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; poccoocesmmonaaaaar m 6 B V7] W) 2 w 6 ‘= = a e. eT MEDEIEDECIEDEDIEDEDEDEDEDEIE Dra Ncw Fs ust: USL Alamo Ads Slay: 20 emit: yooiGwmus aul wth ALDI eT 3-00 Tam 1986 ypaiS! On . Suis wy OO 20 Yugiags aps Cpryb Corariu Yer ARE soft Bab untsés, ag) THuLTod sous Apsss Og YpoCprous Gury ssrA DsiQurGssor Ox. THOS HK YoHCord Fbussors QuTgy ws SOHFG wWIMEG Crmasald, Boreou son Geuuyid Yapstr sinsAsrGlugh gagged. Qaisrs Os GIDE FwrLIEAHCGD. poe w@sy ((psHuors SOLA QOH HSHPuTumssr) wmoreorofirser creit my BoYACG. “asrars sSajenrach*’ srergyid * p12 TQGu sSOTADS E08 Hyowit Gar. Sepsipmorswsn erivescir CaainGCarensAomiA Bs gre ous He adiacr por Dp. ang Csmanle Aa YooCgrbadr (sna sPsa PBéor CugiaspG apsro) wrbowy urs Pirie sAsGb Corunchamse AOD gorau seis Ber Ae y@sACGo. emGry@as Cates Do. svGgnan, 14 Qanéeb Hard ( OscdralironprIe ) Baar. gAZDGHsAorgi. sig. HHS soos bors paGaron. Ardujorg CaGs@aencrerAcrGG. amacr sab Qs505u purGarer al AndGeq USuinGcrorg. BerGare gguiuGacye Aor Fi HG F. SayjsQerwo, apsaMest. 32, 4b GHSS f9), wrppewirennb. wer masSu sun. wr. Oguspmssix phat, wwuorsren yopGprusd ened, et - YypmBpmit crn cere? Qstor poreps ort DS Garcra she, Tog 2taontioniupy opsde wb Gancron CarsitGid. sevtd (Cell) creiregy 2-20 ) 2GaréGh myc Gur@areb. (4.4 sDHG GsrHPG scoured crom Gereveonmb). uv soe sor sa 5 Hoo! urd@um@erre (Intercellular substance) Qiemssinn@ Qoopusiisér (Tissues) ogarége. Bat Ampumsher Carsmsurd gymshscr ( Organs ) aganBer per. i Sob, Qonppund, 2sb AAwcr GaciGagy GarPadstns yes bars, Canur_em_ps Apu S_fgciorcr. sons@ag .stremwirs: Coven) Boop wé someer (Surface Epithelial Cells) —urgsrinys — Qsr Pe hu; #r&Gb Bonpus sodiacr (Gland — ular Epithelial Cells)- «74Gb Qgsrpeur LyMrenous @QsrOu9e0pus sovdiscr (Connective Tissue Cells) (2m Bou goftiuesu); smreapus samieer (Muscle Cells) - (sass s@sa505 THUGS ZU): sr bIemIp ws somact (Nerve Cells) - (Sens 5réamsten 5155 Lens); CFG GH DAawdiser (Red Blood Cel s) -gi-Hs ler yb (Qorarury), Cag vugrigsmegnub 6155) uma; QausingGDsaonisct (White Blood Cells) (Ggreus HB Ss Ppueai), iSuspeps @Assorb. Denppuns —— 6@SG egrremmss: Gwowenfl Qonpunrd (Epithelial e Tissue) Ogr@vsIe01pustb (Connective Tissue), SMeuonip uid (Muscle Tissue), ¢@D (Blood), Paw Si (Lymph) serUCTATGD. HIATHIG LETT AMEE: Qosub, wt, Fe, Appre, Qeortion, pioogurd (Lung). sou (gist!) Ghddr grdusBAGEES, — sairi Oiarerg Fyre por Oupg 2c GeusiCargy semi aor, Qopunsc, smamacr Fynerapenmulsd Poe Aarng. Quargs agar eri sonia — aN ees ls oi Rie nudass copies By Corder aohe Duin sip emiuscher PDS (e. Sieur Es QosOb arb 9% OsrpoGerw Thue Fo wGsgamsscr inGs 50, BDI drQieg ov. ULe) edd urpmmiscr o putwmt. 