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Review of the pyrolysis

platform for coproducing

bio-oil and biochar

David A. Laird, USDA-ARS-National Soil Tilth Laboratory, Ames, IA
Robert C. Brown, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
James E. Amonette, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Received April 21, 2009; revised version received June 30, 2009; accepted July 6, 2009
Published online September 8, 2009 in Wiley InterScience (; DOI: 10.1002/bbb.169;
Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009)
Abstract: Pyrolysis is a relatively simple, inexpensive, and robust thermochemical technology for transforming biomass
into bio-oil, biochar, and syngas. The robust nature of the pyrolysis technology, which allows considerable flexibility in
both the type and quality of the biomass feedstock, combined with a distributed network of small pyrolysis plants, would
be compatible with existing agriculture and forestry infrastructure. Bio-oil can be used as a fuel in existing industrial
boilers. Biochar can be used with existing infrastructure as a replacement for pulverized coal; however, use of biochar as
a soil amendment results in significant environmental and agronomic benefits. Soil application of biochar is a means of
sequestering large amounts of C and may have other greenhouse gas benefits. Preliminary reports of the impact of soil
biochar applications on crop yields indicate that biochar quality is very important. Biochar is an effective adsorbent for
both nutrients and organic contaminants, hence the presence of biochar in soils has been shown to improve water quality in column leaching and field lysimeters studies and it is anticipated to do the same for agricultural watersheds.
The pyrolysis platform for producing bio-oil and biochar from biomass appears to be a practical, effective, and environmentally sustainable means of producing large quantities of renewable bioenergy while simultaneously reducing
emissions of greenhouse gases. At the present time, the pyrolysis platform is economically marginal because markets
for bio-oil and biochar are highly competitive. However, if the USA adopts a program for controlling greenhouse gases,
the pyrolysis platform would be highly competitive. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: pyrolysis; bio-oil; biochar; biomass; carbon sequestration; soil quality; agriculture; Terra Preta

he emerging bioenergy industry has been promoted
as a means of simultaneously improving energy security, improving weak rural economies, and helping

to mitigate the threat of global climate change. Concerns,

however, have been raised that the bioenergy industry will
exacerbate problems of global food security because of competition between bioenergy production and food production
for land and other resources, and that by increasing both the

Correspondence to: David A. Laird, USDA, ARS, National Soil Tilth Laboratory, 2110 University Blvd., Ames IA 50011-3120, USA.

This article is the US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

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extent and intensity of land use, bioenergy production will

adversely impact soil and water quality and could actually
have a negative impact on global climate change. Furthermore, the bioenergy industry faces numerous technological,
economic and logistic challenges. Grain ethanol production
the most advanced bioenergy production technology platform in the USA is approaching a ceiling imposed ultimately
by the finite capacity of US agriculture to produce grain.
Cellulosic ethanol production, the most widely promoted
second-generation bioenergy technology platform, has yet to
be demonstrated at an industrial scale and faces numerous
logistic and technological challenges. Paramount among the
challenges facing the cellulosic ethanol industry are doubts
about the ability of agriculture to consistently supply large
quantities of both high quality and homogeneous biomass to
centralized biorefineries and the equally daunting challenge of
safely transporting, storing, and handling large quantities of
low-density biomass to and at a centralized facility. Pyrolysis,
an alternative second-generation bioenergy production technology platform, has received little attention in the USA to
date. This analysis considers both the strengths and weakness
of the pyrolysis platform.

Review: The pyrolysis platform

steel kilns typically vent volatiles to the atmosphere during

biochar production. These systems have a bad environmental
reputation as they are associated with deforestation and air
pollution.5 Modern pyrolyzers are designed to capture the
volatiles for the production of bio-oil and syngas.6
The thermochemical technologies for transforming
biomass into renewable energy products can be classified into
four general categories: slow pyrolysis, flash pyrolysis, gasification, and fast pyrolysis. Slow pyrolyzers are either batch
systems known as charcoal kilns, or continuous systems
that slowly heat the biomass to >400C in the absence of
oxygen. Moisture content and particle size are not critical
for charcoal kilns while continuous systems do specify some
size reduction and drying for optimal results. Product yields
from slow pyrolysis are approximately 35% biochar, 30%
bio-oil, and 35% syngas by mass.7 Typically the bio-oil, in the
form of vapors and aerosols, is not separated from the syngas.
If exhausted to the atmosphere, as typically occurs in traditional kilns in the developing world, it represents a serious
pollution emission. In developed countries, slow pyrolyzers
are usually fitted with afterburners to control emissions of

What is pyrolysis?
Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process that can be used
to transform low-density biomass (~1.5 GJ m-3) and other
organic materials into a high-energy-density liquid known
as bio-oil (~22 GJ m-3 or ~17 MJ kg-1)), a high-energy-density
solid known as biochar (~18 MJ kg-1), and a relatively lowenergy-density gas known as syngas (~6 MJ kg-1).1,2 Fundamentally, pyrolysis involves the heating of organic materials
to temperatures greater than 400C in the absence of oxygen.
At these temperatures, organic materials thermally decompose releasing a vapor phase and a residual solid phase
(biochar). On cooling the pyrolysis vapor, polar and highmolecular-weight compounds condense out as liquid (bio-oil)
while low-molecular-weight volatile compounds remain in
the gas phase (syngas). The physics and chemistry occurring
during a pyrolysis reaction are very complex and depend on
both the nature of the biomass and the rector conditions.3,4

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing processes and the flow of

material in a continuous, auger-based, slow pyrolyzer. Biochar,
electricity and heat are the primary products of this stream. The

Pyrolysis technology
Pyrolysis has been used to produce biochar (a.k.a. charcoal) for thousands of years. Traditional earthen, brick, and

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pyrolysis gases are consumed to generate heat for the pyrolyzer and
to run a gas turbine for electricity generation. This is one of many
possible designs for a slow pyrolyzer.

