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Essay type:

While some teachers consider persuasive papers and argument
papers to be basically the same thing, its usually safe to
assume that an argument paper presents a stronger claim
.possibly to a more resistant audience
For example: while a persuasive paper might claim that cities
need to adopt recycling programs, an argument paper on the
same topic might be addressed to a particular town.


argument paper would go further, suggesting specific ways that

a recycling program should be adopted and utilized in that
.particular area
To write an argument essay, youll need to gather
evidence and present a well-reasoned argument on a
.debatable issue

?How can I tell if my topic is debatable

You cannot argue a statement of fact; you must base your
paper on a strong position. Ask yourself
How many people could argue against my position? What
would they say?
Can it be addressed with a yes or no? (aim for a topic that
requires more info.)

Can I base my argument on scholarly evidence, or am I

relying on religion, cultural standards, or morality? (you
MUST be able to do quality research!)
Have I made my argument specific enough?
Worried about taking a firm stance on an issue?
Though there are plenty of times in your life when its best to
adopt a balanced perspective and try to understand both sides
.of a debate, this isnt one of them
You MUST choose one side or the other when you write
!an argument paper
Dont be afraid to tell others exactly how you think things
should go because thats what we expect from an argument
?paper. Youre in charge now, what do YOU think


use passionate language use




believe, I feel, or I thinkjust

!tell us
cite experts who agree claim to be an expert if youre
with you

not one

provide facts, evidence, use strictly moral or religious

and statistics to support claims
your position







to assume the audience will agree


support your claim with you about any aspect of your



opposing attempt to make others look bad

sides argument and refute (i.e. Mr. Smith is ignorantdont

their claims

listen to him!)

Why do I need to address the opposing sides argument?

There is an old kung-fu saying which states, "The hand that
strikes also blocks", meaning that when you argue it is to your
advantage to anticipate your opposition and strike down their
arguments within the body of your own paper. This sentiment is
echoed in the popular saying, "The best defense is a good
By addressing the opposition you achieve the following
illustrate a well-rounded understanding of the topic
demonstrate a lack of bias
enhance the level of trust that the reader has for both you
and your opinion
give yourself the opportunity to refute any arguments the
opposition may have







opposition's argument
Think about yourself as a child, asking your parents for
permission to do something that they would normally say no to.
You were far more likely to get them to say yes if you
anticipated and addressed all of their concerns before they
expressed them. You did not want to belittle those concerns, or
make them feel dumb, because this only put them on the
defensive, and lead to a conclusion that went against your

.The same is true in your writing

?How do I accomplish this
To address the other side of the argument you plan to make,
you'll need to "put yourself in their shoes." In other words, you
need to try to understand where they're coming from. If you're
having trouble accomplishing this task, try following these
1. Jot down several good reasons why you support that
particular side of the argument.
2. Look at the reasons you provided and try to argue with
yourself. Ask: Why would someone disagree with each of







(Sometimes it's helpful to imagine that you're having a

verbal argument with someone who disagrees with you.)

3. Think carefully about your audience; try to understand

their background, their strongest influences, and the way
that their minds work. Ask: What parts of this issue will
concern my opposing audience the most?
4. Find the necessary facts, evidence, quotes from experts,
etc. to refute the points that your opposition might make.
5. Carefully organize your paper so that it moves smoothly
from defending your own points to sections where you
argue against the opposition.

The Faceless Teacher
The Internet is here to stay. Whether one lives in a backwoods
shack or Silicon Valley, the potential of online communication
cannot be ignored. In facing the twenty-first century, a fearless
inventory of the role that the World Wide Web will play in global
culture must be taken. This phantom resource, where web
sites can shift and vanish like ghosts, should not lend itself to
widespread application without careful examination of the
specific functions it will be utilized to perform. The Internet is
an entity without a master, and censure and discretion on the
Web are left to the responsibility of the individual publisher.
This means a student searching the vast fields of information
that have flowered on-line may find pay dirt or fertilizer.
Overzealous use of computers, even in innocence, to ease the
burden of solid research in favor of convenience or for the

sinister purpose of cutting costs, will reduce learning from a

creative process to a point-and-click procedure, effectively
diminishing students from social-learners to a cyber-tribe of
hunters-and-gatherers relying on the ability of machines and
.the rote memorization of monitors displays
The blank countenance of the computer screen, the faceless
teacher, is a frightening prospect of educations on-line future.
Information is present as print, yet the medium of transference
is missing. The student may be receptive and the information








observation but in a dynamic whirlwind of uncertainty and

intent. A student enters the classroom to learn, and another
human being must provide the nuance, the animation, and the






