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Baby Mouse's Adventure

There was a tiny new-born Mouse who had never seen the outside world.
"I'm going to the market. Don't go out anywhere till I come back," said Mother Mouse
one day.
However when Mother Mouse was gone, Baby Mouse got very curious. He opened the
door and peeped out.
"Oh, how wonderful the world looks, I must make some new friends," said Baby Mouse.
He saw a gently furry creature watching him.
"He looks very kind and friendly. Let me go and say hello to him."
The furry creature smiled at him and waved his paw.
Just then a huge monster like creature came crowing at the top of his voice.
Baby Mouse trembled with fear. The monster dug the ground with his sharp claws and
with his sharp and pointed mouth tried to eat everything in sight.
Baby mouse got so frightened that he ran back home as fast as he could and shut the door
A little later Mother Mouse returned, "Oh, Mama," cried Baby Mouse, "I had such an
adventure today. I met such a gently furry creature whom I wanted to get friendly with
but just then a big monster who crowed very loudly came and I rushed back home in
"My dear child," said Mother Mouse, "that gentle furry creature you saw was a cat. If you
had gone close she would have killed you. The monster that you saw was a harmless
cock. In life never judge anyone by how he looks.
Moral: Do not judge anyone by his outward appearance.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The Owl and the Grasshopper

There was an owl who lived in the hollow of a tree. He had grown very old and grumpy.
An owl, as we all know, hunts for frogs, mice and insects all night and he sleeps during
the day.
One day, the old owl was sleeping in the afternoon when a grasshopper started chirping
near by.
"Keep quiet," said the owl angrily, "Can't you see, I'am trying to sleep?"
"I don't care if you want to sleep," said the grasshopper cheekily. "I am in a good mood
and I am going to sing loudly."
"Have you no manners?" screamed the old owl enraged. "Go away from here and let me
sleep in peace."
"I won't go anywhere," said the grasshopper rudely, "and I shall sing as loudly as I
The wise old owl realized that it was no use arguing with the grasshopper. So he decided
to teach him a lesson.
"Mr. Grasshopper," said the old owl, "since you insists on singing, I might as well enjoy
your songs. I have a wonderful magic drink which will make your voice as sweet as
honey. Why don't you come and try some?"
The foolish grasshopper believed every word the owl said. He hopped inside the Owl's
nest. The owl quickly pounced on him and ate him up.
Moral: Beware of false flattery.


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