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Design and Implementation of Partial Mesh

Community Wireless Network in Himalayan Region

Dambar Raj Paudel, Kazuhiko Sato

Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Muroran Institute of Technology
Muroran-shi, Hokkaido, Japan

Abstract-Infrastructure-based CWN (Community Wireless

Networks) are emerging as an affordable, robust, flexible, scalable
and spreading technology in difficult terrain land distribution
focusing in low income regions and communities having less or
no density of wired networks. This paper studies how wireless
broadband networks fill the void of network services in rural
area. In order to address the proper implementation mechanism,
we have deployed a CWN in the rural village of Kaski District
of Nepal providing the community with Internet and related
services as extra contribution. This research provides researchers
a real-world test-bed for exploring the technical and social
issues entailed in deploying CWNs in the heart of a small
community of Himalayan region in Nepal. The model is used to
analyze the tangible and intangible contribution of community
and contributors that support the establishment of community
networks. Also the result from the research is used to measure
the problem in network design, sustainable network management
and proper utilization.

Index Terms-Community Wireless Network, Sustainable Rural Networks, Partial Mesh Network

There is a large discrepancy in the availability and costs of

high-speed Internet in deprived Himalayan rural areas. The
connectivity gap in that area will continue to grow unless
the importance of affordable service is examined and concrete
solutions are introduced into those areas [2]. Until date, one
of the solutions examined is the use of wireless Internet
connections in areas where the infrastructure for Internet
availability is not deployed. Providing a broadband connection
via a land-based line is not affordable to most people who live
in rural areas, thus the choice to receive broadband service is
often not available [1].
In contrast to rural areas, many urban communities are
provided with autonomous wired and wireless infrastructures
using their own resources to join in the information digital
society [6]. The growth of urban digital networks is growing
in order to share and take advantage of network services.
These networks are built by the community as an outgrowth
of private WLANs, for community. We argue that CWNs
could serve as a third solution in addition to the private and
public solutions for achieving digital inclusion [1]. In order to
successfully introduce CWN in the rural areas, the concept of
community-based CWN and its potential to become a driver
of rural networks sustainability in the context of Himalayan
978-1-4673-2590-5/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE

Bishnu Prasad Gautam, Dibesh Shrestha

Department of Integrated Media and Technology

Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University
Wakkanai-shi, Hokkaido, Japan

Networks in Nepal is a best alternative. However, we cannot

solely introduce this concept without the collective support
from the local communities [7].
Most of the previous researches [2] were focused on relatively approachable regions of network and deal with optimizing network performance through intelligent routing and
scheduling, borrowing solutions by interconnecting network
node. However, there are very limited researches especially in
the case of high land altitude such as Himalayan region of
Nepal. Although this research was occurred in comparatively
low and hilly areas ranging from 700 m to 1800 m of altitude,
our experience acquired from this research can be incorporated
to higher altitude of alike Himalayan region. With wireless
technology, small towns, deprived isolated village and their
residents would be able to enjoy many more opportunities in
the areas of learning and economic enhancement. Through a
wireless network, high-speed Internet may be able to reduce
the difference between the opportunities for those in rural
areas as compared to the opportunities for those in urban areas
providing affordable communication services.

Having geographical diversity from high altitude to low

land terrain structure as well as the wide-spread community
structure of Himalayan region, the implementation of network infrastructure and developing Internet enabled services
are regarded as challenging task. Such kind of geographical
complexities are contributing to lag behind the society in many
areas, especially economic and technological aspects.
The digital gaps between rural and urban areas in deprived
under developing countries have been examined before, but
not within the context of new technology, particularly the
Internet. As the Internet becomes a ubiquitous part of our
society, it is important to examine the impact that it has on
the communities where the technology mayor may not be
available [5]. With the development and implementation of
wireless Internet in recent years, rural areas have solutions and
options as to how they can get the same Internet connection
as those in many urban areas can. Although there are several
ways in which high-speed Internet can be dispersed, such as
cable and ADSL/DSL, these other types of technology are
costly for rural areas to receive, because of the cost of building

the infrastructure that is needed to obtain and maintain a

connection. Wireless, although a relatively new technology has
the possibility of allowing a rural area to be connected to the
Internet via a high-speed connection, and to spare many of
the costly and time consuming aspects of the more traditional
types of Internet connections [15]. The study of the Internet
and its effects on society continues to be researched, although
not in great depths by academics, because it is still too new
to have any concrete, long-term effects on a given society.
The experimental data reported in this paper are the results
of measurements we have taken on an 8-nodes wireless testbed. In this section we provide network environment and major
hardware used for the initial network design are discussed.