stimulate a students mind. The professor provides another

lifetime of experience to contrast with the students own
personal reality. This interaction alone breaks the constraints of
personal bias and helps to form a skill vital to critical thinking:
objectivity. In a formal classroom, the informality of the social
scene is left outside the door and a new discipline of rhetoric
and discussion is acquired. The human teacher, while not
infallible, can explain different solutions to a single problem,
demonstrate objectivity and understanding, and illustrate
alternate approaches to obstacles. The computer can calculate
.and display, but a teacher can calculate and devise
Innovation is the ability to employ creative methods to solve a
problem. How does one get it? Confronting problems directly

and working through them is the only way. Education supplies

not just raw data but also the strategies for dealing with that
raw data, the template for forming this information into ideas
by shaping it with innovation, and eventually the arena to use
these weapons in challenging specific problems. Typing a








pornographic advertisement from a screen does not teach or

even require critical thinking or innovation on the part of the
student. Lessons hide in the process of learning--the crossreferencing, the questioning that is the lifeblood of the
dialogue, and the discipline so important in the search for
knowledge--not in the simple instant gratification in the click of
a mouse. The ease of information acquisition provides the
student with plenty of sources but hinders the development of
a critical and flexible frame of reference to interpret this wealth
of material. The computer can show but cannot teach. The
student is left alone in a sea of information without a means of
If the student seems the scapegoat, portrayed as dull-witted or
lazy, this is unintentional. Though virtual education is only a
keystroke away, and these are possibilities, not inevitabilities,
the Internet is powerful, and with power comes the potential for
abuse, by the teachers themselves as well as the students. As









involvement in their education, institutions may choose to use

the Web as the primary classroom forum in the quest to save
money. The equation E=mc2 can also be employed when






Substitute $ for E, manpower for m, and leave c as it is

to represent time squared. The amount of time faculty
members work multiplied by the size of the universitys staff
equals money exiting from that institutions bank account. Time
equals money, but money saved does not equal comparable
education. It is vital that quality face-to-face education wins out
.over cost-cutting measures
Machines work well with machines and people work best with
other people. The human race is composed of a web of social
animals. Human contact is essential for the development of
quality minds. However, there are prospective students who,
due to uncontrollable forces, find that a Web course is their only
means of education. In this unfortunate circumstance, the
concession must be given that any education at all is preferable
to ignorance. But these on-line courses must be offered with
.caution and should not become the norm
The web can be an aid to education in the way that a calculator
is an aid to mathematics. With all of the speed and number
crunching ability of a calculator, it would be highly difficult to
learn algebra directly from this device. In the same respect, the
World Wide Web is not a means to an end. It is not the
magnificent force that is the human intellect. The mind is
humanitys greatest asset and its refinement is humanitys
greatest achievement. The evolution of such a device should
not be left to anything less than its equal. The intangibles
involved in the shaping and growth of human consciousness-the








communicate in the most effective way, the value of having a

person take a personal stake in the education of an individual-are without parallel. In the complex chemistry of education, the
computer is just a tool. The true energy and force is in the
experiment itself; the teacher is the catalyst; and the student is
.the reaction

To write a persuasive paper, youll need to use evidence
and good reasons to convince others to agree with your
.point of view on a particular subject
Select a good topic! If you don't care about your topic, how are
you going to get anyone else to? Youll also need to conduct
effective research, obtaining facts and evidence to support your
:As you begin the research process, ask yourself
1. What type of information would I need to use in order to
convince someone that I'm right?
2. What facts, statistics, and evidence would an audience
want to see?
3. Are there any experts on this topic that I could quote in
my essay?
The answers to these questions should help you determine
what key words you'll want to use, as you begin searching for
How is this different from a typical research paper?
Its important to remember that a persuasive essay doesn't
simply report information (like a typical research paper would)-!it uses that information to make an argument or prove a point
*Persuasive Paper on Biofuels Typical








been Popular interest in the use of

interested in biofuels for decades, biofuels developed in the 19th




the Century when "Henry Ford and

greatest political momentum, in Rudolf









lucrative new markets for farm

Despite the clear benefits that Biofuels are, to a certain extent,
biofuels provide, many Americans already





wonder, "whether the 33 percent "nearly all the gasoline sold in the
of the U.S. corn crop diverted to United States today is mixed with
ethanol drives up the price of 10 percent ethanol, known as


/Evidence taken from:*

What should my thesis statement look like?
A persuasive thesis statement is a one-sentence description of
your topic AND the argument that you plan to make.


example, if I was arguing about the use of the death penalty in

the U.S., my thesis statement would probably look like one of
:the following examples
The death penalty gives rights to humans that should only
be given to God, therefore the death penalty should be
abolished in the United States.


The death penalty forces murderers to give their own

lives as a just punishment for taking someone else's life,









punishment in the United States.

