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Wings Mobile School (School on Wheels)

- A Unit of Udavum Karangal

1. About Udavum Karangal
2. Migration and Migrant Communities
2.1 Construction Industry and Laborer's Migration - Overview
2.2 Socio-Economic Problems resulting from employing Migrant Labor

3. About Wings Mobile School

3.1 Wings Overview
3.2 Wings History
3.2.1 Feasibility Studies
3.3 Wings Objectives
3.4 Key Wings Statistics at a Glance
3.5 Benefits of Wings Mobile School for Builders
3.6 Challenges overcome by Wings Staff
3.7 Main Activities of Wings Mobile School
3.7.1 Project Implementation
3.7.2 Healthcare
3.7.3 Education
3.7.4 PTA (Parent Teachers Association) Meetings
3.7.5 Celebrations
3.7.6 Fun-based Programs
3.8 What Builders Provide
3.9 What Udavum Karangal Provides
3.10 Wings Mobile School Program Impact
3.11 Road Ahead


1. About Udavum Karangal

Udavum Karangal is a registered, non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit social service
organization, established in 1983 by Sri S. Vidyaakar with the objective of serving people in distress,
orphans and destitute with their mission statement as "To provide unique and dedicated social service
to people of all ages who have been deserted by society - irrespective of their religion, race, community,
caste, creed, language or social status".
Udavum Karangal's service activities include:
Residential Care: Providing free food, shelter, and clothing through operations of 14 units.
Educational facilities through schools that operate in Chennai and Coimbatore.
Healthcare with a combination of in-house services and a network of institutions and
Community Development programs.
Uplift of people living below poverty line.
Disaster Management Programs.
Udavum Karangal has touched the lives of 21,000 children - with over 5,500 children from povertystricken families have received the gift of education from them. 7,697 psychiatric patients have received
short-term and long-term care so far - with many restored back to their families.
A few of the awards and recognitions obtained by Udavum Karangal are given below.

Award for the Best Social

Worker 2004 - Government
of Tamil Nadu

Citation for services provided

for the Tsunami Victims Denver Sister Cities 2005.

Citation honoring Udavum

Karangal Governor, Commonwealth of

Award for Best Institution

2002 - Government of Tamil

2. Migration and Migrant Communities

2.1 Construction Industry and Laborer's Migration - Overview
The construction industry in India is the second largest industry after agriculture with an estimated 35
million men and women (about 16% of the Indian working population) employed in construction
activities in India. Construction activities occupy a very significant portion of India's development and
modernization programs especially during the last three or four decades. Hence there has been usually a
heavy demand for laborers and for reasons of cost-cutting, laborers are transported both within states
and between states for such projects - typically working for a mere 60 to 80 rupees of daily wages.
2.2 Socio-Economic Problems resulting from employing Migrant Labor
Most of the high capital-intensive, long duration projects such as Metro Rail (Mass Transit Systems) for
instance employ families of migrant laborers who settle in these sites for months or years with their
children there. The plight of these migrant laborers is practically invisible to the common people in these
areas though we often move around near them daily in various urban locations. There seems to be very
less ways to help them or participate in the well-being of their children or alleviate the problems faced
by these workers given the migrant nature of their lives and their insecure work contracts. Thus, even
well-meaning people (a small portion of the unconcerned majority of urban dwellers) are unable to
assist them in any manner. The children of these workers have minimal chances of accessing formal
education. Many end up as rag pickers, some resort to begging or stealing and a few get addicted to
A few of the common socio-economic/rights issues faced by migrant laborers' families are outlined
Identity crises result often with these workers and their children as they lead dislocated lives away
from home-villages most of the time. Some suffer harassment and exploitation at the hands of
subcontractors many a time.

They are forced to work on minimum or less than minimum wages with no job security at all. No
secure or safe toilet-wash facilities for workers or children are available.

Workers families face language problems due to moving from site to site to different states.

