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Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 2000.


First-order flotation kinetics models and methods

for estimation of the true distribution of
flotation rate constants
M. Polat


, S. Chander


Mining Engineering Department, Dokuz Eylul

Uniersity, Bornoa, 35100 Izmir, Turkey
Pennsylania State Uniersity, 115 Hosler Building, Uniersity Park, PA 16802, USA

Received 2 July 1999; received in revised form 13 September 1999; accepted 30 September 1999

To improve their versatility, many first-order flotation kinetics models with distributions of
flotation rate constants were redefined so that they could all be represented by the same set of
three model parameters. As a result, the width of the distribution become independent of its mean,
and parameters of the model and the curve fitting errors, became virtually the same, independent
of the chosen distribution function. For the modified three-parameter models, the curve fitting
errors were much smaller and their robustness, measured by PRESS residuals, was much better
when compared to the corresponding two-parameter models. Three different methods were
compared to perform flotation kinetics analysis and estimate model parameters. In Method I,
recovery vs. time data were used to obtain model parameters. No significant insight into the
distribution of rate constants could be obtained because the distributions were presupposed. In
Method II, the froth products were fractionated into several size fractions and the data for each
fraction were fitted to a model. This task was easy to perform and the method could describe the
flotation kinetics reasonably well. In method III, flotation products were fractionated into many
size-specific gravity fractions. The procedure involved a large amount of time and effort and it
generated relatively large errors. Based on the analysis presented in this article, it was concluded
the smallest errors were obtained with Method II. The overall distribution of flotation rate
constants could be obtained from a weighted average of the distributions of individual size
fractions. The distributions so obtained were demonstrated to be less sensitive to the choice of the
model used to represent the kinetics of individual size fractions, and therefore can be assumed to


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M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


be true representation of the flotation rate distribution. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights
Keywords: first-order flotation kinetics models; methods for estimation; flotation rate constants

1. Introduction
Micro- and macro-scale models have often been used to describe the kinetics of
flotation. In the micro-scale models, the sub-processes of the flotation system are
identified and used to determine the cause and effect relationships between the system
variables. However, identification of all sub-process and the corresponding cause and
effect relationships is extremely difficult because of the interactions between physical
and chemical parameters. The reader is referred to articles by Mika and Fuerstenau
1969., Schulze 1977., and Chander and Polat 1995., for a discussion of this approach.
In macro-scale modeling, the overall response of the flotation system is related to
various operating parameters through a set of mathematical equations. The macro-scale
models can be divided into two categories, namely, empirical and phenomenological
Woodburn, 1970; Lynch et al., 1981; Herbst and Basur, 1984.. In empirical models, the
amount of material floated is related to input and output variables through suitable
mathematical equations. Statistical methods are used to relate dependent and independent variables and to estimate the curve fitting parameters. The parameters obtained by
such an analysis usually do not have any physical significance. On the other hand,
phenomenological models provide correlations between cause and effect relationships
through the use of equations that are related to the physics of the process. Phenomenological models can be further classified as kinetic, probabilistic and population balance
types. Probabilistic models are based on the relative occurrence of various sub-processes
such as collision, adhesion and detachment and can serve as a bridge to integrate micro
and macro-scale models.
Kinetic models that invoke the chemical reactor analogy and consider flotation as a
reaction between bubbles and particles have received most attention in the literature.
These models can be readily adopted for development of control strategies in industrial
applications. Some such models were modified as a part of this investigation in order to
increase their versatility. The general rate equation for flotation may be written as:
dCp t .

s yk t . Cpm t . Cbn t .


where Cp t . and Cb t . are the concentrations of the particles and bubbles at time t,
respectively. The exponents, m and n are the respective orders for particles and bubbles,
and k t . is a pseudo rate constant that depends on various parameters governing the
flotation process, and may vary with time.
There has been a great deal of discussion over the actual order of the flotation process
Arbiter, 1951; Bogdanov et al., 1954; De Bruyn and Modi, 1956; Klassen and
Mocrousov, 1963; Tomlinson and Fleming, 1965; Somasundaran and Lin, 1973., but the
first-order kinetics introduced by Garcia-Zuniga 1970. and Schuhmann 1942. has been

