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(2012-13 to 2016-17)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------OfficeDistrict Superintending Agriculture Officer,


Sr. No.







Executive Summary

02 to 05


Chapter I: Introduction

06 to 11


Chapter II: general Description of District

12 to 13


Chapter III: SWOT Analysis

14 to 16


Chapter IV: Development in Agriculture Sector

17 to 20


Chapter V: Development in Allied Agriculture Sector 21 to 26


Chapter VI: District Plan

27 to 29



29.1 to 37



38 to 85

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

C-DAP (2012-13 TO 2016-17)
Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District

2012-13 to 2016-17

This Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan envisages and abides to achieve sustainable growth in
agriculture. With the same sense, the C-DAP also ensure the growth in allied sectors. Enhancing food
security, improving net income and raising the socio-economic status of the farmers and the
intendedtargets is under consideration while preparation and finalization of this C-DAP. More stress on the
majorcrops has been given which have the main role in economic development of the District. While
preparing the C-DAP of the District, different growth drivers were used within the expected growth
simulations expected by the NDC in the Eleventh plan.
In line to the guidelines and Objectives issued by the NDC through Government of Maharashtra
and in connection to the concern expressed by the National Development Council (NDC) about slow
development in the Agriculture and allied sector, the District planning unit prepared a C-DAP of Washim
District to address the issues and ensure the development. An attempt has been made to ensure efficient
and effective utilization of the available resources to formulate the new schemes and upgrade the existing
schemes. The linkages with in various departments, organizations and stake holders were also focussed for
its formation, strengthening and utilization to serve the purpose.
The collective and organized efforts of the officers of various departments to prepare this
document are duly acknowledge as these efforts has lead this document to come into existence to its
fullest form. This document will help a lot in utilizing the resources and convergence of existing and new
schemes. I hope this document will assist and guide the various departments to achieve and exceed the
target of 4 % growth rate of the District in agriculture sector of the next five year plan.

The District Collector

Washim District (Maharashtra)

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17


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Agriculture is the way of life of the District. It provides sustenance for the vast majority of our population,
but because of the failure of the crops in the last few years there has been a loss in the momentum which
suggests a deeper problem in our strategy, correcting this is the main focus of the plan. The present
comprehensive Agriculture policy after taking a careful note of the harsh realities backed by necessary
figures and statistics has stressed the need to act on the following aspects.
To increase the crop productivity in the said plan the policy emphasised on the important of Micro
irrigation by providing subsidy to the micro irrigation equipment, dissemination of need based technologies
and demonstrating the same at the gross root level so that farmers will be educated in identifying the
constraints in the crop production. In the recent years organic farming is gaining importance, which also
finds a place in the plan which certainly helps to maintain the soil health. Importance has been given to
increase the area under irrigation both expanding the areas repair of old projects structures and
constructing the new projects in the District.
Washim District blessed with soil and assumed rainfall situation for cultivation of irrigated horticulture
crops like Citrus, Lime and dry land crops like Custard apple, Pomegranate but farmers are not getting
better remuneration from crops due to various reasons like distress, irregular flowering, pest and diseases
problem and decline in ground water etc. So plan emphasises more on construction of pack house, shed
net and green house for controlled cultivation, HRD, rejuvenation of old orchards and community tanks for
protective irrigation coupled with area expansion of fruits including the dry land horticulture crops and
medicinal and aromatic plants. As mentioned above, the major constraints of the horticultural production
is the irrigation and marketing. So importance has been given to bore well recharging, micro irrigation and
rainwater harvesting with the help of community tank. Also about marketing emphasis was given on
Grading House, Pack Houses, Training on Handling and packing, Strengthening of Farmers groups. Etc
Popularisation of Organic farming and providing and technical know how to the farmers and exporting the
same is stressed in the plan. Importance has been given to the processing of fruit crops especially the
orange, lime, Aonla crops. District is known for onion cultivation but because of the greater fluctuations in
the Prices of the Onion, majority of the farmers are deprived of the better prices, hence to avoid this plan
emphases on the construction of Onion storage go downs so that they can avoid the distress sales. Efforts
about motivation of farmers towards Onion seed Production.
Watershed Development
The focus of the plan is to conserve soil and moisture as well as to put to the best use according their
capabilities to improve the overall productivity of the catchments in a holistic way. To achieve this, the plan
emphasises on construction of farm ponds under RKVY, holistic watershed approach through NWDPRA and
allied programmes. Promotion of in-situ soil water conservation on farmer's field with participatory
method is also focussed.