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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air pollutants, or the volatiles are used as fuel for the generation of heat or electricity (biopower) (Fig. 1). Flash pyrolysis,
which is designed to maximize biochar production, involves
the heating of batches of biomass under moderate to high
pressure in a retort. Yields from flash pyrolysis are typically
60% biochar and 40% volatiles (bio-oil and syngas). Flash
pyrolyzers are more likely to include heat-recovery equipment than traditional kilns. Gasification is designed to maximize production of syngas. A typical gasifier allows a small,
carefully controlled amount of oxygen to enter the reaction chamber. The oxygen causes partial combustion of the
biomass, which generates the heat needed to sustain the reaction. The reaction temperature is generally quite high (800
1200C). Operated at sufficiently high temperatures, a gasifier
produces very little char or bio-oil although many commercial gasifiers can produce 515% char and traces of bio-oil,
which is referred to as tar. Fast pyrolyzers are continuousflow systems designed to maximize production of bio-oil.
Fast pyrolysis product yields are typically 5070% bio-oil,
1030% biochar, and 1520% syngas by mass. Biomass must
first be dried and ground to <2 mm particle size before
entering a fast pyrolyzer. Within the pyrolyzer, the biomass
is heated rapidly in the absence of oxygen (typically to

D A Laird et al.

temperatures >400C in less than 1 second) by one of several

technologies, such as mixing biomass with pre-heated sand
in a fluidized bed reactor (Fig. 2). The rapid heating causes
the thermal decomposition of the biomass to vapors, aerosols, and light gases. To maximize bio-oil yield, the volatiles
must be rapidly separated from the solids and cooled. These
latter processes are typically accomplished using a series of
cyclones followed by condensers or quenchers.
Energy efficiency of pyrolysis
Plant engineers account for the amount of energy consumed
within the boundaries of a pyrolysis plant. This energy
cost is usually counted against the major product of the
plant, although it can be apportioned among the various
byproducts usually according to mass fraction if they
have significant economic value. For example, a traditional
charcoal kiln counts the charcoal as its only product with
the result that the energy efficiency of charcoal production is relatively low, since much of the energy escapes in
the form of waste heat and unburned vapors and gases. On
the other hand, a modern, fast pyrolyzer counts bio-oil,
which represents as much as 75 wt-% of products as the sole
product of economic importance. On this basis, the energy

Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing processes and the flow of material in a fast pyrolyzer.
The stream of incoming biomass is mixed with pre-heated sand in a fluidized bed rector
where heat is rapidly transferred from the sand to the biomass (temperature increases to
> 400C in <1 s). This is one of many possible designs for a fast pyrolyzer. See Bridgwater
et al.1 for more information on fast pyrolyzers. This figure is adapted from Brown.6

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efficiency is about 70%. However, if the energy content of

the char is considered, the overall energy efficiency is more
than 90%.1,8 Of course, there is also energy associated with
the production of pyrolysis products that occurs outside the
confi nes of the plant. Energy is required to grow, harvest
and transport biomass. Energy is also required to transport
the bio-oil and biochar products to markets and to their
ultimate site of utilization. A complete life-cycle accounting
would include these energy costs as well as the energy
required to fabricate the pyrolysis equipment and erect and
maintain the plant.
Almost any form of organic material can be introduced
into a pyrolyzer, including corn and wheat stover, forestry
byproducts, urban yard wastes, industrial byproducts,
animal manures, and sewage sludge. The high temperature
of the pyrolysis process neutralizes any organic toxins (e.g.,
aflatoxin) and pathogens in the feedstock. The presence of
ash and other inorganic compounds in the biomass can
adversely affect bio-oil quality and yield.
Chemical properties of the feedstock have a significant
influence on both product yields and product quality.
Among cellulosic feedstocks, bio-oil yield decreases with
increasing ash content and the average molecular weight of
the bio-oil fraction increases with lignin content of the feedstock.9 Pyrolysis of used tires produces high-value bio-oil
and biochar; one of the bio-oil fractions can be used directly
to boost the octane rating of gasoline.10,11 Pyrolysis of cellulosic biomass feedstocks produces bio-oils that contain
water and organic acids in addition to hydrocarbons. The
acidic nature of such bio-oils renders them unsuitable for
direct use as a fuel in diesel or gasoline engines. Although
it is possible to pyrolyze municipal solid waste, this should
only be done with caution and appropriate monitoring. Any
heavy metals in municipal solid wastes will be concentrated
in the biochar fraction after pyrolysis.
Annually, approximately 1.3 billion tons of biomass are
potentially available in the USA for bioenergy production with the most abundant forms being corn, wheat, and
forestry residues.12 The Perlack et al.12 study has been criticized because the decision on how much crop residue could
be harvested and how much should be left on the field was

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estimated using t values from the Revised Universal Soil