Notice that both thesis statements not only tell us WHAT the
essay will be about, but also WHERE THE AUTHOR STANDS on
that issue (his or her opinion) and briefly explain WHY. Make
sure that your thesis statement includes these three elements
(1) Every year, nearly 1 million twelve- to nineteen-year-olds
are murdered, robbed, or assaultedmany by their peersand
teenagers are more than twice as likely as adults to become
the victims of violence, according to the Childrens Defense
Fund. Although the problem is far too complex for any one
solution, teaching young people conflict resolution skillsthat
is, nonviolent techniques for resolving disputesseems to help.
To reduce youth violence, conflict-resolution skills should be
taught to all children before they reach junior high school.
(2) First and most important, young people need to learn
nonviolent ways of dealing with conflict. In a dangerous society
where guns are readily available, many youngsters feel they
have no choice but to respond to an insult or an argument with
violence. If they have grown up seeing family members and
neighbors react to stress with verbal or physical violence, they

may not know that other choices exist. Robert Steinback, a

former Miami Herald columnist who worked with at-risk youth in
Miami, writes that behavior like carrying a weapon or refusing
to back down gives young people the illusion of control, but
what they desperately need is to learn real controlfor
example, when provoked, to walk away from a fight.
(3) Next, conflict-resolution programs have been shown to
reduce violent incidents and empower young people in a
healthy way. Many programs and courses around the country








disagreements without violence. Tools include calmly telling

ones own side of the story and listening to the other person
without interrupting or blamingskills that many adults dont
have! Conflict Busters, a Los Angeles public school program,
starts in the third grade; it trains students to be mediators,
helping peers find their own solutions to conflicts ranging from
sandbox fights to interracial gang disputes, according to
Youthwatch: Statistics on Violence, May 2009. Schools in
Claremont, Connecticut, run a conflict-resolution course written
by Dr. Luz Rivera, who said in a phone interview that fewer
violent school incidents have been reported since the course
began. Although conflict resolution is useful at any age, experts
agree that students should first be exposed before they are hit
by the double jolts of hormones and junior high school.
(4) Finally, although opponents claim that this is a Band-Aid
solution that does not address the root causes of teen violence

poverty, troubled families, bad schools, and drugs, to name a

fewin fact, conflict-resolution training saves lives now. The
larger social issues must be addressed, but they will take years
to solve, whereas teaching students new attitudes and people
skills will empower them immediately and serve them for a
lifetime. For instance, fourteen-year-old Verna, who once called
herself Vee Sinister, says that Ms. Riveras course has changed
her life: I learned to stop and think before my big mouth gets
me in trouble. I use the tools with my mother, and guess what?
No more screaming at home.
(5) The violence devastating Vernas generation threatens
everyones future. One proven way to help youngsters protect
themselves from violence is conflict-resolution training that
begins early. Although it is just one solution among many, this
solution taps into great power: the hearts, minds, and
characters of young people.

Sample 2:
You've Got Internet
During a presidential radio address in 1997, President Clinton
stated, "We must prepare our children for the 21st century-with
the full promise of the Information Age at their fingertips."
Although the enormous task of wiring schools to the internet is
expensive, students will benefit from the knowledge they gain
by surfing the world from their classrooms. In order to insure a


technically literate future for generations to come, computer

and internet accessibility should be provided for all schools.
First, in order to achieve success, help from the state and
federal government is a must. In a news release, Governor
Keating proposed using 70 million dollars to help schools link up
to high-speed connections, especially in rural Oklahoma.
Because some older schools had to be completely rewired in
order to receive the technology, government programs were
able to help them move forward. While helping schools out in
this way, the assistance will hopefully pay off by preparing
students for the technology to come.
Of course there is opposition. One concern from Senator








comfortable with the internet, they might have access to

inappropriate material. To remedy this, the Internet Protection
Act and the Safe Schools Internet Act were established.
On the other hand, others feel that there are already too many
programs. Senator Don Nickels thinks that the ideas sound
good, but instead of creating new programs, we should focus
on fixing what doesn't work.









Communications Commission the ability to give discounts for

schools. This is called E-rate, a discounted telecommunications
service for schools and libraries. For example, with help from Erate, seventh graders at Whitebead School in Pauls Valley,
Oklahoma, communicated directly with scientists conducting


research in Africa. The students were then able to write papers

based on what they learned from the research.
We shouldn't rely only on support from the government;
without community support where would the schools be? Be
active in helping your community schools become internet


Cause & Effect

To write a cause and effect essay, youll need to determine a
scenario in which one action or event caused certain
effects to occur. Then, explain what took place and why! This
essay allows us to identify patterns and explain why things
turned out the way that they did.
How do I choose a topic and get started? Try choosing a
major event, either in your own life or an event of historical
significance. For example, The Great Depression.
Cause of The Great Depression: stock market crash
How would we elaborate?