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Considering the fact that soils particularly in the intensive irrigated land and natural saline track
area in the District are rapidly turning into saline and alkaline, the production of these areas can only be
increased by treating them with soil amendments like gypsum and green maturing to reduce the effect of
excess salts and promotion of use of BBF planters.
Animal husbandry Development
The plan concentrates on increasing the high yielding cattle and buffalos population of the District by
providing necessary facilities. Along with up gradation of local cattle through effective A.I. programmes and
A.I. delivery system, Strengthening of distribution of hatcheries involving SHG and producer associations,
Breed village scheme for sheep and goat development and scientific infertility tackling programme for dairy
animals also development of high- tech market facilities for meat and milk markets. Also emphasis will be
given on increase in the no. of milk parlours at village level.
Fisheries Development
With the main objective of increasing the production of fish from tanks, river and reservoir fishery various
development schemes finds a place in the District plan, placing greater importance on production cum
employment oriented activities. With the increased demand for fish, all the tanks and ponds and village
tanks in the District will be brought under fish culture also waterlogged and saline soils will be exploited for
culturing fish. This can be achieving through strengthening of co-operative fishing societies, providing fish
culture and assistance for purchase of fishing equipment.
Social forestry
Vast fallow land area is available in the District, which needs to be planted with various tree species and
encouragement is given for community and private land plantation and Road Avenue. To make available a
large number of sapling nurseries will be allotted to unemployed rural youths which provide rural
employment. Farmers income will be increased only when they get the remunerative prices, in times of
distress sales, the produce needs value addition which finds a place in the plan through Agro processing,
Public private partnership participation and providing right information to the farmers by strengthening the
extension system.
Sericulture Development
Washim District falls under non traditional area for sericulture; however scope exists for improvement.
Hence the plan proposal includes subsidy for new plantations of mulberry, procurement of cocoons, and
erection of raring shed with HRD activities.
Districts Industries Development
For overall socio economic development of the District, focus has made to strengthen the manufacturing
industries and processing units. Also provision has been made to provide capital investment subsidy to
new, expansion or modernised industrial unit.
Agricultural Marketing Development
Agricultural marketing plays a pivotal role in strengthening the economy of a producer with the main
objective of achieving marketing efficiency District plan emphasise on the overall development by
constructing the rural go downs, providing cold storage facilities grading units, packing units. Importance
has been given for the organising fruit melas, producers- consumers exhibitions, Grain Mohotstava,
Shetkari Bazar to promote the marketing.

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Irrigation Development
Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

The division has proposed to irrigate an extensively large drought area in Washim District by
constructing medium and small tanks, Bandhara and Barrages. The plan targets to increase irrigation
potential from 18 % to 20%. The importance has been given to farm Water users Association in the canal
areas for effective utilisation of irrigation water, renovation of old dam and new dam constructions. Also
motivation towards Protective irrigation at critical stages of crops through Farm ponds
Public Private Partnership
For the anticipated growth of 4.0% in the District XII five Year Plan PPP finds to be an alternative with
regard to the Value addition and contract farming in Soybean and Cotton crop and processing and packing
units. Also Promotion of Oilseeds industries, production, Procurement processing and redistribution of
certified seeds at gram Panchayat level, Establishment of organic retail sale points at District level,
Establishment of cold storage and go downs, participatory organic farming and watershed development
are some other areas wherein the PPP approach can play a vital role

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17


CDAP (2012-13 to 2016-17)
Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

The C-DAP highlights the need to implant professionalism in extension service as a device for
agriculture development in the country. This envisages the need to develop a cost effective and sustainable
extension system to facilitate the farming community towards achieving prosperity and not merely
productive. The CDAP is being created in each District to achieve the above mention concept. The
responsibility of C-DAP is to bring together researcher extension worker other stakeholders (including NGO
societies co-operative and Private service providers and farmers to make on the basis of joint diagnostic
studies District extension plan and recommendations for research to perform this responsibility the C-DAP
has to develop a demand driven situation specified multi-agency oriented Comprehensive District
Agriculture Project (C-DAP) The CDAP thus a basic document which spells out the goals and the mode of
organising and utilising the resources needed people money expertise facilities etc.
The present mechanism of planning and implementation of agricultural and allied development
programs is centralised and is in isolation with each other The present planning is mainly top-down in
nature and is not done without participation of concerned departments extension workers and farmers.
The feedback system is very weak and thus the real field problems are not brought before the research and
extension planners. The extension or research recommendations are to general covering entire agro
climatic zone. The problems in agriculture differ strikingly from situation to situation is therefore necessary
to develop participatory location specific and need based research and extension recommendation and the
activities to achieve those objectives of C-DAP
. Immediately after independence extension was focused on human and community development.
It subsequently shifted to food crop production view of food security. Later on the extension was used as
tool in achieving Green Revolution. The extension activities were however limited to agriculture and other
line departments like Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Social Forestry have primary focused on provision
of subsidies inputs and services to farmer with little attention to extension. After the implementation of T
and V system of extension it was recognised that it needed to be overhauled to agitate the needs of 21st
century farmers. It was recognised that extension should be broad based utilising the farming system
approach. That is to say attention should be paid to the needs of farmers in rained areas and to diversity
extension programs into livestock horticulture and other high value commodities that are capable of
increasing farm income. It is also realised that present system constraints weaknesses and gaps in Research
Extension Farmers Linkage should be bridged. The all above factors the success stores in rural area the
research and extension carried out by individual private organisation NGOs cooperative etc. should also be
taken to consideration while formulating extension and research plans.
The need for integrated local area plans, based on specific endowments and needs of each area,
was stressed from the beginning of planned development. However, despite several reports and studies,
only sporadic efforts and isolated cases of such planning could be located. It has therefore been decided by
the Govt. of India that the 'District Plan Process' should be an integral part of the process of preparation of
State's Five Year Plan. This was emphasized by the Honble Prime Minister in his address to the National
Development Council (NDC).
Concerned by the slow growth in the agriculture and allied sectors, the National Development
Council (NDC), in its meeting held on 29 May 2007 conceived a special Additional Central Assistance
Scheme (ACA) and passed a resolution to that effect. The National Development Council has reaffirmed its
commitment to achieve a growth rate of 4 % per annum. As agriculture growth is an essential element of
the strategy to make growth more inclusive, the NDC in its resolution advised the State Governments to