21oe er57 Tomwors eGanBu sos aust gud, yOu sos : Csisonsun gib, Ogm_iéAun or EG Dwsgsw (Repair) SM Gud agAerpg. (Og srvys serisald poor Gupufa2). mplaupBes per, Fa Wer] HMIUGb Aw srpommisaTd Dorie sor GA gd, até A ON OTH od THILO, yGu oust s Asst (New Growths) 2Gauraamd. QeiaartéAsoiey Ho aga, UGUSr, IDES QupGamp, ergir Tom sonst Oiuguitd, 2 seq uTHey Mor Wear souursey (Benign Growths) a.crater, Qaushie Aw, STHSHO Dv Cortnachd Gig AeMessimyuers (Malignant Growths) wrnard. ys) eeniéAaahe op Dh Awa p A gr §DAGSCS, sorrirscir, paptiPesr A QudiCagyy uGucr sow ¢2Awapdmt or 2XGour®, MGA Dopumicins sreguswdornd oc. : Aer AaciSan ursmse5sG ura 21.0 AgmPsatens Me unpsayd AsiAermer. OciumtsAscr Sivsrew sueisAser (Malignant Growths) sag Yypo@sra (Cancer) cror gop S8I@Acir par. yon Coruna gs, 99 2 GATE sagos 9961 LeLuTsds GarciG umumssonT gd. Cuoenf saarrit SHAGSD 2OGangussa sf Corr (Carcinoma) «reir Db, AsTSUIYy DopussomsAhd ODess xmane ume sréCamion (Sarcoma) rai gb AO PSEIIO Rr De. Douser Cog cdiGacdaws samshAGss TEHUHS Pi4., QaidiGagy wonssanTEid. 2. th- GG Gannsd (Squamous Carcinoma) YTB" Csre, sonb (2amayseyru) andi, escduesogar GCuwsniv9Gss) (Squamous Cell) 2garher mg. 314. G@ sr Geum (Adenocarcinoma) Gertie, soogud (Pancreas) ah orca pMAG Ss 2GanBer ogi. gir Ascrsd sub STAC oT (Transitionel Cell Carcina- Ma) ApPiciowIS@ sg, QedfGursnsarcon (Osteo. a E : sarcoma) ofbGur(f) #7&éGarut ( Lymphosarcoma as ‘eu(t) WGrrer7é Garur (fibrosarcoma), — ereirtice Yo nGu candy, Heo krasoniscr, pritscnmisoNehe bs) 2ounha por. QevsSHunr (Leukaemia), Qaisinead sAAGSS BOUTASrOg. Dabo A Cag uwaens Seg eremtGRer per. Aa —Stispp —-—> Bu > = ial ar AC@ur e Lygiuent Pes cit a [> —sréCarun —|* _ Le _. gu — (Cancer) as a —Ca macs — |> ps Yoo Crue gy ° gsinenoulgycrer —G)anypustucs 4G WEGLdaTDd, AadCag smmshaeHsGh GG - Psoyrorcaad, Hom sis Gprugormaeyid Liza} Aarng. Quar@menr usud, Qurgairs Per Siss ais aor (Qpa)-Lymph node) simrui7o, wre, oT QuLbLy, ep ear croirvcre DDG Goo. Gu per mg. YdoCpri a1-gise LoapPserd CoQ 2a AED pg). Qurg@tmojsehed, 2riby Qndse, Ors p8Ceras crénior Poairgid, (Qaiilonay sréar sens sohayd, ctrCardigyb ghitwretmr). Yo Spader asscouny Qurgs gid, 155 Qi sS8er, HAIESD AgsCSr, shams Burg sgbd Gauci Banga fara} ad ghuGD. 