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Food-poisoning bacteria may be behind Crohn's

People who retain a particular bacterium in their gut after a bout of food
poisoning may be at an increased risk of developing Crohn's disease later in
life, according to a new study led by researchers at McMaster University.
Using a mouse model of Crohn's disease, the researchers discovered that acute infectious
gastroenteritis caused by common food-poisoning bacteria accelerates the growth of
adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC) -- a bacterium that has been linked to the development of Crohn's.
Even after the mice had eliminated the food-poisoning bacteria, researchers still observed increased
levels of AIEC in the gut, which led to worsened symptoms over a long period of time.
The study, published in the journal PLOS Pathogens, was funded by grants from the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research and Crohn's and Colitis Canada.
Crohn's disease is a debilitating bowel disease characterized by the inflammation of the intestines.
Today, one in every 150 Canadians is living with Crohn's or colitis, a rate that ranks among the
highest worldwide.
"This is a lifelong disease that often strikes people in their early years, leading to decades of
suffering, an increased risk of colorectal cancer, and an increased risk of premature death," said
Brian Coombes, senior author of the study. At McMaster University he is a professor of biochemistry
and biomedical sciences and a researcher at the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious
Disease Research.
The study's results, said Coombes, means that new diagnostic tools should be developed to identify
AIEC-colonized individuals who may be at greater risk for Crohn's disease following an episode of
acute infectious gastroenteritis.
"We need to understand the root origins of this disease -- and to use this information to invigorate a
new pipeline of treatments and preventions. It has never been more pressing."

Who wrote it? (Was this a blogger, journalist, or scientist?)

McMaster University published and wrote it.
When was this article published?
This article was published on October 7, 2016.
Does it seem balanced or biased? (Did the article give both points of view or was it
The article was unbiased, it was more of an informative article.
Why was this article written?
This article was written to provide information on food poisoning. The articles also
provides plenty information on Crohn's disease.
Was it technically written or written for people who are not experts? (Hint: How difficult
was it to read and understand?)
The article was not really easy understandable, but for someone who has access to the
internet they can easily look up some terms.
Was it sourced? (Did the author say specifically where their data is from or give
Yes it was sourced and provided information on who and where they got their
information on.
In the article Food-poisoning bacteria may be behind Crohn's disease it mainly focuses
on Crohns disease and how it relates to food poisoning. The main point of this article was to
provide information how deadly the disease can be. It had mentioned how even after a
cleanization of food poisoning crohn's diseases can still spread and be deadly because it
inflates your intestines. This relates to my life somehow because it reminds me of how cautious I
may have to be when eating something to prevent food poisoning. A question that I have about
crohns disease is about how many people die from this disease in America. I did some
research and about 1,600,000 people get ill or die from this disease annually.

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