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The One Minute

Prank Book!

250 Quick and Easy

Pranks & Practical

Be sure to like our Laugh for Fun Facebook page.

Copyright 2013 Full Sea Productions, LLC

All rights reserved. This book may not be copied or
reproduced without permission in writing from Full
Sea Productions, LLC.

Table of Contents

The One Minute Prank Book!

Proceed with Caution
The Pranks!
More Fun with Humor...
...One Last Thing

Proceed with
Common sense is required when performing
any prank. You could get fired, suspended,
arrested, defriended, or even worse if you carry
out any prank. You should also consider the
possibility of retaliation from your victim
before attempting any prank. Proper finesse
and lightheartedness should be used so your
pranking will not be construed as bullying.
This book is for entertainment purposes only.
Nothing in this book should be taken as expert
instruction or commands. The reader is
responsible for his or her own actions and
neither the author nor the publisher assumes
any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the
behalf of the purchaser or reader of these


Hey You!
...Yes, you.
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Like to play games?
Up for a good challenge?
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You can search for these games on the App Store or
go to the BusterFun website and click the links to
Busters games:

BTW - If you answered no to any of the above

questions, you should probably close this book and
go cry in a corner for the rest of the day.

The Pranks!
Follow your victim around with a can
of Lysol and spray everything they
touch. When they ask what youre
doing tell them you got a call from
the CDC.

Put a fake spider or small rubber
snake in your victims shoe.

While your victim is sleeping, lightly

drizzle honey or pancake syrup on
their face. When they feel it, they will
smear it everywhere.

Remove your victims shower-head
and place a Lifesavers candy, a
chicken bouillon cube, or grape KoolAid mix into it before screwing the
shower-head back on.

Put marbles or small rocks in the
hubcaps of your victims car.

Turn down the brightness on all the
computer monitors in the office
(including your own of course).

In a co-workers computer calendar,
set a re-occurring appointment at 9
a.m. called See how I look naked in
the hallway mirror.

Sit in your parked car and point a hair
dryer at passing cars to see if they slow

Put a balloon over the end of the
tailpipe on your victims car so it will
pop when they start their car.

Unplug the keyboard cable from the
back of your victims computer.

Cover the top of your victims ceiling
fan blades with heaping piles of baby


Steal your victims water or drink

bottle when they are not looking and
glue the lid on so it cant be opened.

Put a toy doll inside a real baby carseat and set it on top of your car while
you unlock the door. Then drive away
while its still on the roof.

Super-glue pennies to the sidewalk.

Post a large sign on the front door of a
public place (department store,

museum, etc.) that says Authorized

Personnel Only.

Cover your victims toilet seat with
clear corn syrup.

While your victim is sleeping point a
flashlight at their face then smack
them awake while you yell Train! A
Train! as loud as you can.

Hide scented air fresheners all over
your victims home or office.

Place a small piece of sticky note over
the ball (or laser) under your victims
computer mouse so it wont work.

Set a mousetrap and spring it on your
victims earlobe while theyre sleeping.

Switch the signs on the mens and
ladies rest rooms.

Use a cotton swab dipped in lemon

juice to write a scary message on your

victims bathroom mirror (like Help
Me). It will be invisible until your
victim takes a steamy shower or bath.

Put fake bullet holes, scratches, rust,
or fake dents on your victims car.

Change the default language in your
victims web browser to a foreign

Put some salt on your victims


Pay a homeless person to follow your
victim around and talk to them about
something extremely uncomfortable.

Pin up fliers that offer Male (or
Female) Stripper available for parties
or ??, Super Affordable Rates. Put
your victims telephone number on it.

Fill an open box with ping-pong balls
and tilt it against the door inside your

victims cabinet (the higher the better)

so when they open the door the balls
will spill out.

Every time you see a broom yell,
Honey, your mothers here!

Change your voicemail answering
message to: Hello? Hello?
Hello! Is anybody there?

Wait for your victim to go to a
sporting event with their boyfriend or

girlfriend. Have a Giant Scoreboard

Message read (name of significant
other), will you marry me, (name of
your victim)

While standing in a crowd, wave your
hands wildly at invisible flies buzzing
around your head.

Turn off the water supply to your
victims house, or just their bathroom,
when they are halfway through a
shower. (If you can just turn off the
hot water supply, that can be even

more fun.)

Put a For Sell by Owner sign in your
victims front yard while they are on
vacation and add Must Sell
Immediately - Foreclosure Imminent
and add their cell phone number.

Mix canned dog food and re-fried
beans and place it in empty caulking
tubes. Now, with your caulking gun
loaded, you have instant dog turds to
put anyplace theyre needed.

Leave a written phone message for
your victim that says Mr. Lyon called
and would like you to call him back
right away. Add the phone number
to the zoo.

Put Oragel deep into the base of the
bristles on your victims toothbrush.

Put a fake snake in your victims
kitchen cabinet and tie a string or
fishing line around its head and tape
the other end of the string to the

inside of the cabinet door.

Load your victims drink, preferably a
non fizzy drink, with salt.