We'd discuss the behaviors,

carelessness, errors, and even cultural attitudes that led to the

crashexplaining why it was devastating.
Effects of the Great Depression: joblessness & poverty
What should we say about the effects?
Businesses went underexplain HOW the crash caused
Describe poverty in detailexplain how this couldve been
handled more efficiently or even avoided
Narrowing a Large Topic
In a short essay, it might be difficult to tackle the cause and all
of the many effects of a big event like the Great Depression. To

narrow a cause and effect topic down to a manageable size, ask

1. What's the main (most important) cause? Most people
attribute it to the stock market crash, so that's a good
place to start.
2. Can I break the different types of effects down into
categories? Yes! I'll break my ideas down into categories
like: economic, social, employment, practical, and
morale effects. (example below)
3. Which category interests me the most? "Practical effects"
is the most interesting. I'll narrow the topic of my paper
down so that my essay will now be about how the
stock market crash affected the practical ways that







Can that category be broken down even further to make
the topic more manageable? I'm actually interested in the
ways that the Great Depression affected the farming industry. I
want to talk about the new skills and methods that farmers
were forced to learn and implement, as a result of their difficult
Narrowing a Large Topic - Example
Can I break the different types of effects down into
categories? Yes! I'll break my ideas down into categories








morale effects.


Employmen Practical






loses value





lose value

s increases



the public's

fill up

ss increases







by job loss

public wastes

finds patriotism

creative ways declines

to save

(1) It has been proven that about 1.8 million women are
battered each year, making battery the single largest cause of
injury to women in the United States. Domestic violence can be
physical, emotional, verbal, financial, or sexual abuse from a
partner you live with. I suffered from most of these abuses for



lower techniques



almost ten years. I have had black eyes, busted lips, bruises,
and scars on my face. He had affairs with other women, yet he
claimed that he loved me. People ask, Why did you wait so
long to leave him? I stayed for many reasons.
(2) First, I was born in a country that is male-dominated. Many
of my people accept violence against women as a part of life. I
grew up seeing hundreds of women staying in violent
relationships for the sake of their children. They wanted their
children to grow up with a father at home. Relatives convinced
these women to try to make their marriages work. This was all I
(3) Another reason I stayed was that I was afraid to make
changes in my life. I had been with him so long that I thought I
had nowhere to go. I depended on him to provide me and my
child with food and shelter. How could I manage on my own? Of
course, the longer I believed these things, the more my selfconfidence withered.
(4) Finally, I stayed because I was isolated. I felt ashamed to
talk about the problem, believing it was somehow my fault.
Fear was isolating, too. Living in a violent home is very
frightening. Like many women, I was afraid to say anything to
anyone, thinking he would get upset. If I just kept quiet, maybe
he wouldnt hurt me. But nothing I did made any difference.


(5) When I finally realized that the abuse was not going to stop,
I decided to do something about it. I was finally ready to end
my pain. I began to talk to people and learn about ways to get
(6) On April 24th of this year, I fought back. When he punched
me in the eye, I called 911. Thank God for changes in the way
domestic violence cases are now being handled. The police
responded quickly. He was arrested and taken to jail, where he
waited for two days to go to court. The next day, I went to the
courthouse to press charges. I spoke to the district attorney in
charge, asking for an order of protection. This order forbids him
from having any verbal or physical contact with me.
(7) It is very hard to see someone you love being taken away in
handcuffs, but I had to put my safety and my childs well-being
first. Although he is now out of jail, I feel safe with my order of
protection; however, I understand that court orders sometimes
do not stop abusers. These are very difficult days for me, but I
pray that time will heal my wounds. I cry often, which helps my
pain. But an innocent life depends on me for guidance, and I
cannot let her down.
(8) Every case is different, and you know your partner better
than anyone, but help is out there if you reach for it. Most cities
have a twenty-four-hour hotline. There is help at this college at
the PASS Center and the Department of Student Development.


You can go to a shelter, to a friend, to your family. These people

will not fail you. You too can break the chain.

To write a compare/contrast essay, youll need to make NEW
connections and/or express NEW differences between two
!things. The key word hereis NEW
1. Choose 2 things that could go in the same category,
but are also quite different. Good choices might be:
o Basketball & Football (both sports)
o Horses & Cats (both animals, but different in many
o Writing & Singing (both art forms, but different in
many ways)
2. Gather your ideas by writing down characteristics
of each thing.

Note the differences and similarities

between them.
3. Ask yourself these important questions before you
begin writing your draft:
Does my instructor want me to compare AND contrast,
or am I only being asked to do one of those things?
Are these 2 things similar and/or different, in at least
one meaningful way?

