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According to Alvin Toffler many people believe that education plays very
huge part in everyones life. It consider as the stepping stone for every individual
who dreams and believes to have a better future not only for themselves but also
for the members of his family. In order for them to send their children to school,
they have to give their utmost and keep on working .Despite of the hard work and
dedication of their parents to shoulder their school expenses,. There are many,
who have to work to be paid to be able to send themselves to school. Disregard
al the hardships of being a working student. By keeping a positive outlook in life,
that will help them great not only for the current social situation but for the future
as well.
People often see working students as noble persons whom took efforts to
support themselves. Many successful personalities that became institutions in
their own different fields like Senator Manny Villar, Socorro Ramos and lucio tan
who had started their perseverance to work while studying, they land for a good
job. Katz, Joseph said that successful personalities found themselves in success
after the tremendous battle of studying doing assignments ,finishing projects
,taking up quizzes and exams and working serving the customers,dealing with
coworkers and cleaning the working area. Thrie desire to acquire tertiary

education and have them land jobs much better than a secondary graduate and
what would they become ,keeps them facing the consequences.
The present economic crisis drives many students to pursue studies
because many of them want a clear a future for themselves not only by getting a
Theoretical Framework
Research Paradigm
Figure 1. The Research Paradigm of the Study
Statement of the problem
the study dealt with an evaluation of the perception of selected office
management working students on the factors affecting their academic
performance at Taguig city university.
1. What is the profile of the students in terms of
1.1 Age
1.2 sex
1.3 status
2. What are the factors affecting the academic performance of selected Taguig
city university office management students?
3. What are their perceptions to the factors affecting their academic performance

Significance of the study

This research aims to help understand and discuss the issues and concerns of
the employed students to benefit the following:
Working Students Being an employee and student at the same time takes a
lot of hard work. It can be rigorous but also rewarding especially if you helped
your parents. It can also be a good working experience for them for their future.
This study will assist them to see the behaviors that help them achieve their
professional skills.
Employers The result can be used as their guide to gain understanding of their
employees and friendly working environment to their employees.
Guidance and Counseling Practitioners The result can be used as their guide
in developing counseling programs that are responsive to the needs of the
Peers The result can help them to understand Employee-students in their
studies and help them emotionally lessen their stress.
Parents and Family Members The result of this study can help them
understand more how the students themselves. And theyd be able to adjust and
provide positive support and be helpful.
Future Researchers This study will add to existing studies and supply to
future studies about working students
Scope and delimitation of the study
The study dealt with an evaluation of the perception of s

Definition of terms

Chapter II
There were limited studies under taken with regards to working students both
foreign and local literature studies. The following are compilation of reviewed
foreign and local literature and studies sufficient to support the study.
Local Literature
Studying is a personal matter, it is an activity that can be performed only
by you. The degree of satisfaction or pleasure that accompanies your study
usually depends on the extent of the success attained. The greater the interest to
study no other person can do it for it for you What awakens interest in you may
not arouse interest in another interest are very personal. The ways in which they
are acquired also are individual. To acquire in study , focus your attention on
definite goals to be achieved . Ascertain the purposeof your study adopt a
positive attitude in life and exercise emotional freedom and control the second
factors to study effectively is the ability to study. You must know how to study and
what to study

The first tool you must learn to use correctly in time .Budget your time by
scheduling your study hours, have a schedule or a time plan distribute your study
hours in such a way that you will find time to accomplish your assignment and
time for leisure activities where to study (Andres 1989)

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