A. Architecture of Network
The architecture of this network intends to provide a partial
meshed, non-hierarchical network topology based on commodity infrastructure and technology. The Fig. 1 depicts the
network architecture of the community wireless network.
The design is comprised of three network areas (here we
categorize area as layer), each area is using a different connection settings. The test-bed network consists of the Network
Management and Operations Center known as backhaul for the
network [4] [8], which is located in the fairly accessible area,
a number of repeater radios locations with collocated poles or
towers fall under bridging layer while client nodes and user
PCs are categorized under third layer.

A. Environment
Our test-bed is located on a mountainous region of Nepal,
with the wireless clients placed in roof of house, community
office and school building. We have kept our network firewall
and network server near to the ISP. In contrast our wireless
AP is managed in fairy visible LOS area; our wireless radios
have 12dBi dual-polarized antennas which are the key feature
to build long distance network connection.
The node density in the hillside is consciously kept high
enough to enable a wide variety of multi-hop path choices for
extension of network in nearby community. 4 of the nodes
are used for repeating and transmitting signal while 2 of them
are used in 2 different schools and 2 are used in community
offices. There are 2 assembled computers in school while
one each computer is running in community office nodes. To
manage each node remotely, inbuilt firmware can be accessed
from any location once they are connected with the network.

B. Hardware
At the moment, the test-bed consist of a server side wireless
AP and other hardware devices used for backhaul. It consists
of an integrated network firewall, server for monitoring and
management, router, transmitter and antenna. Other components used in each node has one 2.4GHz High Power Wireless
Outdoor CPE TL-WA5210G and Ubiquiti Networks Nano
Station. Instead of configuring ad-hoc mode and fixing the
frequency band and channel number, we used the default configuration for the radios
as default configuration available
in radios are enough to carry out our network requirements.
In particular, these radios all perform auto-rate selection and
have RTS/CTS (Request to Send / Clear to Send) disabled.
We have focused in different aspects while deploying the
network such as architecture of network, monitoring power
supply and software used. Each has been designed to specifically address our goals of increasing component robustness,
enabling fault diagnosis, and supporting fault prediction.

Fig. 1. Network Architecture

B. Partial Mesh
Recently, we witness that there are plenty of WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks), in which communications are performed
between multi-hop fixed nodes and wireless nodes. However
due to the constraint of LOS sites it is very difficult to set
up full mesh networks in the hilly areas [13]. Nonetheless,
it is suggested to set up few nodes which are connected to
other nodes thereby establishing partial mesh networks. Full
mesh is very expensive to implement, however it can provides
redundant route in the network such that whenever one of
those node fails, Network traffic can be directed to any of the
other nodes. Full mesh network should be implemented for
back bone networks. Considering our tangible constraint we
have decided to build partial mesh in our purposed network
topology which is shown in Fig. 1. The big advantage of mesh
network is the ability to transmit data via repeater nodes to
the final destination. In partial networks however these repeater
nodes are less in numbers, it allows the majority of the network
to be up and running even if there are multiple link cuts or
equipment failures [11].



In order to know the status of network parameters involved,

system management require some level of monitoring. Pushbased monitoring mechanism has been applied. Continuous
monitoring of wireless link parameters helped us narrow the

scope of the problems in many cases [13]. Nagios 1 is used as

a standard monitoring tool and we were able to monitor the
network from the lab ofWakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University,
Japan [2]. Nagios provides the centrally managed graphical
tool for monitoring the networks thereby enabling the entire
overview of network and its health. Without a tool having such
capacity, it is very difficult to find out the network problem
before happening tremendous damage to the CWN [3].

Each CWN location must be accessed by large nos. of

under privileged communities.
Each CWN site must have AC grid electricity available
to the building.
The local School, Community Organization and/or community members must be willing and able to provide
basic needs like furniture, improved wiring, and any
needed security enhancements to the CWN facility.

D. Power Supply

A. Related Works

Power quality and availability has been our biggest concern.

