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Loi Pham

Declaration of Sentiments is the piece I choose to write my interpretation on. The

document is written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton that made it a primary source. This source
originated from Elizabeths book, A History of Women Suffrage Vol. 1 and from the title, I
expect to learns a lot about womans history of inequality. From this short passage of her book,
Elizabeth made a side by side contrast of the declaration to point woman have no rights. From
the start she stated that history is repeating itself when it came to how men always power over
women. Then she starting listing rights that woman either have no permission to obtain or rights
that can easily be taken from women. She say that woman cannot vote, they have to obey the
laws that they have no say in, women are given less rights then meal criminal and foreigners, and
that woman completely lost all their rights in a marriage. She made the list parallel to the
Declaration of Independence to show how much powers are stripped from women and giving all
to man. She wrote this novel to provide a voice for woman, knowing that woman makeup half
the population in America and yet they have no voice.
The ideas of this document can are scary for the man who prefer to this kind of power
over woman, with the idea of this document, they can potentially lose the laws that provide them
with ability to own everything that women own. The intended audience for document is woman
activist who need a guide line to the wrongs that woman have to deal with. The source is created
for many reason, in my opinion, mainly to start an up raising against inequality with gender and
stop the limitation that the law is putting on woman. I think that this source is credible because it
originated from a book that was written by a well-known women activist on the topic of woman
rights. You can trust this source also because everything in the document make sense and it is
completely original. I find his source valuable to me, not only its a good source for woman

rights case, it is also taught me how women were limited to educations and force to obey their
husband upon marriage.

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