Cootie Catcher: 1. Step One 2. Step Two

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Cootie Catcher

1. Step one

Fold a

square piece of paper

diagonally into fourths.

2. Step two

Unfold the

paper fold the corners into the

center (the intersection)

3. Step three

Flip the
paper over and fold the
corners to the middle again.

4. Step four

Unfold the

paper it should look like the

picture to the left.

5. Step five

In the

corners (blue) draw four different types of weather.

6. Step 6

In the red boxes draw 8 different emotions. Since sometimes

emotions are hard to differentiate also write the emotion.

7. Step 7 Finally, in the middle you can see 8 triangles. Draw a bomb, a
star, three sad faces and three happy faces

8. Step 8 Re-fold the paper (you will need to flip the paper so that the
emotions are face up. Then fold the square in half and slide your thumbs
under the four flaps. You can rotate your hands (bringing your thumb and
index fingers together)

9. Step 9 Find a partner and ask them Whats the weather like today?
Your friend, in complete sentences will pick weather that they want. Move
your fingers to match the letters (S-U-N-N-Y) means you move your
fingers five times.

10. Step 10 Then ask your partner how they are feeling. Flip over
the option and see if they get a smiley face, sad face, bomb or star. The
star is worth 2 points, the smiley face 1, the bomb you lose all your points
and the sad face is worth no points. The goal is to get to 10 points!

This activity is easily adapted to any grammar skill or drilling

practice. If you want to have students practice second conditional
change it to students drawing what they would do with a million
dollars etc. Depending on how well students follow directions you
can give them a blank template so the folding it easier. It also
helps to draw a sample on the board, but you risk students
copying it directly so I like to draw it with some blanks (like
above) to encourage creativity.

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