Children lead isolated lives here with none or minimal education or recreational activities. These
children also get into child labor eventually to support parents workloads. Moreover, parents give
house-keeping jobs to children and elder children have to be at home supporting younger ones
while parents are working on site, so chances of their attending school become very less!

Construction sites are hazardous places to move about even for adults - what to say of small
children who deserve a safer and a better environment to grow up!

3. About Wings Mobile School

3.1 Wings - Overview
In order to provide these children the precious gift of education and steer their young minds and hearts
towards the direction of education, to break the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy, the mobile school
concept was developed during the early 1990s. Apart from the educational programs run by builders'
initiatives for these children, a few other organizations have been successfully reaching these
marginalized children of construction workers through mobile schools and crches. A few of these are
listed below.

Mobile Schools
Door Step School, Pune &
Pratham, Pune
Mobile Crches, Delhi
Moving Schools, Goa
Jagruti, Dwaraka

Udavum Karangal, with three decades of excellent service to the disadvantaged in society extended
their services in 2011 to address this issue and to serve these women and children through the Wings
Mobile School project.
3.2 Wings - History
The Wings initial concept was developed from discussions held between Pappa S. Vidyaakar and Bart
Marijke and Bart. Both are social workers from Netherlands. They are well-wishers of Udavum Karangal
and involved for many years.

Inception of Idea - Marijke and Bart along with Uma and Maliga visited the construction site of the
Tsunami fishing village in 2006, Chennai. Later on, on return back to Pappas Office, Marijke started
discussing about the situation of Construction workers and the plight of their children. Since then, we
all started thinking about realizing a school on wheels.
Vision of a Mobile School was presented to the Helping Hands Foundation in Venray and SOS MeerloWanssum-Villages.
Villages. These organizations supported the vision and sponsored variable operating
expenses for the project for three years. Wild Geese an
n international funding agency in the
Netherlands supported this initiative with a premium of 55% on the amount that was sponsored by
Helping Hands Venray and SOS Meer
Wanssum. In addition, a friend / a local artist Ms. Miekevan
Uden with some other artists sponsored a considerable amount. The fixed assets mainly a bus with
teaching equipment, was supported by Wilde Ganzen - an international funding agency.
3.2.1 Feasibility Studies
A feasibility analysis was done by 3 1st year M.B.A students from SP Jain Institute of Management &
Research, Mumbai as a project as part of their course requirements. The output of this study was given
to Helping Hands Foundation in Venray and SOS-Meerlo-Wanssum-Villages and also used for
presentations to interested institutions and funding agencies.
As part of the feasibility study which was carried out in two phases, the first phase involved visits to 5
major construction sites and
d direct interactions with 50 construction workers that revealed the nature
of the lives led by these workers and their receptiveness to this program. It was learnt from this study
Most of the workers are migrants from states like Andhra Pradesh, Or
issa, Bihar, etc.
These workers leave for work in the morning leaving the older children behind to look after the
younger ones in the labor shed.
Though access to municipal schools or to schools run as part of the governments Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan program
am were available in a few places, most of these children are not able to join due
to distance, different medium of instruction and non
availability of transfer certificates.
These children and their parents showed great interest and were eager to be part of the mobile
school program.
A survey of these 50 construction workers revealed the following findings.

The languages spoken by these workers were Telugu, Oriya, Tamil, and Hindi (in decreasing order). The
expected period of stay of these workers at a site was between 2 to 4 months for half of these workers
which was the maximum period of expected stay.
The second phase was the interactions with 7 leading builders in Chennai and proposition of this
concept was done and details to them were shared which was approved by most of them. The support
from builders management for this program and involvement was requested in this phase.
Distance and logistics of operating a huge bus to service as many sites as possible per day were key
factors in choosing construction sites (which were located about 40-50 Kms from the start point at
Thiruverkadu). Hence, nearness of the site to the home base of the bus was a key criterion in selecting
sites. The builders although supportive were not that forthcoming initially as they saw no tangible direct
business gains out of this program. Udavum Karangals Wings Team motivated them to see their
workers childrens welfare in a broader light. Eventually, due to this motivation, many builders started
giving refreshment to the children and so Wings were able to limit their food giving to teachers alone in
order to induce a sense of self-supporting tendency in the builders so as to take as much financial
ownership as possible.