CWN systems must utilize the low power while operating
over a wide range of operating scenarios. These include power
aware communication components, low-energy signaling and
networking, system partitioning considering computation and
communication trade-offs, and a power aware software infrastructure [11]. The initial network test-bed is working without
power backup system. Due to this, different problems like
hardware failure and low voltage disconnects still persist.
To improve the network quality power management is an
important issue. The recurring costs can be quite high [2] by
using UPS, therefore we recommend solar panels though it is
still expensive.

During our field visit, we took survey in number of locations

that are providing network services in schools and communities. Community based e-learning center operated by Logged
On Foundation is one of the successful model running in
Astham of Kaski District. Similarly, CWN operated by Nepal
Wireless is one of the successful projects that we found during
our field visit.


The overall goal of survey is to provide the information

needed to design an integrated ICT solution for rural community in order to meet the overall objectives [16]. Once
deployed, these new integrated ICT systems and networks
will offer various Internets enabled services and e-learning
During field visit we have decided to limit set of survey
areas. Continuing in same survey territory, two community settlements were chosen for data collection. Simpani of Pokhara
city is the source of Internet connectivity and host site. It
is also the site for Internet firewall, Network monitoring,
Network intrusion detection and voice traffic server for the
entire CWN.
In order to find the most feasible locations for the CWN
installations, few LOS feasible locations were visited; Astham
and Sarangkot locations were taken as important access point
location that might be needed for relay nodes during installation phase.
An important goal for the CWN is to demonstrate the feasibility of using low-cost Wi-Fi based devices to link locations
that are from 1 KIn to 15 KIn apart, a basic pre-survey
guideline for the pilot installation and successive network
extension has been set, as therefore:
The CWN installation locations must be visible that have
LOS from other pilot locations.
Each CWN location must be available having food and
hotel or homestay facility during installation period.
Each CWN location must be relatively accessible by at
least foot trail.
INagios - Open Source Industry Standard in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

B. Findings

In order to analyze various parameters like signal strength,

power availability, we have discovered 15 locations as per
the recommendations of CWN for the possible deployment,
and captured GPS coordinates, took pictures, and checked
electrical wiring and supply conditions. Two sites were quickly
chosen for relay sites, as there were Electricity facility at
Dhital-Deurali and Kaskikot Hill.
After visiting the entire site and conducting the survey
followed by a preliminary network analysis we found that
some potential CWN sites did not have Line-of-Sight (LOS)
to other CWN location or relay locations, and were therefore
unfeasible for CWN installations. Subsequently, we focused on
a number of locations in two villages i.e. Dhital and Kaskikot.
Using the GPS coordinates of the various feasible locations,
signal strength maps were created with a specialized software
program for radio network design and analysis. Using these
coordinates we adjusted various radio and antenna parameters
as shown in Fig. 2 to find the optimum network design solution
to efficiently connect all CWN sites.
Some locations were much more difficult for us to reach
during the survey, and, as the CWN project is on a tight budget
and time scale, we decided to limit the range of the network
to a relatively narrow area approximately 15 KIn X 8 KIn in
size. The other, more distant sites can be reached in future as
part of a larger CWN expansion program, as the relay points
at Deurali-Dhital and Kaskikot will give LOS to many other
hill or ridge locations. In addition, it is important to note that
any link location can be used as a relay to other locations, as
long as there is LOS between the locations. The more sites
that are connected in an area, the easier it becomes to reach
new locations.


LOS Analysis

The network analysis as shown in Fig.

was created by using Radio Frequency
Radio Mobile. It also accesses satellite
NASA in USA to create maps at 100m

2 was used which

Planning software
data provided by
resolution for any

land surface on Earth. Overlaid on these maps are symbols

representing the individual locations where radios are to be
installed. Also overlaid are arrows showing the LOS between
radios. A green-colored line indicates a link between radios
that is feasible and will sustain a high data rate. A Red line
indicates a link that is completely unfeasible, typically because
there is an obstruction such as a high hill or heavy forest
between the two nodes comprising the link.


Test Parameters
Link Distance (Km)
WLAN B/W Clear Day (Mbps)
WLAN B/W Rainy Day (Mbps)
Internet B/W (Kbps)
Number of Users
Network Usage (Hours)




E. Site Selection and Primarily Analysis

Fig. 2.

