CAE Practice Tests 2015 With Key

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Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Five tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Ad MARK HARRISON Tae re Advanced Practice Tests MARK HARRISON oxrorp et nk ot Sees mermamct, Slecniieartoonewaece ee oxen usiety Resse extent Nosnauthorined potooping ‘ga aces opt bi ah tn em ‘Sepmsepersnen rng crate Pa res ‘pened ie ener deter agen see ewnpiie ah npn gene Scary rpc aie ‘Secreted bese tes perme snd Sven ron tessa ‘Asai yt aces tes ea Soin reece rennsoroustes ‘tsk peenon paper nc onde umd tt SST earner ne Serena pee toe i Sicha cpeeretceta eam Saver aincmengremns Ec tuen nies Scecmecteptamrect yey Sec cccamen cme eens SSssieconie stew ee ee peices oreo Eni ciccenenenant ner seas Eons poco aia ate enti meetin ene Simca egies mee Saeco a Siete etettamgaten Ee repeance ae eae aoe enoe See atom teroeenener roe Eee Eieternevieramnctaa one Shoe retina Snore nace a aa etieetrniror oe aoe emer ero re eae, Soe ceca eomnerietneet Slo ecees yma a eins cena nay ete Seauemepucumn rs SS oeavemcceree™ Sieeleenientaaattie, "Erthmen eagep cotr20segpa sn Ca ie Sas nna enintn 4 Aap oc ty Or pre een resp” ane ‘Rego juay ste oe Cn sed 0 ep Srminon 0 sane et "On rsh Retro eto rghit Reece pint areas ee inp alg bento, ‘ou ye ne eer, 3 phe ‘ow ime as grb prminion hae oe ‘Sin ceeon Pe Mme by kr eres he Soe acre rita a ee ae Sa Sane Src ets ee Shenae net tea Shea where eet eee ee econo lcdeee apg cae reared arenes Sess oneal ine inate ae a eines eemrcec su guemoatceer state eee eo Sie nintherseceaetnohecri Secreto Stoner tems tart ceaoeerearrearees See a Sieg ieee on Shade acme pene ‘hegre prion Nwnquet London La papi a Selita Teepe oe sri race Secor tceatacracat re Ecce pcraneticnecnny Soe aaa eat Sop elie aerate map: ms Scheer red pet ‘ovis patients‘ egy it su yon mental Tg 2 cbr 0 ee Si cplinted Seponenyeriin, “on pn ens ped poring Engage loom eet rot a ty une ‘Seepackaton irra nec Spee “hype ining cop ond tia he baer be ‘ato ys enone mnt er oor | Tests TEST2 «TESTA TEST 4 Contents Introduction Reading and Use of English Writing LUstening Speating Reading and Use of English writing Listening Speaking Reading and Use of English Writing Lstening ‘Speaking Reading and Use of English ‘Writing Listening ‘Speaking Answer sheets Assessing the Writing paper Assessing the Speaking paper Answer key Audio srigts CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTCE TESTS CONES 2 94 sae 103 108 ww Introduction ‘Thisbook contains: ‘our complete Practice Tests forthe Cambridge English Advanced exam (2015) ‘access to a complete one practice test “anser ke. including mark schemes forall Writing tasks model arses forall Writing tasks suidance on how to asses the Wrting and Speaking papers [ansersheots ‘audi sripts Exam content. Reading and Use of English (Lhour 30 minutes) AKL Tshertirtwitn®|sopton ultpeche;chootethe | vxabuary (esnng fle words, or [cormctwords)toMbeschaop | conpetonof pats paler et) fire eee tet I sgreston: 8 mars TRIE [Tabor win teach ap wh one wrd a er oe cali ges i {8questions; 8 marks [ERED Toharioc wand metic words hana orm ie cave | woe formation ons Mewatorcoch sop [equestons: marks ‘ALE 6 ured Sentences, se the word gent complete the gammar and vocabulary [eachflloned bya gapped sentence sothat tmeans the 5 questions 12 maris “Single word anda sme ethe Sat sentnce | poupronhp enn [eeetnrenee | Smicetya “tex (tice fetion | -Fopton mute choice “comprehension of detail opinion renfcion) / ee, tone, purpose, mae, i impcstion tox organization festres, / _surmpliiaton reference, comparison | _squestions tz marks iatching opinions wth the text they understanding opinions and attudes _conpirng and contrasting opinions and | _soudes across twee A estions;8 marks ‘choice of paragraphs ofl the gaps | understanding of text structure, links {6 paragraphs missing | | between parts of text | [Squestion:12 mats PARTS |1textdivded into matchingstatements [information fo location of specific information: | sections OR several section of txt o shor tex they refer to canprehension of paraphrasing Shorttexs ‘oc appearin | gestions: 10 marks 4 CAMBRIDGE ENGLSH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS/80DUCHION Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) fae | PARES | essay. based on two points intext given, (220-260 words). explaining which ofthe two points is | Candidates st do ths ask. [more important and ging reasons for | this opinion 2 eter /emalt proposal eport or review (20-260 words) varies according tthe task including |Candiantes choose ONE task rom tree choices. comparing, ging advice. sing | “opinions, justying. persuacing Il |zomarks Listening (40 minutes) Inthe exam, each recordin is heard twice, On the CO, they re not repeated, 0 you wil ned to ply each rack again ‘tthe end of the exam, candidates ore given 5 minutes otanser ther onswers the answer sheet Pe aoe ES PALL ener “option mulpe-coie (2 quertone alg, opinion, seater feeling, athude [conversations —_perconversaton) function purpse, agreement between | sealer, course of action ns; marks TAREE monologue sentence completion @sentencesto understanding of specficinfomaton and Completa wordorsor pase satedopnon 4 | questions Bmarks | 4-option multiple-choice | widerstanding of opinion attude, deta, comersation (0 gst. speaer feeling purpose function and “ormore speakers) [Egresment between speakers questions: 6 marks PARI |Sshort monologues | matching: 2 tasks. For each task match same as Part “what each spear ays 0 108 9p80ns | 9 questions: 10 marke __(S.questions per task) Speaking (15 minutes) © Resyopateani ARTA | cometsaton between candidates andinterlocitor general personal topics eltng tothe candidate eons) sans ‘PARLZ | ndvival Yong turn for each candidate with brief _organizinga larger unit of scourse, comparing, | response from second candidate (mes) describing expressing opinions and speculating Candidates talk about 2 sets of 3 petres PART way conversation between candidates (nin) interaction exchanging eas, expressing and Candidates cies ren prompts in _jstying pions, agreing and /o dogreng, declion-mating a suggesting speclsting, evaluating, reaching ection trough negotiation "PRR comersationbeteencanddstes andi expesingandustiying opinions, oreing and or mm _Gsngrecin specultng | Gants cus topes elated to Par taskwith mara ot [theoaniner The Reading and Use of English paper cores 40% ofthe total. The Writing Letening and Speoting papers ach carry 2D ofthe otal. ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TEST ODUCTION TEST 1 Reading and Use of English (hour30 minutes) PART Forquestions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (8, Cor 0) best fis each 0p. Theres an example atthe beginning (0). Mark your answers oi the separate answer sheet Example: 0 A interfering B upsetting damaging intruding Taking photographs ruins the memory, research finds Our obsession with recording every deta oF our happiest moments could be 0. our ability to remember them, according to new research, Dr Linda Henke, ftom Fairfield University, Connecticut, described ths asthe ‘photo-taking Impairment effet: She said, People often whip ‘out their cameras almost mindlessly to 1 moment, tothe point that they are missing what is happening 2 in front of them When people rely on technology to remember for them = 3 ‘on the 1 A see 8 grasp 2 Aue 8B right 3 A-counting 8 setting 4 Aengage 8 apply 5A result B aspect 6 A steered 7 A accurate 8 falhful © A mescured 8 compared CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTCE TESTS 2 ‘camera to record he event and thus not needing tos to it ally themselves ~ it can have a negative 5______on how well they remember their experiences? In Dr Henke’s experiment, a group of “university students were 6 ona tour ‘of a museum and asked to either photograph or ‘ty to remember objects on display. The next day cach student's memory was tested. The results showed that peopie were less 7_____in recognizing the objects they had photographed 8______with those they had only looked at € capture snatch merely D barely assuming 0 swearing C attend D dedicate € extent D impact C tea D conveyed € wact D factual € matched confronted | PART2 For questions °~16, read the tex below and think of te word which bet fits each gop. Use ‘only one word in each gop, Theres an example at the begining (0). Wve your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the seperate ens sheet. Example: 9] [12] U1 | el its (pears cera is Founded in 1572, the Veuve Giequot Business Womnan Award is elebratedin 27 countries. Veuve Clicquot has now introduced anew anard 0. complements Business Wonan ofthe Year category Called The New Generation award 9 Me recognize the best young female talent across business and corporate The fest winner ofthe award Kathryn Parsons. 0. Innovative start-up company, Decoded teaches people to codein a day has joined the judging paneto help find his years winner. The importance ofthese ‘awards cannot 11. overestimated she say. Women need ole models that prove to 12__that they can do too: ‘The New Generation Awards open to entrepreneurial businessnomen3___the ages of 25 and 35 ‘Thay can run 14 own busneszeso al rom corporate life. his award ist about how much money you've made of how long youve been in busines, about ecogrizing young women 15__a mision and a vision ays Parsons. We want 2 meet women who are working to 16 the werlda beter place! ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 00 basal TESTI PART 3 ‘For questions 17-25, read the text below, Use the wor gin incopitals at the end of some ofthe lines to form a word that fits inthe gop in tne same line. Thereis an example at the Beginning (0). Write your answers N CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Example: o| (R[e[s|t[e[yfalr] i oly i EXIT INTERVIEWS. if you are thinking ofleaving your ob you may think that handing inyourletter of 0____isthe end oFthe matter But an increasing RESIN number of companies now conduct ‘exit interviews! with tft Forte employee, an exit interview may fee ike an idel opportunity torrant and rave abou evry ite 17_thathastroubled them since they got the jb, But, 18 __in mind tha you wl probably stil needa 29 from these people itis best to avoid geting angry o 20. and ust answer the question as cally and with as much 21__ as posible. For employers, the ext interview a rare opportunity ts gather some ‘valuable information about the way staff perceive the company. sting employees may not wish to cause 22_____tathebossor OFFEND damage their chances of promotion. so areunitelyto 23 cLose their real feelings about the company. However, someone who has already resigned s more likely to be 28__when giving their opinions. nul {CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS "cADG PART 4 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentences thatit has similar meaning tothe {fist sentence, using the word given. Da not change ‘ne word gven. You must use between ‘three and six words, including the word given. Heres an example (0). — 0 tatoo the way hares gt cr tot gt. a] [Nowine Wow to GET 1 Wrte only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe seperate answer shoot, 25 ve us noticed thatthe car ha almost run outof petrol aRoUy Ivajustnotcedthat_________letinthe ea 25 det know that cars were so expensive in this country. IEA |____ so much in sis count. 27 Donit get depress because of such a small problem, ut res auena small problem that you shout down, 28 tis reported that he snow recovering in hospital RECOVERY Heiseported______in hospital no 29 Laura teacher says that she doesn havea seriout enough attitude toher work. SERIOUSLY Laure doesnt _____to her each, 30 Whats confusing you so much? tor What istthaes cousin? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PFACTICETESTS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH 8 Fisal You are going to read a book review For questions 3 hich you think ts best according tothe txt. ‘Mark your answers the separate answershect, 35, choose the answer (3, 2, CorD) The Great Indoors: At Home in the Modern British House by Ben Highmore 1 1910 the tule all comedian Bly Wiams cored his biggest it with ‘he song When Rother Paper the Parlour wosog the incompetence ofthe amateur ome decorto. Pity years leer, comedians Norman Wisdom and Broce Forsyth were stl entraningmillons onthe 1V show Sunday Night tthe London Paleam wth sna ete, but he joke was starting t look date, ‘Tho success of mapuines such as The ‘racic! Howsheger ws ales roving that a the 1957 Idea Home Euibitionprecme, ‘Doseyousel! isa home hobby that sheet stay By this stage, Brain bad mostly primitive housing condos, made bearable for those who on affor ity servants ad ndyren, into a wold where fae looked er themsehes in highly serio ‘vironments Recogisably tnodeentechalogy, nthe for of telephones, tensions ad elec, hd become ubiquitous and was totam domestiviag st further in the coming yar. The keer of British esi the tetieth etary i renunted in ‘Ben Highmore’s entertaining and Informative ne book He aks is con a whiind tour of an everyday ‘use, fom entrance bal andes she, luminated by extensive reeence orl istorie, pope ‘mapsines and personal memoirs. ‘Atitscente, though ithe way ‘tha ouz homes have rected wider social changes Theres the ddl of 10. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 90 fonmaliy, o that sing rooms once fullorheey future and Victorian Inickmaces ae nom dominatd by television sreens and tered wih hides’ tj. Theresa rowing {ternational in tare And there istheriseof domestic democracy, ‘wth the household ogra end ‘telephone (oeted inthe al) now replaced by Pads laptops and robes in vl eer oo, Key ‘othet decentralization of the home ~ and the implied shit of power swithn it~ the advent of ental eating, whch ets pide of pace asthe novation tat allowed the ‘bole bose to become acessble st ‘Sine fy and nigh Taling on ‘ral edt goto your rom no Tonge seems much of tizet. ighmor also documents, Dower some less eres tape inthe onverd marc of dome ‘achiery Whatever happened {othe gue-poweed fidges we were promisod in 19467 Oren the Dishmaster decd later tht promi o doa whole day's ‘rasing up in ust hoe minutes” Rather ote cet the reason wy 1902 Teasmde edt ate on “when the lam clock gered the itch, a match was stroke, ighting 2 pint store under the ltl. You don't have tobe a eats and salty fanatic to conch that bedroom lan the ideal place for such a gadget. Equal ditching tothe moder reader ith prewar obcsion with chide geting fest a Twas 2 ble entrenched that even ole of isnt marely argued that ‘nine, “Ta beathy dud only ‘eee abou thre hours dan the {pen ia ng a8 he day ad ight ‘userywindor a aye ope oradas the tes ai obsesion har te replaced byiratina fears of zoe outside the ome I easier telaugh at the ile of the pst, td Highmore doesn aay eit 2 Sense of adem sero, eho, ferthe most par, he's an engaging ‘ed quiy aude, dispensing ‘eco nights without argon ‘The message that even the lenguge of he home has changed imevoeably ring eupboans are ‘ping the same mayo eowing ome Ae for thet ily Willams sng, ‘By the 19806, Higher wie, it wuld be impossible for ‘one to nage hale ont am ak {pao withoteeming deeply sitlashioned He's ot entity ont, fr there was at ak one on whe was ill employing such terminology Prime Minister Margaret ‘Thatcher sold her message with the we of what healed the parables ‘the parlour, which sugges ho Toderstond the rth that despite the xalgue ct change, theresa ‘oe that seem consetent, A946 ‘lion of Howse magiin pet tout: "en make houses, women rake homes! When you watch 2 rae omatin toy doing a rotine ‘hou i wit tachment t ater ‘ashions,itseoms worth asking: has ‘he fly dynamically moved 2 ‘peat dea” 51 The reviewers main tpicin the frst paragraphs A improvement in home decorating sks ©. now common was for home decorating tobe dscused how unfale descriptions of ome decorating usec tbe, 1a change in attitudes to home decorating, Oa 52 In the second paragraph, the reviewer says thatthe book includes evidence ilstrating ‘that some British peoples homes were transformed mare than others © the widespread nature of changes that took place in Bish homes, the percetved dlsadvantages of certain developrentsin British homes. thatthe oles of certain people in Bitsh hemes changed enormous, 22 Inthe third paragraph, the reviewer points to change in A the extent to which diferent parts ofthe house ae occupied, ©. ideas of whien parts ofa houte should be furnished a formal way how much time children spendin thee gun roo. 1 beliefs about what the most pleasant aspect of rome les 2: The reviewer suggests inthe fourth paragraph that |A- most unsuccessful inventions fled because the were dangerous. 5 varius unsuccessful inventions faled because tey ci not work propery © some unsuccessful inventions were not advertised appropriately there were uneuccesful ventions whch might ave bee good Ideas. 55 Inthe ith paragraph, the reviewer says thatin is book, Highmore sometimes focuses on strange ideas that were not very commman in the past. 5 occasionally applies the standard of today to practices inthe past. © eccasionally expresses reret about how some attudes have changed. Sametime: includes topics tat are nat directly rlvant to the main topic 26 Inthe final paragraph, the reviewer suggests that Hghmore may be wrong about ‘ivan certain modern atzades to home life Fist Seveloped. which changes in home fein Britain have bean most widely welcomed © the extent to which home ifein Britain has changed. how commen terms such as arng cupboards azn modern Briain Ca ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS fEADING ARO USE OF ENGLISH rasaL PART 6 Yow are going to read four reviews ofa documentary series on TV about largecompanies. For questions 37-40, ‘choose from the reviews 8-0. The reviews may be chosen more than once ‘Mark your answers on he separate answer sheet Inside Business | Be eee eer | rou reviewers comet eT dootmartry series Inside Business, TESTI which investigated the workings of a number of large companies ‘The companies that wore the foes of ach progeamme in he ere Ide Business wre very vere tems ofthe ratte oftheir busines andthe way hey oper, but between ther hey demonststed may ofthe ey etre ‘hatches big orgniation inthe mdera world Each programme focused nosy on the people atthe top. The ‘mount fjagen they use is yt ave Bee oe much for many viewers to coniend with, acl hey may well have _pvea up. they id tc withthe sare, boner, they wil hae been lef in no dobt ast how eomplex the business running lage cranzations iso thee cage with doing co. This was clear fom what the interviees sai, bat sheeting sot ping eth wee nt ants pin erste seg semen’ thy ‘he veewhelming impression given to any ewe who watched al six pide fie Business was of the extraordinary presse that those runing moder companies are oblige to operate under. Unles they themselves had ‘xpesince of working in ge companies, towers hey ate Hel to have oud one ofthe ftervens beet ~ ‘the questioning was very much f the nese to anothe"vaiety and mary viewers will ave srugledt follow ‘what was being deco. The aspect detracted somewhat fom wht was an otervse compen night nto the ‘evkings of modern companies and may wel hae caued mary viewers to change cannes That'sa shame bene in feral the omparies ete in the series strated ery wel the impact of modern management theo ona range flare onenizations, “You id nee to know smthing about buns fe fciated by the sense Buses, which gave an sntriguing pitt from the inside of how vasous base name omnes actualy operate. The companies chosen ‘mae for god television because thy al had ery india une and way of cperating, and such could nat bessid opty the norm nthe worl ofthe modem campy. Entertains hw, the pata of Ue se begged al sorts of questions which werent ouced on nthe interviews These ge the people ia charge avery ‘syd indeed, never chalngng them o hack up shal fen vue and eantentas pronouncements os thei ‘pproch ta ledership. Indeed, te vewer wl ave bac lel with he sping ling thst ry lage and apparety ceesflonniztons aera by people wh ejy tha zles enormously bac thay avd the ade aspect of responsiblity by delegating them to ote. ‘ewer. The vere rogue sme efor ge o rps with te sss covered sprain the interviews, which wee ‘ot aly accessible tothe ly peepn and mete leetead contd as one expr o notes Having nid tht the ewer tvho dd put the fr in war reared with an sbsorbing insight ina the warkings ofthese welnown fms. They | Fh tio nti ne pe mt hd each been crfly chosen to be representative of how lange companies are stature and function at present, and ‘hey hod mac in commen with eachother Then message put cons was how adept thee hare hve to be doping to 3 constantly changing business wo 12 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AID USE OF ENGLISH Which reviewer has ferent opinion rm the others onthe choice of companies tofeusonintheseres? [EI] shares reviewer 8 opinion of the tikebood of viewers losing interestinthe series attra while? [EE] takes a diferent view from the others onthe impression given inthe series of what tis he to beat the top of large organization? has similar view to reviewer C on the questions asked in the ineriewsin the series? oa ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING AND USE.OF ENGLISH 13 Tusa. TEsTi PART Yow are gaing to reod a newspaper article about a ship carrying goods across the Atlontic ocean Six paragraphs have been removed from the article Choose from the paragraphs AC ‘he one whch fits each gap (1-46). There is one extra peragraph which you donot need to Mark your answers on the separote answer sheet The wind-lashed workers who battle the Atlantic in winter Even atthe stormy time of yearin spat us out int te North Sa, Bain, there are thousands of il According to the weather satelites, ‘wotkes and fishermen ofshore, the Allan was storms fom coast swell ba scattering of seafarers to cout, two systems meeting in ‘manning the container ships the middle of our couse. On the and tankers that ring us almost farsi, fe awaited. We were ‘everything we need, So le was behind schedule, the captain that inthe depths oF biter winter, desperate for sped. Si-metre hoping to learn what modern waves are OK; any bigger you have sallots' lives are lke, LJoined the to sow doven or you kl your ship ‘Maersk Pembrote, a container he sid "Maybe well be cky Freighter om her regular ru from Europe to Montreal She looked EEL = so dresdfil when I found her in Antrerp that Lhoped Thad the gst of those feared storms. A wrong sip nightmare in darkness, 2 north Ailantie storm is ike 3 wild dream by day, a region of racing elements Trade berween Europe and North and vid eolour, brsting turquoise ‘oon enough, we were in the America footnote tothe foam, violent sunlight, and reat west-east and north-south darkening magenta waves. Tere rite companies leave lefo older tle you can do once commted vessel: Pembroteis battered except lash everthing down and ind nity, recking of diesel ane! enjoy what sleep you can before i shy chemicals She snoisy, her becomes impossible. Pembroke is ‘ridge and stalls patrolled more than 200m long and weighs Ly whining drafts which ise to more han 3,000 tons, bt the howls at sea. Her paintwork is swells threw her about ike a tin vrtched The Atlantic hes stripped toy her bow back fo 2 rsted ste! shat sees) When they bis squarely the whole ship reared, groaning and Ife ike a desperate enterprise staggering, shuddered by shocking fon a winter ght, as the tide raced fore. We plunged and totered Usdown the Scheidt estuary and) forthe days before there was 2 14. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 8¢#DING 0S OF HCL lull But even then, a ordinary fay involved unpleasant jobs Inextreme conditions. joined welding party that descended w the hold a dipping ting cathedral composed of vast tanks ‘toxins and organophosphate, ‘where # rusted hatch cover defied cheap grinder bade in fountain ff spars. As we continued west, ‘he wind thickened with set, then snow asthe next orm ave (S| ‘All was well in that regard an, ter the storms, we were eleved to enter the St Lawrence River The ice was not thick enough to Nnder us we passed Quebee Cl ina glitesing blue dewn and made Montrel ater sunset, ‘owntown towers sing out of the ‘tundra night Huge tracks came for gd ‘ut without them and heir ‘combined defiance ofthe elements ‘there coud be nothing Ike what se call ‘if at ll, Seafarer are sot sentimental ut some are gute romantic. They would lke to think ‘ve thought of them, partclaly ‘hen the forecast says storms | | | | | | Others fel the same. We were the only its out her as several men ‘remared, Weft ourieoation ike ‘inert proof hat we had chosen (obscure quate ves. ing out on deckin such cantons tempted death Nevertheless, the ships clectrcian climbed alder out there every four hours to check thatthe ilk cheese and well-traveled Argentine Det we cared were stl frozen refrigerated containers. ut edocs not take long to develop affection fora ship even the embrole etme takes he to cary you ‘beyond simming dance from ann fact When learnt sat was wating for Us mic-ocean became her ardent fan, despite al those deficiencies ‘Tere wore Dutch bubs, seaweed fertiize om Tanzania iranian dates for Colombia, ri Lankan ea bags, Polish glue, Hungarian tyes, Incian sends, and Ich besides, The sallors ae not tld hat they carry They ust ep the ships going Hoping so, e sipped down-Channel in daraness, wth the Dover coastguard wishing us.'Good watch and a safe passage to your destination: The folowing evening we left the ight of Bishop Rock on the Sil ies behind ‘When we se that again we now were home; ai the second mate 5 Huge black monsters marched at us tuto the north wes, striped mith nite streaks of fam runing out of the winds mouth The ocean moved imal drections at once andthe waves became enoemous, charging glans of liquid emerald, each demanding is nm reckoning ‘That feeing must have been ebvious tothe captain ‘Shes been all ver the weld’ proud Captain Koop ‘reybristed Dutchman as quick and Confident a2 Master Marner must be, fold me She was designe forthe South Paci he sald wistfully. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED ACTCETESTS READING AND ISEOF ENCLIH 18 TESTI PARTS You are going to read an article about some children. For questions 41-56, choose from the sections of the article (3). The sections may be chosen more than once. When more than ‘one answers required, these may be given in any order. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, Inuhich section ofthe article are the following mentioned? an example ofa sign thathas become simpler the clitference between how the def chien communicite an image and how other people communicate the same image the fact thatthe same signs canbe used inthe communication of number ofidess the characteristic of languages in general at ferent stages of their evelopment able that language i leat by means of a specie partof the mind an aspect of language learning that children are particularly good at how regulary the children have been monitored clder children passing their sign language onto younger hen the reason why the children created a particular sign Ca ca ca ca Ca a os os Ca ‘opposing wews on how people acquire language 16 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AO USE OF EHCUSH | A Adee insight ito the way the bin eas language has emerged fiom the sty of Nnraguan sign language inventod by deat cfilze na Nicaraguan school ae ‘mean ofcommantating mong themseve. The Nisrguan | sen ae waltnown linguists because they provide sn apperenty unique example of pope venti language fom soatch, The phenomenon ated at aochool fr spec duction founded in 1972 Instructors noticed thatthe deat chide, whe boing ie from ther Syoish lessons, had developed a stem of signs for tain to one another. one erin of chien tug the System o the nex itevoed oma set of gestures into far more sophisticated form of communication, and tis’ 800 ters ofthe language pode lig hstory ofthe stages of fomation. 