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) that will fully utilise available resources and will
include allied agriculture sectors..
Purpose of the C-DAP:
The main objective of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) is to evolve an action plan
for achieving sustainable agricultural growth with food security and cropping system that will improve
farmers income. Along with that Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) is to design an integrated
and participatory action plan for the development of local area in general and agriculture and allied sectors
in particular. It enables optimum utilization of scarce natural, physical and financial resources. C-DAP help
to assess and plan for the infrastructure required to support the agriculture development. It is expected to
establish linkages with the required institutional support services, like credit, technology transfer, ICT,
It is hoped that this document will depict the general farming system picture of Washim District
and information about plan for extension and research in agriculture and allied fields taking the farmers
prosperity as basic concern.
To rejuvenate agriculture during XI Five-Year Plan, the NDC (National Development Council) has set
a target of achieving a growth rate of 4 per cent with the strategy of making agriculture growth more
inclusive. To achieve this, the NDC in its resolution advised the state governments to prepare
Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (CDAP) which is a comprehensive documentation of agriculture
and allied sectors, both in physical and financial terms.
The Department of Agriculture, Government of India, in compliance to the above resolution and in
consultation with the Planning Commission, has prepared necessary guidelines for the Rashtriya Krishi
Vikas Yojana (RKVY) scheme, to be known as NADP/RKVY. One of the important features of RKVY is to
achieve 4 per cent annual growth in the agriculture sector during XI plan period by ensuring a holistic
development of agriculture and allied sectors.
The RKVY, a State Plan Scheme, intends to motivate respective states to increase public
investment in agriculture and allied sectors by giving them much needed autonomy in planning and
executing the same based on agro-climatic conditions. Through an integrated approach RKVY aims to
achieve the goal of reducing the yield gaps, maximise returns to the farmers and bring about quantifiable
changes in the production and productivity of the various components of agriculture and allied sectors.
Under RKVY, the District is expected to formulate a District agriculture plan by taking into account
the resources available from the on-going schemes such as Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF),
Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGRY), National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS),

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Bharat Nirman etc., and such a District plan should aim at projecting the requirements for the
development of agriculture and allied sectors within an overall development perspective of the District.
The plan should also present the financial requirement and the sources of financing the agriculture
development plans in a comprehensive way. Thus, the preparation of the District agriculture plan is an
elaborate, exhaustive and iterative process. As such every care is taken to ensure the CDAP is properly and
comprehensively made.
The Process and Methodology
Keeping the above objectives and guidelines, the District plan has been prepared considering the
various parameters and modalities. As stated earlier, a holistic approach is needed for agriculture sector
development. Hence, while preparing the CDAP, almost all the sectors/programmes concerning rural
development, farming and vulnerable sections have been taken into consideration. The important
sectors/programmes include: horticulture; sericulture; fishery; animal husbandry; minor irrigation;
watershed; agricultural marketing; technology and extension; rural industries, rural credit etc. The CDAP
for XI Five-Year Plan is prepared keeping the X Five-Year Plan parameters as benchmark. The main
problems encountered in the agricultural sector namely, investment, gaps in the yields, production and
productivity levels, infrastructure, technology and extension, interdependence of various sectors etc. have
been analysed in detail. For the systematic and scientific planning, a SWOT analysis of the District has been
done. Further, the growth drivers of the District, the innovative schemes suitable and supportive for higher
growth in agriculture are included in the plan.
The data base of the plan is both quantitative and qualitative. The former is based on secondary
sources, and the latter on the observations and discussions held with various stakeholders like progressive
farmers, elected representatives of Panchayat raj institutions (PRIs) at different levels, voluntary and
nongovernmental organisations. The CDAP is prepared broadly on the framework suggested by the
Planning Commission i.e. decentralised and integrated approach. As per this direction, the plan preparation
began with consultation process with stakeholders at different stages starting from the village (gram
panchayat) level. The consultations began with leaders/model farmers, presidents and vice presidents and
knowledgeable members of GPs. The same method was adopted at the TP and ZP levels. In particular, the
members of Standing Committees for planning and agriculture were actively involved throughout the
preparation of the CDAP. The concerned District Ministers were also consulted during the preparation of
the plan. An exclusive planning team was constituted by the Chief Executive Officer of the ZP under the
overall supervision of the Chief Planning Officer of ZP. Above all, guidance and advice was sought from time
to time from the Scientists of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Economists and Experts
in Decentralisation of the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore. The senior Officers of the
Department of Agriculture at the state level were also provided opportunities for interactive discussions on
the draft plan; they gave useful inputs and suggestions from time to time.
Steps in preparation of C-DAP
In order to prepare Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP), following steps were undertaken:
Orientation of District Level Officers and Scientist on C-DAP
Identification of Multidisciplinary teams of officers
Training of Multidisciplinary Teams
Identification of villages
Field survey
Compilation and presentation of data
Consolidation of data
Preparation of C-DAP report
Orientation of District Level Officers and Scientists on C-DAP

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

District level officers from agriculture and line departments scientists from Dr. Panjabrao
Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola (Agri University) Zonal Research Station (ZRS) Head of Krishi Vigyan
Kendra (KVK) and NGOs were incited for orientation Program. This program was organised to introduce the
concepts and principles of C-DAP to participants.
The Officers from Agriculture and concerned line departments viz. Animal Husbandry Dairy
Development, Fisheries, Sericulture and Social Forestry participated in the program.
Field survey
The primary data collection was collected from villages by using PRA techniques. While conducting
PRA the co-operation from farmers and landless villagers was obtained. Due consideration was also given
to the participation of women members of villages. Detail field visits were also carried out to understand
field problems and the secondary data was collected from various Government agencies and department
such as revenue official village development officers, Agriculture Assistants, Teachers, and Anganvadi
sevika etc.
Consultation Process:
As regards the consultation process the comprehensive Agriculture Development Plan developed
by bottom up process. Gram Panchayat were consulted and in taluk Panchayat Samittee