Loss Equation. T values estimate the amount of residue
that should to be left on the soil to protect it from erosion.
Sustaining soil quality and preventing the loss of soil organic
C requires greater annual inputs of crop residues than that
needed to simply prevent wind and water erosion.13
Pyrolyzers range in size from laboratory devices that
process as little as a few milligrams of material per test to
industrial equipment processing many tons per hour. The
largest fast pyrolyzers in North America are capable of
processing 250 and 200 dry tons of biomass per day. Slow
pyrolyzers are less complicated and can be built at smaller
scales than fast pyrolyzers. Several companies are currently
marketing or soon will be marketing industrial-scale pyrolyzer systems. Pyrolyzers can be scaled from small to large
to optimize the balance between economies of scale associated with processing biomass at a large centralized facility
and reduced biomass transportation, storage and handling
costs that accrue from processing biomass through a distributed network of small facilities located close to the biomass
Potential uses of syngas
Syngas is primarily a mixture of H2 and CO, but also
typically contains CH4, CO2 , H2O, and several lowmolecular-weight volatile organic compounds.2 The heating
value of syngas is relatively low (~6 MJ kg-1) compared to
that of natural gas (~54 MJ kg-1). However, syngas can be
burned to produce heat energy for various applications, such
as drying and electricity generation. Before the widespread
availability of natural gas, syngas produced via gasification
of coal (a.k.a., producer gas or town gas) was widely used in
the northeastern USA to provide energy for home heating,
cooking, street lighting, etc. A likely use of syngas produced
via pyrolysis of biomass for small- and medium-scale pyrolyzers will be to generate the heat and electricity needed to
run the pyrolyzer itself (Figs 1 and 2).
Potential uses of bio-oil
Both the chemistry and the heating value of bio-oil vary
substantially depending on the nature of the organic
feedstock and the conditions under which the feedstock was

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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Review: The pyrolysis platform

pyrolyzed. Bio-oil produced by fast pyrolysis of cellulosic

biomass is an emulsion of water (~20% w/w) and a wide
range of oxygenated organic compounds including organic
acids, aldehydes, alcohols, phenols, carbohydrates, and
lignin-derived oligomers.7,17 The heating value of biomass
bio-oil (about 17 MJ kg-1 wet weight basis or 22 MJ kg-1 dry
weight basis) is typically about half that of No. 2 fuel oil.1,2
Bio-oil produced from cellulosic biomass does not burn efficiently without pre-heating; it is acidic (pH ~2); and it tends
to gel after sitting for prolonged periods of time, especially
in cold climates. Because of these properties, bio-oil does not
currently appear to be a good substitute for No. 2 fuel oil in
home-heating applications, although research programs are
underway to reduce its acidity and to improve its stability.
However, bio-oil can be burned in industrial boilers. The
use of bio-oil as an industrial fuel typically requires that the
boiler be equipped with stainless steel or plastic-lined, fuelinjection components and storage tanks to resist corrosion,
a system that heats and/or stirs the bio-oil during storage to
prevent gelling, and a system that pre-heats the incoming
bio-oil to the flash point (65C) before nebulization to
improve burning efficiency.
Although not suitable as transportation fuel, bio-oil can be
upgraded into synthetic transportation fuels. One approach
would gasify bio-oil and convert the syngas to synthetic
gasoline and diesel through Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) catalytic
synthesis. F-T synthesis is currently employed on an industrial scale in South Africa and Malaysia to convert coal and
natural gas into transportation fuels, respectively. Relatively
minor modifications would be required for these existing
F-T refineries to use bio-oil as a feedstock. The European
Union (EU) is considering the development of a distributed
network of biomass pyrolyzers that would supply bio-oil
to centralized F-T refineries.18 The high initial investment
required to build an F-T refinery is the biggest obstacle to
the adoption of this approach in the USA. F-T refineries
must be very large to achieve economies of scale. A second
problem is the relatively low carbon-conversion efficiency of
F-T refineries, which is only about 50%.19 Another approach
would hydrocrack bio-oil to transportation fuels in a
manner similar to the refining of petroleum to gasoline.20
As illustrated in Fig. 3, bio-oil vapors would be recovered as
a carbohydrate-derived aqueous phase and a lignin fraction.

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Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the production and hydrocracking of

bio-oil into synthetic diesel.

The aqueous phase would be steam reformed to hydrogen.

The lignin fraction would be hydrocracked to hydrocarbons. The large volume of hydrogen required for this
process would come from the steam reformer. The process is
economically attractive and could employ the infrastructure
at existing petroleum refineries to support bio-oil hydrocracking.
Potential uses of biochar
Biochar is a combustible solid (~18 MJ kg-1) that can be
burned to generate heat energy in most systems that are
currently burning pulverized coal. The sulfur content of
biochar is low and hence industrial combustion of biochar
generally does not require technology for removing SOx
from emissions to meet EPA emission limits. Emissions of
NOx from combustion of biochar are comparable to that
coming from coal combustion and require similar abatement technology. The ash content of biochar depends
substantially on the feedstock. Some sources of biomass,
such as corn stover, rice husks and Miscanthus giganteus
contain relatively high levels of Si, and after pyrolysis the
Si is concentrated in the biochar. Combustion of high Si
biochars will cause scaling on the walls of combustion
chambers and decrease the usable life of those chambers.
Low-ash biochars are also use in metallurgy and as a feedstock for production of activated carbon, which has many
uses, such as an adsorbent to remove odorants from air
streams and both organic and inorganic contaminants from
waste-water streams.