Do I know enough about my topic to write an effective

compare/contrast essay about it?
Does my instructor want me to compare AND contrast,
or am I only being asked to do one of those things?
Some instructors prefer

that you


write about the

differences between two things, while others want you to focus

on explaining the similarities as well. Either way, you'll need to
make sure that your thesis statement reflects your instructor's
expectations. For example, if I wanted to write about Social
Networking sites, I'd need to write different thesis statements
.depending on my compare/contrast assignment
Sample thesis statement for contrast paper: In terms of
social networking sites, Facebook focuses on presenting your
daily life to others, whereas MySpace allows you to focus more
.on demonstrating your personal style
Sample thesis statement for compare/contrast paper:
While both Facebook and MySpace allow you to meet other
users who have similar interests, only MySpace allows you to
.demonstrate your personal style
Are these two things similar and/or different, in at least
one meaningful way?
If you want to write a successful compare/contrast essay, you'll
need to avoid writing about really obvious differences and
:similarities. For example
We all know that horses are larger than cats.

We also know that basketball teams contain fewer players

than football teams.
!Tell us something we don't know (or might not notice)
It would be better to write about how sensitive both horses and
cats are to human needs and emotions. You could also suggest
that though both basketball and football require a lot of
teamwork, basketball players are expected to be a lot more
.versatile than football players
You don't have to be a genius to write an interesting
compare/contrast essay--you just have to look at ordinary
!things in a new way
Do I know enough about my topic to write an effective
compare/contrast essay?
Unless you're being asked to do some research as part of your
compare/contrast project, make sure that you choose 2 things
.that you feel comfortable discussing, at length








differences--make sure you're prepared to write a welldeveloped, meaningful essay on a topic that you know well
!before you get started
Organizing Your Compare and Contrast Paper
There are two primary ways to organize your compare and
.contrast paper


Chunking: placing all of the information for each individual

subject in one place (chunk), and then using similarities as
:Heres a sample outline

Jane is distinct because


Jane is similar to Alice in these ways


Alice is distinct because

Piecing: giving pieces of the information for each individual

subject in each paragrapharranging the information by topic
.rather than by subject
:Heres a sample outline

















Differences and Similarities in Jane and Alices interests

(1) This year I attended my first U.S. history class at midnight,
clad in my dancing cow pajamas and fluffy slippers. No, I was
not taking part in some bizarre campus ritual. I am enrolled in

two courses in the University of Houstons Distance Education

Program. Although I took classes on campus at the same
college last year, my experiences in the traditional classroom
and in the virtual classroom have been vastly different.
(2) Attending online courses has proved more convenient for
me than traveling to regular classes each day. Because I live
over an hour away from campus, I was often stalled in traffic
when my 8:00 A.M. psychology lecture was beginning. Then I
spent the last half hour of my afternoon English class praying
that the discussionhowever lively and interestingwould not
go past 4:00 P.M. and make me late to pick up my son at day
care. In contrast, my online classes are always convenient to
attend because I set my own schedule. Lectures for my history
survey course are posted to the class website, so I can log on
whenever I want to read new material or review. My writing
seminar is asynchronous. This means that students and
instructors communicate at their convenience on an electronic
bulletin board. I can e-mail my questions, fi le homework, and
respond to other students work at night or on weekends
without ever leaving my apartment.
(3) Though some students miss the human energy of a real
classroom, the online format actually encourages me to
participate more in discussions. As a shy woman who is older
than many of my peers, I used to hide in the back row to avoid
having to speak. I only answered questions when called upon.
On the other hand, writing online, I am more confident. I have

time to think about what I want to say, and I know people are
not judging me by anything except my ideas. Even though
bulletin board discussions can be painfully slow and disjointed












Surprisingly, there I feel freer to be the real me.

(4) The biggest difference in moving from a regular classroom
to a virtual one, in my view, is learning to be self-motivated.
Attending classes on campus, I was motivated by the personal
involvement of my instructors. I also caught that group
adrenaline rush, seeing other students hunched over their
notebooks in a lecture hall or coffeehouse. While my online
courses still require papers to be written each week and tests
to be completed within a certain time, now no instructor is
prodding me to get busy. Instead, only the soft bubbling noise
of my computers aquarium screensaver reminds me to tap the
keyboard and dive into my coursework. Fortunately, I am selfmotivated and focused. As a returning student with a job and a
child, I have to be. Honestly, however, I have already seen
some of my online classmates post homework assignments
later and later until they drop off the screen entirely.
(5) Overall, my experience with online classes has been more
positive than my experience on campus, but online learning is
not for everyone. So far I find online classes convenient,
welcoming for self-expression, and well-suited to my particular
personality, which is organized, shy, and prone to bouts of

midnight energy. In fact, its 12:14 A.M. now as I input the final
draft of this essay assignment. My son is asleep in the next
room and my cat, Miss Fleason, is nuzzling my hot pink fluffy

To write a definition essay, youll need to define a word
1. has a complex meaning
2. is disputable (could mean different things to different
It wouldn't be wise to choose a word like "cat" for a definition
essay. The word, "cat" has a pretty simple meaning, so we'll
have trouble writing an entire essay about it. Similarly, not
many people disagree over the definition of the word "cat,"
.which means our definition will be short and ordinary
What about choosing to define the word, family?
!Lets check it out
Does it have a complex meaning? Yes, I could discuss
the different types of families that exist in my community.
Is the word disputable? Yes, I could explain that even
though the other women on my sports team aren't blood
relatives, they are a kind of family.