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Allied Agricultural Sectors:

Allied Sectors of importance/ relevance to the District in order to improve the productivity in these
sectors and to offer alternative/ additional opportunities for livelihood systems. The Chapter should
emerge out of discussions across different Sectors, in a fully integrated manner. The indicative outline for
the allied agriculture sector is given below:
Horticulture Development
Sericulture Development
Animal Husbandry
Fisheries Development
Watershed Development
Social Forestry Development
Agro based Rural Development Programmes
Food Processing Units
Development of Rural Industries
Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural Credit
Special Projects/ Programmes on- going in the District

Constraint Analysis for Allied Agricultural Sectors:

Productivity gap analysis of major crops, and Animal Products and Reasons for Gaps
Research/ Extension/ Adoption gaps
Processing/ Storage/ Marketing gaps
Existing Institutional Mechanism in the Government Sector
Income analysis of various categories of farmers

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2012-13 to 2016-17


CDAP (2012-13 to 2016-17)

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17


Washim district is basically agriculture oriented categorised under agro climatic zone seven and
eight. Washimdistrictreceived rainfall 828 mm. The district is scattered with prominantly plain surface land
.Washim district lies longitude 76.7 to 77.4 deg and latitude 19.61 to 21.16 deg.
Washim lies to its north, Amravati lies to its north-east, Hingoli lies to its south, Buldhana lies to its west,

Yavatmal lies to its east. Washim has an area of 5150 Km . The District comprises of Three revenue sub
division viz; Washim,Mangrulpir and Karanja and SixTalukas with total 493 Gram Panchayat. Washim
District is having total geographical area of 5.13 lakh Hectare with total cultivable area is 4.12 lakh Hectare
out of which area under irrigation is only 1.17 LakhHectares. Washim District has an extremity in climatic
situation. It has very cold winter and Extreme hot summer with unevenly distributed rainfall. The year can
be broadly divided into three seasons as Kharifwhich starts from June and ends September. While Rabi
ranges from October to January and Summer season fall within period of February to May. The average
rainfall of the District is 828 mm. There is large variation in rainfall and its distribution. Washim District is
land of Soybean. In Kharifseason 2015, 72.08 per cent area wascovered with Soybean. The District has main
market of Soybean and Pulses and its processing mills. River Penganga is the main river of the district. It
flows through the Tehsil of Risod. Later it flows through the boundary of Washim and Hingoli districts. River
Kas is the main tributary of Penganga. River Kas meets Penganga about 1 km from the village of
ShelgaonRajgure. River Arunavati and its tributaries originates in the Tehsil of Washim and them flows
through the tehsils of MangrulPir and Manora into the district of Yavatmal. River Katepurna originates in
the hilly areas of the district and flows northwards through the tehsil of Malegaon and enters the Washim
district..KrishiVigyan Kendra, Karada is located in Washim district. The operational area of this KrishiVigyan
Kendra comes under the Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra which is dry Zone established to cater the
Knowledge and Technological needs of the farmers in the District.
It is specially famous for its Balaji Temple. It also has a railway junction. By railway is connected to Washim,
Purna, Nanded and Khandwa. Karanja is another city. It has another railway junction. There are some parts
covered by the forests. There are mainly two regions. Both the regions are protected under Katepurna
Wildlife Sanctuary and KaranjaSohol Wildlife Sanctuary respectively. Followed by Soybean and Cotton, the
other major crops of the district are cereals (Jowar, Bajra, Wheat), Pulses (Tur, Green gram, Gram) and
Oilseed (Sunflower, Ground nut). A variety of fruits like Lemon, Orange, Mango, Pomegranate, Custard
apple, Guava, Banana, Papaya and Vegetables like Onion, Chilly, Brinjal, Pumpkin, Cucumber, Water
melons, all types of Gourds.

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17


CDAP (2012-13 to 2016-17)

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

The Washim District can be broadly divided into four Agro-Economic Situations (AES) as below:


Soil Depth

Soil type





Medium deep Soil

black Soil



Shallow deep Soil

Black fertile


Very deep soil

Sandy loam

(above 750
(below 750
(below 750








The attempt has been made to identify the strength,Weakness,Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) in
respect to the mentioned AES and has been presented below:
Medium to heavy medium soil with heavy
Incidence of pest and diseases
Lack of market facility
Suitable for diversified and intensive cropping
Unavailability of agro base complimentary
Good irrigation
Uncertain and erratic rainfall
Scope for agro,horticulture,forestry animal
Inconsistency in electric supply
husbandary farming system
Market guilt for horticulture crop
Scope for creating water bodies for irrigation
scope for agro processing industries

Suitable for diversified and intensive cropping

Uncertain and erratic rainfall
Inconsistency in electric supply
Market guilt for horticulture crop

Lack of market facility
Unavailability of agro base complimentary
Scope for agro, horticulture,forestry animal
husbandary farming system
Scope for creating water bodies for irrigation
scope for agro processing industries

Suitable for cotton ,tur,jawar,Sunflower,gram and
Suitable for rained double cropping
heavy soil moisture retention

Salinity of soil and water
Unavailability of water for irrigation
UnSuitable for diversified and intensive cropping

Dry spell during crop growth period
Heavy soil erosion
Limited farming system leads to risk of failure
Low infiltration of rain resulting water logging