1b The len have een studi principally by Dr. Judy Keg, Slingus a the Univer of Souther Maine and Dr. Amn Senghay, a cognitive scents at Columbia Univesity in New Yor Cig nthe tet ty, published in Sloce maga, De Seng show that the young chide have now despot certain gsturesinto smaller component igs ‘eating perton asked tomime e standard stay shout cat wading down toe il ake a ingle ‘ste, a downvatd spice ‘otion ofthe hand Bit, the deat children have developed te dierent ‘ip to use in it place, DEAF CHILDREN’S AD HOC LANGUAGE EVOLVES AND INSTRUCTS ‘They sin acile forthe ling _pint was not complex language ‘notion and then x tight ine for but ordinary gets. From thie ‘thedimctin ofmovement This raw material the dea len requis more sing, but the two appro be epontansonaly ‘Spuecan be wen ombination _fSricating the elements of withotherstoerpres dient language. concepts Te developments Linguists ave been engaged finest tongs beeatse in longetanding argument ‘eaptures a psncpl quality to whether theres an inmate, ofhuman lnguage~ discrete speiled neural machinery ‘lmao utele in ditirent ‘brlearing language, 22 combinations ~incontast tothe proposed by Noam Chom of fnesound one meaningfanimal the Massachusetts lastiute of ‘communication. "The eguanisy Tecnology or wheter overything hedocumentshere-mapping ia learnd om seth De sere aspect ofthe wold onto Senghas sas er Ending supports scree word choices is one Uh ew that language eeing themost dain properies of ig nate, nat pure etal, ‘naman langue sd De Steven ine the Nisan lden'e Pinks, a copatve scents at yym ur sonia 104s any034 jm ROK, riava TESTI Speaking (45 minutes) a PA BTA (@ minutes) 1» Where do you come from? 1 Whats yourjob / What are you studying? ‘= How long have you been leering English? | What do youlite most andleast about your job / couse? — (Why?) 1 How does 2 typical day for you start? 1 Would you sy that you have an exiting sci fe? (Why? / Why not?) What kindof books do you like most? a (hy?) = Do youtry to keep ft? so, how? If nt, why noe? 1 Describe the people that you work / study with 1 What hobby /hobbies do you have? {= What re your ams and ambitions forthe future? = What kind of things cause you stress? | (4 mites) Things that annoy people Candi Look tthe thee photographs 1A, 18 and 1C on page 25 They show scenes from different TV series ‘Compare two ofthe photographs and sty what each series might be ‘about, and what the characters mightbe lke. Candidate tas on his/her own for minute. Condidste® Which ofthe series would you prefer to watch, and why? Candidate 8 olson his/her own for about 30 seconds Candidate Lookat the three photographs 2A, 28 and 2C on page 25. They show ‘hings that often annoy people. Compare two of the photographs ad say why people ind these things annoying, an what can be done about them. Candidate 8 alts on his/her own for minute, Candidate A Which of these things annoys you themost, and why? | Candidate A tals on his/her own for about 30 seconds, | 24, CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS S06 What might each TV series be about? What might he characters be ike? Why do these things annoy people? What canbe done about them?” ‘CAMBRIDGE EUGUSH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS 5 TESTI 28 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 57 PART3 (minutes) and PART (5 minutes) Tourism PaRta Look at age 2. where there ae ome things that tours might do before or during 2p ‘another country. Fis, taleto each other about how importatitis for tourists to do these things before or | ‘during arp to another country. Candidates ond 8 dicuss this together for about 2 minute. Now decid which ofthese things is the mostimportant or tourists odo. Candidates &ond 8 discuss his together for about t minute. PART What changes have taken place in tourism in recent times? ‘Some peaple sy that tourism does more harm than good Da you agree? Which people benef the most andthe least rom medern cours? What ithe difference between touts’ and travellers? Do you thinks better to be fone than the other (Why? / Why no) 1 Some peaple sy that because of tourism, counties all ver the word are Becoming ‘more smart each other? Do you agree? sthis a dstable development? 15 What developments do you tink there wil bein toursm in the future? have planfor every day ofthe tip How importantis Iefortourists todo ‘hese things before o during a trip to ansther ‘country? ‘know about the history ofthe place meet local people soothe famous sights ‘AMBRIDGEENG.ISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SPEAAhC 27 Forquestions 2, read the text below and decide which answer, sh (Lhour30 minutes) or) best fits each primary novel a pi wn 7 0p. There isan example a the beginning (2) Mark your answers Example: o-Aigial Binal Mary Heath, female pilot Mary Heath was the Queen of the Skies, one ofthe best-known women in the word during the 1 age of aviation. She was the fst woman in Britain to gain a commercial pilot's licence, the fist to 7a parachute jump ~ and {he fist British women’s javelin champion. She scandalized 1920s’ British society by marrying thre times ft me 3 ___of her fame she wed politician Sir James Heath ~ her second husband, 45 years her senior In 1928, age 3, she became the fist plot to ly an open-eeckpt plan, sol, from South Afiica to Egypt 9,000 miles in thee months. It vasa trump, Lady Heath was» asthe nation’s sweetheart ‘and called "Lay Taras by the press. However, er life was 6 twagically short. Only a year later, she 7 a homtife accident atthe National Air Show {m Ohl in the USA, when er plane casted ‘through the roof of a bulling. Her health was never the & in, and she died in May 1939. 1A golden B sweet 2 A put 8 hod Acrest B height 5 A covering stretching A exclaimed —B declared Rot B let 7 undertock —& suffered A lke B equal 25 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS bright D shiny C take D mate C fullness top crossing ranging hailed D quoted stopped brought received underwent better Dame PART 2 For questions °~S,reod the text blow and think of the word which best fits each gop. Use ‘only one word in each gop. Theres an example a the beginning (°). Write your answers! CAPITAL LETTERS 0» the Example: 0} [ATs Huts Gea Stuart Hayes had launched himself on a promising career o. 2 swimmer when something odd happened hm at the local poo. Flogging up and down forthe umpteenth time, he suddenly elized 10 ‘bored ne had become with the monotony. Wasn't there @ ‘more interesting way of 11 __ sporty, for heaven's sake? There was and there is: the colour, sweat and sheer ‘emotion of triathlons, Stuart became s world-class triathlete and von the London Triathlon, the biggest event of kind in the wort, ‘Tiiatlons are ___but bering. Combining swimming, eying and running in one physical onstaught, they offer huge varey within a single racing framework. In Britain, the spot is growing by 10 pe: cent a year. "People are moving away 1 just mmning, and are looking for new challenges; says Nick Rusling, event director forthe London Tlathon, “Tiiathlons area = deal more interesting to tren for and you can vary training to fit busy lfesiyles, swimming in your lunch beak and ss en ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS zasaL TEesT2 PART3 For questions ‘7-24, read the text below: Use the word given in capitol atthe end of some (ofthe lines to form a word that fits in the gap tne sae lin. There fan exomple atthe beginning (0). amp fo] POTEET TITEL RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR ‘One more chancel That’ all were giving yout tellus abeut your favourite restaurant and boos its chances of becoming the 0 win ‘of our Restaurant ofthe Year competition. Tiss the lasttime the official 17____form will appear in the paper andnext Thursday OMIT Is the fina date for 18_of completed forms. Cover the past few weeks we have been swamped by 8 paper mountain 35 19__acrossthe ctyjot down the compelingreasons why INE they believe their 20 restaurant should defintely win our hotly21__ competition (Once the 22__has passed, our judges willsitdown and count EAD allthe forms, The tree restaurants which receive the mest votes will then bevsted by the judges. These vss wil of course be 2. 0 the restaurants themseles wll nt know thatthe ANWOUNCE Judges are there. After their visits, the judges will make ter fal ecision over who wins the 28 tile Restaurant ofthe Year. PRESTICE 20. CAMBRIOGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS MEX encus PART 4 Forquestions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that has similar meoning tothe {first sentence, using the word given Do no change tie word give. You mustuse between ‘hiee and ix words, including the word given. Here san example Example © Ida know the way there, so got lst. cer Not___there got ost [o] [KNOWING How To Get Write only the missing words CAPITAL LETTERS or the separate answer sheet 25 fetook me some time to understand full what happened Waite lewas__ understood what hag happened. 26 Theres no point arguing about this small etal in my opinion wortH This smal cea inmy opinon 27 yur orders delayed, we will contact you eLay Should ____ to your one, we wil contact you 25 The two situations ae completely differen common The two stations dont______ eachother, 29 Las amzzed because there were no problems throughout the holiday. Went To_____ rong throughout he hala 30 thave n intention of doing another kind of jo. ‘REAM other kind of ob, (AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING ANOUSE OF BIGLSH aL zasan You are going to read a newspaper article about managenent.For questions 31-36, choose ‘the answer (, 5, Cor 2) which you think its best according tothe txt. Mark your answers on vie separate answer: Simply ticking ‘have een aed what tink bout ‘he iden rvesing in orp The bet anor cn iis tht chink ‘hat wha to eee baaly ‘mala he Unk eoreen bases ‘peor andfoasing on the needs of the people who wrk fr an lxgaizton is ret. My problem is ‘eth omanisstons nko suerte tit ‘Sey to ep them et bet’ when ‘they dot beter wo udestend where ‘they went weg he fot place. They need to ask what exit and implit ices and procedures they hae in bce that prevent the people fot ig ble to do the gh ting forthe sight sons Tam sre hat there ar manager cout thee hn dan koa ee, Se suet to manag they spy ‘eed ypu pressure on the people to fom. But people do’ demons hgh pcomance beens they are told They doit bene the oe ‘the eae doit td mate the ice to .They dot esase ey re connected tthe snes gal ed they so how thir conibatons xn Insp aciee tem. Such manages ‘el themsces they an pat ie! {nthe we eat about people’ ox. But simply puting ticks in bone i ogo ‘tied eee. ‘Tenw os company that was 0 canornod tht people were doing he eight thing’ hat putin place ‘ere of mete to mane he ffecvenss Sof, 5 ood But one othe objects - making sues ‘als cal = mained toe in the 232 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS F011 49 USE OF ENGLISH metre Number af potenti esters ‘en in one dey" The sles people lees ese thefts on ging ‘hom one caster oe to anaes, snd not on closing deal Instead ofthe Carlin becoming moe ete, the ost on geting the anes ‘eke, Good inte; poor hing “Azahar eompany wanted to improve theapen ith nich fas sl Intoduse et products Campton ra beat tothe mae plac, td onseuent the company va lasing ‘mae share, Senie management Seat eu the mesg rece the ‘sme epentin peng potato canoes ands, wih the expansion ‘hat hay oul ar lay. This rasa enya espeily Since the time spent esting the prods was cat in ale aomplsh the tine ution. The esl was ne pout were ntoduced in ss ‘ine thn thos of th competion nt oon pte casters or poor quay Good inten ees {mplementon Athi company now is ying tant elp employees sc that ty ave some onl oe their ‘The company aula propane ‘the boxes isn’t enough ‘ith tte ke Ceatng aro Sia’ or something ie tat. A {Pod ies et the pope ile the fut of the company Bat ‘stead of the employes becoming sosvatod cont, they caw t ahllow excise onthe par of senor management whine past, te pu ite tention to ayting thr than geting the job done © they cold port rest exings, es, the pregame mer abi the ox’ eft, bat that was all itm in ‘hemi ofthe people that twas sesgpe ‘fal example sofa company that bro in one f these nvesng in People’ programmes to change the ‘ay the company was run. Astor ere rng aru ec, helping managers examine bow they manage, Th told managers hw ty ‘ould manage beste. And when the {ble ty they hn done had ‘averted init espe ad fe was 20 food Butte manages simply went Sock o busines as usual. eal, te aserors were gone, ad they ad tant tt Allee examples at prtentaive sf wsor management who sete teal toimprove things in thir spit, but dow sce haw todo te orastart a pgamme taped improving things nl ood rtnagemens by to motte thir pple. And when the enpayes spy se the programme aa bor Neking execs, then i hopeless 21 The wer thnks that puting the concept of Investing in Peopeint practice 1 frequent resutsin contusion aman te peopl ie supposed tel. © voles more efor than some organisation are prepared ta make. may ereae problems where prevail there had rt been ay probes. ca 1 something that some organizations shauknot tempt to do. 132 The writers main point nthe second paragraph is that the performance af employees 1» maybe very good even f managements paot. 1 cannot be accurately measured y ay bor ticking exerci. ca Cisrelated other knowedge of the organization a a whole 1 isnot a unpredictable as some managers believe to be 233 What pont does the wter make about the frst company he describes? | Tewasnot realy interested in measuring the effecivenes of employees 15 The targets that ist for staff were unvalstic. ale to understand the real needs ofits employees 1 Thedatathatit colected eid not messure what it nas supposed to massure, 24 What point does he witer make abou the second company he deserbes? ‘A made what shoud have been anes eskimo acomplcated one 5 leo Frese the consequences of an inson & temsundestoas why anew eprosch was eget © eefieed rotate ino acount he ws of employes. 