2, ad Cuda, QrsseCeras 4 WoOsTTamAsrTd Theor; wGFuierconwrd 2 ova MSA YrousgGorMS gid, gomay 2 MessriOaBe vr bhph THDus wb, Qog@slo AGASaréab om UEOd, Aa YoOCsrid siyacr a7 iq usmih sp surgib e1 6 Ouse, QroséCrros ohucemb. Sa$HO THUG YoOComd Bapdotuit sama 2LAsduem Ss uTPSGd. CUGMGL Ad crap sx19. HMFRITVNES, woursPorirs Arsob, Pew Asda gs HG sareroTEb, Ag Sora, eter QAucp De Thu siyscr, wpGu spans Qur@teaer ASIPOUQUGS sop_soguyd, undsamgd, soix unieou Coron g, stantg, Cum Camarmgyesten ub THUOSsoTd. usd CoAGd GuTEng GGBs Gpmt steryb, prbystmepd urBiugrd Ores . Qyociy Sar gHuGh. Ax YooComisscr QCumsreer (Hormo— nes) agiiugne figna; THu@b. srrcugaic, aor Woe, AT, crgybL), Epon sxthiacisafr Pere car uTBSg1 CEQ Memos Meir mon. YyouCoris at g66 THUSgId Brigaafer 2éArb, ue saremische siBudrersr, Odio sO Cagun®, YomCprus crevasses Lpgwawvrs, @Gr aes Baia Cpruratidr 2 ofraun Quros Sb THUG. yoo Iprver acos sree gybCiars; Led whrisin ZuAucrorg; 2 Gursscs.Qerar Eons Dor AOS, HSOmsMer LeU sSA gtd uGUeAgub of pure. wT ppg Ser yoo, yooCpri ai erg Sgt, 2LAd es GarAu 4tisb, qewu 21 pursisense up Aujsior sora, Boa wrarpsopayh eciBuysrorgy. 2.0. e1éCerur Gmpss auGatu Gsrsep, AaraAd ured srACe@uresa A. Beers Sing, Btn GSd. srP@wor cretuspHCwu Meo lara pep A. mGsndo GigAordigeb. 2... ar Ad oor Gh stKC@wor wnide gHUBd srACEy wrens A miu Big Prise. Sob emu Garde egargd YroCsri fob Gomksws A. Agu eros oF HIGS Hb. Cop mpiucrappIGsE, YyboBsruron gy U@ UM MeEnsuTEdych oO seitpd, CousiCay cuemsacir CadiGag wei sfr,. QourciGargy Rona Kr 2G aUT sp Asergid AgallanrBer mg. 5 2 ypmCpah CarhmsS\ov FOuGw anyenflscir QiCort) agargaghGe acsver sngcortince Fer 3950 D055 SOUTHS 2 5a). so ZDd gc Leu chypoarremrssrd 2. Gam Aer ps aon seinQ By satin Priourgnd, Oar Corpns9 sGuOL HOS) uMsAEGD wa srpcwrmedr seiaGIey Soci. Octoror. Qahop 1) Gurgamer ary exact (General Factors) «om etd 2) @iiunsr anzexflss (Specific Factors) arom ay td Whéasord. A. Gurgiéarsenfadr 91) uswumpéamyenl (Genetic or Hereditary) YooCsrw upbussurs Cyr pmieuGeen err ug (Av De 2fuameator oQ_) eo Bure Qsibs8s. Ds gfu werssend Bacyd GPDG5 yarsIaCu aromingher por. Aw GS UdOCErL aGanGas HG, Upiducezeou CripssooTs 9BS aiTini{sacr (Predis- Position) Qauvugsra Cary snp east Qata Ad Qagad ypyCorou Caropdsad &Ob. YHOCSri GOLUSHH HuuGsG TH utd wHGreasGbd ThuGQuer Hees Garcons CacnauIerde. 25) maigarkosir _ (Viruses) Qos Dosisad yppGsreu 2.@améger STsh song Asuna Guia, weilgied Wada magsssCor Qaige enposums across. (2. .) Ge (h) Supsrnfev (B) : 6 coal med (Hepatitis B Virus), arLictonguler um(b) encumor (Epstein Barr Virus) Qsoo mroD amd, YEGSO Firat o1_u9. gy 1b Bown 5 3591 6 598 ey YboCsreou. 6 HUBS 50m. BY) @Cumeracir (Hormones) DupGd acing Ae ysosriracry Pes Mashed Rofd wii-Glw oiugBdrmsy. 