Scope for seasonal crops like cotton,
tur,Sunflower,gram and safflower
Increasing protective irrigation by creating water
storage stucture
Insitu soil conservation practises

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Growth Drivers:
The major growth drivers identified were as below
Horticulture Development
Animal Husbandry Development and dairy
Sericulture Development
Fisheries Development
Research and Extension

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2012-13 to 2016-17


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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Agriculture sector continues to be the pivotal sector in the economy of Washim. The Whole
District divided in four agro ecological situation i.e. 1. Shallow to medium type soil with high irrigation
potential. Major crops includes soybean, Cotton, Tur, followed by citrus orchards and vegetables. 2.
Natural saline track with deep black Cotton soil predominantly rain fed situation, Major crops are soybean,
Cotton, Tur, Jawar, sunflower and gram. 3. Heavy rainfall zones, medium to heavy medium clayey soil,
major crops are soybean Cotton, Jawar, floriculture crops irrigation mainly by bore wells followed by canal.
4. Non saline track with heavy to medium black soil with soybean and Cotton as main crops. Dairy is major
subsidiary occupation as source of income.
Although yield levels of many crops in the District, as said earlier, are far below the productivity
potential, there are instances of many farmers harvesting notable yields year after year. On field analysis, it
is observed that the successful farmers, who are aware of the major constraints resulting in yieldreduction, immediately adopt the specific recommendations so that the reduction in yield is not
considerable. The systematically disseminate the technology (lies) of crop protection and improvement, it
is proposed to take up intensive constraint-specific demonstrations in all noted crops of the District with
emphasis on one or two of the most productivity-influencing factors. The crops and the associated
technologies to be demonstrated through cereals, pulse and oilseed development programme and Cotton
development programme.
Promoting Micro-irrigation:
The District has hardly 9.00 per cent of irrigated area which calls for the urgent adoption of the micro
irrigation technologies, so that irrigation potential can be enhanced thus contributing to the production. As
the District is mostly depending on the ground water resources for irrigation ground water use has
increased manifold. Keeping this view It is proposed in the Plan to provide farmers with the sprinkler and
drip irrigation units at 75% subsidy and extend the existing area limit to a minimum of 5.00 hectares per
Need based demonstrations:
To systematically disseminate the technology (/ies) of crop protection and improvement, it is proposed to
take up intensive constraint-specific demonstrations in all noted crops of the District with emphasis on one
or two of the most productivity-influencing factors.
Certified seed production:
Among many factors that contributing to the poor crop productivity in the District, less use of certified
seeds appears to be the most common factor attributing to poor productivity potential. Therefore, it is
proposed to adopt a comprehensive approach to make available the certified seeds of all prominent crops
in requisite quantities to all farmers over the Plan Period. The Plan is proposed in such a way that the seeds
are produced in the farmers fields on a Seed Village scheme (Grambijotpadan), with active participation
of land army, SHG and NGO at village level, so that due to reduction in burden arising out of unnecessary
cost incurred on transportation and other miscellaneous expenses, seeds are made available to the farmers
at a relatively low cost. Since it is an uphill task for the institutions to co-ordinate seed production on a
large scale on account of paucity of required infrastructure, it is planned to associate at least 50% of the
same work to land army, SHG and NGO at village level.

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Organic farming:
In recent years organic farming is gaining importance among the farmers as it has good influence
on soil properties and crop health, it is proposed to make enriched organic manures and vermicompost
available to the farmers at 50% subsidy .Also, there is a huge demand for the supply of green manures
seeds, hence it is proposed to supply the green manure seeds in requisite quantities at a subsidy of 100%
Increasing the area under irrigation:
In the last five years a large number of development works have been taken up by the minor irrigation
department. This provided irrigation for drought area of Washim to an area of 11550 ha. Also the
protective irrigation and the available soil moisture can be increased through watershed development.
Presently the develop watershed counts to 136724 ha. and it is proposed to develop the watershed at the
area of 281179 ha.
Encouragement to farm mechanization:
The major threat of the District is the migration of labours from village to other non agricultural work.
Under these circumstances agriculture is now dependent on mechanization. In this context it is needed to
subsidize the supply of all types of tractors and tractor and bullock drawn implements at 33% and 25%
subsidy respectively for small and marginal farmers and SC/ST and women farmers
Encouragement for scientific storage:
Storage of agricultural produce enables to get remunerative prices for farmers. Distress sales may be
avoided. Storage facilities are also utilized for stocking of various inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides
for timely supply to farmers. Subsidies should be given to the Institutes or Self Help Groups or to the
Registered Farmer Clubs.
Post harvest management and Value addition:
Post harvest management and value addition to the crops such as oilseeds, pulses and minor millets offers
vast scope for agro processing. Small processing units should be supplied at subsidised rates. Participation
of private entrepreneurs should be encouraged by awareness programmes at all the levels. The PHM and
value addition in horticultural crops is also given due consideration.
Scope for Public-Private Partnership Approach
Involving the PPP approach in certified seed production from the time of seed distribution of procurement,
certification and redistribution of certified seeds to farmers at the onset of a season can be done. Also,
imparting trainings, arranging field visits, farmer-scientist-extension staff interactions, agricultural
exhibitions, etc through PPP approach. The Management of Organic Villages can be done entirely through
PPP approach. PPP managed organic produce sale points at District level can be initiated. Management and
maintenance of Agro-processing units and storage of Go-downs and Community-owned organic manures,
bio-pesticides and bio-agent production units can be established, strengthen and managed to its full
potential through PPP approach The major crops of the District i.e. soybean and Cotton provides major
area and higher scope for PPP.
Infrastructure development:
During the cropping season farmers are busy in their agricultural related works hence, it becomes difficult
for the farmers to come to the training centres and equip with the recent technologies, so it is proposed to
provide well equipped decentralised training centre at Taluka polyclinic so that farmers can be motivated
with recent technologies with this media. A knowledge resource canter is proposed to establish through
RKVY at KVK, Karda tq. Risod Dist. Washim.

