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C Language (Theory Paper)

Time: 1.5 hrs
Q.1 State True or False


1. A string constant consists of a single character.

2. C program execution starts at a curly bracket.
3. The shortcut key of compilation is Alt+F5.
4. A variable name contain an underscore.
5. ++ is an Increment operator.
6. Keyword can be use as a variable name.
7. While loop has three expressions in its syntax.
8. Strings are represented in C as an array character.
9. All functions by default returns integer value.
10. To use mathematical function in C program, math.h header file should not be included.
Q.2 Fill in the blanks


1. ________ is a string format specifier.

2. Type of value that can be assigned to an identifier is known as _________.
3. 1 byte = _________ bits
4. ________ operator is used to increase the value of a variable by 1.
5. ________ statement is used to jump conditionally from loop.
Q.3 Explain following functions (attempt any 5)
1. getch( )
2. scanf( )
3. strcat( )
4. strlwr( )
5. clrscr( )
6. pow( )
7. putchar( )


Q.4 Explain in brief (Any five)


1. Write definition:

Data type




2. What is Structure? What is pointer?

3. What is pre-defined function?.
4. Write rules to define variable name.
5. Explain IF condition in brief.
6. Write the difference between while and do-while loop.
Q.5 Do as directed.


1. What will be the output of following code?

int x=10,y=5;
printf(x = %d and y=%d,x,y++);
2. Write a C program to display minimum number between two numbers.


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