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


used most extensively. It is based on the assumptions that the rate of the particlebubble
collision process is first-order with respect to the number of particles and that the bubble
concentration remains constant Sutherland, 1948.. Batch flotation test data in the
literature support the first-order rate equation under reasonable operating conditions
Imauzimi and Inoue, 1963; Tomlinson and Fleming, 1965; Harris and Chakravarti,
1970; Jameson et al., 1977; Dowling et al., 1985; Rastogi and Aplan, 1985.. Jowett and
Safvi 1960. also reported observing first-order kinetics in continuous flotation tests.
Solution of the first-order rate equation results in the classical first-order flotation
model. The corresponding equation, along with relations for other models are given in
Table 1. The classical first-order equation needs to be modified, however, for representing the flotation rate data for a wide range of conditions. Kapur and Mehrotra 1974.
classified these modifications in a speciesphase matrix. The multiple phase concept
arises from the fact that flotation occurs at least in two phases, namely pulp and froth; a
review of multi-phase models was presented by Harris and Rimmer 1966. and Harris
1978.. Models with distributed species arise because the actual feed to a flotation cell
might differ in particle size, shape, surface properties, etc. The species distribution could
be assumed to be discrete Morris, 1952; Kelsall and Asquith, 1981; Jowett, 1974;
Huber-Panu et al., 1976; Thorne et al., 1976. or continuous. Extending multiphase
models to include a distribution of species results in expressions that cannot be
integrated in closed form.
If the material to be floated consists of particles whose ks could be expressed by a
continuous distribution function, f k ., the recovery at time t will be equal to:

R t . s R` 1 y


f k . exp ykt . d k


Here, R` is the ultimate recovery at long times 2 Imauzimi and Inoue, 1963.. Various
distribution functions have been proposed by different investigators to account for the
variability in the ks. These include as gamma Imauzimi and Inoue, 1963; Loveday,
1966., rectangular Huber-Panu et al., 1976; Klimpel, 1980., triangular Harris and
Chakravarti, 1970., and sinusoidal Diao et al., 1992.. There is disagreement in the
literature as to which function is better suited to represent the actual flotation rate
distribution, especially for a wide range of flotation conditions Jowett, 1974; Harris and
Cuadros-Paz, 1978; Feteris et al., 1987; Wanangamudi and Rao, 1986; Diao et al.,
1992.. In a comprehensive analysis of 13 commonly used models, Dowling et al. 1985.
concluded that there is no single model that is sufficient to represent flotation rate data
and the best model may be different for various flotation conditions.
Another complication arises because model parameters cannot be compared among
different first-order models since they correspond to a different property of the distribution function for each model. For example, the rate parameter for the classical first-order

The parameter R` is not an arbitrary parameter. One can write Eq. 2. by considering two independent
distribution functions, f 1 k . and f 2 k . with respective fractions of F0 and 1y F0 where f 2 k . is a dirac-delta
function situated at k s 0.

N Normal Distribution


0 2m - k - `


m 2p


0F kF 2m


mty 3

y erf


m ty


m2 t 2

' / ' /

mtq 3

ey 2

ky m



0F kF 2m0 2m- k- `




/ /


s 2p

1 .r 1 q Kt . n .

krK . ny 1 e y k r K . .r
k G n ..


G Gamma Distribution


1 y 2 Ktr p .e yK t .r
1 q 2 Ktr p .. 2 .

p r2 K .Sin p kr2 K . @0 F k F K
0 @K- k- `

S Sinusoidal Distribution


1 q e y K t y 2e K t r2 .r
Ktr2 . 2 .

4 krK 2 @0 F k - K .r2
4 K y k .rK 2 @ K .r2 - k F K
0@ K - k - `

T Triangular Distribution


0 @0 F k - m y w .r2
1 .r w . @ m y w .r2
F k F m q w .r2
0 @ m q w .r2 - k - `
0 @0 F k - 2 m y w .r2
4 k y m q wr2 2
@ 2 m y w .r2 F k - m
4 2 m y k 2
@ m - k F 2 m q w .r2
0 @ 2 m y w .r2 - k - `
0 @0 F k - m y 2 w .r3
p .r 2 w .Sin p k y m ..r
2 w q p r3 . @ m y 2 w .r
3 . F k F m q 2 wr6 .
0 @ m q 2 w .r 6 . - k - `

1 y e yK t .rKt

0 @0F k - K
` @ks K
0 @K- k- `
1rK @0 - k F K
0 @K- k- `

C Single-valued Distribution

Not available

ey K t


R Rectangular Distribution

Three-parameter Form
1 y R t .rR `

Two-parameter Form

First-order models with

Table 1
First-order models with distribution of flotation rate constants k s . analyzed in this work

1 y R t .rR `



y erf

s ty


2e m t

s 2t2


/ /

s tq

mqs 2t

e y m tq 2 w t .r 3. y 2 wt .r p .
e y m t2 w t .r 6. .r 1 q 2 wtr p . 2 .

e w t .r 2 q e w t .r 2 y 2 .r e y m t wtr2 . 2 .