Network Planning and Link Analysis

D. Analysis of Fresnel Zone

Radio waves can generally travel in a straight line from

the transmitter to the receiver [16]. However if there are
obstacles near the path, the radio waves reflecting off those
objects may arrive out of phase with the signals that travel
directly and reduce the power of the received signal. On
the other hand, the reflection can enhance the power of the
received signal if the reflection and the direct signals arrive in
phase. Sometimes this results in the counterintuitive finding
that reducing the height of an antenna increases the signal-tonoise ratio [9]. During our survey period various disturbing
objects in between transmitter and receiver were found. Such
objects include forest, buildings and small hill. If a significant
portion of the Fresnel zone is obstructed the signal-strength at
the receiving antenna can be greatly attenuated. Fig. 3 shows
the Fresnel which is partially blocked on the link though the
visual line of the sight appears clear. Generally, small Fresnel
zone obstructions are minimized by increasing the height of
the antenna.

Fig. 3.

Fresnel Zone Analysis

Using the above criteria, we concluded that 2 sites, plus 6

radio stations, could all be linked readily, creating a backbone
for future expansion. Individual links were then simulated
between the various radio nodes at these sites, and a list of
appropriate access point radio and antenna combinations was
created. To make more organized mesh network, the more
routers and gateways are installed the more interruption less
mesh network can be gained. In mesh network topology when
one node can no longer operate, the rest of the nodes can still
communicate with each other, directly or through one or more
intermediate nodes. Table I shows the major CWN locations
with different results. All the unfeasible sites are intentionally
omitted and only readily feasible sites are indicated in order
to make the table more readable.
F Network Traffic Measurement, Analysis and Observations

In this section we present our measurement of network

traffic, its analysis of the usage patterns from cache record
taken from CWN server. We conclude that the best way
to acquire a better and more detailed understanding of the
CWN quality of network is to measure real Internet traffic
including inbound and outbound traffic, preferably on highly
aggregated links. Unfortunately, measuring Internet traffic in
real time from remote place is not a simple task and involves
a number of challenging tasks. However, once the technical
and complications of remote data acquisition and Internet
data measurement are overcome, the results will assist in the
improvement of CWN network design, maintenance provisioning, infrastructure, network performance and accounting in our
future research. The graph in Fig. 4a shows 24 hours input and
output traffic requests. It follows a typical day pattern but the
off-peak period is very short due to users staying up late or
waking up early to make full use of the bandwidth.
Fig. 4b shows the results of protocol classification. TCP traffic accounts maximum of total traffic. Web traffic accounts for
55.92% when standard HTTP and secure HTTP are combined
and is noticeably the dominant protocol. The large portion
of ssh traffic was due to our remote connections and traffic
downloads. As most of the traffic is Web based, analyzing the
sites that are visited as well as the traffic types provides useful
insights into user behavior. Fig. 4c classifies web traffic into
the top 13 website domains. The most surprising pattern that
emerges is the dominance of Facebook making up to 16.01%
of the total requests. Other most visited sites were Google,
Wikipedia, Youtube and Skype (49.24% combined) and are

Fig. 4.

Usage analysis over 24 hours (a) Plot of total web traffic; (b) Traffic classification by protocol; (c) Web traffic classification by domain visited

clearly next dominant site category. Analyzing this pattern it

is found that users are more engaged in social sites as well as
browsing news and other academic information.
Commonly CWN start with a narrow focus, trying to solve
a few problems for a relatively small set of users [12].
Support from various organizations, few government grants
often provide the capital to build such networks, these network
run away as soon as funding stop working. As a result, such
network projects have difficulty keeping up with changing requirements and technology without accessing local community
resources. Sustainable community wireless networks require
broadly focused long term strategies that expand the original
stakeholder group and maintain community-wide interest [7].
In Fig. 5 we proposed a framework that encompasses the
collective actions achieved in the domain of CWNs and their
relationship with social capital. It shows that the norms, social
networks, and embedded resources in communities fuel voluntary work, donations (cash or hardware) and node-sharing
in order to build and operate the network [13]. Although
community contributions take many forms, each of these forms
has two characteristics in common:
Individuals acting in isolation cannot achieve these common actions; instead, they create new associations that
contribute for the community cause or public good.
Such social structures produce or reproduce technical
skills, spare time, used hardware and other resources to
build the network.
Therefore, we argue that the contributions of communities,
volunteers and contributors to the development of these networks are important parts to make a sustainable open infrastructure and public wireless networks.
A. Cooperative Action Model

Linking CWNs cooperative actions model to social capital

dimension is a best method to make the network to run for
long time. Developing self-governing CWNs depends on the
involvement of community contributions that may include
tangible and intangible contribution such as time, money,
efforts, expertise and computer resources [7].