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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An emerging new use of biochar is as a soil amendment,

which is discussed in detail below.2124
The impact of biomass harvesting on soil quality
The harvesting of crop residues for the production of bioenergy could have adverse impacts on soil and environmental
quality.2527 The harvesting of residue removes substantial
amounts of plant nutrients from soil agro-ecosystems. Unless
these nutrients are replaced by the addition of synthetic fertilizers, manure, or other soil amendments, the productivity
of the soil will decline. Even if synthetic fertilizers are added
to maintain soil fertility, the sustained removal of crop residues without compensating organic amendments will cause a
decline in levels of soil organic matter, a decline in the cation
exchange capacity, a decline in water-holding capacity, and
accelerated acidification of soils. The sustained removal of
residues will also cause degradation of soil structure and
thereby restrict the movement of air and water through soils
and the growth of plant roots. Declining levels of organic
matter will increase the surface crusting of soils, which will
restrict infi ltration of water and increase surface runoff and
erosion. The increased loss of nutrients to leaching will mean
increased nutrient contamination of surface and groundwater reservoirs. Furthermore, any carbon credit claimed for
bioenergy displacing fossil fuel will be severely discounted
due to the loss of soil organic matter and the increased
energy used for fertilizer production and tillage.
Recognition of the above sustainability issues has motivated numerous scientists to investigate potentially more
sustainable biomass production systems.28,29 Examples
include the use of no tillage to minimize adverse soil
impacts; the use of fall and perennial cover crops to protect
the soil from erosion and to return additional organic C to
the soil; crop rotations that include deep-rooted species such
as alfalfa that build soil organic matter; dedicated perennial
biomass crops; and both long-season crops and doublecropping systems that maximize the use of available growing
degree-days during the cropping season. The return of the
biochar coproduct of pyrolysis to the soils from which the
biomass was harvested has also been proposed as a means
of enhancing soil quality and thereby the sustainability of
bioenergy production systems.23 Furthermore, many of the
nutrients in biomass are recovered with the char product,
offering opportunities for nutrient recycling.28

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The history of Terra Preta soils and anecdotal

evidence of the impact of biochar on soil
Francisco de Orellana was the first European to explore the
central Amazon in the year 1542. He reported back to the
Spanish court that a large agricultural civilization existed
along the banks of the Amazon and its tributaries. Sixty
years later, when the next Europeans ventured into the
central Amazon, the civilization had vanished. For centuries, most people assumed that de Orellana had invented
the stories of a civilization in Amazonia. During the twentieth century, however, anthropologists found evidence of
extensive regions of Terra Preta soils (Portuguese for dark
earth) along the Amazon (Fig. 4).30,31 Pot shards and other
human artifacts associated with the Terra Preta soils indicated that these soils were anthropogenic. During the 1990s,
soil scientists discovered that the Terra Preta soils contained
large amounts of biochar.32 Apparently, the ancient Amazonian farmers practiced a form of slash and char agriculture,
which allowed them to incorporate large amounts of biochar
along with other organic materials, such as manure and fish
bones, into the otherwise infertile Oxisols of the Amazon
region.32 Today, over 500 years after the practices ceased that
led to their genesis, the Terra Preta soils are the prize horticultural and agricultural soils of Amazonia. Terra Preta soils
contain substantially higher levels of organic C and plant

Figure 4. Representative Terra Preta and Oxisol soil profiles

(Images from Glaser et al.32 and reprinted with permission from

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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nutrients and have lower leaching rates for plant nutrients

than the Oxisols from which they were made.33
Other anecdotal evidence suggesting that biochar additions improve soil quality include the use of biochar as a soil
amendment in traditional Japanese horticultural practices,
and several reports from Africa and South America documenting substantially higher yields for crops grown on charcoal kiln sites than on adjacent soils.34,35 The prairie soils of
the Midwest USA are notorious for their high fertility and
their ability to sustain productivity. Recent evidence indicates that ~10% of the carbon in prairie soils is biochar, a
legacy of >10 000 years of prairie fires.36,37
Impact of biochar amendments on soil and water
Most of the published research to date has focused on
documenting differences between the Terra Preta soils and
adjacent Oxisols or between soils on charcoal kiln sites
with adjacent sites.21,33 Terra Preta soils typically have
higher levels of organic matter, higher moisture-holding
capacity, higher pH values, greater nutrient-holding
capacity, and higher levels of bioavailable N, P, Ca and K
than the Oxisols from which they were derived.32,38 Oxidation of biochar surfaces and the retention of oxygen-rich
organic compounds on surfaces of biochar add substantial
cation exchange capacity to the Terra Preta soils of Brazil.39
Biochar enhances microbial especially mycorrhizal
activity, and is known to accelerate nitrification in forest
ecosystems probably by adsorbing compounds (phenolics)
that inhibit nitrification in the absence of biochar.40,41 A
recently completed 500-day soil column leaching/incubation
study (Table 1) found that biochar additions decreased NO3leaching by 10% and P leaching by 40 to 70%.42,43 Leaching
of K+ increased with biochar additions due to the K+ added

with the biochar, however, the presence of biochar decreased

leaching of K+ that was subsequently added with manure.
Similar results were observed for Ca 2+ and Mg2+. The cation
exchange capacity was 520% higher and the pH was up to 1
pH unit higher for the biochar amended soils relative to the
controls 500 days after the biochar was added. Soil organic
C, total N and microbial respiration all increased systematically with the amount of biochar added. Soil bulk density
measured six times during the study was significantly lower
for the biochar-amended soils than the control soils. In
summary, biochar additions and the presences of even >500year-old biochar in soils has been found to improve most
measures of soil quality.
Impact of biochar amendments on soil carbon
sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from
Biochar is very stable in soil environments21 and is
commonly the oldest form of organic C in soils44 with radiocarbon dates often measured in 1000s y.b.p.4547 In forest
ecosystems, radiocarbon dates for biochar greater than
10 000 y.b.p. have been reported.48 Mass balance analysis
did not detect any loss of biochar C, whereas less than 20%
of manure C remained in the soils after a 500-day incubation (Table 1).42,43 Thus applications of biogenic organic
residues (plant and animal residues) to soils provide only
temporary C storage (half-lives measured in weeks or
months), whereas applications of biochar to soils removes
C from the atmosphere for millennia (Fig. 5). On the other
hand, a few reports have found substantial losses of biochar
C in soils after only a few years.49,50 Differences in biochar
quality are a likely explanation for the discrepancy. Some of
the C in biochars produced by low-temperature pyrolysis is
bioavailable, while C in high-temperature biochars is either

