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PEPSI Screening for Gabriella Chay

Wendy Murillo
College of Southern Nevada
Dr. Rochelle Hooks
Edu 220

Pepsi Analysis GC


This is a PEPSI analysis for an adolescent named Gabriella Chay. The purpose of the analysis is
to see where she is according to what is considered normal for her age group. This method of
analysis helps the people around the child better understand him or her so that together, they can
better guide the child.
Keywords: PEPSI, Gabriella Chay, Parents, Teachers

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PEPSI Screening for Gabriella Chay

Gabriella Marissa Chay was born March 31, 2001 in Las Vegas Nevada. She is the 2nd
born child and has 3 sisters. Her mother is half Caucasian and half Mexican, born in the United
States and her father was born in Merida, Yucatan. Gabriella is entering the 10th grade at Western
high school in Las Vegas Nevada. Gabriella is a very nice young lady, compassionate and
nurturing. Younger children are often attracted to her nurturing qualities and this is the reason
why she is a very popular babysitter. Some of the negative qualities that Gabriella possess are
that she is a procrastinator, closed off and not self-motivated. Her mother and older sister took
care of all of Gabbys needs up until 2 years ago. Cooking, cleaning and other reasonabilitys fell
on them and because of this gabby is still very dependent on other people for basic needs, such
as cooking and cleaning. At school she is very popular with her teachers because she is nice and
funny, but she has trouble focusing. Gabby does not seek to do the best she can, she settles for
the minimum requirements. Gabriella does not take criticism very well, and so she never requests
any help from anyone. This is one of the reasons why she has problems with writing mechanics
and writing proper essays, she would rather turn in a badly written paper than to ask someone to
revise her assignments. All of her teachers report that she has many missing assignments and that
she rarely participates in class. During her free time, gabby spends most of her time on social
media, like Instagram and twitter. She spends around 15 or less on homework a day but typically
she says she has no homework. Gabby seems to be happy just cruising by for now and any
conversations regarding her future educational plans put her off. On rare occasions though,
Gabriella does mention that she would like to become a nurse or do cosmetology when she gets
older. Gabriella has potential to be better in all aspects of her life but does not have high
expectations for herself. Everyone around her believes in her but she is not able to see that.

Physical development
Adolescents experience many changes in this step of physical development. They start to
experience growth that ends with sexual maturity. Puberty is probably the topic that most people
think about when talking about physical development but there are other important changes as
well. Expectations of how their bodies should be also start to change, adolescent girls become
infatuated with being slim and boys try to be more muscular. The way adolescents eat also starts
to change, boys consume more food, when girls decrease their food intake. Gabriella seems to be
in the normal level on this physical stage. She started her menstrual cycle at age 12 and has
continued to grow into a young adolescent. The onset of puberty typically occurs at age 10 or
11 (Boundless,2016). At this moment she has already started to show more of an adult like
figure. Gabriella is currently 54 and weighs 116. She is constantly in fear of gaining weight; it
is very likely that she thinks this way due to the media portrayal of beauty. Gabriellas eating
habits are normal, she does not overindulge, but at times she eats very little. She is not very
active; she does not enjoy doing sports or walking more than she needs to. During this stage of
physical changes adolescents also begin to change on the inside. Heart and lungs also change
during this time, growing due to exercise. The brain is also another part of the body that
continues to develop during this stage in the adolescents life. Several behavioral changes could
be linked to the fact that the brain is still developing and has not completely matured. this
may be due to the fact that the frontal lobes of their brains- which ae responsible for judgment,
impulse control and planningare still maturing (Boundless,2016)

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Emotional Development
Emotional learning starts at a very young age, as children discover ranges of emotions as they
grow. For young adolescents this is the stage of Identity versus role confusion (12-18).
According to Slavin, The question who am I? becomes very important during adolescence.
(2015). The adolescents are still trying to learn to control their emotions during this stage.
Gabriella is right below the normal level of emotional development. She has moods that are
unpredictable, emotional ups and downs. She is very self- conscious about her appearance,
specifically her nose. As they develop[adolescents] compare their bodies with those of their
friends and peers. (2016). She often compares her body to others, saying that she has more of a
boys body and does not see that she is more physically developed than most of the girls her age.
Gabriella does seem to be somewhat different when she is surrounded by friends. When
observing her while she spends time with her friends, she seems to be sure of herself and seems
to have a plan. She hides a lot of her true opinions or emotions to go along with what the
majority if the group of friends think about any subject. She also exhibits this behavior when she
spends time with family members. I believe this is to keep the peace and not create an
environment of fights and disagreement, I would say she agrees to get along with people. I have
also observed that in terms of emotional relationships, she does not discriminate. What I mean by
this is that Gabriella seems to be open to be emotionally romantically involved with both girls
and boys. I believe it is perfectly normal for her to feel this way since she is at the age when she
is discovering who she is and what type of person she wants to be. Gabriellas emotional