2. tb. wom 1 HyCpru, 4OprvCrB ty) Gprus (Prostate), SGU yd HCerus, a #) siGaara, wer Aqsa (Mental Stress) Q2@% gCutésdr ara eG Qoomusmrsm WTS HO LWUAT. Joo Dros Osve Gur Bursrey a 5rrgrisssir Qevto, 2) ydoGorenu OusEe mAgU Bit Sauda sir usiids saad, (Carcinogenic agents) Qema Dug gyb Quer Bab (Physical) gc 3y Qaenrwer (Chemical) Ug@is SHsoT Eb. Zoo ay QugduT gid EMU ‘Hey Osmipars tore Ceunaitsr ur PsAer ms. 1) Quer%e srzefasir. angen “Osmpev? Goat steptn sytasti gute ust ged Pefaw sag cronbry, Cord, Sit fac Sriyund Epatd Garciaaib, ender Orugsea worry, Gugia (onising Radiation) Gyip0nd Sead GUS, Carws UGSHobd- ANE snd. t DF Yviey PGwrenll $5. (Thyroid) i 5 pipes 3 garreuGeop Bupss(@lud) Corw aBir uGsgiah — ADFos (Ultra-violet- Radiation) Qenns aBit aout (Pipe) 250, ards, (Thermal) YyMSEs sO 2) Qystuct argonisdr. yosaan, 5s ered gorudre, Core SM, Zr gore lowe Ging Dé srw Ogr@uiy Ani Bitscowr air an (Aromatic Amines) iif) sovublew oto pent 59m AmBireseos. (Naphthalmines ) Gann gant wew@QuevGy aio gieorusy a. {Asbestos )@Gq@b 2Gorag erst ¢Chrome Ore) suring. paeaed 2 Goor 55578 (Nickel Ore) ops sr wg Couto o¢ Bare usehaso SrASGT weGerySgr (Nasal Sinuses } IoScr Isopropylene. Bgao Corwb Brg) pest Aurdeteensy- gute are Correo mt (PVC) ? got surhs5 AgBiceu. Ropr Achar ‘wind pr@agumr surhg ge Dior Are, YUGrrFGHH aoror gti (forr ArrsAcr (Aflatoxin) 2.eway aimasaid (warbior, wer Bpnig, asst) Betis mrAe Cord gHuGsgomb. Dacrpofastr aveumpupd unGPinHvww. Gord oh udag!, SMI srpeiulss uTHiys screw, arr aiuicr Hons shag ora, at ns5raau sragGor gary urBssciuGuericr ear Biv ysdAua hse sm@Buyeir om gh. sot) 619.55 srovows 1 Puiu 5a angio Gpriisdr. 1) Ae srgrremurer Carisepbh Sys55ra brs eLtadurgseeCurg yoo Cortese aplageAer per. 2.0. Caria gud ysiaaer, AH BTESHH goog 95 5c1co.u9e spacer, P@EwYss SHS GOpaire 2ciarmebd @rss¢Ceros, wgaiTd cemngeb rod sme (Citthosis) qpenpGw ards, comb, Fre caruabpe yoo CoruisG aPagessorb. 2) Ae Sasbp anitéAsd 2. ocnIGoron (Csr THuGb FHxHy vertéA) (Papillo- malAyGariGersQur airuid, geist 2.01 Ie THUG Gackt suyrn; (Leucoplakia), Av arOS HO SuvetsAurs cormord. 9 AS ee ee ee 3. @iitune snzenfadr. 9) 2emtay D 2) 3) aj 5) 6) a) 8) eomadd eWtte5n o., Dowysedsay cree Loralp Ser ubeseopey, amie, sends Orie seus HHs typo Cori Bereirpid I 5505 3Hahssorbd. WDsndd Asrepiyse so syd (Mpsrerwore Porigs Asrepcny) HPamay yoo sos LUOsrHagra, AuGm se, %-BLIODL, wrt Apbreb caps YHoRoris Sab #9 FED DE. Od Tg Brind Bedrauis arseag gtaCungeg Qs ang corde. BTIS SGD GOSS . osnray Qucpenstsiis Carew THUS SOT Qgyoyib Tb pTiLg ailsreGar gid. ADE FTG HGS SAG, OSS 5 ayo Bots STd sag, Ansrabd gAwapde bm Cpronu 2 sivt_résomb. Ero 94.55 vor Ape, ussib.0r, Sos sie Agri unrdsara, rode yD Cars Thu_amd. ° Bands eviaués Qansin Ber eriIoscd, enS8O YdoSsreau ghuGssord. Gewposuras sumldsnwc. — aesmaycs QUTGLSE5G5 Corset Ax usmissw sor, Sor, Qorvianu, AgyStciencs, orsirsaupy Ved YboCrre S5g0g 9Safsaorb. Desay Gl_wror 2 onaay 2U0srdagre aris