Table 1: Impact of biochar additions on soil quality (Laird et al.42; Rogovska et al.43). Soil properties were
measured 500 days after biochar applications in a soil column leaching and incubation study (48 columns
= 8 treatments x 6 replications). Bulk density (BD) was measured on day 483. Values followed by a different
letter are significantly different (P < 0.05).
Biochar (g/kg)

C (g/kg)

N (g/kg)

CEC (cmol/kg)

BD (g/cm3)


20.5 A

1.73 A

18.1 A

1.34 A

6.33 A

24.1 B

1.74 A

20.8 B

1.24 B

6.55 A


28.2 C

1.81 B

21.6 B

1.24 B

6.88 B


34.6 D

1.85 B

21.7 B

1.24 B

7.23 C

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Figure 5. Impact of biomass pyrolysis with soil application of Biochar

on the amount of original biomass C remaining in the soil relative to
the amount of C remaining in the soil if the same biomass is returned
to the soil as a biological Residue. For the Biochar example, about
40% of the C is lost at time 0 when the biomass is pyrolyzed, 10%
of the total C is lost to mineralization over a few months, and the
remaining 50% of the total C is stable for millennia. For the Residue
example, the half-life of the residue C is assumed to be 6 months
and 99% of the C is lost to mineralization after 4 years. The biochar
scenario results in a C debit for the first 6 months and a C credit
thereafter relative to the residue scenario. See Lehmann et al.49,58 for
more information on the relative stability of biochar and residue C.

nondegradable by micro-organisms or the rate of microbial

degradation is exceedingly slow. All biochars are subject to
slow abiotic oxidation in soil environments and will eventually be degraded.51
The presence of biochar in soil environments enhances
microbial activity and may accelerate the degradation of
organic residues and biogenic humic substances.52 Recent
work by Kuzyakov et al.53 using 14C-labeled feedstocks and
typical agricultural soils suggests that this effect is minor,
if it occurs at all in agronomic situations. The cause of this
increase in soil microbial activity is not clear; however,
several factors such as lower bulk densities, improved
aeration, higher pHs, increased sorption of phenolic
compounds that may inhibit microbial activity, and the
porosity in biochar providing a favorable habitat for soil
micro-organisms all may enhance soil microbial activity.
The accelerated degradation of soil humic substances will
result in increased net emissions of CO2 from fallow soils
amended with biochar. When plants are growing, the

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increased microbial activity will increase nutrient cycling,

which should promote plant growth and hence increase the
input of new C to the soil through photosynthesis. Biochar
strongly adsorbs dissolved organic compounds (DOC) from
the soil solution, and adsorbed DOC is less bioavailable than
DOC that remains in the soil solution. Adsorption of DOC
and biochar surface catalyzed hetero-polymerization reactions are hypothesized to increase the rate and efficiency by
which organic materials are transformed into new humic
substances. It is not known whether the affects of biochar
on humic substance formation and the accelerated input
of new C to soils through photosynthesis will balance the
accelerated biodegradation of existing soil humic materials.
Anecdotally, the presence of high levels of both biochar and
biogenic humic materials in the Terra Preta soils of Brazil
suggests that the net effect of biochar is to promote the accumulation of humic materials; otherwise the Terra Preta soils
would be expected to contain little biogenic humic material
after more than 500 years.
The radiative forcing of N2O is 296 times that of CO2 ,
and emissions of N2O from agricultural soils may have a
larger impact on global climate change than emissions of
CO2 from agricultural soils. Several recent reports indicate that biochar additions may reduce emissions of N2O
from soils.43,54 For example, a 70% reduction in N2O emissions for soils receiving biochar relative to controls was
observed approximately one year after the biochar application during the 500-day incubation/leaching study.43 The
N2O results are consistent with the observed reduction in
bulk density (Table 1) for the biochar-amended soils, which
would increase soil aeration and hence decrease denitrification. Much research is needed to quantify the interactions
between biochar, soil properties, soil moisture content,
management practices and N2O emissions.
Ancillary impacts of soil biochar amendments on
net greenhouse gas Emissions
In a recent article, Searchinger et al.55 argued in effect that
the conversion of an acre of Iowa farmland from food production to biofuel production provides an economic incentive for
a Brazilian farmer to cut down an acre of native rainforest
and plant food crops; and that the large amount of C lost to
the atmosphere as CO2 when the acre of native rainforest
is converted to cropland is much larger than any C credit

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Review: The pyrolysis platform

claimed by the Iowa farmer for producing biofuels. The pyrolysis platform partly addresses these concerns as soil biochar
amendments in temperate and tropical regions are expected
to increase soil productivity and hence both crop and
biomass yields per unit area of land. Increasing agricultural
intensity will decrease the incentive for converting land in
native vegetation to new cropland. Use of corn and wheat
stover, urban yard wastes, or forestry residues as feedstock
for pyrolysis will not compete with food crop production.
However, dedicated biomass crops grown on prime agricultural land for pyrolysis would compete with food crop
production for land resources. The net effect of a pyrolysis
industry on global land use over the next few decades will
depend on the balance between the rate and extent of agricultural intensification and the rate of growth in demand for
food and biomass crops.
Soil biochar applications will merit additional carbon
credits if they displace agricultural lime and fertilizer and
increase fertilizer use efficiency. Agricultural lime is a
major source of greenhouse gas emissions, as a substantial
amount of energy is required to mine and crush limestone
in the production of agricultural lime, and when agricultural lime is spread on soils, the CaCO3 reacts with 2H+

D A Laird et al.