Fig. 5.

Contributors and Supporters

B. Ownership and Governance

In order to successfully operate a co-operative and sustainable model, a CWN should technically be owned and operated
by the members (Subscribers, not free account users) of local
communities. However, in practice CWN are predominantly
run by temporary volunteering actions that are lacking long
term vision, management and sustainable approach.
C. Business Model

A CWN based business model is a framework in order to

provide economic, social and other forms of opportunities for
local communities like e-learning and telemedicine facilities
[14]. It is a method of doing business by which CWN can sustain itself generating revenue locally. CWN's business model
is based around the standard monthly subscription practice
that most ISPs rely on [10]. Every month subscribers pay
an affordable monthly fee. Unless such kind of CWN based
business model is not incorporated, long-term sustainability
may not be feasible.
We found that deployment of a strong, secure and scalable
CWN requires thoughtful planning. From the experience of
installing and operation of CWN we found that there are
different works to be done in prior as well as during operation
period. Some of the ad-hoc based network setups in such
areas and our experience suggests that conducting a proper
site survey required during initial phase. After site survey
topological analysis is required to know the area and feasibility
for successfully launching the project. Various analysis tools,
maps and GPS data are required for designing accurate project.

In this research we are coming up with the following lesson

that can be applied for the future works.
Site survey must be carried out using reliable and appropriate equipment and software systems with relevant
A reliable and manageable network model should deploy
in order to achieve community support.
Wireless Radios and network devices should be monitored in order to protect from physical and natural
Remote management and training program should be
launched in order to educate local operators and CWN


The CWN that we implemented has limited hardware device

with a performance of 11 Mbps. We have number of tasks
for future works. Firstly, during harsh weather condition we
are not able to maintain this performance. Furthermore, when
all users are connected at a time the shared internet bandwidth
of 256 Kbps is not enough to provide regular services. There
is a requirement of introducing further hardware equipment in
order to improve the network quality.
Secondly, there is no sufficient quality required for consistent voice and video communication within the network.
Furthermore, research on antenna alignment supported with
strong and tall towers is to be installed. These towers should
be equipped with lightning and thunder free technology as
current test-bed is not equipped with such features due to lack
of budget. Additional antennas and signal boosters should be
installed as per the number of users.
Thirdly, design of education Network, collaborating rural
educational institutions, implementation of e-learning services
and implementation of rural cloud services based on Jyaguchi
cloud technology is remained as important future work.


In this paper we have tailored a long distance affordable

Community Wireless Networks that can be deployed using
low-cost technologies in Himalayan region. Long distance
wireless links are more practical and cost effective alternative
for providing internet connectivity in developing countries.
Furthermore, we have purposed more sustainable model to run
the project for a long run. We have tested modest technologies
to align antennas using off-the-shelf and open-source software
and tools that cost a fraction of commercially available equipment. CWN that we implemented for Dhital-Kaskikot is
intended to provide a "real-world" test-bed supported with
low-cost wireless networking at long range. We agree that
communities in rural areas of Nepal are relatively deprived
of socio-economic and political advantages. However, CWN
can play a crucial role to enhance the living standard of rural
communities thereby providing pool of information required
for livelihoods of those communities.
In this study, we have described our experiences and lesson
learned which can be incorporated in future works. Further,

our model introduces a holistic view on the Dhital-Kaskikot

networks of Nepal. We recommend that more research is
needed to add the extra-quality in our implemented networks.
Further studies and research works will obviously initiate
the inter-research-relationship between Muroran Institute of
Technology, Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University and the
various institutions in Nepal that can work on the common
research platform for the sake of local communities.

This work was supported in terms of financial, technical and

other means of sources by Muroran Institute of Technology
(MIT) and Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University.
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