e y m tq w t .r 2 y e y m t w t .r 2 .rwt

Not available

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


model represents some kind of mean flotation rate while the rate parameter for the
first-order model with a rectangular distribution of ks corresponds to the flotation rate
of the fastest floating component.
The evaluation of flotation kinetics using an appropriate first-order model can be
carried out in several ways. Most often, the total flotation recovery is used in the
estimation of k distributions. Since the true distribution of ks is a function of both
the size and hydrophobicity of the particles, such estimations using pre-selected functions are not satisfactory for most cases. The effect of particle size and hydrophobicity
may be distinguished by employing narrow, non-overlapping size fractions of the
flotation products for kinetic analysis. Fractionation of the froth products into size and
hydrophobicity intervals is yet another, but more involved way of estimating the
distribution of ks. A systematic evaluation of these methods on the basis of their
accuracy and reliability in estimating the true distribution of ks is a necessary step
in advancing the current state of macro-scale flotation kinetic modeling.
The purpose of this paper is two fold.
1. To redefine the first order flotation kinetics models with a distribution of flotation
rates such that all the models can be represented by the same three parameters, namely a
mean k m ., the standard deviation or the width of the distribution around the mean s ,
or w ., and the ultimate recovery of floatable material R` . Table 1.. This would ensure
that the width of the k distribution is independent of its location as well as providing a
common ground for comparison of all the models.
2. To develop a physically representative and reliable kinetics analysis procedure
using the modified models to estimate the true distribution of ks. The analysis in
this article is limited to coal flotation. 3

2. Experimental and statistical analysis procedures

2.1. Materials and sample preparation
Three coal samples were used in this investigation: As-mined raw coals from the
Upper Freeport and Pittsburgh seams were chosen as typical of those processed in a
flotation plant. These are designated as UF and PR, respectively. A third sample, which
was the product from a jigging plant was chosen since it was believed to have a narrow
distribution of ks in narrow size intervals due to a very small ash content. This sample
was designated as PC. Selected physical properties of these coals are given in Table 2.
The float-sink analysis of these coals is given in Table 3.
The as-received coal samples were crushed down to y3.35 mm and stored under an
argon atmosphere in aluminum-laminated plastic bags of 15 kg capacity. The 15 kg
samples were further divided into samples of 500 g as needed and stored in smaller bags
For coals, the hydrophobicity of particles is related to their maceral and mineral matter content. Hence,
specific gravity fractionation may be used to fractionate the particles into hydrophobicity intervals since both
different macerals and mineral matter are known to have distinctly different densities.


M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

Table 2
Description and some properties of the coal samples used in the study


Upper Freeport, Raw

Pittsburgh, Raw
Pittsburgh, Clean



Weight %.

lv bituminous
hvA bituminous
hvA bituminous

H 2O








under the same conditions. Prior to each flotation test these samples were wet-ground to
y600 mm nominal size using a rod mill.
2.2. Flotation kinetics
Flotation tests were carried out in a 5-l cell using a Wemco laboratory flotation
machine at a solids concentration of 10%. The flotation cell was equipped with paddles
for automatic froth removal based on an earlier design by Miller Miller, 1980; Luttrell
and Yoon, 1983. which minimized the effect of froth height on the flotation kinetics.
Make-up water was added as necessary to maintain a constant pulp level. Dodecane and
methyl isobutyl carbinol MIBC. were employed as flotation reagents.
2.3. Fractionation of froth products
Froth products were collected at preset time intervals and were wet screened at 37
mm to prevent caking during drying. Both the q37 mm and y37 mm fractions of each
froth product were filtered and dried overnight at 808C. They were stored separately for
the subsequent size or size-specific gravity fractionation.
2.3.1. Size fractionation
The q37 mm fraction obtained from the wet screening step was dry-screened at
screen sizes of 300, 150, 75 and 37 mm. An overall y37 mm material was obtained for
each froth product by combining the screen undersize from the wet and dry screening
steps. The size-fractionated flotation products were weighed and analyzed for ash to
obtain the flotation recovery, R i t ., in each time-size fraction.

Table 3
Float-sink analysis of the coal samples used in the study
Specific gravity

F @1.4
S @2.0

Weight %.

Ash %.