to produce H2O and CO2 . 56 During pyrolysis of biomass,

acids are partitioned into the bio-oil fraction while bases
primarily K 2O, CaO, and MgO are partitioned into
the biochar fraction. The reaction of oxide bases in soil
environments does not release CO2 . Based on stoichiometry and assuming typical N fertilizer application rates for
corn production and that anhydrous ammonia is used as
the source of N fertilizer, the lime credit for the biochar
produced from stover harvested from one acre of land
would only neutralize about 20% of the acid generated
during nitrification of the anhydrous ammonia applied
per acre of land. Thus it does not appear that biochar
applications will ever fully replace agricultural lime
applications. Increased fertilizer use efficiency resulting
from biochar applications would potentially decrease
fertilizer application rates.
The net impact of biomass pyrolysis with soil applications
of the biochar on greenhouse gas emissions will include all
of the direct and ancillary effects discussed earlier (Fig. 6).
A complete life-cycle analysis to quantify the net impact
of the pyrolysis platform on greenhouse gas emissions is
not possible without additional research on many of these
factors and processes.

Figure 6. Factors that will influence the net impact of a pyrolysis industry with soil biochar
applications on greenhouse gas emissions. Adapted with significant changes from a figure
presented by Rogovska et al.43.

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Potential impact of a pyrolysis industry on the

global carbon cycle
Photosynthesis and the biological decay of organic residues
are the dominant sinks and sources of atmospheric CO2
in the global C cycle. Currently the production of biochar
through incomplete combustion of biomass is a trivial
C sink, responsible for sequestering ~0.1-0.3 Gt of C per
year.57 Global implementation of a pyrolysis platform for
transforming biomass into bio-oil and biochar with the use
of biochar as a soil amendment has the potential for a large
impact on the global C cycle.23,24,54,5860
Accurate estimation of the impact of a pyrolysis industry
on the global C cycle is not possible without considering the
details discussed earlier. However, with numerous simplifying
assumptions and global estimates of biomass utilization,61 it
is possible to obtain first-order estimates of the impact under
nominally sustainable conditions. We define these conditions
as involving no further increase in the human appropriation of the annual biomass C fi xed by photosynthesis, which
currently stands at about 12% of total biomass fi xed and 20%
of that located above ground.62 The current global C cycle
(Fig. 7A) is out of balance by 4.9 Gt C year. Development of
a sustainable pyrolysis industry, in which 50% of global crop
residues and 67% of global forestry residues (felling losses)
serve as the only feedstocks and biomass plantations are
not expanded beyond their current extent, could decrease
the global imbalance by about 0.9 Gt C each year (Fig. 7B).
If forestry residues were expanded to include 67% of belowground biomass from harvested forests (stumpage), and
steps were taken to thin disease-ridden forests and otherwise
apply pyrolysis to avoid 50% of human-induced burning of
biomass, an additional 0.9 Gt C could be sequestered annually
(Fig. 7C). Carbon released by human-induced fires represents
about one-third of the total C released by fire, and perhaps
even further sustainable biomass harvesting can be done in
the worlds forests to divert biomass C from the open combustion pool and into the pyrolysis pool to yield sequestration
and bioenergy benefits while at the same time preserving
biodiversity. Estimates of the land available to receive the C
converted to biochar suggest that between 80 and 270 Gt C
could be sequestered in this fashion (depending on the depth
of incorporation), a range that brackets the current atmospheric imbalance of about 220 Gt C.60

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Humanity has limited options for bringing balance to the

global C cycle. Either we can decrease CO2 emissions from
the burning of fossil fuels or from the biological mineralization of biomass C. As shown in Fig. 7, the pyrolysis platform
simultaneously does both and thus can be a powerful tool
for climate change mitigation.
Biochar quality
Biochar is a diverse group of materials with a continuum
of properties that depend on properties of the feedstock,
the conditions under which it was pyrolyzed, and any
post-pyrolysis changes caused by aging or treatments. The
relevant properties of biochar include the chemical forms
and concentrations of C, N, and bases present in the biochar,
total porosity, pore-size distribution, and the density and
types of polar surface functional groups. Concentrations of
bases in biochar depend primarily on the mineral content of
the biomass feedstock and will determine both the agricultural lime credit and credits for nutrients such as P, K+, Ca 2+,
and Mg2+ that may be given for agricultural applications of
biochar. Soft wood biochars tend to have low ash content;
hardwood biochars have intermediate ash content; and
biochars derived from corn or wheat stover typically have
higher ash content. About half of the N in biomass is partitioned into bio-oil and half into biochar. However, much of
the N in biochar is heterocyclic N,63 which is highly stable in
soil environments and will be released very slowly from the
biochar to the soil solution. Freshly made biochar is hydrophobic and contains few polar surface functional groups;
however, on exposure to water and oxygen in soil environments, the surfaces of biochar oxidize, forming carboxyl
and other oxygen-containing functional groups, which adds
cation exchange capacity and transforms the biochar from
hydrophobic to hydrophilic material.51 High temperature
biochars tend to have greater concentrations of condensed
aromatic C, while biochar produced by lower-temperature
pyrolysis may contain remnants of biopolymers. Application
to soils of low-temperature biochars that contain substantial
amounts of bioavailable C may result in nutrient immobilization as the bioavailable C is mineralized.
During pyrolysis, the C in biopolymers is condensed into
complex aromatic structures that range in size from single
ring to large graphene sheets. Lighter aromatic molecules,

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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Review: The pyrolysis platform

D A Laird et al.