35 What does the writer say about the programme intofuced by the third company he mentions? | Employees didnot belive that it ha been into ce fr thee benefit. Employees felt that tas in fac away of making their jobs even hard ca (The reason given fr introducing was nt the re raason why ews introduced 1 ttwas an inappropriate kind of prngramme foe this pativiararganioaion 36 There says thatthe programme inhis al example A was to demanding for managers to malin ng tem. 8 was trated ase contained exerci by mana Invoed some strange eas on how manager cold improve cs D caused managers to Delve that ther prevous methods had been Dette ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS ScADIC AND USE OF ENGLISH 38 zasan PARTS You are going to read four extracts rom introductions to books on popular culture. For questions _from the extracts 0. The extracts may be chosen more than once. 80, choose ‘Mark your answers the porate | An introduction to popular culture | Four writers summarize their beliefs about various aspects of popular culture ‘The whol concept of popular elt’ isa reatiely modem oe and aa phenoraeon itis hy to the understanding of ny modern sce: Hares sts abound on the subject rd indeed hee ae ole ranches e academia ddisted to each and theories on the tpi, but n mary case wht thee dois overconpiate something that sin realty a relatively simple mater. Ppularcltre pring fom sal groups of ie-indel people geting together wth new Seas and then sprees out othe population at nef they fd these ides appealing. Mac fittest the young and for them it gives a happy sens of being separate fom other generations and thereoe spc in some way. Popular el ny once have pug om the people thecttes, al ndeed thi was the orignal defo of the term foe any expert, butt i ae to conser that hi rersin the cae Ista, it as heonme someting peed ‘on the publi fom on high, business ommodty that merely pretends to have it roots n the eatin ofthe people but in its simply a oneymaing enterprise ke any otex, What people choose to buy and consume in the ‘et of popular eltre speaks volumes about he nity and i a main inicator of what that sacety sk. This is ‘special true inthe ata of youth elt’, wee the young guna sense of selfnd of belonging vi shared tastes and possessions. Stites of poplar elie tnd to focus on the more extn specs an to ignore the ore manda, ‘hich ironically are often the mos interesting ‘To ummarieit bey, poplar culture is developed by the people br the peopl nd when it as become pope tough, commodified fo prot by the business wold. tudes of popular tue have prolate over the year, fad experts he fd ve developed ther own vocabulary and ate for analsing it Thee teal tess ‘he soc anpcts rather thn the commercial one. or the jaunger patelpants is poplar callie, ths are re ‘inlerant a what hey et om iti a sene of identffing witha patil contenporary grup, comforting sense of ‘communi. They are ciinelne to alae thi thems tis woth remember, howeer, hat ty 9g, Popa feature olen # minority interest toys medi Hk to ie the ipreson that he vast marty of eng ae sept upinit whereas hss requenty not theca Woudinary members ofthe publc were to read ost ofthe worthy studies of popular ule that academics pode, | hey would them overblown and rious in tg seh erry sd eseniay trvi things o weil. In the medi, excitable juralt and experts exaggerate the portance to moet pepe ofthe caret popular cute henomens, whic ia ely do not mich ocpy the minds of most people The ae ta Where these observations ‘may not old tre, howeves, sang the young, where popular eltre cn have undue infene, encouraging then to ‘Segue unreal ideas about how they can ive the ie a here pote having a damaging eect onthe ‘ures One of the more interesting aspects of populace fr al ages its urpreditblity~ a bew phenomenon «an suddenly energe that grips section of eciey an that takes the commer world entirely by uri, focngit {0 react itt ep up and to capital on that atest phenomenon 24 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS 0G AHDUSE OF Ec Which writer takes asia view to wre Aon stules of popular cute? ier from the others on what causes popular culture to aie? shares ite BS opinion onthe significance of popular culture? m::] Ca ca has lifferen opinion from the others on the impact of popular culture an young people? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTIETESTS READING AND USEOFENOLSH 35 zasan TEST2 PART Yow are going to read a review of anor exhibition. Sx paragraphs have been removed from thearticle. Choose from the paragraphs h-Cthe one hich fits each gap (#85). Theres ‘one extra paragraph which you donot need us, ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, An exhibition of works by the artist John Craxton | “A World of Private Mystery ohn Craxton RA’ atthe liam Museum is small show, butt does ful justice to an artist whose career divides into two pars: the years before and during the Second World War, and the work he did afterwards, iten for long periods he lived dutsde England Ie begins with his smal-sale landscapes in pen and ink, pastel, gouache and watercolour, His subject is arcadia, but a distinctly English one in which poets and shepherds sleep and ream aa Blasted landscapes under datkening skis. SufTised with longing and foreboding, these works reflec the reality of living ina rain-sodden country under constant threat of foreign Invasion. [ibesseereeseraeueeateseee] Most ofthe early work is monochrome, In many landscapes, writhing branches snd gnarled tee trunks fill our field of vision. Beneath the ‘surface ofthe self-consciously ‘poetic’ motifs, the country he shows in these pitures feels claustrophobic and joyless. [eee As this exhibition makes cleat, by the age of 25 Crexton’s antistic 36. CAMERIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS 0G MOUSE OF ENGLISH ldenty had matured. With his style, subject matter and working method all fall formed tis hard to imagine how he would have developed had he remained in England after the war a eae (nis fis vist to Greece in 1946, Caxton was swept away bythe light, colour landscape, fod and people. The dark cloud ‘that hung over the work he did in England lifts and overnight his palete changes to clear blue, green and white ania Goats fish, cats ora frieze of sailors dancing on the edge of the seas inthe Greek paintings beautiful ereatures move naturally across bare rocks and biue waters. The compressed joy {you find in these pictures doesn't ‘exist elsewhere In British post- var art, With afew interruptions, Craxton would spend the rest of Ms ie in Crete eee But If there Is lil exploration or discovery in Craxtn’s later work, you find instead a sense of fullness and completion, afeling that in accepting his limitations, te remained tre to himself As ence sad, ean work best sn an atmosphere where life is considered more important than then I find i's possible to Seo areal person ~ ral people, veal elements, real windows = seal sum above al. In life of reality, my imagination really works, fel like an émigré in london and squashed ft ees aeceeesaeceeoeaa 1 most noticeable in the works on canvas especially in formal portals ke his 1946 ‘Gin with Cock’ and is there too in the laceted geometric planes of Greek [nndscapes lie his panoramic view of Hyde of 1960-61, Ceaxton wasn't an artist ofthe fst rank but he ws inimitable, “his show is just the right scale ‘nd it comes with a beautifully ‘Hluerated book about his ie and work 1 ecomes across his way even when My guess she have responded badly | he uses strong colour as inane sunlit to marke forces and critical pressure | landscape in particular, where the to do new things. What he needed was | yon isharsh andthe red murky. ts ta develo athis own pace ~ even fat ‘though hes paiting something hes times that meant standing stil But todo heard about but never actualy seen: ‘that he hat leave the county. | sunlight | FF They dos through tightly hatched tines 15 ewas not only London that oppressed and expressive distortion which ratchet hie spit, thin, but the overwheiming Uupthe emotional intensity, asin his power ofthe new art being made in ietrations for an antnalogy of poetry Paris by Piast, Mirb and Léger In Inthese, a single male gure wats and sessing Crayton work you have to watches na dark wood by moonlight. accept his debt to these arts and Particular Picasso Cone are his melancholy sel portraits inthe guise ofa shepherd or poet ~ and And though he woul pain large- intheir place we fd rel shepherds(or scale murals and design stage sets and rather goatherds) tending living animals. g tapestries, nlher his subject mater Now Crxton's painting aworidousice = norhisstjechangedin ary fundamental __‘himselfnot one that exsted largely in way during that period. it may sound his imagination, | harsh, but when he decided to ve there permanent he elected to writ himself Dut the history of art Indeed wellemember how Fd step into a large gallery hung Noort celing with paintings, and out ofthe visual ‘cacophony a single picure would Tap off the wall twas always by John Caxton, ‘CAMBRIDGE BUGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING MID USEOF ENGLISH 37 TEST 2 38 CAMBRIDGEENCLSHE ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING ANDY PARTS You are going to read an article about various birds in Brain. For questions 47-55, choose “From the birds ($0). The birds may be chosen more than ance, ‘Mark your answers onthe separate answer sheet, (OF which bird are the fllowing stated? Further attempt to increase its numbers were made once ita attenpts hag proved successful Is population growths a election of how ought is. ‘Theres statistical evidence to support the view that itis very popular bird “There wes particular period when ts population plumieted Acts could be made ofits physica appearance, ‘commen perception oft has proved inaccurate Growth n its numbers has ben much mee gradual than esd Ther isreason to believe that ts progress ina patclerregion wil be msntined ‘Measures taken inthe cunning ofa certain type of counts have asst inthe growth ofits population Eventhough ite population hae fallen it ean Frequently be seen in vious particular locations BaaG Ca a Ca Ca cs Pie TO cacecccccnannaannuunmunmammumaunititiititte ‘Binds in Betan come under sertiny she small-wi gets trenton open iy ad the {na mie we to, Bre Ceebodighats RieaaoeTghiy peoincee onan dw [Banta A ond fie an Sear ands rojo eect The poet aed a eae ommuniy inthe 2ietcetuy, Gone intapest unpnytothe tn eft by varus UK ‘reals cotiowalyevting pate. cad Theorie cece nthe ernment ope, wall te Mant Cocke the principal sur sf” Syosuae hawt 96 ant ‘Norwest wi ‘he tome selects some cee. ‘Swinton ham) Gand cage te tot ist in etren HS 965, tb Rd te Memos atcaaatous tne a eaple(39 mae ans c,d wih he bt we females or snag ae on Syseeandsnenng eenoy he he ew Hern land of comrtedursemefancrcaring git et omen en, atin ‘Stocco te beet 1963 came thee eating ten [Bie expe wr x poe "To citer pa fled a les mryhartom mune tol ets pode it Btn q Sn coat ease ‘he sem and xe aegest 4 "Al the cauton pty ‘eigenen bsnl sdertoabe am expresion ‘suena ixporment Tres ‘toupee inc tomcie——nehetlsed reeig oceas Smo Yeast gpa betwen the lands of Sd ‘vist waters conteing eM sewe a ean nnd, Telesyunicnoepopion st an er cnt sy sets Toaspaumtytheyear 200 heboe ul he wtetaled cage’ cease Stinky eed id” leit hap rte ‘There ee cet em = Seater. ‘rages an postion of > mectandidiesealiionde — Ramagenett nd potato Spt Me Enmeg tie get nce teem ruts ven eth gener ne ‘Ta evely Porn Trestond eoserton Teton Basi ay tastes ow nytt ‘tus a ent Repl eve Snlatnte the int of ema ‘mio of depaltwach aniaaie Sa she glen alto ng tush Tikealons stot trotted, Whitealed Egle Te rst ped as ged ‘de Holand an Sat! sg te ceglnly en form Sain an Sade Th gah reser bana the Chien in 969 oneness itiait lected They he no ot tan Beechred tealy population, {suey along Howe, ‘nega todurtns wor aden ‘pote compete eno Nortsuprose soa erste ng Sine in Erp ade The See he reap tcathing ane ‘oman the 86a 98 e gees ere mat ‘Seda gopultons lig ore eos how warp nse ‘han Sp Atop thre no ‘ny he mney ah ‘owt 300 Bn ‘ewe gua Ue ph Tie ‘pedal ete that eae ae ‘ong tenet spring mgt S) sethebit sedi to jason theme ees ala cet of pase ‘Seal ng eoneertonatierenent™ se Inthe past 28 yeas re [tive Wes Seremndacin oe enapsnt bes hae dete by nmos 80 Sarorea [Shor ort te By wagapn end pert beth ae tl fey somerset thst thelgetenge in ‘mee (1500p) to be a te hops sions ofthe gpa at_ fair ander bd oftage nth Alcan tintin Hower be puis ude cues sa am Titonandtas — tionagaadceetieeoe ofthe Ballin ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AND USEOF ENGLISH 38 TEsT2 Writing (hour 30 minutes) PART You suse answer tis question. Write your answer in 220-260 words In an appropriate syle. 1 Youhave watched a documentary about what causes young people to start committing 2 show how iti he cared about his appearance 8 create an impression of his sense of humour create amusing visual images of him, 1 show how bag his choice of clothes always was 55 Chanu had decided to go ona sightseeing trip that day because | he regretted the lack of opportunity to do so before © hefeltthat it was something the girs ought toda. ( hehad just developed an interetin seeing the hts. Dead grown bored with the area that he lvedin 28 Astheysatontop of the bus, | Nazneen began o regret bringing so much food nth them, © the gre fel obliged to pretend tha they were enjoying themeelies, Chan explained why he hac brought the wale amily onthe trp. the family members showed diferent amounts o¥entosism fo the tip. 25 When Chanu showed him the guidebook, the conductor 1 mate itclear that he wanted to keep moving through the bus. appeared te tink tat Chanu might cauee a protien. inal pretended nt to have heard what Chanusaid. 1 falthat he must hive misunderstood what Chan. ead 26 What was strange about anu’ use ofthe word ec? 1 teas not relent the places he was asking about. 5 Iecould equal have been apie oh, © He was nt using it wit is normal meaning, Me had no reason to believe applied tothe conductor. ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS. PART 6, You are going to read four extracts from biographies of former potical leader For questions 37-40, choose {from the biographies 0. The biographies may be chosen more than once. Mark your answers othe separate answer sheet Four biographers assess one national leader's political career ‘Theorem impresion one geo hin i of mone whose tre ambitions ly outide politic, na fr whom pital leadership wet more of CV tem tha a duty bor ofa dae to serve his country Ashreve and manipulative operator, ‘elmer how to make the right aliances to et hime into the patios he wate and enc i tem ef ofce was ‘rer contin in tit win tse politics. The leg hs nen cee a ontrasting oe. Top ofthe ist in ‘the pus column e the tremendous progress he made artoming the gup betes: ti and por ae aul of plies ‘be pezonally championed agnnet consdeble oppsition Les ritabl ithe i that may ofthe problems that raed fom hie tne off cen be nid ati door and her were epacsions he should have frseen, Seldom cana politi leader be sido have ben such victim ofbad timing Many of his polis made complete senvein themscies and at lot any ote tine woul have had positive imp, bat cicamstancs beyond his control conspired ot them nto date forthe nun. It snl perhaps bes hat tis was made worse by the fac tht he was somewat lib, sting fr to mh tote by the questionable vce of key gues sound him. He | ‘ose to power with sincere bel! that he could prone the Lvs ol peopl at vere of ose, thang cold be ‘sid hat elt tr guide him more than hs tal dese, Probably the most paste thing tat canbe sid ‘out his tem of ofr ie that he inion thet of ane tough economic tine, tang the country though ‘hem with asonable sce, which was no ms ft Views ie widely on what srt of mabe was a leader, wth ondisingtestimeny om thoee on the ise, What ‘merges is romene who appeared desive bat who in realty tended to blve what he was od by trated advisers td expert, ed wa oo eal avayed by than, Hie unquestioning th a such pope le him ryt implement ‘changes that were tori forthe ne and itis sts tht he was at a rang long with this preach ‘hat was advocated by other On the pave sid, his mai actirement was to make th ourtry moe compstve economical by means of ome welhcnscered inate, though tase ater tured out have ely soretema Impact. Tie elected the commitment to modemize the cout tht had been atthe canto is cmpagn andthe riseon why he id pre othe leader in thes plc | Hemas dave othe top by a gnuine bela that he knew best nd tht his rts were incapable of sexing that his | oles wuld ined produce very ea improvements aos the Boar. Though he made how of isteningo ace | A career at the very top of the political ladder TEST3 fom oer, he was in aly inexbe, This ad him wo continue to purse pole that wee mail not working td shod ve acrped that change of duction was quired, He bd one the sharpest minds of any leader Sn reent history, ad an ability to aaj situations fens, bat a ey imes te fd to apply these uate st cared on repens of the nadiabity of dang so, Nerertels, be succeo in one mj way: he mae society ‘more eal nd ins doing improve thet of may ofthe les well amber tit 1% CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS "A906 A0 USE OF ENGL 4] | on ti Which biographer hasa diferent opinion from the others onthe extent to which the subject was personally, responsible for problems caused by his plies? shares biographer Ds view onthe subjects personal characteristics 35.2 eader? fers rom the others onthe subject's motivation for becoming» poi lade? expresses a similar view to biographer Aon what the subject’ greatest achievement was? (CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AID USEOFENGLSH 57 ecusay You are going toreado newspaper orticle about singing n choirs. Six paragraphs have been ‘removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs '-< the one which ts each gop (6-45). Theres one extra paragraph which you do not reed to use ‘Mark your answers on he se sh Introducing choral music to children is like opening a door to a magical world Here's an important question. Whar’ calming, therapeutic, healthier than drugs, and could well prolong your ie? Answer Shnging ina choi bbb sceceesecueeeseeceeoe) Chitdhood hss used staging 2.2 sing together ~ 35 a tute the fefige ftom the sport field [ake composer's centenary thls year, But zo issue with tha, tas she found her lol schools responsive? Sadly not: wa al = J toe much trouble 1 know there are occasional Alseeeeeceaaae inlatves. From ime otme1 We sang Heer Howells Like as set nv as a music en to the ye fo Aca wherever itd | launch of some scheme o other 1 int do for my crdovasclar ‘courage more collective singing yun Sa an among school-age eildren. Ther’ Sr any ofthe other thing that areas and brave words. Theo yep yp in research popes it was six months ltr everthing #08 hemos significant experience let unt the next launch oF he a ore ext nitive. sed to whieh year-olds fom Unfshionable par of cst London BE) att generat get acess. teas Tinow a woman who's bcen eying Mail wanscendent. spoke hard 0 ongenize a performance of Posts. Benjamin Bites Nave’ Fludde perhaps he greatest work ever 58 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS ‘The other weekend Iwas i Salo, celebrating Bite, been fet there were alo of Sheen privileged enough to be dulled nt the centenary events There was a great Noye’s ude i LowestoR And on the actual dithday countess hordes of infant ‘lees piled into Snape Maltings "sing Brit's school songs, Friday Apemoons parc of a projet ‘hat involved 100,000 others, intemationally, doing Hkewise, a Just thnk if we could finally get Briain’ ehlden singing, it would iter upwards. And we wouldnt need university researchers. Wed just dot and be ll the beter or ‘twas an exvaorinacy experience that Itsnat anew discovery: ther are ‘many of hose chitdren wl carey with endless dsertations onthe subject them ll hee ves, ike my experience iar of research, and celebrity allthose years ogo. There a lan frit endorsements Ut peopl hae short tobe repested every yer on Brees ‘memories So everytime another ‘tay But hat ony happen academe papers published it ges into if there are resources and sustained the news = which was hat happened commitment (for @change). this week when stor Brookes University came up withthe atest. Infact, have n argument with ny of singingis Good for you revelation, these pls of esearch = bing them on, the more the beter because what 6 Thehar faci that moststae schools they ave to says tre The onl thing dont bother much wth singing. fin annoying is that uch an endless tunes someone the hierarchies of repeated truth results in reat tle government steps in to make it worth ‘tion from the kindof people who their hie. They say they don't have the ould putito good use resoures or the tine And even when ‘a wortnile singing project crops into (One of my enduring Iie regress that thelr lp, they tun edown. Inver got te chance to takepart in such an event a ach guess went to schoo where tas ao too much trouble But di just once, aged get the chance ta go witha choir and sing at (Chelmsford Cathedral But being there was even better And as Iwas siting near the choir = who were ‘magnificent - saw the faces ofthe boys Sn thought how fabulous prviages they were to have tis opportunity given tothem ‘and that, for me,is what ache can fer. Alle pysial and mental pluses area happy bonus. Butte joy an thril lof access to that world of musics what counts TEST 3 PART 8 You are going to read an article about various pointings. For questions «7-56, choose from ‘the paintings (8-0), The paintings may be chosen mare than once. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Cf which painting are the following stated? Ie is of something that ne langer exists ‘Te ats points out that isbased on things actualy observed, eventhough i doesnt depict them accurately. ‘Te arts specaze in things that most people regard sual A deduction that could be made about whats happening itis nat what the ati i actualy showing, The ats took ask ile creatng it The arts checks that nothing importants ising from preparatory work eas completly altered in order to produce various cornectins. ts artist produces palatings in ferent locations. Inone way itis unk anyother painting the artis has produce. ‘The artist kes to nd by chance subjects that have cetain characteristics. 460 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AUDUSE OF BICUSH CB Ca a ca ca oa ca ca Oa Pleas naan Watercolour competition @ First prize ‘Gaol Robertson tanuted ld Cara Robertson's Interop Fel is a worthy wines 4 more less geometric composition that explts| ‘the qualtes of evenly-applied washes of colour. The ‘ating vas the largest Ie ever attempted ~ so ‘he Dig even sea of blue in the entre ap ram anything ds, something of techie schicwement Robertson is ken to tes that her abstract | composition are fly rote in ely. Tough | she docsnscek to confi or record the way the ‘wold ook’ her work sever dacannctd from ‘he natura! word 50 the coloured tries and bands in this painting have aspect source, Over the pst five yar Roberson has ben working in rn, o8 ‘he northwest coast of County Mayo. The eoloured stipes simulate memories of coastal landscape, gt painted cota, harbours and fishing boats (hings sen out of the come of my eye a Texpored that costne by car and on fot. The colour miors the Fragments of life ht caught my eye agalst a background of ea and sy! | Runners up | eotes Wye Giysie Gcoftey Wynne desries hinse a ‘an open-air Impressions wateraour painter though hea tha “anger wok thi prizewinning pict among tem, ‘are developed inte suo’ Petaps the most noteworthy aspect ofthis patting ‘she scr number of people init. According to the te, dey are on a quay somesthers, andthe momer of sites they have eth them sess they have Jus landed from a boa on the first stage of boli "es tha’ almost right! Wynne od me, ‘xcept tha ween the bot in the easly morsing, jas aves Tack fom Mare, andthe people re waiting to get ‘on. This painting took long time to nish and many ati attempts were sbandoned. To achieve a nity. 1 Immersed the hal-nshed painting In the bath, then ded the black witha big bush. Is dangerous to fo, because you can't ral conta the effects. Then reworked everthing, establishing links with colour and ‘one tuft the composition, cresting 2 Kind of veh or net of sila eff CArhae Ledped Cartons ower Arthur Lockwood has 2 ig reputation among ‘etecolour painters and watereslur ents, ‘hel for bisaccomplished pictures of indastal sites, sujet tht ae generally thought tobe unsighly, but have sing visual quale alter own. Among them, lea Kind of romanian stimulated by indlestons of ecay andthe pasting of ireoverable tine, Lockwood's subjects te afterall ules, ‘he modern equivalent of Gothic churches verge by Wy. He snot only to reveal ‘hose quate, but take 2 visual cord of places that are fast being destroyed ‘This aiming, a good example of is work tn senerl sone of an ‘extensive sere the Same subj. What we Sei pat of age instal ‘lant that once made smokeless coal briquetes. has ow been coed an demolished to make way fora usin park. eusaL Michael Sine was once a succes stage and Iceision designer This fs worth sresing, beac ‘his pze-winning painting makes astro theatrical Impression, Sace agrees, and think tas much © do withthe exefilly judged igtng As theatre choose the answer (0,8, Cor D) which you think fits Best eccording tothe text. ‘Mark your ansmers onthe separate answer sheet Those brilliant autumn outfits may be saving trees As tes ares the nrtem was ofthe gk omg sn aon Sst oe eb era what ihe cobussre br testes So re one tg te sie efor someting Tat presets 2 ‘jor sna tng Fr dese {Sion lime a etm ‘Sure jot ret of Singers tn ays snmed at tatim enes were waste se ld be Woon 38 Cccutcenry clog at veo Sm More! Une tn Engin “Tats at waa ent Daring sping and sures eves seine geen fom Seren, Se pment pages ar ‘cin arn kh a he ‘hue Clu a sed dng Seqoringsane een {tes bak Gown fc copy nidr some of te compres tan heise Conenton stam rps stn clu Sethe et ofthe resin | len hc fly | Sine elton bil and plant paisa oer to ioe ‘Spine vty satel | SSkSlon ins made atm clos | Steeped De Wem Sean, ‘ evoltonay biog at Oxford Universi, proposed that bright | sstumn leaves comean a message they war sett eee hen tone i Hallons ea gna Iypoteas grew out of exer work head done onthe exravagant plumage of bits. He proposed ie ferved aan advertzement fom les 0 femaes,Indeating they had sestable genes. As Feralen evolved 76 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS FONG A USEOF ECL ‘preference for hose splays males ‘ved ore extravagant fates they competed for mats In he ‘se of tres Dr. Hamilton proposed ‘hat the sual mesoge was sent 0 Insets Inthe uta, ope abd ter insets choose res Where hey il ay ther gs When the es Fath the next sping. thelr eed fon the te often wits devastating est A tre can wat ff thee sts with potions. De. Hamlion eculsted hat nee with song defences might be abe to protect ‘hemslves even further by etn laying insets knoe wal as Sn store forthe eg By producing Dliane autumn colours. he tees ‘verted thelr letaliy, Ae nests ‘onlued to aol the gh lenses, ‘atrlslecton favoured res th ‘ld ecome even bigs Teas a bese sald Marc Arched forme student ‘tr Haton who ls now at the Universi of Fribourg in Switelan. Dr Hanon bad Me Acetate hyptbesi ino ‘mathematical model The model Showed that waming signals could Indes drive the evolution of bight leaves teat in theory. Another student, Sam Brown, std the le Signal hypothesis against rea ata out ees a insets Kea 3 frst ta osc what ws out there! said De. Browa, now an evolutionary logs a the Univer of Texas “Te leat signa hypothesis has also drawn ets, most recently from Dr Wilkinson and Dr. Maro Schtefer, an evoltonsy blogst athe Unverty of Frebarg in Germany. De Wilkinson and ther tes point to a numberof ee ‘bout aphids and wees that do not De. Haro’s hypothesis. De ‘Wiliam Hoch, a pant physiologist at ‘be Unvesiy of Wisconsin, argues ‘bat bright eaves appear on ees {eat have no inset to warn of ‘you ae up herein the north of ‘Wisconsin bythe ine the eaves shang, ll the insects that feed on age ae gone! De Hoch sad. Is thee ate, De. Sehacer and Dr Wilkinson ange tht a much moe plausble explanation for ‘umn colous canbe fund in he ‘seach of De Hoch and other plant risilogsts. Their recent work ‘Siggess tat autumn colors serve ‘muny 2 sursreen Dr amltons former students sae that the sige pothesis ‘psu werd investigating Dr. row believes tat eaves ght lw ele to prtet themselves both om slight and fom insets: De row and De Arche also gic ‘tat supporters of the sunscreen Igpothess have yet to expla wy sine ess have Bight colours sd soe donot. This sa baie ‘gestion in evottion th they sem {ignore r- Ache said T dont ‘his «huge concer De. Hod plied. Theres natural variation for ery character” ‘Dr Hamiton's siden and heir cots ae that he dete has Ten uel, Beeause It has given ‘hen deeper reverence fo this time of yer People sometimes sy that sience makes the world Tes interesting and awesome by Js explaining things aay De ‘Wilinson si." with aan leaves, the more you know about them, the more amare you ae aaa 2s Whats stated about the colours of autumn leaves inthe fist two paragraphs? | Tere has previously been no dsagreement about what causes them. ©The process that resus in them has never been fly understood a] Differ colours from thse that were previeuslythe norm have started to appear. 