development has not been a major problem with her parents but she still needs to pay attention to
how she feels.
Philosophical Development. Philosophy is relating or devoted to the study of the
fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. During the emotional development we
see the adolescent on stage 3 of the Kholberg stage of reasoning, (good boy, nice girl). All that
changes in the philosophical development as adolescents see their peers more of a social
authority than their parents. In the adolescent development of this subject, the young adolescents
are in the formal operational stage (age 11 to adulthood) according to Jean Piaget. During this
time of development, they acquire new levels of thinking, the characteristics they will have as
adults form during this operational stage. The way adolescents deal with problems real or
hypothetical are better dealt with compared to younger children. According to the time spent
observing Gabriella tells me that she is just above the normal range for adolescents her age. She
knows how to resolve problems, by acknowledging what she does not know and thinks about
what could be done to solve a problem. As stated by Slavin, (2015) Dont cry over spilled
milk, is a statement that adolescents will be able to understand with no problem. They are
capable of think critically and adapt to new concepts in order to find the solution to any problem
that is presented to them.

Social Development
During this the young adolescent seems to be confused about who he or she is and what
their role in society is. They need to start thinking about how to depend on themselves and how
to achieve what they want. This is a very difficult time because they are still struggling to gain
independence from their parents. In this stage the adolescent will define: self, identity, roles in

Pepsi Analysis GC

each. According to my observations Gabriella Chay is just below the level of where the normal
adolescent should be. She is currently trying to experience new things, exploring with different
friendships and trying to become more independent. The relationship with her mother and
especially her father has been changing due to Gabriellas idea that she needs to become her own
person. As stated by Dr. Miriam Kaufman, (2006) People spend their childhood learning to be
like their parents, and their adolescence learning who they are and how they are different from
their parents. Gabriella has noticeably shifted from truing to be like her mom to trying to be
more like her friends. She wants to dress more like them knowing that to her parents some of her
friends dress inappropriately. She tends to agree with her parents but also thinks it is the way it
is supposed to be when one is young. She craves the attention of her friends more than her
families and that sometimes create conflict because she is willing to miss important events with
Intellectual Development. For most adolescent boys and girls, the world around them is
either black or white: Things are either right or wrong, good or bad. They rarely think beyond the
present, which explains younger teens inability to consider the long-term consequences of their
By late adolescence, their capacity to solve complex problems and to sense what others
are thinking has sharpened considerably. But because they are still relatively inexperienced in
life, they may still act without thinking. The adolescent in formal-operation, constructs all
possibilities and checks them out one by one. They learn to see how others view the, think of the
past and experiment with different roles. They get in touch with their own feelings and beliefs
and start to create themselves according to who they think they are. She was recently observed
fixing a mistake that a younger sibling made while putting together an above ground pool. The

steps that are used to go into the pool where placed incorrectly. Gabriella took a look at how they
were placed facing the wrong directions and how the wrong attachments were also used.
Gabriella then proceeded to fix the mistake looking at all the possibilities and laying the part out
how they

Pepsi Analysis GC

Recommendations for all the PEPSI developments

Physical development
Keep Gabriella on the right track in regards to maintaining a healthy body by teaching
her to eat better. Teaching her to love her self-image because everyone is unique, in their own
way and the feelings of awkwardness will eventually fade. Helping with self-acceptance is
important and must be done in a sensitive manner.

Emotional development
Teacher and parents should offer a lot of support during the emotional changes that she is
currently or will experience in the future. These changes could be to some extent considered a
huge crisis but with understanding and patience the adolescent will move on from this with a
better understanding of themselves.

Physiological development
Create simple expectations for Gabriella, provide her with consistency and a strong
foundation. Home should be a place that she considers a safe place where she could go no matter
Social development
Parents and teachers should guide her to accept her true self. Giving her the tools to
maintain independence but still have limits. Adolescents usually start to rebel during this stage
but if he or she feels understood by the adults in their lives, they will love and appreciate them.

Intellectual development
Gabriella would do great in activities that challenger her physically a well as
intellectually. She needs to be challenged academically and that will also help her see different
sides of ideas and to think in greater depth.

Pepsi Analysis GC


Blasi, A., & Milton, K. (1991). The Development of the Sense of Self in Adolescence. J
Personality Journal of Personality, 59(2), 217-242. doi:10.1111/j.14676494.1991.tb00774.x

Boundless (2016). Boundless Psychology. Retrieved from
Hay, I., & Ashman, A. F. (2003). The Development of Adolescents' Emotional Stability and
General Self-Concept: the interplay of parents, peers, and gender. International Journal
Of Disability, Development & Education, 50(1), 77.

Kohlberg./Glligan: The adolescent as a philosopher. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Slavin, R. E. (1997). Educational psychology: Theory and practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.).

Social and emotional changes in adolescence. (n.d.). Retrieved July 02, 2016, from

Gabriella Chays PEPSI Graph

Pepsi Analysis GC

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