GPa srsPeNd royCorir mTdnns 4H ehés um. 1o 9) sia@sG CrtéatinOs srégacr Baar Wer aTUGP, sorb, Borin -y@uaus Mew YooCsru Coren 85505 9Saleaerb, a) ymassod Ys 5S - ymsugy stor PSAsTLger crab ust SS, Yo Dew ru Qurg aor Ligh Gay ugmigshsesd gioepuitDgyth Gag aastssehgnd tix Coroou aci_ré SOT. uTPsGb grésé seein, gat YOSEGL “gory, MsQariigcr gna, ymRas SMe wgurad urdsg0 srovumapMd SAU st or Sy. 9B) wins QUGLUT EI TES, word, Tw, Antes OW TaHuMEA HOY arpeMursarh. 0s s SMB CrtGsnd sréséspeiiub wyPshe@w. #) Gage smi sev. arksG poe yooCsri gird. Gab Peuy or Crtsgd yonolau wsQu snr mor Gud. 2) gra Du Qurg amnremiusaice eo. Osrpe, apQrd siupsiun. srpooi adr so) Ae we bgrsasir : Bs Ms Aw wgsgad Oarrtbg satIGe srd YypoCards gduGh &paicund eee Herp Zi. 44 3. ydmGHromnu s%G%@ tb Cpmmacr Yer aiuaiAdgis Fo womnsnnd upp Cars Chub sésitugHs Qdorwd usin emt cor SO Sellout Aer 3). Qooousraren, t. een’ sSgidror 2omqacms, Dobysesgs, oul 635 7 Dopissmyd, proiumgs ami, af, upd ysAue sriI0sd. BQanbyseSgcror Sears USHSUTACET. Qier wEAFI_sG, QoovsA FTO, Ligne Qlncums (Bor), sere, @reacr, nerds, eultsesg a; une, Bor, wesecr Bow A@srem aria) (sr, yee) yp (ue uA, wrbupb) 4Aua bie 4»Dsb oXcu@. 4) Ge sore] Garepliy, YypSsb sTiIGawmss SIESSEO. BOX oh prine Og Qsha55Gs6 wEGCn GQurGsgb. dOwald gtuGurt gops gore, yrsb, Qarapiir Cribs cemmaGu grarris sb sriIoAgiadc. Gated a @ancrenbd yr ob Aergb aPsars QgssGacinGrd. Q) wBeora Goer osay, HPsny s7sG sop eh amare, KHscra, arn, acy sage Wer ‘ EGIS EO. ; #) ye@romb W455 2omyamascr, PsAuuors Lower Apag, verb wr, feds gt 550. 2) Geuposurs sunfisy gogy Apsiig Lomysc Gopssa Wang gis se. ea) Ds Qo) Gritgs ucmmadr FAT 55. bo uguranb A*GsIUgH, Yoss5o, Gap Mk src IOS HGS Qiu Caro. TQIurtucr OsrPherwaer sowhs Qrmsaid (industrial Areas) @yW@iug sat Zg0, wuGsgiancs Cursia Qowrnd Osriitbg OOS gsc uring 50550, YooCrrurs wrpémnu Av Csriise5éG (0.50 rom miiGorwor AuytorICrsAur, sass sroLijeis) Aogad AAios Augsw, CuGa GMI Aw GarPasdr yfluartscr ser ang Gsonaumorfer yGoretaritug. Ao prongs saad aati pys®) guAub, 2 gsr remore eps wy, asyonn unIs50, Cadmwoun sg EMSS. Suri sr@sahe yupmCerus sHuQsgib usrts Sustr uTAuTLd goog yupenp wrpptb Gsiig uTds50, AnGurgced saerwrs 1 youugss> Aw ~Yapsares. Agi prGofl 2y0Curi srig Sab ussb Car pg 214552, Dssa5e, EMSs satu pm. CoustiOd. = Oo 4. ymmiGeaulsr opsiu aS Mair Ao srgomtiserré (usar, & pore 2) CopaAu ywopscr mstupysd sop_worigess KOSar gd Defds YLoOSpr e@aungashelu sr SDudagisc 3Dswre sromiuGesr git, Aovilr wrsSob yooCrrs Carérpb shetiund epsm@u. eA YyooCsrou 47bus How seinO9gc Surur@d Ost YwpHard Gomorégagy sod. Bosurd YooCerds yrtugSe Cseugn 91DES Ser GIG HVFDGSSCusiz Ob. Qenar Ogzeturierw LLergurs Mas Hu yCoretr Qu pBacinGe. Gena wTre# :— 2H SayamBsirglu uPsirow, 2111 Guosdased UuGuiereminuyd 21 diyQues gud ued srreemiis ore aGarsard. 