M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


2.3.2. Size-specific graity fractionation

The q37 and y37 mm fractions were classified separately at specific gravities of
1.3, 1.5, 1.7 and 1.9. The specific gravity fractions of the q37 mm material were further
classified at the screen sizes given above. A centrifuge was used for specific gravity
fractionation of the y37 mm material. Additional details of the procedure for fractionation of froth products into various size-specific gravity fractions are given in an article
by Zhou et al. 1993.. The size-specific gravity fractionated froth products were weighed
and analyzed for ash to obtain a flotation recovery, R i j t ., for each time-size-specific
gravity fraction.
It was seen early in the test work that some size-specific gravity fractions contained
rather small amounts of material based on the 500 g feed used in a flotation test. Hence,
a given flotation test was repeated between 7 to 10 times under identical conditions until
a sufficient amount of material was obtained. The reproducibility of these tests was
fairly good Polat et al., 1993..
2.4. Statistical analysis of the kinetics data
The recovery vs. time data for the total, size fractionated and size-specific gravity
fractionated materials were subjected to a curve fitting procedure using various first-order
models. Each curve fitting procedure resulted in the best estimates of the parameters of a
given model. The curve fitting errors for the total material, E l , and for the size
fractionated, Ei , and size-specific gravity fractionated, Ei j , materials were calculated
using the equations given below:

El s

Ei s

Ei j s

R t . y RX t .

R i t . y RXi t .

R i j t . y RXi j t .



RX t ., RXi t . and RXi j t . are the model-predicted recovery values in these equations. The
parameter q is the number of data points and p is the number of model parameters.
2.5. Microscopy
The size fractionated froth products from various time increments were analyzed
using oil immersion microscopy to determine the amount of mineral matter locked with
carbonaceous material. Cylindrical pellets molded by mixing the coal particles with an
epoxy resin were prepared to create a surface for reflected-light microscopic analysis.
The microscope was coupled to a automatic counter with a stage translator. A scale of
locking was established on the basis of the percentage of the particles projected surface


M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

area occupied by the ash material. Frequency plots showing the percent of particles in
each locking interval were obtained for groups of 500 particles.
2.6. Film flotation
These studies were carried out to determine the hydrophobicity distribution of the
size fractionated samples obtained either from the flotation feed or from froth products
at different time intervals. Film flotation is based on successive fractionation of a given
sample, preferably of a narrow size fraction, by aqueous methanol solutions of varying
surface tension Hornsby and Leja, 1984; Fuerstenau and Williams, 1987; Fuerstenau et
al., 1988.. A sample amount of about 10 to 30 mg was used in a given test. A conical
vessel filled with the wateralcohol mixture of desired surface tension and with a liquid
surface area of about 175 cm2 was utilized in the tests. The particles were dropped at
the airwater interface one by one from a height of 1 cm using an adjustable vibratory
feeder. Special care was taken so that the particles would not fall on top of each other.
The details of the film flotation techniques are given in an article by Fuerstenau et al.

3. Results and discussion

This study was carried out in two phases. In the first phase of the work Section 3.1.,
the flotation rate data were subjected to a curve fitting procedure to compare the
modified forms of the models within themselves and with their original forms. The
predictions of the k distributions by these models were cross-checked using independent
analysis methods of microscopy and film flotation. In the second phase of the work
Section 3.2., the rate data were evaluated by different methods of flotation kinetics
analysis using the modified models.
For the sake of brevity, only the results for the selected models will be presented in
this paper. However, they have been observed to be true for all the other models tested
as well Polat, 1995..
3.1. Modification and ealuation of first-order models with distribution of ks
3.1.1. Kinetic flotation tests
The two raw coal samples UF and PC were floated at dodecane and MIBC
concentrations of 0.3 kgrT and the rate data were analyzed using standard curve fitting
procedures. The distributions of flotation rate constants obtained by fitting Models R2
and R3 as a function of particle size are given in Fig. 1a for the UF and Fig. 1b for the
PC coal samples. The corresponding curve fitting errors for all the models tested are
given in Fig. 2. The following observations could be made.
1. For a given data set, both the magnitudes of the model parameters and the curve
fitting errors were virtually the same for all the modified three-parameter models. On the
other hand, they varied considerably for the two-parameter models.

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Fig. 1. Flotation rate constant distributions for a. upper Freeport, UF, and b. Pittsburgh, PC coals estimated
by models R2 and R3. The frequency at a given flotation rate was multiplied by the weight fraction of that
material in the feed to represent the relative contribution.

2. The modified models predicted narrow distributions of ks for all size fractions
for the PC sample whereas the distributions were wider for the UF sample. The
distributions approached a single-valued function, corresponding to Model C, for several
size fractions of the sample PC.
3. Fine size fractions, especially the y37 mm fraction, generally gave relatively
large curve fitting errors; most probably because flotation of fines deviates from

Fig. 2. Curve fitting errors generated by various two- and three parameter models for the Upper Freeport UF.
and Pittsburgh PC. coal samples.