Could I discuss the word's origin in a

meaningful way? Yes, look up the words origin in the

Oxford English Dictionary for additional essay ideas!

Sample 1:
(1) The dictionary defines winning as achieving victory over
others in a competition, receiving a prize or reward for
achievement. Yet some of the most meaningful wins of my life
were victories over no other person, and I can remember
winning when there was no prize for performance. To me,
winning means overcoming obstacles.
(2) My first experience of winning occurred in elementary
school gym. Nearly every day, after the preparatory pushups
and squat-thrusts, we had to run relays. Although I had asthma
as a child, I won many races. My chest would burn terribly for a
few minutes, but it was worth it to feel so proudnot because
Id beaten others or won a prize, but because Id overcome a
handicap. By the way, I outgrew my asthma by age eleven.
(3) In high school, I had another experience of winning.
Although I loved reading about biology, I could not bring myself
to dissect a frog in lab. I hated the smell of the dead animals,
and the idea of cutting them open disgusted me. Every time I
tried, my hands would shake and my stomach would turn.
Worst of all, my biology teacher reacted to my futile attempts

with contempt. After an upsetting couple of weeks, I decided to

get hold of myself. I realized that I was overreacting. The
animals are already dead, I told myself. With determination, I
swept into my next lab period, walked up to the table, and with
one swift stroke, slit open a frog. After that, I excelled in biology.
I had won again.
(4) I consider the fact that I am now attending college winning.
To get here, I had to surmount many obstacles, both outside
and inside myself. College costs money, and I dont have much
of it. College takes time, and I dont have much of that either
with a little son to care for. But I overcame these obstacles and
a bigger one stilllack of confidence in myself. I had to keep
saying, I wont give up. And here I am, winning!
(5) These examples should clarify what winning means to me. I
dont trust anything that comes too easily. In fact, I expect the
road to be rocky, and I appreciate a win more if I have to work,
sacrifice, and overcome. This is a positive drive for me, the very
spirit of winning.


Types of Papers: Narrative/Descriptive

To write a narrative essay, youll need to tell a story (usually
about something that happened to you) in such a way that he
audience learns a lesson or gains insight.
To write a descriptive essay, youll need to describe a person,
object, or event so vividly that the reader feels like he/she
could reach out and touch it.
Tips for writing effective narrative and descriptive
Tell a story about a moment or event that means a lot to
you--it will make it easier for you to tell the story in an
interesting way!
Get right to the action! Avoid long introductions and
lengthy descriptions--especially at the beginning of your
Make sure your story has a point! Describe what
you learned from this experience.
Use all five of your senses to describe the setting,
characters, and the plot of your story. Don't be afraid to
tell the story in your own voice. Nobody wants to read a
story that sounds like a textbook!
How to Write Vivid Descriptions


Having trouble describing a person, object, or event for your

narrative or descriptive essay? Try filling out this chart:



you What




you What do you see? What



Avoid simply telling us what something

looks like--tell us how it tastes, smells, sounds, or feels!

Consider this
Virginia rain smells different from a California drizzle.
A mountain breeze feels different from a sea breeze.
We hear different things in one spot, depending on the
time of day.
You can taste things youve never eaten: how would
sunscreen taste?
Using Concrete Details for Narratives
Effective narrative essays allow readers to visualize everything
that's happening, in their minds. One way to make sure that
this occurs is to use concrete, rather than abstract, details.


Concrete Language

Abstract Language

makes the story or image seem clearer ...makes the story or image d
and more real to us.


gives us information that we can easily leaves

grasp and perhaps empathize with.



disconnected, and possibly conf

The word abstract might remind you of modern art.


abstract painting, for example, does not normally contain

recognizable objects.

In other words, we can't look at the

painting and immediately say "that's a house" or "that's a bowl

of fruit." To the untrained eye, abstract art looks a bit like a
child's finger-painting--just brightly colored splotches on a







understand what you're trying to say!

Abstract: It was a nice day.
Concrete: The sun was shining and a slight breeze blew
across my face.
Abstract: I liked writing poems, not essays.
Concrete: I liked writing short, rhythmic poems and
hated rambling on about my thoughts in those fourpage essays.


Abstract: Mr. Smith was a great teacher.

Concrete: Mr. Smith really knew how to help us turn our
thoughts into good stories and essays.

