Aarōn: Aharon Moses

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AARN (): Greek form of Hebrew Aharon,

meaning "light-bringer." In the bible, this is the
name of the older brother of Moses.


ABADDN (): Greek name derived from

Hebrew abaddown, meaning "destruction,
ruination." In the New Testament bible, this is the
name of the place of destruction. And it is a name
given to the angel of the bottomless pit, the
Destroyer Apollyn.


ABEIRON (): Greek form of

Hebrew Abiyram, meaning "my father is exalted."
In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son
of Hiel the Bethelite, and the name of a son
of Eliab who joinedKorah in his rebellion
against Moses. This spelling is rarely
used. Abiron is used in the Septuagint.


ABIOUD (): Greek name meaning "my

father is majesty." In the bible, this is the name of
the son of Bela.


ABIRON (): Greek form of

Hebrew Abiyram, meaning "my father is exalted."
In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son
of Hiel the Bethelite, and the name of a son
of Eliab who joined Korah in his rebellion
against Moses. Also spelled Abeiron.


ABRAAM (): Greek form of

Hebrew Abraham, meaning "father of a multitude."
In the bible, this is the name of the founding
patriarch of the Israelites.


ABRAM (): Greek usage of Hebrew Abram,

meaning "father of elevation." In use by the


ABRAX: Greek name meaning "shining one." In

mythology, this is the name of one of the steeds
ofAurora. The other is Phaeton.


ABRAXAS: Greek myth name of one of the horses

belonging to the sun god Helios. It is also the
name of a demon of lies and deceit. The letters of
the name add up to 365, the number of days in

the year. It has been found in Greek magical texts

and may be related to the word abracadabra which
may derive from Aramaic avra kedabra, meaning
"I will create as I speak."

10. ACHAKOS (): Greek name meaning

"belonging to Achaia," a maritime region of
northern Peloponnesus. In the bible, this is the
name of a Christian who, together
with Fortunatus andStephanos, carried a letter
from the Corinthians to

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