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( ucsI University FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY & BUILT ENVIRONMENT FINAL EXAMINATION suden aries) “TT DL LELLLTI Student 1D (in Words) Course Code & Name : EM 201 / EV201 Fluid Mechanics Semester January ~ April 2015 Instructor/Examiner/Lecturer : Mohammed Al Gailani and Dr. Elango Duration :3 hours INSTRUCTIO? [O CANDIDATES: [ There is (6) questions set. Answer any FIVE (5) questions (Total 100 marks). ‘This question paper consists of 5 pages, excluding the Gover page. Answers to the questions are to be written in the answer booklet. Candidates are not allowed to bring into the Examination Hall textbooks, lecture notes, files or any materials except writing equipment and scientific caleulator. Electronic dictionaries are ‘This question paper must be submitted along with all used and/or unused rough papers and/or graph papers (if any). Candidates are NOT allowed to take any examination materials out of the examination hall. Warning: The University Examination Board of UCSI University regards cheating as a most serious offence and will not hesitate to mete out the appropriate punitive actions according to the severity of the offence committed, and in accordance with the clauses stipulated in the Students? Handbook, up fo and including expulsion from UCST University. lanuary - April 2013. Final Examination EM201/BV201 Fluid Mechanics Note: You may use the density of water p = 1000 kg/m”, if not provided in the question, QI Anil pump is drawing 25 kW of electric power while pumping oil with density of 860 kg/m? at a rate of 0.1 m°/s. The inlet and outlet diameters of the pipe are 8 cm and 12 cm, respectively. If the pressure rise of oil in the pump is measured to be 250 kPa and the motor efficiency is 90 percent, determine the mechanical efficiency of the pump. Take the kinetic energy correction factor to be 1.05. (Refer to Figure QU). (20 marks) 0.1 m¥/s Figure QL Q2 Two water tanks are connected to cach other through a mercury manometer with inclined tube, as shown in Figure Q2. If the pressure difference between the two tanks is 20 kPa, determine a and @. (20 marks) Figure Q2 Page | of 5 January ~ April 2015 Final Examination EM2OI/EV201 Fluid Mechanics Q3_ Water flows in a channel whose bottom slope is 0.002 and whose cross section is as shown in Figure Q3. The dimensions and the Manning coefficients for the surfaces of different subsections are also given on the figure. Determine the flow rate through the channel and the effective Manning coefficient for the channel. (20 marks) -———— 6m isp etetre|anreuaronaniany 10m GO 2 Concrete | Ei z nicotene neem antes ! ae eg Light brush Lsm g ny = 0.050 Q4 (a) Propose the magnitude and direction of the force required to hold a 45° bend a rectangular air duct in its position. The inlet and outlet cross sectional area are 1 m? and 0.5 m* respectively. The intensity of pressure and velocity at inlet are 2.943 N/cem* and 10 misec respectively. Take the density of air as 1.16 kg/m’. (12 marks) (b) A jet of water of diameter 75 mm moving with a velocity of 25 misee strikes a fixed plate in such a way that the angle between the jet and plate ig 60°. Find the force exerted by the jet on the plate in the direction normal to the plate and in the direction of jet. Compute the resultant force developed, (8 marks) QS The pressure difference Ap due to turbulent flow, in a pipe of Diameter D and Length ? depends on the Velocity V, Viscosity 2, Density p and Roughness ¢. Using Buckingham TI theorem, generate the formula to obtain a dimensionless expression for Ap. (20 marks) Page 2 of § January ~ April 2015 Final Examination EM201/8V201 Fluid Mechanics Q6 (a) A certain part of cast iron piping of a water distribution system involves a parallel section, as shown in Figure Q6, Both parallel pipes have a diameter of 30 om, and the flow can be assumed to be fully turbulent. One of the branches (pipe A) is 1000 m long, while the other branch (pipe B) is 3000 m long. If the flow rate through pipe A is 0.4 m’/s, propose the flow rate through pipe B, Disregard minor losses and assume the water temperature to be 15 °C. (10 marks) (6) Prove that the flow in part (a) is fully turbulent, and thus the friction factor is independent of Reynolds number. (10 marks) (The density and dynamic viscosity of water at 15 °C are p = 1000 kg/m? and 10= 1.138 * 10? kg/m.s respectively. The roughness of cast iron pipe is ¢ = 0.00026 m.) \ 1000 m END OF QUESTION PAPER Page 3 of 5 femrucry - April 2015 Final Examination EM201/EV201 Fluid Mechanics Figure apa “ssousianos annea 3456 84 HOS 456 Fgh Proypey vonsuy Kaver Figure 1: Moody's chart Page 4 of 5 January - April 2015 Table Final Examination Table 1: Manning coefficient ‘Wall Material A, Artificially lined channels Glass Brass Steel, smooth Steel, painted Steel, riveted Cast iron Concrete, finished Conerete, unfinished Wood, planed Wood, unplaned Clay tile Brickwork Asphalt Corrugated metal Rubble masonry B. Excavated earth channels Clean Gravelly Weedy Stony, cobbles C. Natural channels Clean and Sluggish with deep pools straight Major rivers Mountain streams D. Floodplain: 1s Pasture, farmland Light brush Heavy brush Trees, Page 5 of 5 a 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.014 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.022 0,025 0.022 0.025 0,030 0.035 0.030 0.040 0.035 0.050, 0.035 0,050 0.075 0.150 EM201/5V201 Fluid Mechanics

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