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Paper #3: Group Argumentative Essay



Prompt: These days, many complain that young people no longer have a work ethic.
What does that term mean to you? Do you believe that you and your peers are
motivated by a work ethic? Why or why not? Explain your response in terms of your own
experience and your reading.

Your job: Develop an opinion on the prompt, crafting a well-reasoned, well-supported,

and meticulously proofread argument using evidence from at least 4 sources.

The basic format for an argumentative essay:

Introduction-Establishes credibility of speaker, introduces topic, establishes

connection to audience (appeal to ethos/pathos)

Narration-summarizes background information and context for argument,

sets up the stakes for the argument (appeal to logos/pathos)

Confirmation-lays out in a logical order the claims and evidence that

support the thesis (strong appeal to logos)

Refutation and Concession-looks at opposing viewpoints, anticipates

objections from the audience, and uses opposing viewpoints/objections to
strengthen the thesis (appeal to logos, ethos)

Summation-strong conclusion, amplify the force of the argument, show the

readers that this solution is the best at meeting the circumstances (appeal to
logos, pathos, and ethos)

Each of these represents a part of a paper, which might

be one or more paragraphs, or treated in the same
paragraph as another section.

Length: 4-5 pages, double-spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman

Check-in: Nov.16- Youll meet with me to talk about progress, questions, or concerns
Due: Nov. 21 by 11:59pm via GoogleDocs

*Since were doing this in GoogleDocs and you can collaborate effectively through this
mode, you and your partner can work on this OUTSIDE of class, too. Lucky you!

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