After facing several such challenges, these efforts bore fruit in October 2011 as the Wings Mobile School
- the first of its kind in Chennai and its neighborhood!

3.3 Wings - Objectives

The main objectives of the Wings Mobile School Project are outlined below.
To provide educational opportunities for children of construction workers, who have no access
to schools, by serving them in their present environment - by removing the most common
difficulties preventing them from enrolling their children in some form of schooling - including
language constraints, and other constraints of the unpredictable, financially insecure work
pattern of their lives.
To provide Montessori and playschool opportunities for children of construction workers.
To help increase these children's self-esteem by teaching them that they are valued members of
their community.

To provide nutritional and vitamin supplements to under-nourished children by supplying green

vegetables, fruits and cereals to these children.

The prime objective of a mobile school is to reach out to the children of construction workers on the site
and to get them involved in the learning process. The following activities serve as tools to achieve the
above stated objectives:
Curricular Activities
Basics of




EVS(Environmental Fun
Arts and

3.4 Key Wings Statistics at a Glance

Children Benefited

Children Age Group


30 Months (October 2011-Present)

Total (2012-2014): 612
2014: Over 129 (As of 05/2014)
2 to 12 years
Various locations within Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
1 Project Coordinator
(Handling site supervision and overall coordination activities)
6 Full-Time Staff comprising of 5 Teachers (handling Tamil,
Telugu, Hindi, Marathi and Odiya) and

Duration of course
Funding Agencies

1 Driver (handling all transportation functions of Bus)

3 months minimum (may extend to a year at times)
1. Foundation Helping Hands, Venray, The Netherlands
2. Foundation SOS-Meerlo-Wanssum-Villages, The
3. Wilde Ganzen Hilversum, The Netherlands
4. Funds of Udavum Karangal Trust
5. Individual donors (Builders and Flat buyers on sites)

3.5 Benefits of Wings Mobile School for Builders

The consent and support offered by the builders is invaluable in implementing this program. Major
builders and promoters in Chennai were approached and their support requested. The benefits of a
mobile school from the builders' standpoint were put forward to them to elicit support. Some of the
benefits for the builders are outlined below.

Increased productivity from site workers due to increased focus in the work.

Mobile school helps avoid accidents resulting from children playing near the construction site.

Helps in increasing workers' loyalty to the company and reduces turnover rates.

Can be included as part of the activities of the company's Corporate Social Responsibility

This school offers an opportunity for the company to do something for their workers' well-being
with very less effort.

3.6 Challenges overcome by Wings Staff

Had to tackle the fears of parents at first that children may be taken away from them if they
attend school!

Faced non-cooperation from builders at first as they thought schedules and project plans may
be delayed/upset by these programs

Builders at first were not that much bothered about these childrens situation or their basic

In some sites, Wings staff were not allowed inside due to fear that competitors may know their
building plans through such programs

Wings staff faced differing views from within builders management on offering support to
Wings program

Lack of support from government licensing authorities initially for several months due to the
unconventional body and the novel purpose of the Wings Bus.

WMS Staff dynamically had to adjust with the fact that children of workers may have to leave inbetween education program because of end of contract with builders or due to completion of
the construction project itself. New children of new construction workers are at times brought
in by builders in-between a running Wings program. These children have to be educated with
lesser time available. Wings staff had to adapt their planning and execution to deal with child's
situation and time available.

To develop public interest and increase trust regarding this concept, audio-visual programs were
shown to parents, children and builders as well which improved the overall response to Wings
concept and its importance.