1 Debate about the purpose af them has gene on fer along time, 2 The wes that Or Hamitns wort has ocusedon A thedierert purpose of diferent colours. 5 teu of calourfor pposte purposes thepesbiy tut tiondinseas hve intuencedeachothersbehavour, EA © thelcreased suv ate of ean ind fee 53 Dr Hamiton has suggested that there's a connectien between | the colours of autumn leaves and the behaviour ef insect 5 the development of brighter leaves and the reduced numbers of certain types of insect. Ca the sunial of tees and the proximity of isects them. 1 the brightness of leaves and the development of ther defence mechanisms in trees. x Whats sad about the work done by former students of Or Hamilton? | Neither of ther was able co achieve what they set out to do. ©. Mr Archets fet some regret about the outcome cf the work he did ca Both of them initiated the tea of doing the work 1 DrBrown didnot expect to draw any frm conclisons from his work ‘kes ofr Harton theory have expressed thevew that 4 ts impoesble to generalize abou the purpose othe calous of autumn eaves theory isbesed ona misonderstandingebout nec behaviour € thecalmsofauinn ees tvefforon ect anton. ca 5 stheoycan onl be ppied to certains eet 26 Inthe debate between the two groups of people inestiatng the subject. thas been suggested that ‘something regarded a ty pity one side infact not important. © further research wll rove that De Harton they ithe ore one both sies may fat be completely wrong ca thetwpsides shou caloborate CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTCETESTS {cKOING ANDUSEOF ENGLISH 77 pasa. PARTS Yow are going to read four extracts fom articles on freelance work For questions 27-0, choose from the articles A=. The articles may be chosen more than once. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer shect, The world of freelance work Four writers look at the working life of freelancers ‘than in an employed positon. The ie doesnt aut everyone and many employed pope se feancers asa tty Hamburg to begin the testing process. During the previous five years working sa miltary test plot, had become ‘much more lvlved in the space sector ~ aviation and space ae inrinscalyEnked and share may Similar technologies. However had not Seriously contemplated 2 career as an ‘stronaut, since the options todo so ‘were extremely linited though the Soyus spacecraft offers an emergency return to Earth in ss than {Zhou rom the Iternatonal Space Station, ths isan absolute ast resor. ‘Also, tis nt avaliable once a spacecraft has reached out beyond low Earth obit ‘AoHBRUOGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AND USE OF ENGLISM. ax pasa TEST“ PART @ Yow are going to read an article about che design of new stations on the Landon Underground railway system. For questions 7-56, choos from the sections of the article (8). The sections may be chesen more than once Mark your answers onthe separate answer sheet Inwhich section ofthe article are the following mentioned? ‘the previously unatractve nature ofthe locations of mos ofthe stations 4 comparison Paoletti made to lustrate his approach othe JL project the immediate and massive effet that one of the stations hag on its surroundings a description that Paoletti considered not tobe wholly ate fundamental question concerring the function af statins in underground systems {an explanation Paoletti gave for why certain comments about the new bulings Paoletts desire to unit elements that had previously been seen as wholly diferent rom each other CS Ca oa ca Ca m::) personal qualities that enabled Paoettotactle the UE goject succesfully parts of sation architects were not reponse for inthe past C Paces pon thee pres epee for desing staos im: 12 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AND USE OF CUS Roland Paoletti An architect who revolutionized the lives of London's commuters A Roland Poole we the deving force behing the drama ar winning tans o the £3 lion Jubie Line Extension ULE) 0 ‘he London Undergonnd sytem, the most bits bling programme onthe Tube for many feces An sel Antio- Nalin, Polets possessed he emunivenes and tnacy to ake fn the vested pita interests at play the planing ofthe IO-ae lable Line Exes ensue {good design and innovation, istry, areieets employed on Tube projects tal bees reseed to iting ou the designs of rway nd i engineer wth few ‘ose concer gn whom aoe dismissed as visonlss "nench- dager. The bce ine woul be unique a tat or te fst me the ares would be responsible for designing entre “inden stations BB Asthe comssoning archict In overall charge, Paces soph na ti Td down ino the stations slong the ne Te project's ceteolce ‘vas the extrorinay age ne ‘sation t Canary Whit, desigped yy Noman Foster and Panes to nde up te 40,000 passengers ‘nbour a pe Hines. "Eveybody eps saying tha i ea cathedral complained Pook ‘Thee wrong eacualy 52 cathedral Explaining bis approsch 'odesgning underpound stations, Paoletti the abi ine to acter feo jz, ‘he stations responding their tient context as dramatic ‘aris ona then Instead of unitrmiy,Palett envisaged ‘ie achieved in the beauty of ‘a material ike cone, andthe otter power of spl, age spece or ist an pace] He procure the most ented India rcitets be cold fd {0 design 11 new sations slong ‘he line creating a uaue variety ‘rhs scement lees — notbly ferent bt all eal = in what hd ben largely deslate strech of uta east Landon, "or the pie ofan underground tek he promised, you wll ee some ofthe greatest contutons {0 enginerng and aeitecure oldie! Poles sweeping ‘soni not deapain, With ‘het swage and indvaduls, the stations have been widely acclaimed 3 turd force abi transport arclecre DD" Inpresng fora seamies| range between aeitecare 2d ergnceing Pact was ‘oncered to make the stations Plesing to the ee, and he dally find of eons using tem as Uupitingan experience as posite ‘The elt was genrly reckoned tobe the nest set of tons since th las eins forthe CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS C0 cay ine by Charles Holden in the 19908 I Holden's ay, eign stopped atthe top ofthe escalators leading down othe platforms 2 symptom ofthe Tube radon of tenting acter a ‘ngnening sseparte disci. From the star Paolet promised “symbiosis of architeetue and gincering thoughout Tiss parealary evident ot Westminster tion, where Michael Hopes fold statu fies by designing fants supporting ‘trctres redolent of sence Fation = what Paletelled ‘gineering tha expresses elo eect in which people cn sigh: He wanted he designs of| ‘he JLE stations to ave ‘nifty of oie, 35 he pat 1's posopical unto ‘Poot contacted the dria of design for Sota station a ah the vas ls rum of Rom & Henons Canada Wate tain, - inne 5 esponse tthe are’. ‘rakes lg plendi beacon ‘at hae transforme the ares fom a wastand almost veri To tvs who complained about the expense ofthese grand desis, Pole pointe ot that the same cuteand-cover box-staton design That alowed his arches fe and with thir varios ructes to stved London Underground alos in unneling oes, any case he noted, ou have to Aide at he Benning whether ‘you're going to sce an underground Stlon as «kindof vba tnderas hat happens o ave people in or whether is ling «bung ith sme ter kind of jo odo ie aking people comfotble: Tests Writing (hour 30 minutes) PARTE 2 You have listened tradi dscussion programme about what canbe done to increase participation in sports by people ofallages. You have made the notes below. ays of increasing participation n sports + fais + famous sportspeople + aaverting Some opiions expressed in the discussion “What people need to get started in sports is enough re or cheap facies” ‘Camplgns involving famous sportspeople because they are ole models fr young *f people know whats avaiable to them, more of them might take up spor. Write an essay for your tutor discussing oof the waysin your notes. You should olin ‘shih vsy you thin ike to be the most effective for inereasng participation in sports [and provide reneons to supportyour opinion, “You may. if you wish, make use ofthe opinions expressecinthe discussion, but you should tse your own words as far as possible {CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS Yow mist answer tis question. Write your answer In 220-260 words nan appropriate syle. ui PAR Wrte an answer to one ofthe questions 2-4 inthis part. Write your answerin 220-260 words in an appropriate style 2 You see this advertsementin an English-language magazine. ieerar lieve ete) ‘We are looking for sa for an international rockfestval aking place over a three day period inthe west of England during the sume, We are looking for people with {3 990d command of English who could work nthe folowing areas: * catering (food and drink stalls and tents) + security (inthe performance aea, at entrances and around the site) + fist aid (for minor medical problems). + retail (stalls seling merchandise eating to the artists appearing) Toapply. explain why you would like to work at the fetval. give details of the role(s) you would prefer and why, and gle reasons why you would be suitable Send applications tothe addres below Wie your ‘Agroup of English-speaking visitors is gong to comet the place where you work o study {or aday nest month You have been asked to propose a programme forthe day of ther vist. Inynur proposal, you should suggests echedl for cha y, ane que date of what ach Part of the schedule would involve from the Begining to the end ofthe vist. Wie your propos “ Aspart ofa cass project about education and work you have been asked to writ a report ‘on what young peop in your city region or country do ate they leave school. Your report ‘should include information about further studes tht some young people do after they leave ‘School and the kindof jobs that other young peopledo immediately after leaving school and you shoul also mention where you got the information From. Write your report ‘CAMBRIOGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTIETESTS/IK0 85, TEST 4 Listening (40 minutes) AT. You wil hear three diferent extracts. For questions \-5, choose the answer (8 or) which {fits best according to what you hear There ae two questions for each extract. ‘You hear two people talking, 1 What isthe stution? A Theyhave treated someone unfair 8 Theyhave fallen out with someone. oH © Theyhave changed ther view of someone 2 How do the spears fel about thesituation? resigned 8 distressed CH © puzaed ‘You hear ta people onthe racocicussng alter from # listener Whats the frst speaker doing when he speaks? suggesting that a problem is common expressing sympathy about smneone’ problem ging an objective account fa problem a The second speaker suggests that Paul should | accepe mat some people are unin wo oxhers. 15 change his om attude towards certain people. confront the people who have upset him, a evtract three ‘You hear two people talking about joes and comedy. 5 The frst spear says that punchlines come injokes that have formal structures, 'tendta be funnier than catenphrases, Cae easier to understand than injokes i © The second speaker says that many profesional comedans A try to cause events that they can make jokes about. 1 exaggerate events that have actully happened to them. © became confuses about whats fact and what i tin, a {85 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS {IS io i sii rN i PART 2 You will hear part ofa talk about a play For questions7~is, complete the sentences. ‘THE SHoRT Goorave ‘The pay was setin an In rain inthe 19505. “The main characters inthe play worked fora company tht produced [peaeeaeeeeeeeeeeer a An unusual feature ofthe pay vas that both main characters hada [eeeeeseeeeaaeceea, ‘The main characters talked aft about of the time. ‘The man wanted to get an education and then have a carer asa [Pesssssseeseeeneees EIN ‘The woman wanted to earn ving fomser ably at (ne unusual feature of the set forthe play wasa [~~ FE3 near the frontof the stage, ‘Another unexpected feature was that there were several atthe back ofthe tage, ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TEST LsTeWG a vasat TEST 4 PART 3 ‘Yow will ear radio interview witha chef about the process of eating For questions 15-20, choose the answer (B,C oF 0) which fis best accordingto what you heor. {5 Heston mention ating eh from a paper plate with a plastic kif an fork a c D because iis something listeners may have done bbeause dong o made him think about the proces eating, asan example ofan unpleasant eating experience 23s an example of what influences the eating experience 16 What does Heston say about taste? 8 c . Fat shouldbe considered taste. Taste and favour ae separate from eachother “The sense of eli rvolved init The numberof taste buds gradual decreases 17 The experiment invohing salt and other food shows tha: a D itis possible to taste something that you cant smell the sense of smalls not as powerful as oer senses. food can taste better when you cant sell the flavour f food can change as you eat it 18 Thestoryabout the trainee watersMustrates that A 2 c ‘certain colours are more appealing than others. ommthing can seem taste good because of Is appearance. ‘one sense can strongly nflence another {Shine people can parciva ace hartr than others 19 What does Heston say about bitterness? A e Ie can giv a fle impression that somethings harm Itean become the main reason why people like something Reactions tit can change overtime, Is function is widely misunderstood. 