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2012-13 to 2016-17

Integrated crop management through farmers field schools:

In the recent past, many crops have suffered due to the unpredicted break of pests and diseases. Bollworm
in green gram and Cotton, Rust on soybean, leaf minor in ground nut, phytopthera on citrus etc., so there
is a need to give attention on integrated management of these pests and diseases by bio-pesticides and
integrated management methods through the farmers field schools by imparting season long training to
the selected farmers about eco friendly pest control measures. Also, it is possible through adopting villages
and making those and organic villages.
Strengthening Extension:
A coordinated consortium of the successful farmers, extension personnel and scientists at Taluka level to
provide an on-the-spot solution to farmers problems. Strengthening the Extension wing of the ATMA and
KVK alongside the departmental extension unit.
Natural resource management module:
To improve livelihood poor farmers of dry land area through the adoption of low cost integrated natural
resources management technologies by developing micro watershed through remote sensing G.I.S
techniques and to develop ecologically sustainable farming systems.

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2012-13 to 2016-17


CDAP (2012-13 to 2016-17)

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2012-13 to 2016-17

5.1 Introduction
The 4.% growth targeted during the next FYP not only includes agriculture sector but also the allied sectors
like horticulture, animal husbandry, sericulture, watershed, fisheries etc which plays a equally very
important role in increasing the income of the farmers, hence, the comprehensive plan for allied sectors is
also proposed and presented below.
5.2 Horticulture Development
Washim District has diversified fruit and vegetable production which includes kagzi lime banana, papaya,
and mandarin. Farmers are also diversified towards pomegranates. The horticulture industry generates
income through its quality of fruit and vegetable production and productivity. It also creates employment
opportunities and enhances nutritional security of the farmers in the District. They are very innovative and
are involved in organic cultivation.
Area under horticulture crops during 2011-12. Increased considerably in the District, to 4805 ha.
With production of 24843.50 MT Washim owing to its very good soil and climate, is enriched with natural
resources and suitable for growing export quality of kagzi lime banana, papaya, and mandarin. Utilization
of these resources will strengthen horticulture industry.
Identified potential Horticulture crops of the District
Fruits : kagzi lime, banana, papaya, and mandarin
Vegetable : Onion, Tomato, Chilly, Cucurbits, okra and Brinjal and Minor veg-crops.
Spice : Ginger, Turmeric
Medicinal/Aromatic: Panpimpari, Safed Musali
Flower : Gaillardia, Rose, Tuberose, Marigold.
Strategies for Horticulture development
Encouragement for production of certified planting material.
Area expansion of important fruit crops like kagzi lime, banana, papaya, and mandarin crops and
medicinal and aromatic plants.
Promotion of intercrop like medicinal and aromatic plants in orchards.
Introduction of high yielding varieties and scientific cultivation practices in vegetables.
Promotion of floricultural crops both as open field crops and under protected cultivation.
Efficient utilization of irrigation water through micro irrigation systems, thereby reducing the
juvenile period of perennial plants to increase productivity and quality of horticultural produce.
Bore well recharging on large scale.
Giving thrust for soil and water conservation with special reference to rain water harvesting.
Promotion of INM and IPM (including production of bio pesticides and parasites)
Promotion of organic farming by utilizing bio mass available for fruits and vegetable crops.
Rejuvenation of Orange orchards.
Promotion of primary processing and value addition to improve employment opportunities and
increase the per capital income.
Strengthening the market infrastructure like establishment of wholesale market in fruits and
vegetables and cold storages.
Extension services including providing logistics support like qualified personnel and mobility and
efficient utilization of mass media for dissemination of knowledge.
Encouragement of public, private Partnership.

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2012-13 to 2016-17

Means to achieve strategies

In Washim District Area expansion of major crops like kagzi lime, banana, papaya, and mandarin will be
taken up under National Horticultural Mission.
Establishment of nurseries for production of elite planting materials will be taken up under National
Horticulture Mission.
Promotion of flower crop will be taken up under National Horticulture Mission.
Micro irrigation systems scheme is implemented utilizing funds provided under Micro Irrigation scheme
of union government with the state scheme.
INM/IPM and production of parasites under National Horticulture Mission and under state sector
Organic farming under National Horticulture Mission.
Rejuvenation of old orange orchards under NHM.
Post harvest handling using funds of state government, NHM and District comprehensive agricultural
Marketing support through NHM and state scheme.
Supportive Service required
Research and development through Universities and research organizations.
Extension services through Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
Financial support through banks.
Infrastructure development like roads, marketing facilities through co-operative sectors in
collaboration with government institution.
Soil and water management and conservation through water shed department.
Regular supply of electricity.
Gaps in Research
Research on precision farming in vegetable and flower crops.
Research on crop diversification in new crops and proper planning to produce commodities as per
the need to realize higher returns for the investment made.
Developing sophisticated statically and mathematical model to analyse the data to take important
farming decisions.
Research on diseases forecasting units and bio control.
Research on organic farming and its certification.
Gaps in extension services
Lack of market led extension to create awareness about quality maintenance, grading, handling of
fresh horticultural crops and value addition, through organizing group meeting exhibition, Krishi
melas, study tour, etc.
Infrastructure lacuna like inadequate logistic support to the extension personnel at grass root level
and lack of vehicle for movement.
Gaps in Processing
Modernisation of processing units for horticultural crops like grapes, mango, spices.
Establishment of food parks,
Gaps in storage
Lack of cold storage unit for better storage of horticulture produce and to avoid market glut and to
fetch better price in future.
Need to give emphasis for establishment of pack houses, cold chain and controlled atmospheric