M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

first-order kinetics. Nevertheless, the curve fitting errors were significantly smaller for
the modified 3-parameter models, especially for the sample PC.
3.1.2. Verification of the distributions of ks predicted by three parameter models
The k distributions predicted by model R3 were quite different from those predicted
by model R2, for various size fractions of the two coal samples, as can be seen from the
results in Fig. 1. Also, for model R3 the predicted distributions were broad for the coal
sample UF, whereas they were narrow for the sample PC. These results are consistent
with the fact that the former sample contained a considerable amount of locked-high
specific gravity material, which can be inferred from the data in Tables 2 and 3. In
comparison, the sample PC was made up of mostly free coal particles. In order to
evaluate the accuracy of the distributions predicted by R2 and R3, two independent
experimental procedures, namely optical microscopy and film flotation, were employed.
These tests were aimed, respectively, at determining the locking behavior and estimating
the hydrophobicity distribution and the results are discussed in the paragraphs that
Microscopy. The 300 = 600 mm size fraction of the froth products of UF coal and the
75 = 150 mm size fraction of the PC coal were examined under a microscope. Only the
froth samples from the time intervals of 020, 2040 and 60120 s were employed
since the froth products obtained at longer times did not have sufficient material for
analysis. The results of the microscopic evaluation are given in Fig. 3a and 3b for these
two size fractions. The k distributions predicted by Model R3 are also included as insets
in each figure for comparison.
Fig. 3a shows that the amount of locked ash in the flotation product increases
significantly as flotation time increases for the UF sample. While the majority of

Fig. 3. Degree of locking as determined by microscopy for selected froth products of a. the 300=600 mm
size fraction from the Upper Freeport coal sample UF. and b. the 75=150 mm size fraction from the
Pittsburgh coal sample PC.. U : The percent ash stands for the estimated amount of locked ash in a given
particle by microscopy.

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


particles floating in the initial 20 s were low in ash, those obtained at longer times
contained notable amounts of locked particles. Since the kinetics analysis is based on
flotation recovery vs. time data, the presence of locked particle may be considered as
confirmation of a broad distribution of ks as predicted by Model R3. The flotation
products of the 75 = 150 mm size fraction of the PC sample, on the other hand,
predominantly consisted of practically ash-free coal particles at all the time intervals
analyzed. This type of behavior suggests that material floating at different times had
similar hydrophobicities, which is consistent with a narrow distribution of ks, as
predicted by Model R3.
Film flotation. To further confirm the presence of particles with different hydophobicities, the two size fractions discussed above were subjected to film flotation. The tests
were carried out on the feed material, and the 020 s and 2040 s froth products. The
results are presented in Fig. 4a and 4b for the UF and the PC samples, respectively. The
topmost graph in each figure displays the cumulative hydrophobic fraction vs. surface
tension plots. The three bar graphs at the bottom were obtained by differentiating the
cumulative distributions. They represent the hydrophobicity distribution of particles in
various materials.
The particles of the UF feed material displayed a wide distribution of hydrophobicities as can be seen from the results in Fig. 4a. The froth product for the 020 s time
interval consisted of particles of very high hydrophobicity with a narrow hydrophobicity
distribution. The froth product for the 2040 s time interval had a wider distribution that
tailed off at high surface tensions, indicating the presence of locked particles. When the

Fig. 4. Partition curves obtained by film flotation for the feed materials of a. the Upper Freeport UF. and b.
Pittsburgh PC. coals and selected froth products.

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


hydrophobicity of the froth product changes with flotation time, a broad distribution of
ks can be expected when kinetic models are used to fit the data.
The behavior of the coal sample PC was quite different as can be seen from Fig. 4b.
The hydrophobicity distribution of the feed material was relatively narrow with no
material sinking at high surface tensions. The shapes of the distributions for 020 and
2040 s froth products were almost identical, suggesting that the material coming out of
the flotation cell did not change in hydrophobicity with increasing time of flotation. As a
consequence one would expect a narrow distribution of ks.
3.1.3. Robustness of two- s. three-parameter models
The preceding discussion established that the modified three-parameter, first-order
models represented the flotation rate data much better than their two-parameter counterparts both in terms of the physical meaning of the model parameters and the curve
fitting errors. In this section, the robustness of the model, was evaluated using the
kinetics data from Fig. 1. A model was considered robust if the model parameters are
independent of small changes in the actual data. It was calculated using the procedure
outlined by Mazumdar 1994. after Meyers 1990.. It involves calculation of predictive
sum of square error PRESS. residuals. The details of the procedure are summarized as
a. Assume a set of rate data consisting of recoveries R t1 ., R t 2 ., . . . , R t q . at times
t1 , t 2 , . . . , tq .
b. Delete the first pair R t 1 ., t 1 . from the data set and calculate the model
parameters by curve fitting on the remaining pairs and obtain a predicted recovery,
RU t 1 . at t 1 , from the model parameters.
c. Repeat the process q times for all data pairs.
d. Calculate the average PRESS residual from the formula:


R k t k . y RUk t k .



