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Excretory System Review sheet

-by Kevin, Mia, and Ziyan

Textbook: Ch. 31

Excretion- process of removing wastes and excess substances from the organism, also
removes excess heat from the body
Urine- dilute solution of made up of water, mineral salts, ammonia, and urea
1. Structures of the Urinary System
-Liver-Converts ammonia to urea
-Ureter-Tube where urine leaves the kidneys
-Urethra-Way urine leaves the body
-Urinary Bladder-Holds Urine
-Kidneys-Makes urea into urine
-Renal pelvis: hollow collecting chamber of urine
-Renal medulla: outside the renal pelvis
-Renal cortex: covers the renal medulla
-Renal artery: blood flows through here to the kidneys to be filtered
-Renal veins: filtered blood leaves from kidneys through here
2. Urinary System maintains Homeostasis
-Regulates Blood PH
-Removes toxins+drugs
-Regulates Oxygen levels
-Keeps important nutrients
3. Path of Urine
-Kidneys > Ureters > Bladder > Urethra > Excretion
4. Structure of a Nephron
-Bowmans capsule: cup like structure
-Glomerulus (Filtration): mass of capillaries, water, nutrients, and wastes are filtered from the
glomerulus capillaries into Bowman's capsule
-Loop of Henle: long in the desert environments (dry), short in aquatic habitats (wet)
-Proximal tubule: (Tubular reabsorption) most water and nutrients are reabsorbed from the
filtrate into the blood
-Distal tubule: (Tubular secretion) additional wastes are secreted into the tubule from the blood
-Collecting duct: (Concentration) additional water may be reabsorbed into the blood, creating
urine more concentrated than the blood, transports urine to renal pelvis
5. Formation of Urine in Nephrons
-Tubular Reabsorption

-Tubular Secretion
6. Urinary systems of other Organisms
-Malpighian tubes- excretory organs of grasshoppers and other insects, bathed directly in blood
-Nephridia- excretory organs of some invertebrates (ex: earthworm), more advanced than
In these invertebrates, after going into the nephridia, then coelomic fluid flows into the
nephrostome. after collecting in a bladderlike sac, urine leaves the body through excretory pores.
-Protonephridia- simplest excretory structures, found in flatworms, uses flame cells (singlecelled, with cilia)
7. Hormones
-ADH-Regulates the amount of water reabsorbed by the proximal tubule
-Renin-Released by Kidneys, helps regulate blood pressure
-Angiotensin-Arteriole constricting, stimulated by Renin release
-Erythropoietin (EPO)-released by Kidneys, increases oxygen levels

8. Nitrogenous wastes
Most Fish and

Mammals and

Birds, insects, and





Uric acid

Energy use




Water use:




toxin level




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