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Melanie Martinez: Cake

Length: 3:19
Genre: Alternative
Produced: 2015

This music video that I am producing for the song Cake by Melanie Martinez will be narrative based, with some mix of concept, however the main
focus will be on the story of one sided love. I will have three locations; A kitchen/dinning room, nature area, and anther location which will be
transformed into candy land ( candy, cakes and sweet treats displayed everywhere, either on a table or on the floor.) Through out the whole of the
video; it will have a theme of sugary sweet, to make this, I will often have intercutting scenes of cakes being frosted, or other sweet treats, the
video will be edited to have a pink tint. The colour scheme will be candy floss/ Bubble gum, creams, cherry reds, and pastel colours such as lemon,
cool blue, mint green.
Using expressionistic lighting, a 1950s house wife will walk into frame, in a mid shot of her lower body(showing her skirt, legs and heels). In an
extreme close up, see her heels walking on the hard surface of the floor, with added Diegetic folio sounds of the heels hitting the floor with each
step. Using match on action; in close ups, from an high angle, see her turn on a record. In extreme close ups, shots of the record begging to spin,
and the dial being placed down. This is when the sound track of the song Cake will begin to play. The cuts will be short, but will not be fast faced
paced. The camera will then cut to a shot of the 1950s house wife in a mid shot of her tying an apron around herself. As this shot plays, an digitaly
animated tile of CAKE will appear on the screen, like dripping icing. In the kitchen there will also be expressionistic lighting. Cutting to an high
angled over the shoulder shot, in quick and fast paced cuts, the camera will then show the house wife mixing together ingredients. Using jump-cuts
to fast forward in time the baking, showing cuts to her mixing, rolling out the mixture, cutting out gingerbread figures and then placing it in the
oven. These few shots will be done in over the head shots, mid shots and extreme close ups. The camera will pan to the left, to see the baker move.
In a tracking shot, watch as the house wife places the oven-tray with ginger bread men on into the oven. In a shot reverse shot, see both sides of the
oven glass; by looking into the oven, and looking outwards from with in the oven. In tight framing, see a hand with oven mitts on open the oven and
pull out the oven-tray.

Cutting to an extreme close up of the female ginger breads lips being iced, an
intercutting shot of anther female actor putting lipstick on; also in an extreme close
up. A fade to pink edit will be used, as if the gingerbread women transformed into
the girl. Cutting to natural scenery outside, in a mid-long shot see the same girl and a
guy dancing together. In a extreme close up, see the guy slide his hands around the
girls waist. Intercutting the dance of the couple, is shots of a gingerbread couple in
various poses. The dance between the couple is expressionistic, loose and free. There
is more intercutting action of an extreme close up of a lips decorated like fashion
photography; The lips will be a bright pink with cake sprinkles decorated on top, the
lips will be signing some lyrics to the song. As the lyrics play I feel like Im missing
something, when ever you leave.. The girl will be stood still, whilst the guy walks out
of frame. In juxtaposing, The ginger bread couple will be in the same pose. Using stop
motion, the male ginger bread man will too, walk away. When the lyrics play weve
got all the ingredients the action will cut back to the house wife baking other treats,
showing eggs being cracked, flowers being tossed. There will be constant intercutting
action of the couple being intimate and of gingerbread men being iced.

As the chorus plays, there will be extreme close ups of cakes being iced, and cake being cut. An
extreme close up of lips licking butter cream off a spoon. There will be a long shot of a variety of
desserts displaced on the table. You smell just like vanilla, You taste like buttercream, You're filling up
my senses , With empty calories whilst these lyrics play, there will be more shots of cakes being iced in
extreme close ups, and melted chocolate dripping, sprinkles in slow motion being applied. As the next
lyrics play; 'I feel like I'm just missing, Something whenever you leave, We've got all the ingredients,
Except you needing me see a cake in the shape of a heart being battered, whilst shots of the female
gingerbreads heart breaking. I will do this by showing the icing heart breaking into two.

As the chorus plays again, quick cuts of extreme close up of variety of cakes being cut with a knife, as
it slowly pushed down and slowly glides out, there will be inter cutting shots of extreme close up in
slow motion of lips licking icing, and biting into cakes. The lyrics will also be lip-synced, in extreme
close up. The camera will show shots of the girl from the dancing scene sitting around all of the cakes,
with intercutting scene of inmate moments of her and the guy, eating cakes together, feeding each
other cakes and licking icing of each faces, in short, slow paced cuts. As the bridge of the music plays;
shots of meat sizzling in a pan and cakes being topped with strawberries is shown. The girl, in an
extreme close up of her lips is showing biting the head off the ginger bread man.
As the ending chorus plays, shots of the record player still playing is shown, the record coming to an
end. Zooming out shot of the gingerbread women lays on the surface, broken up next to the broken up
male ginger bread man. An mid shot from behind of the house wife showing her slowly taking off her
apron, with inter-cutting shots of the girl and boy slowly falling to the ground. As we see the apron
drop to the floor, we see a quick cut off the couple laying on the floor, frozen and dead like. We see the
house wife in a similar shot to the beginning, lifting up the dial of the finished record player. In slow
motion , as the ending credits play we see the pink colour change in to B&W as the House wife
dances in slow motion, spinning around.

Techniques & Production details

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