For a robust model, the PRESS residuals are small. The average PRESS residuals for
the flotation of the intermediate size fractions of the UF and PC coal samples are given
in Fig. 5 for models R2 and R3. It is apparent from the significantly smaller PRESS
residuals that R3 is a much more robust model than R2 for all size fractions. This was
observed to be true for the other modified models as well, with the exception of G3.
Dowling et al. 1985. also reported gross dilution of parameter confidence limits for
this model. For a more detailed discussion, refer to Polat 1995..
3.2. Deelopment of a reliable kinetics analysis method using modified models
The UF and PR coal samples were floated in the absence and presence 0.65 kgrT.
of dodecane in the second phase of the work. The MIBC concentration was 0.65 kgrT
in all cases. The flotation rate data were evaluated using the modified three-parameter
models by the application of three different methods to determine the best approach to

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Fig. 5. Average PRESS residuals for a. Upper Freeport UF. and b. Pittsburgh PC. coal samples for the twoand three-parameter first-order models with rectangular distribution of flotation rate constants.

kinetics analysis. Method I is based on fitting the model to the total amount of material
floated as a function of time, R t ., and calculating an overall flotation rate distribution,
f I k . from the model parameters. Method II is based on fractionating the flotation
products into individual size fractions and obtaining the flotation rate data, R i t . for
each size fraction. In Method III, flotation products are fractionated into both size and
specific gravity intervals to obtain flotation rate data, R i j t ., for individual size and
specific gravity intervals. The k distributions for each size and size-specific gravity
interval, f i k . and f i j k ., can be obtained by fitting the model to R i t . and R i j t . data,
respectively. Overall flotation rate distributions, f II k . and f III k . can then be calculated
from the f i k . and f i j k . values by taking a weighed average using the equations:

f II k . s f i k . g i ;

f III k . s


fi j k . g i j


is1 js1

where m and n are the number of size and size-specific gravity intervals. the respective
frequency of these intervals in the overall flotation feed are given by g i and g i j .
Overall errors, E II , for Method II and, EIII , for Method III can be calculated by
taking the weighed average of the errors for the size and size-specific gravity fractions:

E II s Ei g i ;


Ei j g i j


is1 js1

3.2.1. Analysis using total flotation products, Method I

The total flotation recovery that was used in the kinetic analysis by Method I was
obtained by analyzing the flotation products for weight and ash prior to any fractionation. A summary of the model parameters for the total flotation recovery is given in
Table 4 for the five kinetics models. The table shows that the increase in the ultimate
recovery by addition of the collector is minimal for the both coals about 3% in both

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Table 4
Kinetics parameters generated by the various first-order models for the two coal samples




0.65 kgrT


0.65 kgrT






























cases.. Also, there is not an appreciable difference in the ultimate recoveries predicted
by the various models. The standard deviations or the widths of the distributions suggest
that the flotation rates are widely distributed for all cases. This is expected for these
coals due to their broad size distributions and high ash contents, which indicates a broad
k distribution in the total feed.
It should be noted that the mean flotation rates generated by the five models, in their
modified forms, are very similar for a given test. Hence, a single model could be chosen
to discuss the results for varying experimental conditions. Model N3 is selected for the
purpose. It can be seen that the mean flotation rate varied appreciably for both coals
upon addition of the collector. It increased from 1.95 miny1 to 3.34 miny1 for the UF
about a 71% increase. and from 3.13 miny1 to 6.86 miny1 for the PC sample about
120% increase.. It is clear that addition of the collector promoted the flotation of
Pittsburgh coal sample considerably more than that of the Upper Freeport sample.
However, it was also seen that addition of oil promoted the flotation of ash-forming
minerals as it increased the mean flotation rate, and this was more significant for the
Pittsburgh coal. However, the reasons for this behavior were not clear from the kinetics
analysis of the total flotation products.
3.2.2. Analysis of flotation products in indiidual size fractions, Method II
The kinetic behavior of the size-fractionated flotation products was analyzed using
the modified first-order models. It was observed that the kinetics of the individual size
fractions varied substantially both with respect to ultimate recovery and the mean
flotation rate. The width of the flotation rate distribution also varied for different size
fractions. An example of the kind of flotation rate distributions predicted by various