Figure 7. Assuming no other changes or ancillary effects and a 1:1 energy equivalence for bio-oil C and fossil-fuel C, the 4.9 Gt C imbalance in
the current global C cycle (A) could be improved by about 0.9 Gt C by annually diverting 50% of global crop residues and 67% of global forestry
felling losses to a pyrolysis industry without further expansion of biomass plantations (B). An additional 0.9 Gt C could be sequestered by
pyrolysis of currently unused below-ground biomass residues (primarily forestry related), and from the avoidance of 50% of human-induced fires
through diversion of thinning products and other biomass that currently is combusted in the open (C). The figure was adapted with significant
changes from figures previously presented by Lehmann et al.58 and Amonette et al.59,60.

including most single ring and smaller polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs) are distilled into the bio-oil fraction
during pyrolysis; however, some residual aromatic molecules
may remain in the biochar. Any residual PAHs will be very
strongly adsorbed to the biochar and are unlikely to leach
in soil environments. For example, biochar additions to soil
have been shown to decrease both leaching and bioavailability of 14C-phenanthrene.64 Oxidation of residual aromatic
molecules may lead to the production of phytotoxic phenolic
compounds. However, phenolic compounds are also strongly

adsorbed by biochar and are unlikely to leach or be bioavailable.65 In germination studies, Garnett et al.66 observed that
biochar adsorbed phenolic compounds in leaf-litter extracts
and enhanced seedling growth relative to controls exposed
to the leaf-litter extracts without the biochar. Pyrolysis
condition, however, will have a large influence on the
loading of residual aromatic molecules in biochar. Biochars
cooled in the presence of pyrolysis volatiles or exposed to
bio-oil after cooling will adsorb PAHs and other aromatic
molecules; and biochars with high loadings of aromatic

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molecules could become sources rather than sinks for these

molecules in soil environments.
Safety and handling of biochar
Biochar produced by fast pyrolyzers is a fine powder.
Surface applications of biochar powders to agricultural
soils will result in substantial particulate emissions. Such
particulate emissions may adversely affect the quality of life
and pose an unacceptable health risk for anyone exposed to
the dust. Biochar is a flammable solid and biochar powders
may spontaneously combust if exposed to moisture and
oxygen during storage. Large concentrations of biochar dust
in an enclosed area are potentially explosive. Engineering
solutions to resolve these problems include pelletizing
biochar or preparing biochar as a slurry with water or
liquid wastes such as swine or dairy manure. However,
both of these options may increase the cost of handling and
applying biochar to agricultural soils. Biochar will need to
be incorporated into agricultural soils either during waste
application (slurry injection) or immediately after a surface
application. Tillage operations to incorporate biochar may
not be compatible with no-tillage management systems,
although in many systems a one-time application of biochar
may be all that is envisioned.
Harvesting, storage and transport of biomass and soil
applications of biochar will place additional labor demands
on farmers and land managers. Harvest is often a period of
critical labor shortage in modern production agriculture.
For the pyrolysis industry, crop residues can be harvested
after grain has been harvested thereby spreading out the
peak demand for labor. On many farms, corn and wheat
stover could be harvested with existing, large, round or
square balers, which will minimize the need for farmers to
purchase expensive new equipment. Biomass for pyrolysis
can be stored on-farm with just-in-time delivery to the
local pyrolyzer, thus avoiding problems associated with the
storage of large concentrations of biomass in one location.
Crop yield response to biochar applications
Several studies have reported substantial crop-yield
increases in response to soil biochar applications.21,6771
Most of these studies, however, were conducted in the
Tropics using biochar produced in local earthen or steel

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Review: The pyrolysis platform

kilns and applied to soils with low organic-matter content.

Based on greenhouse pot studies, Deenik et al.72 recently
reported reduced plant growth for soils amended with
biochars having high levels of volatile matter. Volatile
matter is typically high for low-temperature biochars and
the amount of volatile matter may be correlated with levels
of bioavailable C (hence the potential for nutrient immobilization). At the small plot scale, Gaskin et al.73 observed
no yield or biomass response to 11.2 Mg ha-1 and 22.4 Mg
ha-1 pine chip and peanut hull biochar + fertilizer applications on a Tifton loamy sand (fine loamy, koalinitic, thermic,
plinthic Kandiudults) in the southeastern United States;
without fertilizer a small stover but no grain yield response
was observed for the peanut hull biochar applications. The
biochars used in this study were produced by relatively
low-temperature (400C) slow pyrolysis with steam. Field
trials are currently underway at several locations across the
USA using various sources of biochar. However, much more
research is needed to understand the interactions between
various biochars, soils, climates, and crops.
The production cost of bio-oil could be as low as $26 per
barrel in 550-ton-per-day plants, although smaller plants
would likely have higher production costs.74,75 Existing
pyrolyzers are primarily exploiting niche markets for highvalue coproducts of pyrolysis. The current bulk commodity
market for bio-oil is as a replacement for No. 2 fuel oil in
industrial boilers. Bio-oil could also be used by utilities as
a replacement for coal, but at current prices bio-oil is not
economically competitive with coal. Industrial-scale technology for transforming bio-oil into higher-value transportation fuels is an attractive possibility but is not ready for
The primary market for biochar at this time is as a replacement for bulk coal. These existing markets are highly
competitive and offer very thin margins for the emerging
pyrolysis industry. The key advantage for the pyrolysis platform is that bio-oil and biochar are intrinsically greenhousegas-neutral energy products, and any bio-oil cogenerated
with biochar that is used as a soil amendment is a greenhouse-gas-negative energy product. Carbon credits assigned
for soil biochar applications are potentially high-value as the

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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Review: The pyrolysis platform

weight of each truckload of biochar leaving the pyrolyzer

would be known and the half-life of the biochar C is in excess
of 100 years. No direct mechanism currently exists for evaluating the ancillary agronomic and environmental benefits
from soil biochar applications. Indirectly, soil biochar applications will accrue value through increased crop yields,
reduced fertilizer costs, and/or increased land values. But
these indirect benefits are probably not enough to promote
widespread use of biochar as a soil amendment. Ultimately
the development of a pyrolysis industry will depend heavily
on government policy. If a cap-and-trade or similar policy is
codified and adds significant value for systems that reduce
net greenhouse gas emissions, then the pyrolysis platform
will be highly competitive.