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

Gaps in Marketing
Inadequate marketing infrastructure like wholesale markets, national terminal markets, functional
infrastructure for collection, grading and scientific retail market.
Lack of public private partnership to expand regulated markets and to pump more money for
establishment of marketing infrastructure.
Lack of awareness among farming community to take up own marketing responsibility by availing
government subsidy.
Inadequate co-operative marketing system for horticultural produces.
Lack of initiatives to encourage contract farming to take up cultivation of medicinal aromatic plants,
vegetables and flower seed production.
Lack of strategies to exploit market potential available in the metro cities for organically produced
quality food.
Regulatory issues/reforms required
Legislation for efficient use of water especially utilization of ground water may be passed.
Ban on marketing of fruits and vegetables in unhygienic condition.
Regulation to tap export potential, in horticultural crops.
Scope for public private partnership approach
There is enough scope to take up PPP approach for expansion of regulated market and to pump more
money for market infrastructure development.
Enough scope is available under contract farming to ensure scientific market price under tie up
arrangement with private companies and financial institution.
Strengthening SHGs/voluntary institution participation
Making use of existing SHGs and locally established group to train and take up various agro based
entrepreneurship to increase per capita income.
Marketing linkage programme
Creation of awareness among farming community about market and value addition.
Formation of farmers association at village level to avoid middlemen and creating direct linkage (safal
like market entrepreneurs).
Employment of self help group and developing entrepreneurs among the members of self help groups.
Encouraging the farmer to grow demand driven market produce.
Improvement of logistic and transport net work
Creating proper accessible roads between all talukas to transport farm produce easily to District centres.
Agro climatic conditions of the District are suitable to take up cultivation of export oriented quality cut
flowers under open as well as control conditions.
Restructuring department and service system
Requirement of vehicle support for mobility of ground level officials to conduct various extension
activities and for effective implementation of schemes.
Requirement of computers and internet connection at talukas to speed up the work under various NHM
schemes. Due to continuous drought in the District and outbreak of diseases in the horticultural crops, the
area under fruit crops especially the Pomegranate is declining; hence efforts are directed in enhancing the

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2012-13 to 2016-17

of different crops. Also possibilities have been explored to area under medicinal and aromatic plants.
Further, concerted effort is also made on increasing the production.
5.3 Watershed Development
Geographical area of District is 5.37 lakh hectares, of which 4.44 lakh hectares is available for land
development activities to reduce soil erosion, increase in ground water table, forestation and dry land
Horticulture. In the next five years, 3.012 lakh areas can be developed under various schemes on
watershed basis. Due to excess exploitation of ground water in the region, temperature is increasing as
well as it has adverse effect on the rainfall distribution, tending towards the desertification of the region.
Saline and alkaline Reclamation
In Washim District, Washim, Murtijapur, Balapur Akot and Telhara talukas are affected by Salinity and
alkalinity in black and deep black soils. In all, 31% of the total geographical area in the District has been
affected. By identifying proper water courses and sub-surface drainage system and adoption of soil
reclamation techniques the salinity and alkalinity problem can be rectified.
5.4 Animal Husbandry Development
Infrastructure gaps have to be filled and increase the extension and training programmes Provision of AI
facility in all the GPs and training of rural unemployed youths in A1 technique need to be taken up. In
Washim District there are 269343 cattle, 49455 buffaloes, 4657 sheep 134681 goats and 57061 poultry
birds populated. To serve this population there are 6 veterinary hospitals 68 veterinary dispensaries 1
mobile veterinary centre 1 diagnostic lab and 1 A.I. centre is in operation. Initiatives that need to be
considered by strengthening existing schemes/new schemes are: Bridge yield gaps, improve extension
services, improved productivity, improved value of production, improved technology, dissemination have
been incorporated in the annexure.
Constraints for shortfall during 11th five year plan period
a) For milk production
Shortage of high yielding bred cows and graded buffaloes
Failure to supply balanced feeds to the milking animals.
Lack of grazing lands, green fodder and forage crops.
Lack of qualified technical man power as per Veterinary Councils specifications.
Lack of infrastructure facilities for overall veterinary services.
Weak veterinary extension activities due to lack of man power, infrastructure and mobility.
Heavy infestation of animals by ecto and endo parasites.
Existence of endemic dreadful diseases.
Lack of flow of technology from lab to farmers.
b) For meat production
Deforestation and encroachment by agriculturists
Heavy infestation of animals by ecto and endo parasites
The local breed is a poor wool producer
Prevalence of brucellosis in large number of goat population.