20 The problem withthe dish Heston describes was cause by a it pearance the taste oft its combination of favours. the fact that peopl ateit repeat 88 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS USTENIVG Os = Testa agenrpaidun smog Burns sands {poe ous iy 351 24 woul asooup 52-2 suoRsenb 0 uo x50, stonpmypuy wnouy-yom znogo Buryos ax add y>ryu u sas 3204s ny 1034 IH MOA, viva 2 8 2 i 3 : 2 i 5 Speaking (15 minutes) PART 1 @minutes) 1 Where do you work / study? '= Howlong have you been warking/sudhing there? = How important efor people from your county to learn English? '= How much opportunity o youhave te practise English outside of staying i 1 Would you ike to do a dferentjob / study something else? (Why? / Why nox?) | = Doyou prefer to stay nor go out for entertainment? (Why?) 1 Do youspend a lotoftimeloking at screens? (Why / Why not”) 1 What do you consider tobe succes in fe? (Why?) = Do you prefer paying or watching sports? (Why?) Which place in the word would you most he ovis? (Wy?) 1 Do you have alto rend a 2 small irl of close tends? Which TV programme(s) do you watch regular (Wy?) PART 2 (@ minutes) 4 Interaction 2 Different surroundings || Candidate A Lookatthe tree photographs 14,18 and 1Con page 31 They show | ‘people interacting with eachother | ‘Compare two of the photographs and say what kind of people they Test right be, and what the situation night be. Canldte A taltson his/her own ford minute Candidate 8 Which of the pictures reminds youmost ofa good or bad ‘experience youve had? Condidte8 tlt on his/her own for about 30 seconds Cndidete® —Lookatthe three photographs 2,28 and 2C on page. They show people in ifferent surroundings. ‘Compare two ofthe photographs and say why the people might be In the surroundings and what kind of people they might be. Candidate alts on his/her own for minute Candidate A Which ofthe surroundings would yu most keto bein. and why? Candidate A tots on his/her own forabout 30 seconds. | 90 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SPEAKING "= What kindof people do you think they are? "= What do you think the situation might be? 1 Why doyou think the people might be in these suroundings? 1 What kindof people do you think they might be? Test 4 ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 5: PAR (4 minutes) and PART A (5 minutes) The media PART 3 Look at page 33, where there are some topes that are widely covered in the medi ‘kt each ather about how much influence coverageof these topesin the media has ‘on people in general, CondidatesA and 8 discuss this together for about 2 mires | Now decide which topic is mostinfuenced for people in general by coverage ofit inthe edt Candidates an Bcscus this together for about minute PART ‘Some people say that the media does more harm than good, Do you agree? = Inwhat area(s) of ife has the mea had a good inence ann what area(s) hast had ‘shad influence? || = What woul you ie to see more coverage of nthe media? (Why?) 1 In some counties. greet many young people wanto workin the medla Why do you thinkths i? 1 Towhat extent do you belove what you are told byte media? To what extent do other people believe what they are told by the mea? '= What developments inthe media do you thnk might happen inthe Future? PARTS war/confet _| eet ste) ingeneral? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGUISH: ADVANCED PRACTIETESTS SPEAGNC 53 pasar ANSWER SHEET Cambridge English: Advanced Practice Test 1 ee (ELIE PART: Mark ONE etter foreach question. aif Aeneas) [esi] 2 [Ae C0] [eA Be D 0 PART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one letter in each box. or each question. PART 6:Mark ONE letter for each question. wjiA BS € DB] [wa ee © 3A BCD eet 3A BCD a3 CD AS eeD: 9 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS WER SHEEN TEST PART 7: Mark ONE letter For each question ASO) Re Ee meumainbsicniovievinvic) [ai fxievicwmerin ye e[A eC 0 t FC] [lA BC DE F< PART 8: Mark ONE letter for each question aA Bf DE (Ave co aA BC DE! 50 A Be DE A BC DE 7 2 3 PART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write oneletter in each box ; a a 9 | 00) a 2 3B ec | PART3MarKONEletterforeahaueston PART MarkNEletter fo ‘| BLA 3 CD aja 8 oD 16 ACO [pee poemNSy rte ee Bee oe Fe TRENT [ana coe i sie eco] gee eo ee zo Ae CeO) [eo Ae cer ow ze prea eee eerie eee ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS IER SHEET TEST 95 L33HS YaMSNV eee RASS ANSWER SHEET Cambridge English: Advanced Practice Test 2 Na nnn see eee Eee ‘PART 1: Mark ONE letter for each question. TAB © DISA B® © DsiA BDF 2[a Bb € D|/@ A BC D|/ 6A dite > PART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one letter in each box rr] PART: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one leterin each box. - 35 ae 26 a - 28 23 30 a PARTS: Mark ONE letter fr each question. PART 6: MarkONEleter foreach question. [A BCD) (aA BCD) [wlA 8 eo af ABC D| A BCD) ag) AB cD. =A 8 © 0] [faa co] [a[a sco. = (aoa BC PART 7: Mark ONE letter for each question. ala 8 © 0 EF 6) mA Bc De FG ala 8 Cc 0 £ FC a 45 PART 8:Mark ONE letter for each question was © De lA BC oe [A BC DE 3A BC. DE a{A Bc DE 54a 8 CDE 30) A Bc DE 53) A BC De A 8 CDE s[A BC DE | PART 2:Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write aneletterin each box. 7 - 3 9 10 11 | 2 B a PART 3: Mark ONE letter for each question. PART d: Mark OWE letter foreach question. (ela 8 cD 16 7 18 19 20 | ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SvIER SHEET TEST2 7 LaaHS YaMSNY EET ANSWER SI Cambridge English: Advanced Practice Test 3 PRIS PART 1: Mark ONE letter for each question. TAS © SAS JAB 3B x D a D >> tel 2 [ae eo [eae ce ofa Bc PART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one letter in each box. PART 3: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write ane leterin each box. T 2 2 ry Leelee sa] ests aieals ESS ‘PART 4: Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS. 3 26 a Ey 29 30 PART 5: Mark ONE letter for each question. aA Be DS) Ae) Ae © [A Be DB) [a A BC D| [3s|A eed nla 8 ¢ 0] [a[A 8 CD) [3[A eC D (Af ¢ 3 98 CAUBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS WSU HEED TESTS| = | 3 aA se De [A Be De 4A Be DE 53) BC DE [A 8 CD aj A BC DE 50/A BC DE 55, A BC DE [A BC DE. se[A 8 CDE PART I: Mark ONE letter for each question. TA Be) Awe) 2ymEnee) same. a8 3A 8 Cc] [6 PART 2: Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write oneletterin each box. PART2MarKONElettrforesch question. __PART4:MarkOhE letter fr ech aesion BAe eo) alk ee 3 EF ea aimee) BR eer Few wk B C3 BORB¢ 0 FF oH eer aimedegmingedara ie ec Sk 8 CDE FW so ee Sin tetera foro nk-8 CDE Fo (aA Bc DEF GHW (pee CD ET CH ees ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS AUSINER SHEET TEST 99 133HS YSMSNV ANSWER SHEET | fe Cambridge English: Advanced Practice Test 4 Hae eee Se ee Qiu PART I: Mark ONE letter for each question. TAS LDP AL SIS 2) ABCD] [alae eb [6 EC DTA S cD Bc 7] ee x A PART 2:Write your answers clearly IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one letterin each box. ‘PART: Write your answers clearly Il CAPITAL LETTERS. Write one leterin each box. a ie Fy | 0 a 2 2 | [ee PART 4: Write ony the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS. fis See eae) 28 a 28 29 30 PARTS: Mark ONE eter foreach question. PART 6:MarkONE letter foreach question. (HLA BB] [eA ec ac miATE Leb) [aja Beeb (nla ‘ec 0) [ap[a a cD © c © 100 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS SER SHEET TES 4 PART: Mark ONE letter foreach question. alas € DEF a Toe E ES) BiRGSLCOOLELF C| [asl AUB CDE Fo @iA 8 CDE FG) |ag|A BC DE FC) PART 6: Mark ONE letter foreach question aA Bt aco a cD a[e]e[ele PART 1: Mark ONE letter foreach question. TAS) GA we eee) ane 3/4 8 Cc) [sia 8 C | PART 4: Mark ONE letter For each question. ala, EF G 22 2 24 2 26 >> tlle l>lel>lel> alialeialiclinielioliaie '=)=(={=[2/=(=)=1=1=1 la/afaljajaljajaljajje 2 Ey 2 30 ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVAUCED PRACTICE TESTS ANSWER SHEETTEST 305 133HS YSMSNV Assessing the Writing paper ‘Students answers ae assessed using 2 mark scheme which was developed with le reference to ‘the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Marks are awarded from 0 {a5 on eachof the follwing four scales Content focuses on how well the candidate has fled the tsk, in other wards they have done hat they mere asked todo Comuniociveacievemen fecases on haw appropriate the writings for the tsk and ether the ‘candidate as used the appropri rege. Diganiztion focuses on the way the eancSdate puts together the pece of wring. nother words if itis logical ane ordered rae focuses on vocabulary and grammar. Thisincudes the range of language aswell as how “ass on the Cambridge English Advanced Writing paper ae assessed using the falling scale based on Cl ofthe CEFR: 5) AllcontentselevanttoUsestheconventonsf Texts a ow the atk thecemmuniatvetask | eoherentwhle, Incuding tess common le, Target reader isfy wthsuffien exiiy to sing avarety of effectvly and precisely informe, ranunicate comple eas cohesive devices and Utes aie range of simple inaneffectve way holding orgenzatnal pattems and complex garimabic! the target readers atenon | wih ex forms wt ful conto. with ese, ling al Aexbity and sophistication communicative purpose. rs if presen are rlates toless common words and L structures, or occur sss. Peformance shares features of ands and Minarirdeances —|Usesthe comentonsof Tei wal ognize and | esa age af veal Laniforomssorsmey | hecammunicaveast Coherent ing avert nudges cmon bepresen, [eftceytoholdtheofcahesbe devcesind_ sppoptey UTrgeeaderison the targetreaders stern organizational pans 0 | es ange of snp and hele res nd communicate senealygoodetee.cmpac gram ons _stoightontacd and complex _itcontl ana fei [Seana appropiate. _Gecasional ears mayb0 / _pcsert but do not pede 2 Parformance hares features of onde ond3 1 Inelewancesand [Uses the cowertons of [Tet generalywel [Uses avange of everday misnterpetaton of task (the communicative task | organized and coherent. vocabulary appropriately wth ‘maybe presen. tohaldthe target readers sing avait fling Secasonal inappropriate use “get reader's inimaly2tenton and communicate | words and cohesive of less comma xs. Invormes. roightorwardideos. devices. [Uses range of simple and i some complex grammatical | Forms itn a good degre of ‘conte I | Errors donot impede Ll | communication © Contents etaly Performance below Band irleant, [Target reader isnot ‘nforned 102 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS ASSESSING HE SPEAKING Ps Assessing the Speaking paper Acsessmentis based on performance inthe whole test and isnot elated ro performancein particular pats ofthe test Students are arsazed onthe oun indial performance and notin Felton to each other. Mars ar avacded bythe assessor who doesnot takepart ithe tes, according to five aaa rte: Gronmatioresouce, Vocabulary rsoure saursemanagement, ronuncotion and neratve Commons Tw tot oo cas het guar a Glace ch Grammarand (ties | Discourse management ronundition interactive Osetia ee [Manns conrl[Usesawide | Pedicsexended—iligle. inate wth ese ciitnee "tocol (Soest unguage | Pronotyclfeaties ae [in corres _Gronmatcal —paprte vey itieRestaton |tsegeteiwaytocomay|ttore of oter ie waaay (Coritetoneae, (ondernece neni” | speaker / grea [rdoanccobemeand | irs th scope of : toch ews | aed Ihemerecton ane i Smtr” User wide age of rete tons an ' shlufoiar cea eos on econ | fons [courses di 1 rns es fort of Bande onds [Sgeofemo capone [mecesetunguge itunatereappopsae. | spopteh rg Srorogcot ckuiay | ativeyitetesasin. Senrceanduerd sess |corouon of te Sod” ogvesnd—Comintonsare paceuteh piced |stoterspntars [ciSomier dung views (eeancondte a rdddeondee [Maan ad Sanmasca” sonar” Georopaniatan Gera aasdcees, | Geir ne ms fone eahes coves Sereno ! Slice nn nega ovis an 2 Performance shares feature of Sond and’ | ea 2 |Showsa.good—Uresarange | Prosuceretended "is itll inner ad rerponde | 1 Shows agood | Uses Produces extended {is intligble intats and responds Soeel™ [eeu [sceinaiagtne |incuiletamwnny | wreriy SEE anne Rey, se anna Semicr™" (Sova (Conhenmay* Ceca vada [anton e ERIN E25 meats |gerayscany | tatanang Piece [Seoifude Secours” alae pa Se ram (Se |e Psardson [Sete FES EMIS. eeareorcnoie gmmanionel — fiucamoe al |seaat say a | andles communication on wie range of ois including falar and abstract ones, with very le hesitation [Uses accurate and appropri inguistic resources to epesscmpes ides end concepts and produce extended _escouse that coherent and ess flo, | performance shares features of Sande 3nd 5, '5 "| Handles communication on ange of fair and unfamiliar topics, ith very ile hestaton. | Uses eccrate and appropriate lng esources to express ess and pradce extended discourse thats general herent [2 Perfrmance shares features of Bonds and 1 Handles conmniation on falar opis, despite some hast. Drgunzes extended cscouree but occasonaly produces trans that ck coherence, nd some inaccurcis and “Inappropriate usage occur Peformance below Bard} ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACFCE TESTS ASSESSING MESPEAWING PAPER 203 TEST1 Reading and Use of English PART 45 with / having 16 make 47 annoyance 21 honesty 1 bearing 22 offence 1 reference 23 dsclose 20 emational 28 tutu 2 there / here is [hardly any petrol 29 had no ide (that) I crs cost 2 letie get you 20 tobe making» recovery 29 take her work seriously enough] according 50 eausing you J such alot of Pants 21D uo 228 358 BA sec PARTS ae sc 384 4A aR a6 ar ae 458 BE 460 amt ae 220 238. BE 08 SHA soc 55E 510 58D Parts 1-3 1 mark fer each correct answer Pare = up ta 2 marks for each corec answer Parts 5~7=2 marks or eoch correct answer Part = 1 matk for eich correct ancwer Writing ‘question, Wark scheme Content The essay must dscuss wo ofthe three aspects of realty and talent TV shows fisted inthe question and _Sate ich of them the writer ragarde ae the most important, ging reasons for this choice. The essay may ince reference to the panel cscusion andthe ‘quotes rom bu tis noe essen. f the opinions ‘rom the discussion ar used, they shouldbe rephrased ‘as much as possible, ot simply coped Communicative achievement ‘The essay should be neutral or formal rather than informa or conversaonal asi isa serious piece of {academic work The meager shoul lary understand ll the points made about the two aspects ofthese pes ‘of show, aswel asthe writers reasons fr slecting one ‘of them asthe most mportat. ‘Organization ‘The essay should be appropriately vided into paragraphs perhaps wth separate paragrapis foreach ofthe cwo aspects. Ashort introductory pragaph and / or a short condusing paragraph could be ‘neldded but neither of thes is essential Sentences