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Future 5:1223 (1985).
71. Yamato M, Okimori Y, Wibowo IF, Anshiori S and Ogawa M, Effects of
the application of charred bark of Acacia mangium on the yield of maize,


placement of biochar within fields and across

landscapes to maximize agricultural/forestry productivity response to biochar applications.
Research in genetics and plant breeding is needed to
develop new, high-yielding hybrids of cereal crops and
dedicated biomass crops that optimize the quality and
maximize the quantity of biomass for a pyrolysis industry.
Research is needed to develop approaches for the strategic placement of biochar within watersheds to intercept nutrient or contaminant plumes before they enter
surface or ground-water reservoirs.
Research is needed to understand and quantify the
stability of biochar C and the influence of soil biochar
C additions on the cycling of C and plant nutrients
through biomass, residues and soil organic matter.
Research is needed to understand and quantify interactions between biochar, the N cycle and emissions of N2O.

cowpea and peanut, and soil chemical properties in South Sumatra,

Indonesia. Soil Sci Plant Nutr 52:489495 (2006).
72. Deenik JL, Uehara G, Sumiyoshi Y, Sidibe A, McClellan A and Antal M,
Charcoal Volatile Matter content and its effects on plant growth and
biological properties of an infertile tropical soil. Program and Abstracts,
2008 Joint Annual Meeting of GSA, ASA-CSSA-SSSA and GCAGS.
Abstract # 665-5 (2008).
73. Gaskin J, Speir RA, Harris KR, Lee RD, Morris L and Das KC, Effect of
two types of pyrolysis chars on corn yield, soil nutrient status, and soil
C in loamy sand soil of the Southeastern United States. Program and
Abstracts for 2007 Annual Meetings ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Abstract # 243-8
74. Ringer M, Putsche V and Scahill J, Large-scale pyrolysis oil production: a
technology assessment and economic analysis, NREL Report NREL/TP510-37779 November (2006).
75. Wright M and Brown RC, Establishing the optimal sizes of different kinds
of biorefineries, Biofuels Bioproces Bioref 1:191200 (2007).

Biochar agricultural and forestry research priorities:
1) Research is needed to quantify the relationships
between properties of biochar and its impact on soil
quality and agricultural/forest productivity.
2) Research is needed to develop sustainable agricultural
systems that integrate soil biochar amendments with
cropping/agroforestry systems to more effectively

Biochar engineering research priorities:

1) Research is needed to correlate biochar agronomic and
carbon sequestration performance with the physical
and chemical properties of biochar.
2) Research is needed to understand how pyrolysis conditions influence the development of desirable biochar
3) Research is needed to understand the fate and role of
inorganic nutrients during pyrolysis of biomass.
4) New pyrolyzers need to be developed that simultaneous
produce high-quality energy products and high-quality
biochar with low energy inputs and low air pollution
5) Fast and slow pyrolyzers ranging in scale from 1 ton
per day to 200 tons per day need to be constructed to
produce large quantities of well-characterized biochar
for field trials.
6) Processes need to be developed that upgrade bio-oil
into transportation fuels or other value-added
7) Engineering solutions are needed to prevent the dust
and fire hazards associated with the storage and

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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D A Laird et al.

Review: The pyrolysis platform

handling of biochar and to develop effective means of

incorporating biochar into agricultural soils.
Economics and policy research priorities:
1) Research is needed to evaluate the impact of various
government policy scenarios on the economic viability
of a pyrolysis industry and soil biochar applications.
2) Economic analysis is needed to identify the optimum
scale and processing technology for pyrolysis plants
considering labor, capital, infrastructure, the distribution and nature of biomass feedstocks, and social and
environmental impacts.
3) Complete life-cycle assessments are needed to quantify
the net energy efficiency and greenhouse gas impacts of
a pyrolysis industry with soil applications of biochar.
4) The impact of a pyrolysis industry on energy security,
food security, global climate change, soil and water
quality, and rural economies needs to be quantified.

David A. Laird
Dr. Laird is soil scientist with the USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Tilth
Laboratory in Ames Iowa. Dr. Lairds research
is focused on the impact of biochar amendments on soil quality, agricultural productivity
and carbon sequestration. He received his
Ph.D. in Agronomy from Iowa State University.

BBB169.indd 562

Robert C. Brown
Dr. Brown is Anson Marston Distinguished
Professor of Engineering and Gary and Donna
Hoover Chair in Mechanical Engineering at
Iowa State University (ISU). Dr. Browns research focuses on thermochemical processing of biomass into energy, fuels, and chemicals. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering from Michigan State University.

James E. Amonette
Dr Amonette is a Senior Research Scientist
at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. A soil chemist, his
current research interests include terrestrial
and geological storage of carbon and abiotic
degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons. He
received the MS degree in 1983 and the PhD
degree in 1988 from Iowa State University.

Johannes Lehmann
Dr. Lehmann is an associate professor of soil
biogeochemistry and soil fertility management at Cornell University. He has focused
on the investigation of the biogeochemistry of
carbon and nutrients in soil, sustainable soil
management, and the development of biochar and bioenergy systems. He received his
MS and PhD from the University of Bayreuth,
Germany, in 1993 and 1997, and joined Cornell University in 2001.

Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 3:547562 (2009); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

8/9/09 2:56:17 PM

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