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2012-13 to 2016-17

c) For egg production

Less number of layer farms due to high investment
Lack of infrastructure at rural areas
Lack of technical man power
Lack of flow of technology from lab to farmers.
Strategies to improve production in 12th five year plan
The success of artificial insemination in domestic animals mainly depends on maintenance of critical LN2
levels in various veterinary institutions. This requires proper LN2 containers and carriage systems especially
at Taluka levels. In rural area women are mostly involved in dairying. Along with up-gradation of local cattle
through effective A.I programme, high yielding crossbred cows, graded buffaloes if provided to rural poor
at subsidised rate, milk production will be further boosted. For lactating cows, high nutrition is very critical
which should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals at optimum levels. Providing
quality concentrate feeds to farmers at subsidised rates will increase the production. Green fodder and
forage crops access to livestock will decrease the cost of concentrates and thereby production costs.
Repeat breeding problem is common among high yielding cows, which should be taken by employing
qualified veterinary at rural veterinary staff institutions. Periodical training programmes for farming
community should be conducted at taluk and village levels regarding dairying, sheep and goat rearing,
piggery and poultry etc., will play a vital role in upliftment of their economy though scientific knowledge.
Good infrastructure for effective veterinary extension activities at taluk level is a must. Without
Veterinary extension activities at village level and proper mobility, it is quite difficult to disseminate the
latest technology to poor farmers. Existing mobile Veterinary centres at taluk level have to be strengthened
by providing proper infrastructure and man power. Production of clean and hygienic milk and other animal
products has to be encouraged. Scientific poultry production (layers and broilers), piggery and other
livestock farming have to be encouraged.
Along with disease prevention measures like mass vaccination against deadly diseases, health camps play
an important role at village level. During outbreaks of endemic diseases availability of quality medicines will
be valuable in saving life of domestic animals and thereby improving the economic status of the farmer.
Eradication of ecto and endo parasites in livestock especially in sheep and goats has to be given prime
importance. Backyard rearing of productive dual purpose chickens like Giriraj at village level has to be
encouraged. The white colour in the local breed of sheep is an added advantage in the improvement of
breed. But a suitable exotic breed has to be selected and propagated in the District to improve wool quality
and quantity.

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CDAP (2012-13 to 2016-17)

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2012-13 to 2016-17


During the last two decades, the agricultural situation in the District has undergone a qualitative change.
The present approach of the farmers is inadequate for familiarizing the entire family with modern
agricultural technology. It is well recognised that the farmers are changing over the years, both as
individuals as well as their contact with the outside world and their information seeking habits. Hence they
require extension services and other services mentioned below to achieve the targeted growth rate of 4.0%
in agricultural sector.
Growth Drivers Agriculture
The crop productivity can be increased by providing the irrigation at the critical stages of the crop
growth by adopting micro irrigation technology. The increased response of the farmers towards adoption
of micro irrigation technology and protective irrgation needs to be immediately addressed. This will
enhance the crop productivity.
Farm mechanisation is an important driver of the District as the timely redressel of farm operations
under the present labour crisis situation holds the key to successful farm output. For the better crop
growth farm mechanisation becomes an imperative.Result in better output levels on account of timely
farm operation.
Agro processing has to be promoted in the big way as the agriculture suffers from series of problems
starting with low production, poor prices and lack of post harvesting facilities. Hence, crop productivity
may be successful when the produce fetches a good prices.
Soil health needs to be maintained as it is the basic requirement of the crop productivity. This needs to
be addressed by promoting the adoption of organic farming and by assisting the usage of organic material
on a large scale, along with supplementing the soil with micronutrients. In the recent past, farmers are
enthusiastic in adoption of Organic farming. Hence, it is planned to popularise the concept of Organic
Village and Farmers field Schools in the District on a large scale.
Availability of certified seeds for the rural agrarian farming community is very much limited because of
many factors. Making available the quality seeds has, far a long time been an un accomplished task, may be
because of little knowledge farmers have about the quality of the seeds. So efforts need to be made to
make available the credit seeds at grass-root level at relatively less cost. This enables the self-reliance
among the farmers apart from enhancing the crop productivity.
As the District depends mostly on the rainfall for crop production frequent occurrence of dry spells
results in the reduced productivity, hence farmers are advised to cultivate crops in wider row spacing so
that risk crop failures are reduced for this mostly use of BBF planters are suggrested.. Use of low cost
technalogies recommonded by SAU s and central research stations

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2012-13 to 2016-17

Horticulture Development
District is known for horticulture production because of the agro climatic and soil properties. This need
to be exploited to take up export quality production of fruit crops including the dry land fruit crops.
Processing of fruits especially Orange and lime for value addition this industry can performing well in the
Expansion of area under Orange, Lime , Pomogranate , Custerd apple and dryland horticulture crop like
Amla needs attention as the climatic situation permits well in the District.
Also there will ever incerasing demand for Floriculture imparts scope for flower cultivation.
Since last three - four years farmers are inclined towards Shed net houses, Poly houses, which directly
results into net gain of cultivators created tremendous scope for protective cultivation.
Sericulture Development
Though the District is not traditional for practicing sericulture but climate is congenial to make this a
profitable option. Since last three years as a subsidiary business farmers are taking interest in Mulbery
cultivation in Washim distt . area under Mulbery is 39 ha. and ava. production of coocon in kg / ha is
25990.40. There is increasing scope for sericulture.
Animal Husbandry Development and dairy
Availability of the dry fodder throughout the year and with up coming irrigation projects in the District
animal husbandry activities finds a scope.
Procurement of milk network is well established both by co-operative, SHG and Private agencies.
Fisheries Development
The District has 44 tanks and 5 Reservoirs with a water spread area of 3119 ha. shows a bright scope for
extension of the activity across the District.
The District has 40 registered co-operative societies and increasing demand for fish in the cities as well
as in rural areas can be exploited to improve the marketing of fish.

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2012-13 to 2016-17

C-DAP (2012-13 TO 2016-17)
Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C DAP) for Washim District
2012-13 to 2016-17

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