Procedure For Design of Flat Belts

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Unit 1

Over view Design of Transmission System

Procedure for Design of Flat Belts

1. Calculation of Velocity ratio(i) and finding the diameters of the pulleys.
Where N1 = Speed of driving wheel
i = N1 / N2 = D /d
N2 = Speed of driven wheel
D= diameter of larger pulley
d = diameter of smaller pulley
2. Finding the velocity of the Belt (v)
Formula :

V= dN1 /60


3. Determination of Various Factors.

Load Correction factor - Ks (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.53 )
Correction Factor for arc of contact - K (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.54 )
Smaller pulley factor -kd ( Refer the following table)

Small pulley diameters

Small pulley factor ( kd)


Upto 100 mm
Over 750mm


4. Calculation of Corrected Load based on correction factor (Design Power)

Design Power = ( Rated power (kW) x Ks )/ ( K x kd)
5. Selection of Belt and corrected belt rating(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.54)
6. Determination of belt width(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.52 )
Width of belt = Design power / (load rating x no. of plies)
7. Calculation of Belt Length (L)(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.53 )
8. Calculation of pulley width.(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.54 )

Procedure for Designing a V-Belt

1. Select the section of belt depending on the power to be transmitted(refer PSG data book
2. Select small pulley diameter from table and also determine the larger pulley diameter and
standardize the value(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.54)
3. Select center distance C ,if not given. From table.(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.61)
4. Determine nominal pitch length of the belt using equation (length of belt )
(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.58,7.59,7.60)
5. Selection of various modification factors:
Prepared byMr.M.Subramanian ASP, & Mr. B.Charles, AP, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adithya Institute of Technology

Unit 1
Over view Design of Transmission System
Length correction factors (Fc) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.58-7.60)
Correction factor for arc of contact ( Fd) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.68)
Service Factor (Fa) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.69)
6. Calculation of maximum power capacity(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.62)
7. Determination of no. of belts(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.70)
8. Calculation of actual center distance(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.61)

Procedure for Designing a Wire Rope

1. Select a suitable type of rope based on the given application. (refer PSG data bookP.NO.
2. Find the design load by assuming a factor of safety 2 to 2.5 times the factor of safety given
in table(refer PSG data book P.NO. 9.1)
Design Load = { load to be lifted } x { Assumed Factor of safety}
3. Find the diameter of wire rope (d) by equating the tensile strength of the rope selected to
the design load.(refer PSG data book P.NO. 9.5 & 9.6)
4. Calculation of Sheave diameter (D) (refer PSG data book P.NO. 9.1)

5. Selection of the area of useful cross-section of the rope (A)

Type of construction

Metallic area of rope (A)


6x 7

0.38 d2

6x 19

0.4 d2


0.4 d2

6. Selection of weight of rope (Wr) (refer PSG data book P.NO. 9.5 & 9.6)
7. Calculation of wire diameter (dw)
dw = d / [ 1.5

where d = wire rope diameter

i = no .of wires

= no. of strands x no. of wires in

each strand
8. Calculation of various loads:
Direct Load Wd= W + Wr
Bending Load Wb= { Er x dw } x A / D
where Er = 0.84 x 105N /mm2
Acceleration load Wa= (W + Wr) x a /g
where a = ( v2 v1 ) / t
v2 = final velocity
v1= initial velocity
t =time
Starting load (Wst)
Prepared byMr.M.Subramanian ASP, & Mr. B.Charles, AP, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adithya Institute of Technology

Unit 1
Over view Design of Transmission System
a. if there is no slack in the rope
Starting load = 2 x Wd
b. When there is slack in the rope
Starting load = (W+Wr ) [ 1+

2. a. h . Er
1+()/ . l . g

a acceleration ; h Slack during starting and l =length of the

= Wd/ A
9. Calculation of Effective loads:

Effective load on the rope during normal working Wen = Wd+ Wb

Effective load on the rope during acceleration of the load Wea = Wd+ Wb+ Wa
Effective load on the rope during starting Wst= Wb+ Wst

10. Calculation of Working ( or Actual ) Factor of Safety (Fsw )

Fsw = Breaking load ( table value) / Wea(refer PSG data book P.NO. 9.1)

Check for safe Design :

Fsw> recommended F.O.S (table value) (refer PSG data book P.NO.9.1)
The design is safe and satisfactory.
ifFsw< n table value the design is not safe. Now choose the rope either greater
strength (or) increase no. of ropes.

Procedure for Designing a Chain Drive

1. Calculate the transmission ratio ( i)(refer PSG data book P.NO.7.74)
i = N1 / N2 where N1 = speed of driving sprocket
N2 = speed of driven sprocket
2. Select no. of teeth on sprocket pinion from data book ( Z1) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.74)
3. calculation of no. of teeth on the driven sprocket (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.74)
Z2 = i x Z1
4. Calculate the pitch (p) a =(30 to50) p
5. Select chain no. according to the standard pitch ( p) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.71,7.72
and 7.73)
Select the chain type , chain no. and mass of the chain from table
6. Calculation of Total load on the driving side of the chain ( P) (refer PSG data book
7. Calculation of service factors(ks) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.76 ,7.77)
Prepared byMr.M.Subramanian ASP, & Mr. B.Charles, AP, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adithya Institute of Technology

Unit 1
Over view Design of Transmission System
8. Calculation of design Load
Design Load = P x ks
9. Calculation of Working factor of safety(Fsw )
Fsw = Breaking Load ( table value) / Design load
10. Check for factor of safety (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.77)
if Fsw> n - the design is safe , if not satisfactory change the chain model and proceed the
design calculation from step 5 up to satisfactory level.
11. Check for the bearing stress in the roller (refer PSG data book P.NO. 7.77 )
12. Calculation of actual length of chain (L) (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.75)
13. Calculation of exact center distance (refer PSG data book P.NO.7.75)
14. Calculation of pitch circle dimensions of sprockets (refer PSG data book P.NO. 7.78 )

Prepared byMr.M.Subramanian ASP, & Mr. B.Charles, AP, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Adithya Institute of Technology

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