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Fig. 6. Predicted flotation rate distributions for various size fractions of the Upper Freeport coal sample in the
absence of collector. Note that the frequency at a given flotation rate has been multiplied by the frequency of
that size fraction in the feed material for estimation of the overall distribution. Various curves correspond to
rectangular, sinusoidal, normal and gamma distributions and can be easily recognized from their shape.

models is given in Fig. 6 for the Upper Freeport sample in the absence of collector for
the six size fractions. It can be seen that, despite the differences in the shape of the
distribution functions, the mean flotation rate and the width of the distributions do not
vary substantially for different models. The same is also true for the ultimate recovery
values that showed negligible variations from one model to another. Hence, the
parameters for the flotation kinetics of individual size fractions were evaluated using
Model N3 and the results are given in Table 5 for the six size fractions, and for the total
material. The ultimate recoveries of the middle and fine size fractions varied slightly
whereas the ultimate recovery of the coarser size fractions increased significantly,
suggesting that the coarser size fractions benefited more from the addition of the
collector. This could be seen clearly from an analysis of the mean flotation rates. It was
shown above that in Method I the mean flotation recovery increased by about 71% for
the Upper Freeport sample and by about 120% for the Pittsburgh sample upon addition
of the collector. The relative increase in the mean flotation rate for various size fractions
is also included in Table 5 for the both coal samples. Upon addition of the collector, the
Pittsburgh coal sample benefits more and the mean ks of the coarser size fractions
increase substantially more than those of the finer fractions.
An analysis of the ash units after short flotation times showed that the large increase
in the flotation rate for the coarse size fractions was accompanied by a large increase in
the amount of ash-forming minerals reporting to the froth in these size fractions, most
probably in the form of locked particles.
3.2.3. Analysis of flotation products in indiidual size-specific graity fractions, Method
The kinetics analysis was carried out on the size-specific gravity fractionated flotation
products. The parameters predicted by various models were observed to be quite similar

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Table 5
Kinetics parameters predicted by N3 for individual size fractions

% increase in m N

Upper Freeport



0.65 kgrT


0.65 kgrT



q600 m








































y37 mm
















for a given size-specific gravity fraction. Also, the width of the flotation rate distributions approached zero and Models R3, S3, N3 and G3 approximated Model C for the
majority of the size-specific gravity intervals Polat et al., 1993; Chander and Polat,
1994; Polat, 1995.. This supports the underlying assumption of the classical first-order
model that the particles would have single-valued ks if the analysis were carried out on
fractions that are sufficiently narrow with respect to size and specific gravity. Therefore,
Model C has been used in the kinetics analysis of the data in this part of the study. It
was also observed that the final combustible matter recoveries obtained for the individual size-specific gravity fractions did not differ appreciably for the two coal samples
when the collector was added. Apart from some scatter, the ultimate recoveries in the
absence of oily collector were very close to those obtained in the presence of the
collector. Hence, further discussion of the flotation kinetics in various size-specific
gravity intervals will be limited to the flotation rate distributions.
The flotation rate distributions for the UF and PR samples are given in Fig. 7. For
ease of comparison, the results are presented as bar graphs for each size-specific gravity
interval. The open and hatched bar graphs correspond, respectively to the floatation rate
in the absence and presence of the oily collector. In absence of the collector, the

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Fig. 7. First-order flotation rate constants for the Upper Freeport UF. and Pittsburgh PR. coal samples for
various size-specific gravity fractions. The open and closed bars correspond to flotation rates in the absence
and presence of collector, respectively.

flotation rate decreased with increase in specific gravity for both the coals. With
decrease in particle size the flotation rate first increase and then decreased indicating an
optimum size for flotation. With increase in specific gravity, the particle size for
maximum rate of flotation decreased to lower values.
In general, addition of oily collector had a pronounced effect on the flotation kinetics
of both the PR and UF samples. The increase in flotation rate was more for the raw
Pittsburgh seam coal, however. For this coal, the increase in flotation rates was more
even for the material with higher specific gravity. Since the material in higher specific
gravity intervals, and for large size intervals to some extent, is expected to be composed
mostly of locked particles, it is clear that collector addition favored the flotation of
locked particles more than the free coal particles. On the other hand, the oil droplets
attached to free coal particles may have minimal effect on their ks since the
hydrophobicity is already high for these particles.
3.2.4. Error analysis
The overall curve fitting errors for the various models were determined for Methods
I, II and III using Eqs. 3. and 6.. It was observed that the magnitudes and the general
trends observed with respect to errors were similar among the four tests. Therefore, only
the results with the Upper Freeport coal sample in the absence of collector are given in
this paper, see Fig. 8.
It can be seen that Method I generated relatively small errors when the models were
modified using the 3-parameters. This also shows that when the modified form of these
models was used the difference in the curve fitting power becomes small. On the other


