the non-swing
states believe their votes make no difference whatsoever. For instance, Wisconsin, a swing state
has a voting population of 4.3 million and about 3.1 million is the amount of those who voted;
this is approximately 71.7%.4 Compared to California which has a voting population of 23.6
million and about 13 million of those who voted; this is approximately 55.3%.5 In addition,
Florida has a median household income of $47,212 and a higher poverty level in comparison to
Colorado. The median household income of Colorado is $59,448 with a poverty level of 11.5%.
This state also has a higher number of graduates from high school diploma and up. Colorado has
about a 3.6 million voting population and 2.6 million of those who voted, as to Florida which has
a voting population of 13.5 million and 8.4 who actually voted.6
In conclusion, I have several recommendations to succeed in the election for President
beginning in 2020. As reviewed in the above information, there are certain factors I advise to go

for and also stray away from. First of all, understanding what is needed for the nation and what
the people believe in is very important. The population is more likely to vote on an individual
they trust and know more about. This is why advertising and public appearances to events that
support the campaign would be a positive bonus. The more appearance in media, the more
people will know the candidate. Secondly, if possible it would be beneficial to get influential
and important individuals to declare their support for the candidate. People tend to follow those
they like. By doing this, it may sway groups to vote for the candidate.
Other ways of becoming a successful candidate is past involvement in anything at all
including protests, rallies, government issues, finances, and charity. In one way or another people
will find out all they can about the candidate, and therefore it is important to have a clean record
if possible. However be ready for something to backfire. The main goal is to show the people of
the United States that the candidate is ready for office and to take on the necessary duties to
protect our nation and its security. An important factor is also to show the unity we have or need
to acquire, and remind individuals who we are as a nation. The United States is a much more
recent establishment than other countries, yet we are able to do just as well, if not better.

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