Lab Report Crystallization

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1 Dec 2015
Name: Ramon Sampatasatien
Sasipa Chunharungroj
Pipatsorn Cheewachatchawan
Nannipat Sukprasert
Apiwat Puttansri
Nanapas Viriyaroj

For the crystallization experiment, we use this experiment to purify solid compound. We
add 1.3 gram of iodine and 12 ml. of 95% ethanol into the beaker that contain 0.5 gram of
tetramethylammonium. After we heat it up and cool it down, the crystals will start to form. And,
we will get the crystals.


To synthesize tetramethylammonium pentaiodide

To learn about crystalization and its process.
To learn about filtration.
To learn to calculate number of moles in the compound.

Crystallization is a technique used to separate a solid that have dissolved in liquid and made
a solution. Crystals form when atoms fit together in a solid. Impurities are excluded from the growing
crystals and the pure solid crystals can be separated from the dissolved impurities by Filtration, a
technique used either to remove solid impurities from an organic solution or to isolate an organic solid.
We do this experiment to synthesize tetramethylammonium pentaiodide by using iodine and
ethanol. The iodine and ethanol will react with tetramethylammonium iodide and form crystals.
Then the vacum filtration is used to collect the crystals.


0.5 g. of tetramethylammonium iodine

iodine 1.3 g.
12 mL of 95% ethanol
50 mL beaker
a hot plate
vacuum filtration
capped vial

1. Add to a 50 mL beaker tetramethylammonium iodide (0.5 g). Use a stirring rod to
break up clumps of Me4N+I-.
2. Add iodine (1.3 g) and 95% ethanol (12 mL).

3. In a fumehood, gently heat the beaker, with stirring, on a hot-plate for about 10
minutes until tetramethylammonium iodide has dissolved.
4. Heat at a low temperature to prevent premature crystallization.
5. Remove from the heat and allow the beaker to cool undisturbed. (Agitating the
solution can cause smaller crystals to from which are more difficult to isolate and tend to
occlude impurities)
6. The crystals should form during this time.
7. Once at room temperature, further cooling can be achieved by placing the beaker
in an ice bath for about 10 minutes. Only put the solution on ice if necessary. During this
time, set up the apparatus for suction filtration.
8. Using vacuum filtration, collect the crystals and wash them with hexanes (5 mL
portions until filtrate dropping from funnel is colorless, max. 5 washings).
9. Air-dry the product with weigh.
10. Hand in a sample, in a capped vial, labelled with your name, the name of the
compound and the date to the lab instructor.

Substance 1

substance 2


(CH3)4N+I- (0.5 g)

2I2 (1.3 g)

(CH3)4N+I5- (1.62 g)

Tetramethylammonium iodide ,a translucent substance, mixed up with iodine, a black solid

and easy to crack substance, and 95% ethanol, which acts as a solvent. After added up these two
substance, we have to stir it on a hot plate until it becomes betadine-like color solution. Then, we
cool it down. This is when the crystal starts to form. This process is called crystalization. The
crystal is little flakes floating on the surface of a solution. After that, we washed out iodine from
the crystal by using hexane. The iodine that is washed out from the crystal is pink. What left after
the filtration is the black and glitter crystal.

Discussion Question
1. Calculate number of mole of each compound

+ I
= 0.00248 mol
C H 3 4 N

2 I 2 = 0.00256 mol

+ I 5
= 0.0023 mol
C H 3 4 N

2. Calculate percent yield

91.53 %
3. Why do we use vacuum filtration not gravity filtration?
We use vacuum filtration because it helps us to seperating solid from liquid reaction or the solvent
more quickly.
4. Some people got purple crystal,while other groups got green crystals,why is that?
It is because the amount of Iodine is different.

5. Was there some purple or green in your sample if you did green or purple,
respectively? Why or why not?
Our group gets green crystal. It is quite same as we expect. However, the color is unclear. We
should add more Iodine in our experiment.

(CH3)4N+I- + 2I2 --------> (CH3)4N+I5(CH3)4N+I- <Limiting Agent>

Molecular Weight =
C H 3 4 N
4 [12.011+(3 1.008)]+14.007+ 126.90=201.047 g

+ I
C H 34 N

+ I =0.00248 mol
C H 34 N
201.05 g
Number of Mole =
C H 34 N
1 mole

+ I
C H 34 N
0.5 g

+ I 5
C H 3 4 N
+ I 5 =1.77 g
C H 3 4 N
1 mol
I 5

C H 3 4 N
708.65 g
Reagent =
+ I
C H 3 4 N
1 mol
+ 5

C H 3 4 N
1 mol

C H 3 4 N
0.0025 mol
Molecular Weight =
Number of Mole =

2(2 126.90)=507.6 g 2 I 2
1.3 g 2 I 2

+ I 5
C H 3 4 N
+ I 5=1.84 g
C H 3 4 N
1 mol
I 5

Reagent =
C H 3 4 N
708.65 g
I 5

1 mol 2 I 2
C H 3 4 N
1 mol
0.0026 mol 2 I 2

1 mol 2 I 2
=0.00256 mol 2 I 2
507.6 g 2 I 2

+ I 5
Molecular Weight =
Number of Mole
C H 3 4 N
4 [12.011+(3 1.008)]+14.007+(5 126.90)=708.65 g

+ I 5
C H 3 4 N
+ I 5 =0.0023 mol
C H 3 4 N
708.65 g

+ 5

C H 3 4 N
1 mol

+ I 5
C H 3 4 N
1.62 g
Percent yield

+ I

Percent yield =

C H 3 4 N
1.77 g
I 5
C H 3 4 N
1.62 g

Etter, M. (n.d.). Crystallization. Retrieved January 6, 2016, from

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