Interview Guide

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Introduction (5 min)
I want to thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
My name is ____________________________ and I would like to talk to you about
your perceptions and experiences regarding your current and past living
arrangements. I want to learn about what are the underlying motivating
factors behind your decisions regarding this issue.
The interview should take less than an hour. I will be taping the session
because I dont want to miss any of your comments. Although I will be taking
some notes during the session, I cant possibly write fast enough to get it all
down. Because were on tape, please be sure to speak up so that we dont
miss your comments.
All responses will be kept confidential. This means that your interview
responses will only be shared with research team members and we will
ensure that any information we include in our report does not identify you as
the respondent. Remember, you dont have to talk about anything you dont
want to and you may end the interview at any time. Be creative if youd like,
do not think too hard about what you are saying unless if feel it to be
necessary, but rather say what comes to your mind naturally. There are no
right or wrong answers and dont try to please me when you give them.
Are there any questions about what I have just explained? Are you willing to
participate in this interview?



II. General assessment (10 min)

Gather general information about respondents
Let us start the discussion with a brief discussion about yourself
1. What is the last level of education that you graduated from?
- What did you study?
- Are you currently still studying something?
- Are you planning to further your education in the future?

What do you do for a living?

For how long have you been doing it?
Is it related to the subject that you studied?
What are your career goals? Please describe them as best you can

3. For how long have you lived in this city?

- Where did you move from?
- Why did you move here? Please elaborate
4. What sort of living conditions did you experience?
- Did you ever live with your parents? For about how long? How would you
describe the experience?
- Did you ever live with relatives aside from your immediate family? For about
how long? How would you describe the experience?
- Did you ever live in a student dorm? For about how long? How would you
describe the experience?
- Did you ever live in a rented apartment/flat? For about how long? How would
you describe the experience?
- Did you ever have to share their living space with someone? Under what
circumstances? How would you describe the experience?
5. What are your current living arrangements?
- Are you currently renting an apartment/flat or some other form of housing
where you have to pay a monthly fee?
- Do you own the space where you are currently living? Has it been purchased
through a mortgage loan?
- Do you live with your parents or other people that dont require a monthly
fee for housing?
We will proceed with a discussion about your current living arrangement and
the process that led you to them.

III. Target profile assessment (10 min)

Uncover specific target information that relates to their current
living arrangements and the process that led them to these
Now I would like to dive deeper into issues relating to your living
arrangements and how you came to have them




Can you explain how and why you decided to buy a house/apartment/flat?
Was it something you were always aiming towards?
What were some of the factors that you think influenced this decision?
Can you think of any other factors that might have played a role, whether
they be people or circumstances?
Can you explain how and why you decided to access a mortgage loan?
What were the main factors that influenced your decision? Think of the top
things that you were taking into account when deciding to go this route.
Were there other variables or stakeholders that also played a role in this
decision? Can you name some things that were not directly related, but still
influenced you in some way?
What were some of the expectations that you had when making this
How would you describe the level of confidence that you had in your
decision? What was it related to?

b) Process
Describe the process of accessing the mortgage loan.
- How much time and energy did you have to dedicate to that process?
- How much research did you do beforehand? Describe in as much detail the
type of information that you sought out.
- Did you seek external counselling? Who/where from?
Overall, what is your impression about the process of accessing
mortgage loans?
- What was most challenging? What did you not have a hard time with?
- Was the process what you expected?
Can you tell me about the amount that you were given? Was is the
amount that you were targeting? Why were you targeting this amount?
How long is the credit period? What made you decide to choose this
amount of time?
Are you sharing the burden with someone else? Who and under what

c) Current conditions and future predictions

For how long have you had this credit?
Overall, how do you feel you are managing with the loan?
- What are some of the advantages and difficulties that you associate with it?
- How does your experience compare to the expectations that you had?
- What were some of the things associated with it that you hadnt predicted?
How do you predict you will manage the loan in the future?
- Are you confident or rather cautious about the future?
- What factors are you considering when making these predictions. Please
If given the chance, would you change your decision to buy and
apartment? How about buying it through a mortgage loan? Why or why not?
What does it mean for you to be the the owner/co-owner of your
- What are some of the satisfying points?
- What are some of the drawbacks?
a) Decision
Can you explain how and why you decided to rent a
- Was it something you were always aiming towards?
- What were some of the factors that you think influenced this decision?
- Can you think of any other factors that might have played a role, whether
they be people or circumstances?
What were some of the expectations that you had when making this
How would you describe the level of confidence that you had in your
decision? What was it related to?
b) Process
Describe the process of finding a place to rent.
- How much time and energy did you have to dedicate to that process?
- How much research did you do beforehand? Describe in as much detail the
type of information that you sought out.
- Did you seek external counselling? Who/where from?
Overall, what is your impression about the process of finding a place to
- What was most challenging? What did you not have a hard time with?
- Was the process what you expected?
Can you tell me about the amount you are currently paying as rent?
Was is the amount that you were targeting? Why were you targeting this

For how long do you intend to keep your current rent? What made you
decide to choose this amount of time?
Are you sharing the burden with someone else? Who and under what
c) Current conditions and future predictions
For how long have you had this rent?
Overall, how do you feel you are managing with the rent?
- What are some of the advantages and difficulties that you associate with it?
- How does your experience compare to the expectations that you had?
- What were some of the things associated with it that you hadnt predicted?
How do you predict you will manage the rent in the future?
- Are you confident or rather cautious about the future?
- What factors are you considering when making these predictions. Please
If given the chance, would you change your decision to rent a
house/apartment/flat? Why or why not?
What other alternatives are you considering? What makes you consider
these alternatives?
Would you ever consider buying a house/apartment/flat?
- What are the reasons behind this?
- What would make you change your mind?
What does it mean for you to be a tenant?
- What are some of the satisfying points?
- What are some of the drawbacks?
a) Decision
Can you explain how and why you decided on your current living
- Was it something you were always aiming towards?
- What were some of the factors that you think influenced this decision?
- Can you think of any other factors that might have played a role, whether
they be people or circumstances?
What were some of the expectations that you had when making this

b) Current conditions and future predictions

For how long have you lived under the current arrangements?
Overall, how do you feel you are managing with the situation?
- What are some of the advantages and difficulties that you associate with it?
- How does your experience compare to the expectations that you had?
- What were some of the things associated with it that you hadnt predicted?

How do you predict you will manage the rent in the future?
- Are you confident or rather cautious about the future?
- What factors are you considering when making these predictions. Please
If given the chance, would you change your decision regarding your
current living conditions? Why or why not?
What other alternatives are you considering? What makes you consider
these alternatives?
Would you ever consider buying a house/apartment/flat?
- What are the reasons behind this?
- What would make you change your mind?
What does it mean for you to be living under the current
- What are some of the satisfying points?
- What are some of the drawbacks?


Uncover information about general life goals and housing relevance
relating to those goals
What are some of your general long-term goals?
- What motivates you to aim for those goals?
- How have they changed over time?
- Do you expect them to change in the future and, if so, in what way?
How relevant is the housing situation in achieving your future goals?
What kind of role does it play?

IV. Conclusion
Is there anything more you would like to add?
I will be analyzing the information you and others gave me and submitting a
draft report to the organization in one month. I will be happy to send you a
copy to review at that time, if you are interested.
Thank you for your time!

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