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NEPIEXOMENA Mpdroyos .. Mariangela lelo, Traversee Hellenigue de Stefano Terra. Domenica Minniti-Tk@via, O. Bewpleg yla THY KaTaywyr| Tov eAANVIKOV artotKidv TH KaAaBpiac Mapia MnAiyKou-Mapkavtavn, To 1490 SKiaBinio xepoypa- po Tou Znoudaotnpiou Aaoypaiac tou Navertotnuiou A@nvav (Evdeutixéc ertonudvoeic - cuuepaopara)....... =évn Mntdkou, GeatpiKd¢ Adyos Kal MPGEN: H TPOBOAT TOU véou Aaikod etd@Aou otny TaAAiKt Poavtiky Spaya- toupyia (Hugo Musset)... M. Sifianou, Cross-cultural communication: compliments and offers Edévn MavtZoupavn, H napaywyr) kal to eurtpto Tou XaAKou omy mpoictopiky Kinpo Olga Vandorou-Stavropoulou, Le Patriotisme dans l'opinion pul gue Frangaise au moment de la declaration de guerre (Juillet-Aout 1914) ....... Nepoe@évn Naywvdon-Avtwviou, O1 xdptes Tav vNoldV TOU Atyatou ora xeip6ypacpa tn¢ Fewypaypiag tou KA. MtoAE- Haiou. Willi Benning, Literaturbegriff und tibersetzungstheorie Marika Thomadaki, La «Ballade des pendus», de Francois dialectigue de l'ame et de la matiére.. Th. Tsimpouki, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. an analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's Longest of fiction and its relation to his other writings . ; Mara Yanni, The allegory of the sea in The Fuerie Queen . A. Anuntpakénouhog - F. A. XpiotoBovAou, Kwvat. bar- TaITS kat ASE, Manadtapaving (avékdota Kat aencaupt- ota keiueva) S. J. lliopoulos and William Schultz, Poe, Pym, and James's Crystal Bowe: A Note on the Poe/James Relationship Popi Calliabetsou-Coraca, Le Paralangage des images situation- nelles dans la communication interculturelle .. Mix. A. AepputZaxng Kat Mayda doucékn, oa THON OTHY Noinon touT. Zepépn Catherine Papoutsa, Narrativite et Tragédi Zea. Na 37 49 val 95 125 169 177 187 205 219 245, 251 265 275 490 NEPIEXOMENA Stella Georgala-Priovolou, II «pedante» nel mimo, nel’ Atellana e nel Teatro comico Greco... Efterpi Mitsi, The Poet in the Era of the Crowd (The Crowded of Poe, Baudelaire, Rilke, and Eliot...... MatouAa KoutaouAéaou, Metagopéc - wayviitec: (xeron Kat Aettoupyia tg HeTa@opac otov TUNO) .. Anna Tzouma, Problemes de lecture Historique et sociale des textes de fiction. Olga Laskaridou, Die Wiederkehr des Gleichen als eines Anderen (Heiner Millers Umgang mit dem Mythos in Zement)... : E. Douka Kabitogiou, Shelley's «Necessity»: Greek (Paton) or British (Empiricist)? anaes B. MavdnAapdc, ANOAAwV Kal KUKAGdEG lwdvvng K. Mpopiovas, Aewr Bedc avdjecaa, Effie Lambadaridou, The Word behind Words: The See of Mythic Leitmotifs in James Joyce's Vision... Nepurnwpets diSaktopikwy diatpi6av . KataAoyoc Twv a Tou beaut ace Ce ZXOANS ae Nepiexdneva .. 285 291 313 337 357 377 411 433 441 475 481 489

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