(1) The Vietnam War was the longest war in United States









controversial war, it left a deep wound in the nations

conscience. The creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
helped heal this wound and put an unknown architecture
student into the history books.
(2) In 1980, when the call went out for designs for a Vietnam
war memorial, no one could have predicted that as many as
14,000 entries would be submitted. The rules were clear. The








surroundings, list the names of those dead or missing, and

most importantmake no political statement about the war.
When the judges, all well-known architects and sculptors, met
in April 1981, they unanimously chose entry number 1026. The
winner was Maya Lin, a twenty-one-year-old Asian American
architecture student who, ironically, was too young to have had
any direct experience of the war.
(3) Lin envisioned shining black granite slabs embedded in a
long V-shaped trench, with one end pointing toward the Lincoln

Memorial and the other toward the Washington Monument. She

defined the trench as a cut in the earth, an initial violence that
in time would heal. Names would be carved into the granite in
the order of the dates on which the soldiers had died or
disappeared. Lin felt that finding a name on the memorial with
the help of a directory would be like finding a body on a
(4) Although her design satisfied all the contest criteria and was
the judges clear favorite, it aroused much controversy. Some
critics called it a black gash of shame and sorrow, labeling it
unpatriotic, unheroic, and morbid. They were upset that the
memorial contained no flags, no statues of soldiers, and no
inscription other than the names. Privately, some complained
that Lin was too young to win the contestand that she was
female besides. She fought back. She claimed that a flag would
make the green area around the memorial look like a golf
course and that a traditional statue on her modern structure
would be like a mustache drawn on someone elses portrait. At
last, a compromise was reached: A flag and a statue were
added to the memorial,

and the critics withdrew their

complaints. On Veterans Day, November 11, 1982, the Vietnam

Veterans Memorial was finally dedicated.
(5) Since then, the memorial has become the most popular site
in Washington, D.C. Some visit to see the monument and pay
tribute to those who died in the war. Others come to locate and
touch the names of loved ones. As they stand before the wall,

they also learn the names of those who served and died with
their relatives and friends. When the rain falls, all the names
seem to disappear. Visitors often leave memorials of their own
flowers, notes to the departed, bits of old uniforms. A place of
national mourning and of love, Maya Lins monument has
helped heal the wounds of the Vietnam War.


Sample 2
(1) The most important holiday in Mexico is the Day of the
Dead, El D a de Los Muertos. Surprisingly, this holiday is
anything but depressing. In the weeks before, Mexicans
excitedly prepare to welcome the souls of the dead, who come
back each year to visit the living. From October 31 through
November 2 this year, I attended this fiesta with my roommate
Manuel. By sharing Day of the Dead activities in his familys
home, in the marketplace, and in a cemetery, I have observed
that Mexicans, unlike other North Americans, accept and
celebrate death as a part of life.
(2) For this holiday, the home altar, or ofrenda, lovingly
celebrates the dead. In the Lopez home, a trail of marigold
petals and the rich smell of incense led us from the front door
to the altar. The bright orange marigold blooms, the flowers of








everything the dead would need to take up their lives again. For
Manuels Uncle Angel there was a fragrant bowl of mole,* a
glass of tequila, cigars, playing cards, and two Miles Davis jazz
CDs. For Manuels cousin Lucia, who died at eighteen months,
there was a worn stuffed puppy, a coral blanket, and a bowl of
the rice pudding she loved. Heavy black and yellow beeswax
candles threw a soft glow on photos of Angel and Lucia. It was
as if the dead had never left and would always have a place of


(3) While death is given an honored place in the home, it is

celebrated with humor and mockery in the marketplace. Here
the skeleton, or calavera, rules. Shops sell sugar skulls,
humorous bone figures, and even skeletons made of flowers. At
the candy store, Manuels niece picked out a white chocolate
skull decorated with blue icing and magenta sequins in the eye






decorated the delicious bread of the dead. Most impressive

were the stalls filled with calacas, handmade wooden skeletons,
some no bigger than my thumb. The shelves showed a lively
afterlife where skeleton musicians played in a band, skeleton
writers tapped bony fingers on tiny typewriters, and teenage







shoulder bones.
(4) On the evening of November first, reverence and fun
combined in an all-night vigil at the cemetery. On a path
outside the cemetery gate, rows of vendors sold soft drinks and
cotton candy as if it were a sporting event. Men drank a strong
fermented cactus beverage called pulqueand played cards at
picnic tables. The loud music of a mariachi band serenaded the
dead, who would come back to eat the food laid out for them
on the graves. Old grandmothers wearing hand-woven shawls
mourned and wept while children chased each other around the
pink- and blue-painted graves. Nobody scolded the children.
Life and death did not seem so separate.


(5) While I have always felt fearful in cemeteries at home, there

I felt excited and hopeful. When a soft breeze made the rows of
candles flicker, I wondered if the souls of the children, the
angelitos, had come back, laughing and giggling. Or was it the
real children I heard laughing? I really didnt know. But I felt
more alive than ever, waiting for the dead to arrive in a dusty
cemetery in Mexico.