3.7 Main Activities of Wings Mobile School

3.7.1 Project Implementation

Planning: A survey is made on the first week of every month for all sites to determine
demographic details of the workers with the following details of children documented: Name,
Age, Gender, Mother tongue, State of origin, Parent's Name, and Mobile Number.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Staff Meetings are held as and when needed. Updating the details
of activities to the building promoters and developers is done as and when needed.

Report Writing: 23-24 timetables/registers are maintained with up-to-date details of sites,
locations, total children enrolled and all project details (such as bus trip charts, monthly plans,
yearly plan for the school, builders list, teachers' weekly lesson plans, etc.)

3.7.2 Healthcare

Sanitation and hygiene instructions are given to both children and parents. They are taught the
importance of washing hands before having food, and importance of taking bath regularly to
maintain good health.

To take care of mental and spiritual health, families are taught to offer prayers to God and to give
thanks to God for all that has been given to them.

The Health education program is conducted jointly by Wings and Udavum Karangal Staff. For 3
months, Wings staff personally washed all children's feet, hands, and faces. After 3 months, children
were guided to do washing by themselves. Seeing them, the parents also started practicing these
cleanliness habits themselves! Before coming to class every day, children are made to apply oil and
made to comb their hair neatly. Wings staff are approachable to all parents and encourage them to
come to them with problems.

Medical camps were also organized occasionally by Wings staff and by builders sometimes.

3.7.3 Education
Syllabus Covered: Academic Subjects taught include Telugu, Hindi, Odiya, Maths, EVS (Environmental
Science) and GK (General Knowledge). Extra-curricular activities include Drawing, Singing, Dancing,
Crafts, Physical Education, Yoga, Meditation classes.

Method of Teaching: Basic Montessori education with play, audio-visual techniques, classroom teaching
is provided. Approach is a gradual and dynamic one with first 3 months of oral instructions only with
audio-visual assistance after which actual implementation of all learning techniques commences.

School Timings: Monday-Saturday (9.30 AM to 6.15 PM) (except on Fridays with 9.30 AM to 5.15PM
ending an hour earlier for bus cleaning work). Children are given 10 minutes of calm exercise (yoga or
meditation on alternate days) at the start of class daily.
Staff Training: Teaching staff are given teacher training by Udavum Karangal's Sri Ramakrishna Vidya
Niketan high school staff once a month. Topics covered in staff training are: how to interact with
children, drawing and crafts, subject teaching methodology. Teachers prepare a weekly lesson plan and
execute weekly as per plan. Teachers also provide 2 detailed reports to Udavum Karangal management for the periods January to May and for June to December respectively.
Examinations: Both oral and written examinations are given; Exams conducted in May and December
typically. A weekly test and monthly test are conducted to assess children's progress. All exam/test
questions are adapted by Wings Staff based on the childs duration in the program.
Fostering Teamwork and Improving Morale: To teach children about national leaders and to build team
spirit, children are divided into 3 groups having names of national leaders (such as Jawaharlal Nehru). To
improve motivation of children, prizes are awarded for the first, second, third and fourth rankers overall
at the end of the program. A certificate is given for all enrolled students to show participation in the
program that will assist them later in life. Monthly Test Rank-holders are also awarded a stationery kit as
3.7.4 PTA (Parent Teachers Association) Meetings
Meetings are conducted once a month. Various educational issues as well as family problems are also
addressed during these meetings. Office-bearers are elected from parents with roles and responsibilities
assigned to each office-bearer. Various topics such as toilet usage, grooming, and protection from
seasonal diseases, sanitation and hygiene, good heart care, cancer prevention, TB (Tuberculosis)
prevention are also discussed in these meetings. Other personal issues such as violation of human
rights, safety and privacy violation issues are also given appropriate guidance and counseling during

