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Part A

(5 x 2 = 10)

(R) 1. What are the different modes of failure of tension member?

(U) 2. Write the use of lug angle in tension connection.
(U) 3. What is shear lag effect?
(R) 4. Define effective length?
(L)5. How do we classify the sections and explain the principle behind it.
Part B
6(A) A tension member of a roof truss carries a factored axial tension of 430 KN. Design the
section and its connection with out lug angle.
6 (B) Design a tension member consisting of pair of angles (back to back ) and connected by
the short legs to the same side of the gusset plate. The member is to carry a pull of 250 KN.
7 (A) Design a tension member to carry a load of 300 KN. Two angles are placed back to
back with long leg outstanding are desirable. The length of the member is 3m.
7 (B) Design a single angle tension member subjected to an axial pull of 250 KN and
connected by suitable weld at the ends. Also design the welded connections at the ends. The
effective length of the member is 3m .
8(A) Design a built up column of 3.5m height to carry a factored load of 5555KN. The
column is effectively held in position and direction at both the ends.
8(B) A column is to support a load of 2000KN. The ends of the column are effectively held in
position and direction. Design the column if rolled beams and 16mm plates are available.
Take the length of the column as 6m.

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