2 srremb ariiéeo, seq, werGpri wg uTemh 9 Gad uTid5e, uPuSer ooo THUGS S107. yeos uGudercow, 2. w1yGuoa9 gcd MOY LOZSTLFGES, caiguorad sont, F eogcran.s, QrésiyboCeris crerumpPsG 2DePsorred. aciCa Bia De Nacr Dscriigcr Benger oma 5 Bu gCorstr QupGasin@id. AB. aemray HepGaDw zy0rtd aU@srcromiuii, eewemengi BCp stb o0i — UGash6 so Thuyer, sms94 yo pCgrows GMsGb. Buy Cpruisorrgybd Discus ong Ob Haugss Cogn Goris Qiuaed OF sunrs YouCsreauu SMsGb. GQ. surdigsitmw svg) 21Fe0nd cera Fhur_et_urnd Bocugy BR gy FT STTCIOTE 2 cTBONh yeray 2 corey 21 Oar etc 4 14 + ward aP5soOed orhuGid wngptiscir Aor oui wasAssd, wasAds%v aG Ss) wi pCGii. B@iusRsaa Qoeurcger woropmaa mgd Br 55, Gab A591 Lor Crifsred Qugme_d yoo Corouws GMS td. G 5 23 GOS pty, SHwd ayPlssd wouteors EMGBiIpsab, Augmgre YyooCorenuujd; Apso Brssb @evagi, An bras GsreGBda yoo Conwmaupd; Orss ats Qari yhoo Coreouuh gapmi pd AMGh so, APS wrgeGorur sGcioou wypH Sarauuyh EHésord. Ps 5s05u GHDMPLI ES Gan srzemtised esin@. cromGu 2LGor oars Bu g@orebr Ou pCacinGid. wrTAd Sly, e150 csrhunEds Dad wy, wplar. Qoa Aeozhid Carer D@o sp@sasgaqn ug. antsAui Dory 3sh05 Gonis P5590 ATTHS WES OG iy eOHurs aMg@woreed Uugwer BPshsGur@od yooCpruTsamd 5s Cutrile Gngors verGd yoMCorusest_t seq aan. ora ousHu xCoret%x GunGacin@d. neat 505) wrt s7Gw (arog gieGe aro) uiGsrDss agus Berg. writs. Arasailer SsLo_urcr ugSure GerHsaCacwr@ib. g@or od ard gioture CrrDs ero grag) write. Acre urigard syuppartselgyd ai oct orgy Currsray Carerayb. FB wags sor erAe yor ghuc@ @iss5cir eporg Dip coomadhid apart usu yCoreler wor. 1S z a. AHgud arts eyWIe gUuGid rysiwemise feos ae wCorsier QupGasinGd. Gougy sig eorcsson gyi eurudé Yyoin 7 buted. QsrLisGursr Qowsd spdvg1 Grvenriy warn DpmnsG Cog gen sonr wre yous GrdadringHI0 gTHuGb Yom Coreau GMésomd. 2.1000 ghsorGer osrar at svg wis5 Bod tomb. FOBurer gDsuniéA, Qrs5b, Hob WGsigsd, gosroude yRu sig ween Corérpd, yboCprous GDssomb, Solurgs we5stsmonkr Qrea® Apewss Coors Gar_@b wesc. srr ensue Carcrgd ybg Comise war CRTLOIT ES GVITLD. QsarAde aniucrriopPAGKS) YomGare LIMLID amnsscr gi hAu@ sir Gd, GordiSougy wari Bi QadCagy Arayscr oHuGS50r@rner gd, eCramsurer yhmCprii, GaciCargy well sed QarciCargy Aras %r HUGS 50r@uweirgrd cy/day Cpr upbuezurs s_SgstiuGagea rorgd WWCarb. yooCaris gr dugQe soinG Mg dacs LELTe 9Corswrerena WAmss Gomis sci amd serpnd g95C5rb. Qag mpiu_oupia O4Quwrsé 5Hr_D OG wySDurumsloruy Sain Ob SeinOb anASs uwerenrofitact ctor mb BCGib. 16 Re

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