M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

Fig. 8. Sum of square errors calculated by Methods I, II and III for the Upper Freeport coal sample in the
absence of collector.

hand, the errors by Method III are quite large compared to Method I. This was mostly
due to large errors observed in the tails fractions of the size-specific gravity
spectrum. Since the amount of material in these fractions was very small in some cases,
the large errors were most likely due to experimental or statistical reasons rather than
modeling. The errors generated by Method II were the smallest for all the models that
were tested.
The errors in the individual size fractions that were used in calculating the overall
error for Method II are given in Fig. 9. The following observations could be made:
1. The magnitude of the error did not differ from one model to another, especially for
the intermediate size fractions.
2. Very small errors were obtained for the intermediate size fractions.

Fig. 9. Sum of square errors obtained with the five first-order models for individual size fractions from the
coal samples in the absence and presence of collector.

M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166


Fig. 10. Overall flotation rate distribution for models R3, S3, G3, and N3 calculated by a. Method I and b.
Method II. For clarity in presentation to avoid overlapping curves the origin in the ordinate has been shifted
downwards for each curve. See text for details.

3. The errors in the q600 mm and y37 mm size fractions were large.
The large errors for the q600 mm size fraction could be due to the very large sizes
of these particles. It was seen that some q600 mm particles were quite large and did not
float even though they had sufficient hydrophobicity. The large errors in the case of
y37 mm size fraction are most likely due to deviation from the first-order kinetics due
to water carry-over. It was seen that the recovery in the y37 mm fraction was
proportional to the water recovery from the flotation cell.
3.2.5. Total flotation rate distributions by Methods I and II
The flotation rate distributions calculated by Method I are given in Fig. 10a for the
UF coal in the presence of 0.65 kgrT of collector using Models R3, S3, G3, and N3.
The origin of the frequency scale is shifted vertically to separate the distributions and
avoid overlap of curves. It can be seen that the distributions obtained with Method I are
quite different for the four models, both with respect to their shape and the spread along
the flotation rate axis. The corresponding distributions calculated by Method II, using
f II k . from Eq. 5., are given in Fig. 10b. It can be seen that the general shape of the
distribution of flotation rates obtained for the 3-parameter rectangular, sinusoidal,
gamma and normal models, is quite similar. In other words, if one draws smooth lines
through the calculated data in Fig. 10b, all the lines will have a similar shape for each of
the model. Such a smooth line may be considered as a true distribution of flotation
rate constants.
The calculation of an overall distribution of flotation rate constants is possible for
Method III also. However, due to large curve fitting errors observed for Method III,
reliability of such a procedure was questionable and it was omitted in this study.
4. Conclusions
The following conclusions can be made on the basis of this investigation.
1. A substantial improvement was made when three-parameter models were used to
fit flotation kinetics data to the commonly used first-order models that incorporate a


M. Polat, S. Chanderr Int. J. Miner. Process. 58 (2000) 145166

distribution of flotation rate constants. The parameters and the curve fitting errors for all
the models that were tested became virtually independent of the chosen distribution
function. The curve fitting errors seem to be more sensitive to the location of the
distribution function rather than to its shape. These results imply that the choice of a
correct model is not very critical when the modified 3-parameter first-order models are
used to describe the kinetics of flotation. All models converge to give the same final
2. The curve fitting errors were much smaller and the robustness of the model as
determined by PRESS analysis was much better for the three-parameter models compared to their two-parameter counterparts.
3. Detailed information can be obtained on the kinetics of flotation by gradual
fractionation of the flotation products and conducting kinetics analysis for material in
different size-specific gravity factions.
4. Three methods for estimation of true flotation rate distributions were compared in this article: In Method I, the total amount of material floated as a function of
time was used to determine model parameters. In Method II, the froth products were
fractionated into several size fractions and in Method III, the froth products were
fractionated into different size-specific gravity fractions. No useful information about the
distribution of flotation rate constants could be obtained by Method I. Method II can be
used to determine the overall flotation rate distributions from weighted averages of the
distributions of the individual size fractions. The overall distributions were less sensitive
to the model selected for analysis and the smallest amount of curve fitting errors were
obtained with this method. Method III gave relatively large errors, most likely due to
combined contributions from both experimental and statistical errors. The experimental
errors were large, possibly resulting from successive fractionation of froth products and
from the diminishingly small amounts of material in certain size-specific gravity
intervals. Method III also required large amounts of time and effort.

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