Division & Classification

How should I go about choosing my topic?
Begin by reading the explanations below. Examples of each are
!provided below
Division Essay: find a topic that people might tend to
underestimate or over-simplify. In other words, choose
something that the average person might not know much
about, and therefore can't really understand how complex
or interesting that topic really is. Your job in the essay will
be to break your topic down into meaningful and
important categories.
Classification Essay: think about the categories we
place things in everyday and the characteristics of those
categories. The topic you choose should allow you to
argue that something has been misplaced.
How should I organize this essay?
:As you write, keep these guidelines in mind
1. Your thesis statement and introduction will need to explain
why these divisions/ classifications should matter to your
2. Your thesis statement and introduction MUST define or
explain the category you plan to discuss (i.e. A sport is a



should be considered a sport.)




3. You should organize your body paragraphs so that each

division or category has its own paragraph or section. (i.e.
cardio exercise is paragraph 1 and weightlifting is
paragraph 2, etc.)
Division Essay Examples
If you want to lose weight, simply saying that you're going to
"exercise" everyday may not be the most effective way to do
so. Exercising is more complex than many people realize-attaining your goals will involve understanding how different
.types of exercise can help you achieve your goals
Types of Exercise







(running, using an elliptical or stair-stepping machine,

weight lifting: tones muscles, increases physical strength,
burns fat (using weights or weighted machines)
recreational/sports: depending on the sport, can provide
both cardio and toning benefits (cycling, tennis, kayaking)
We could also narrow this topic down a bit further and write
about the important differences between different types of
Types of Cycling: stationary (exercise) biking, road biking,
mountain biking, recreational biking


Classification Essay Examples

To write this type of essay, we'll need to think about things that
.should or should not be placed in a particular category
Example: Batman (that's our topic!) is not a superhero
(category people place him in), but is simply a local vigilante
(category he belongs in).
?...Ask yourself: Why do I think that
Does not possess super powers (powers most humans
don't possess).
Chooses to be a hero, rather than being "chosen" by
others/other forces.
Example: Cheerleading (That's our topic!) should be considered

.a sport (It belongs in the category, "sports")

?...Ask yourself: Why do I think that
cheerleaders go to "practice" and must be in good
physical shape
cheerleaders work together toward a common goal
cheerleaders must "try out" for their squad and often
compete against other squads


(1) One does not have to pass a qualifying examination to enter

the state of parenthood. In fact, almost anyone can become a
parent. Precisely because the group called parents is so large,
many different kinds of parenting exist. In terms of how strict
parents are with their children, however, there are three basic
types: autocratic, permissive, and democratic.
(2) Autocratic parents think their word is the law, and when
they say jump, everyone had better do it quickly. These parents
assume that they alone know what is best for their children and
that the kids will learn discipline and respect for authority from
regimentation. What they do not even consider is that they
may not know best and that rules untempered with mercy can
breed rebellion and contempt for authority. The autocratic
parent whose child comes home one hour late from a date
because a major accident tied up traffic for miles will allow that
child no opportunity to explain his or her reasons for being late.
The child is immediately grounded, his or her allowance
suspended. Parents of this type probably have good intentions,
wanting their children to grow up right, but they approach the
task as if the family were in boot camp.
(3) At the other extreme, permissive parents set few or no rules
for their children and offer little guidance. Frequently, these
parents are too busy to take time with the children and tend to
leave the child rearing to TV, the computer, school, and chance.
Since parents of this type set few rules for their children, it
would be nearly impossible for their child to come home late.

They allow their children to come and go as they please, either

because they dont care what their youngsters do or because
they think children need to learn to make their own rules.
Permissive parents may not understand that all young people
need guidance because when they mature, they will have to
abide by societys rules. Not being taught to respect order early
in life causes some children of permissive parents to resent the
regulations everyone must obey.
(4) Democratic parents, the third type, are not as strict as
autocrats and not as lenient as permissives. They are willing to
discuss rules and punishments with their children and to listen
to the other side of an argument. A democratic parent whose
child comes in an hour late from a date will listen to the
explanation about the major wreck that tied up traffic for miles.
Since this is such an easily verifiable story, the democratic
parent would suspend any punishment in this case when he or
she hears the news or sees the morning paper. In general,
democratic parents lay down fewer rules than their autocratic
counterparts because they realize that children must learn
some life lessons on their own. Democratic parents prefer to
work in the role of advisors, always available when their
children need help.
(5) Too few people with children are democratic parents, the
most effective of the three types. Both too much authority and
too little can breed disrespect and resentment. A good parent


should offer boundaries and advice, trying neither to rule nor

disregard his or her children completely.


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