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Type of Work
Date/Time of Submission
Group No.


Sunday, November 18, 2012/15.30 afternoon
Uria Ricko Tanguhno Handen

Text Title

: 102012199
: A Closer Look at Exercise Physiology Aerobic
exercise: What For and How Much

Main Idea
1. Aerobic (with O2) exercise involves large muscle groups and is
performed at alow-enough intensity and for a long-enough
period of time that fuel sources can be converted to ATP by
using the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain as the
predominant metabolic pathway.
2. In activity is associated increased risk of developing both
hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary artery
disease (block-age of the arteries that supply the heart.)
3. The intensity of exercise should be based on percentage of the
individuals maximal capacity to work.
Supporting Details
1. Aerobic exercise can be sustained for from 15 to 20 minutes to several
hours at a time.
2. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that an
individual participate in aerobic exercise a minimum of three times per
week for 20 to 60 minutes to reduce the risk of hypertension and
coronary artery disease and to improve physical work capacity.
3. The easiest way to establish the proper intensity of exercise and to
monitor intensity levels is by checking the heart rate.The estimated
maximal heart rate is determined by substracting the persons age
from 220.

Academic Words &

1. Intensity meaning : the
quality or state of being

Examples in Sentences
spoke with great intensity and eloquence on the need to
combat rasicm

intese; especially : extreme

degree of strength, force,
energy, or feeling
2. Sources meaning : a

Government looking for the sources of mass tumult

generative force
3. Converted : to bring over
from one belief, view, or
party to another
4. Transport :to transfer or

If art converted wealth to power, it also shaped taste and

Most people strike me as pessimistic about transport costs

convey from one place to

5. Sustained : to give support or
relief to
6. Solely : without another :
singly <went solely on her

There are many downed trees, some buildings sustained

water damage,and some roofing tiles were damaged.
They become solely responsible for everything instead of
working effectively as a team with their staff.

way >
7. Participate : to possess some

All the grades from one to five participate in sports day

of attributes of a person,
thing, or quality
8. Benefits : archaic : an act of

The benefits could extend beyond electricity savings for

building owners

9. derived : being, possessing,

From it the transverse sinus of the same side is derived

or marked by character ( as
the large brain in humans)
not present in the ancestral
form< derived features>
10. percentage : a part of a
whole expressed in

Then cook as directed until it has reduced by the

percentage specified

11. capacity : legal competency

We lost the ability to be still, our capacity for idleness

or fitness
12. Significant : having meaning
13. Significantly : in a

Cutting down on such embezzlement by higherups is significant.

But the lending market has already changed significantly

significant manner
14. Estimated : to judge
tentatively or approximately

Blood pressure can be estimated by looking at the vertical

distance between the head and the heart.

the value, worth, or

significance of
15. Duration :
the length of time something
continues or exists (often use
dwith the ).
16. Predominant :
having ascendancy, power, au
thority, or influence overothe
rs; preeminent.
17. Participant :
a person or group that partici

Some authors have even supposed that, as the individual

has a definitelength of life, so have species a definite

The coffee berry borer is one of the predominant coffee

pests in theregion.

pates; partaker
18. Individuals :

If the offer is rejected, neither participant gets any money.

a single human being, as

distinguished from a group
19. Involves :

Individuals can also help prevent acid rain by conserving e


to include as a necessary circ

umstance, condition, or
consequence; imply; entail: T Research often involves teams of scientists collaborating acr
his job involves long hours a
ndhard work.
20. Individual :
a single human being, as disti
nguished from a group.

The notion that the best marriages are those that bring satisf
action tothe individual may seem counterintuitive.

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