3.7.5 Celebrations
Various celebration activities and events are conducted on special days such as: national festival days
and public holidays. A Fun-day program (for 2 days), a Talent show (for 1 week) and School Day (Sports
Day) are also celebrated. Awareness programs are organized on special days such as Womens
Day/Human Rights Day/World Heart Day/Tobacco Day. Certificates are given on School Day or on the
end of project day (whichever is earlier)

3.7.6 Fun-based Programs

A summer camp once a year during summer is organized by Sri Ramakrishna Vidya Niketan. Children are
taken to taken to Thiruverkadu where they perform the same programs there that were performed on
site. A picnic is organized once a year towards the end of summer camp during summer. Children are
taken to parks, zoos, gardens, etc. nearby depending on their location.
Cultural programs are also conducted by Wings staff by themselves to boost morale.

3.8 What Builders Provide

A covered shed for childrens education (some builders provide sheds after much persuasion
and proposals, but some did not even after requests)

Refreshments (Water provided from 2013, refreshments given for staff also from 2013)

Lunch on special occasions

Dresses (Once a year)

Prizes (Games, Toys)

Infrastructure (Fans, lights, cupboards, extension box, tables, chairs)

Supervisors visit Wings operations sometimes

3.9 What Udavum Karangal Provides

A Colorful Bus Attractive to Children having On-board Facilities detailed below:

Up to 25 children can be accommodated inside the bus at any given time

Audio-Visual Equipment (32" LCD TV with DVD Player) to teach techniques (Basic Alphabets,
Rhymes, Numbers, Descriptive Charts on fruits, flowers, vegetables, colors)

Bus has 2 cupboards on either side with partitions and carries study materials, play
materials, refreshments for the children.

Depending on weather conditions, classes are conducted inside the bus or inside the shed

Bus covers the maximum possible trips covering 3 sites per day, staying on each site for 2 to
3 hours approximately daily.

Access to Jeevan Day Care Center facilities is made available free of cost to parents.

All educational materials such as notebooks, slates, erasers, pencils, colors, charts, etc. are
provided to the children.

Dresses are given to children once a year

Lunch provided to children on Deepavali festival day

3.10 Wings Mobile School Program Impact

Workers have sometimes brought over their children from villages/home-towns just to enroll in
Wings after seeing Wings school program and activities!

Workers cleanliness improved after Wings sanitation and hygiene programs

Children have now a chance of a better future than just rag-picking that was a predominant
vocation before.

Addictions of children to bad habits (smoking, liquor, etc.) have reduced after counseling
sessions from WMS staff. Children's dressing habits, cleanliness that used to be neglected
before has improved now.

A few other social/rights issues of these women have also been successfully resolved.

3.11 Road Ahead

Children need to be freed from this practice of child labor and workers from bonded labor - which are
both a bane of our society. Education reveals to a child a more comprehensive view of the beauty and
vastness of life, and broadens the childs understanding of life in general. Every child needs a fair chance
at getting an education which is a preparation for understanding the complexities of life. Children
attending a program such as Wings are better prepared with a certificate that they can use for further
studies in life. They also have a sense of achievement and demonstrate increased self-esteem both of
which will certainly help them in life later.
The workers in these sites do expect a better life at least for their children later than what they have got
now. It is requested of the government (both central and state levels) to enact and enforce legislation
to make education for children of migrant laborers mandatory for builders and contractors to
implement in their respective construction projects if employing migrant labor and with small children
living there with them. It is also requested of builders and contractors to scout for local laborers
exhaustively and employ them as much as possible instead of uprooting families from other states which
has led to many social evils and avoidable crimes as seen reported daily.
The long-term goal is to make mobile school programs self-sustaining - with builders contributing to the
maximum extent possible to support operational expenses. The Wings Mobile School, nearing
completion of its third successful year in operation is moving forward strongly to make more progress in
its noble mission of taking education to the doorsteps of the under-privileged people in society and help
in transforming their lives through the precious gift of education.


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