and paragraphs shoul belnked with appropriate linking words and paces. Language ‘wide range of suitable grammatical structures and flements shouldbe sed in sentences that are not simple Longer sentences with mere than one clause should be well controled and totally clear in meaning, Vocabulary connected withthe topic area shouldbe ‘used accurately and high level of vocabulary to make ‘and suppor points 7 the subject shoul als be ‘demonstrated information, se Made answer Tre ascussion focus onvarious issues comected wth “TV shows chat feature members ofthe publ They have boon a wordne phenmeion for ome me an Hews ‘onthamvary areaty. ‘One of hema aspacta ofthese shows isthe otaresinmart they poi fo ewer Ooousy they 108 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS WISWER 8H TEST: I I ouldnoebe watched by somary people audiences ‘fie hom entertabing, Dring the acussion It ‘naa acl thet the shoves ae ereysee Co watch an ‘do naar, Feopleenoy watching onary menibers tho publ ving the es, doing ther js alg part intalnt compettlonsbecause they can lara Co ‘Phos people thek that thsis true. Although dont personaly nd them interestng ar terete seidom Werth hers agree cht mary people find tae very bntereinng, Honaver amore sercus sopect wae dscsoed and tht isthe nfuercetheze shows cn heon Prope. oopecialy young pecpe Tis. thi thamost Inporeant aspect: Mary young people aeirtuced bey those show art thepeepc on them. They to wa toappear on. tabe famous jot Ike the pecye ‘hey ae Rathar than thikingralstcaly about Chie ures ard about geting bs anc careers, they ot ‘heimprosion ta aryore ca bo famous nsteadof facusig onbuldng al ina practical my, thy arose ofeinglke chose people onthe shows nk thisis the rostinportant consequence ef hase chow and itiea armore uesion2 Mork scheme Content ‘The review should describe the product in some detail and give the writer's opinions nit nciding whether Crrot the writes venues ‘Communicative achievement ‘The evew maybe neural or fit informa. The writer ‘maybe completly objective about the product or take 3 more personal informal approach. Thereader should fave a Gear idea of exact what the produc is and vat the wer tink of Organization ‘he review maybe ded into paragraphs separating 2 description of the product from the writers opinions oft The background, for example explaining why the ‘iter bought the product. where che writer came across, ee maybe included perhaps asa separate Paragraph. The product self must be identified a the beginning. perhaps in2 title forthe review Linking words and phrases shoud be used appropriately, perhaps tink stages in a sequence of events rt ink Opinions with reasons fr them. Language ‘The revew shoul ncude appropriate structures for describing the writers experience withthe product inching appropriate past and present tenses. Approprite trctures Fr giving opinions and recommending should aso be used, Vocabulary escioted ith ting and using product should be teed accurately wel as vocabulary connected with ‘the particular preduct chosen. Model answer “THE GEORGETOMN SHELVING SYSTEM recently purchased ths product, having sen cel advertised Asmy aparement gute cra andl have ute rye numberof books, DVDS ar CDS as Teoting er something thet would sae space and enable rmetokeepewryhingina neat and vy wayinone ace The pctures ofthe sheking aystamin the adverts ‘rade lek idealforsomeorein this stuation 26 did ‘thopric. which sical below that ofthe, comparabe process Taught te product oni and het dele to me ‘Theshelieg system camein thee separate Powes and reared colt-sscombh, Whan had remeved everything fromtheboses|asintaly concerned as towhether| ould be able to pu together mysele Te lans ckad Complicated anime: coourng, and his tr of thay isnot ene ofmy strengta Howcver | embarkedon the proces, and wasboth surisedand pleased to discover Forcyfve inte later that lhe compleved the procens and my sheling systems ready for use Tthen organized and put away al theitems that hive been ying cundinamesa nimy sparen fr ome ti. wosable to pace the sheng eyotem along ‘onewal and put verythng neatly art The system erates youto store an enormous eumber of tems Ina neatly aml space anait has transforied my apartment hearty reconmerdic to anyone who reeds ‘osave space ris cleverly designed and extremely ood ae for money ‘ouestion s Markscheme content ‘The proparl mu contain detals of what the event woul be where ould take place what it would Involve and how it would be orearized should aso ‘make clear whatthe scenario for example the kind of testablshment ati celebrating its anniversary. Communicative chievernent The proposal shouldbe fairy formal or neutral because the contexts fay formal ~ the write is submitting 2 proposal to people who aren charge. The reader would Understand clay the kindof event being propose, ‘ahat that event woul involve and how it could be ‘orgpized. ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADNANCED PRACTICETESTS ISWERKEW TEST 108 Organization ‘The proposal should be appropriately organized in paageaphs or sections, which may each be given ail, ‘These should deal wth afferent aspects, for example the background the nature ofthe proposed event and reazons for choosing ft. and suggestons forhow can be organized. Approprit nking ef points should be present. Language 'tisthly thatthe proposal wil need to include accurate se of modals such as would cou etc to talk about posses and arrangement forthe event. Approplate structures for recommending and suggesting shouldbe sed accurately Vocabulary connected with the kind of event suggested should Be used acurataly, Model nawer 20TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT Reunion My suggestions that the event shouldbe primariya ‘aca one that noes both the past andthe poser. ‘Since the school pend former stadereshave gone on ‘ode all sorts of marestng the, ant schol has rmaitaited contact wich many of ther thnk we sould Stage areion of ae mary of these pec 20 possible ‘obring themback together wthmembers of sta thay knew from ther omehere and introduce them tacurer manors of staff wha grad after ar tino bore Thebvent The overt that lam proposing weld boa party ner In Ghe dain Hal We woul eriply tsi caterers provide te fond andwe can decieln due course whether ‘ho shoddy abut ora at-aounmeal Wecanaizo decide tar on te precise number f peels to vite, butisuggest that a maamum af abast 100 woud be appropriate | suggest that the ever shold ince ‘ore or bo speeches. One speech shuld gen bythe Frncipal and suggeet that we ask ane ofthe former ‘student also to ghea speech nwhich they allt eetere, ‘An Exhibition propose tat further ingen ofthe oven shouldbe anexhbition of photographs and other tems cnmacted withthe history of the echad ence opened. The ibition shold be arrange creole to prove ‘anintoresting. ara perhaps amusing cok back ver the {years Ibalove that we canaeloct sutabe photos and Rem fom the records by the schol 106. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS /SWER =} TE Content ‘The etter must gue staff the reasons) or making the video about the conpany, tel them what the ide will consis of and explin to them what thei roles ini wil, The register should bef formal because itis 2 company announcement tthe staff in general Te staff shouldbe complet clear as to why the video is being ‘made, whatit wll contain nd what ther involvement itwilbe. Organization The letter should be organized into appropriate paragraphs, perhaps with separate paragraphs foreach Ofte tre elemers listed inthe question, Ther should be an appropriate pening and ending though these do not have to form separate paragraphs. Suitable inking Words and phrases sould be used to connect pieces of information. Language Appropriate future tenses must be wed accurately for talking about the pls forthe fling. Appropriate structre for explaring the purpose of aeione must also be used. Vocabulary appropriate tothe topic of ‘ming and promation should be used accurate as well as vocabulary appreprate forthe world of workin this onto Mogelansver Taal menbrsof ta Tam wetting to inem youof our plans co make a video to promt the company AS company wll coming ‘tne promises fortwo day next month an hey wi bo flmnga vanty aspects of our operation, 25 wall 35, interning varousmembes of staf The dea to gve raecuratelctureof who we ae and what we do. The fal ‘deol be pronsne't.on che compary website andl beshaum ac presentations thst vege nmany places anda mary penta ao wl as bong sent to posse ‘ew cent wlbean importa part ofr pulty ‘matoral The ideo wl show paoplein cur vais departmento both doing thar wort arcing bout whe they 40, Every aspect of curzperation il be representa inthe ‘min onde to ge the broadest possible picture ofthe companyand to proece thergnt mage. ‘Wale the ling staking place, marty of you wl be nad dna your wc but 2 win reque yout do arychingaforen fom war you usualy da Se nobody Shodebe worica tet thew bea stresofu eperence, : eee eee Wat we do need however is for some pole to \elunceer be intendonedinthe le, Please t molren {5 oan ao posible yov wold be hapey to take parca ‘chore neandew wh the inmakere when they are here Listening ant 18 3A 5A 2¢ aa a agr2 7 1 aresaurant 8 mas(producing 12 competition 5 feome) popcorn 13 meat 10 exploded 14 counter PART 158 ao we 168 18 20€ ana a6 2H 230 ze 28¢ 308 ae ne 2A 24 each correct answer receives 2 mark Speaking Teaches should use her own judgement to ard Inarks based on the aeesment esa on page 13 TEST2 Reading and Use of English agra tA A 18 20 5€ 20 28 oA PART? ay 12 anpting 10 how 1 fom 1 beng 15 get / good aes 1630 ean 17 nomination 2 contested 18 recut 22 deadline 18 des 2 unannounced 2ochosen 2 prestigous ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 15/88 \E TEST? pant 25 awhile [before / unt / i fly 25 fant isnot worth arguing about 2 share be [ant /a delay 28 nave anything in common with 28 my amazement, I nothing went 50 wouldnt / would not dream of doing J any 38 Bo BA nee 348. 358 PARTS uD 2A 388 400 pant? ar Be asc aan 466 468 ante aa 528 28 BC 2A Bac 508 58 51D 560 Parts 1-31 mate foreach correct answer art = upto 2 mars fo each corect ansner Part 5-7 =2 mae foreach correct answer Part © marker each correct answer Writing ment formation, se page 12 ‘questions Content ‘a esay must dscuss to ofthe three causes of youth crime iste in the question and state which of {them he writer egards asthe most important ing reasons for ths coice. The essay may include reference tothe documentary andthe quotes from it but hiss not essential fhe opinions fram the documentary are teed they shouldbe rephrased as much as possible, not simply copied ‘Communicatveachievernent ‘The eseayshoulbe neutzal or formal rather than Informal or conversational ast is serious pece of academic werk. “he reader shoud clearly understand ll the pointemade about the two causes of youth crime ase atthe writer’ reasons for electing one of them ‘asthe most important Organization The essay should be appropriately vided into paragraphs -perhape with separate paragraphs for teach ofthe two causes. short ineraduetory paragaph {and /o a short concluding paragraph could be Inchided but nether of these essential Sentences and paragraphs shouldbe linked with appropriate Tnking words and phrases Language ‘wide range of suitable grammatical structures and ‘elements shouldbe used in sentences that are not too simple. Longer sentences with more than ane lause Should be well controled and totaly learn meaning, Vocabulary connected with the top area should be sed accurately and a high level of vocabulary to make 8nd support points on the subject ould aleo be ‘dermonstrted “The cocumentary investigated what makes young pcple commit cries, eont tome thet the most porta reason lack of appropiate comroby paren, Taput the bane er youtherine os prentsmsy con vather unfit alot of te rcenows and infermation inte documents backed up this Felt ‘hereismore than ene reason why ary parents alto controltherehicrn Some paras bela that ie rong te decline chen nay nay ar hk ha ‘hr should re todo whstewr they want, Some parents are simply too lazy and elisha conte ther hide, rferrng tale tom behead 20 that hey cancorsmue dang what they want. Arete reasons ‘that some parents da not grow up being decpined by ‘har parents ard so they donot do that wth Cher own chide Factors suchas economic poston and fence from peers can ofcourse pay a major olen causing young prope co tunraocrina However ley van that how Chldren are brought up smore mportane thanaeher of thas. They naa fen rules 2 be gh to them ey parents who ty respec and # they re rot gen fim (uence eyparet, some af ther abound tobohave brady Some oF tia bad behaviour wil be erin you do something wrong ard you gt aay witht you wl dott ‘aga ordo worse Ching. quesrion2 Content The email must describe the writer experience of the adventure sports centre, and give the reader Information and cvice conceming his/her posible ‘siti. should say what the werd and how the 108. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS rite fle andi should tell the reader whether or not he /she would enjoy going there. Communicative achievement ‘The ester shoud efit informa bacaue iis rom ‘one frend to another. The reader should be completely clear as to what the writer fet about his/her vs to the centre what happened when he / she was there and whether the wer bateves tha the reader would enjoy ing i. organization The ema should be organized into appropriate paragraphs. Tere shoul be clear opening and closing Paragraphs ging a brief summary eating to the writers experience andthe witers advice to the fiend, The description of te writer’ own experience may be vided int suitable paragraphs Sutable inking words and phrases shouldbe used. Language Appropriate past teres must be used accurately for describing the wite’s experiences. Appropriate structures forging advice and recommending mst alka be used Vocabulary appropriate tothe activites fescribed should beused accurately, and vocabulary for describing fetingsstuld aso be used accurately Hines, chink youd really enpy the place. hada rey good tine there reckon ou wou The seariet thing cine dng got prety worted pw was dong hat and coud cy on wth We

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