Smear a thin layer of Icy Hot on
your victims toilet seat.

Place a funnel in your pants and a
coin on your forehead. Try dropping
the coin in the funnel. Challenge your
victim to try it and when they have
the coin on their forehead, pour a

glass of water into the funnel.

Put a Please Use Other Door sign on
the entrance to your office building if
it only has one entrance.

Duct tape an air horn can under your
victims office chair so when they sit
down it will trigger the air horn.

Fill a garbage can 3/4 of the way full
with water. Lean it up against your
victims door and knock. When your

victim opens the door the water will


Put a small water balloon in your
victims pillowcase.

If your victim uses a toothbrush with
colored bristles, put a small drop of
matching food coloring in the center
of their toothbrush.

Serve Styrofoam packing peanuts
painted with orange food coloring at

your next office party or social get


Use makeup to make facial drawings
on your victim when they are sleeping
or passed out.

Add two bottles of dish detergent with
lots of food coloring into a large water
fountain. The fountain will produce
colored bubbles.

Put itching powder on all the toilet

paper rolls.

Hide several alarm clocks in your
victims bedroom and set them to all
to go off in sequence, 20 minutes

Sneak up to your victims house in the
middle of the night and duct tape the
doorbell down.

In a department store, put boxes of
Poli-Dent in random shoppers


Change the AutoCorrect in the
Spelling and Grammar Options on
your victims computer to change
common words like the or and to
words like wtf, or are you sure, or

Duct tape an air horn to the wall
behind your victims or your offices
front door so when the doors opened
the doorknob will trigger the air horn
to blast.

Put a plastic cup full of water or
confetti on an upper shelf of your
victims cabinet. Tape a short piece of
string to the top of the cup and the
inside of the cabinet door.

Carry a small spray bottle with water
in it. While walking in a crowd of
people pretend to have a large sneeze
and spray the water bottle so the mist
hits the back of peoples necks when
you sneeze.


On a busy sidewalk, have a baseball

glove and run in front of your victim
as they are walking (facing the
opposite direction that theyre
walking) and act like you are trying to
catch a baseball thats coming at you.

Give your victim a long hug as you
pretend to cry (or stay very silent).
Whatever you do, dont let them
leave, and dont answer any of their

Get someone to call your victim and

impersonate someone they deeply

admire then have them be extremely

While standing in a crowd slap your
forehead and repeatedly mutter, Shut
up, PLEASE! All of you just shut up!

Go to your victims refrigerator and
add food coloring to the milk, cottage
cheese, sour cream, etc.

Tell your victim about a party youre

having outside of town at a friends

house. Give them fake directions.

Glue or tape the headset of your
victims phone to its cradle.

Record a morning weather report that
shows a storm or cold front coming in.
Save it to replay on a sunny and warm
day when your victim first gets out of
bed. (On a day they have big plans is


Have your co-workers start asking

your victim how much they want for
their car because they saw a For Sale
sign on it in the parking lot. Have
other people call the victim and ask
about their car also.

Get an old cell phone then ask your
victim if they will let you use their
phone for a call. When they hand you
their phone, drop the old phone. They
will think its their phone you


Put a suction cup on your victims

forehead while they are sleeping or
passed out. (This will leave a lasting

Add several odd appointments to your
victims computer or cell phone
calendar like Sniff Jerrys hair or
Get an accurate count of the ceiling
tile with alarms set to go off at
different times during the day.

If someone uses a fruity colored body
wash or shampoo, find a similar

colored food coloring and put it in

their body wash or shampoo bottle.

Put clear cellophane or plastic-wrap
across the door frame of a commonly
used door.

Prepare your victims cereal with milk
the night before, put a spoon in it,
then put it in the freezer overnight
and serve it to them the next morning.

Put a rubber snake in your victims

toilet and tie a piece of fishing line to

the snakes head then tape the other
end of the fishing line to the
underside of the toilet lid. Close toilet

Tape your victims cell phone under a
chair then call them.

Put a small piece of black tape over
the sensor on your victims cable or
TV remote.


Move your victims possessions slightly

every day. Maybe only an inch a day
and make it a bit more obvious each
time until you end up making a huge
change like reversing everything on
their desk.

Dip the tips of your victims cigarettes
in Orajel so their lips will go numb.

Get an ice tray and make a few ice
cubes with bugs in them. Ask your
victim if they want a drink and put
those ice cubes in their drink.

Tell your victim something terrible is
going to happen and that you have
inside sources. Get them to leave in
a panic.

Place a small coffee table over your
sleeping victims head then blow an air
horn in the room.

Bring several sets of clothes to work
and change every hour, acting like
nothings different.

Lay a three foot strip of duct tape
(sticky side up) on the roadway.
When your victim runs over the tape
it will stick to their tire and it sounds
like a flat.

When your victim is asleep, get a bowl
full of warm water and stick their
hand in it.

Pretend you are very sick. Cough on
your victim uncontrollably. If they
confront you, tell them they are

incredibly inconsiderate and you dont

know if you should be friends

Hide two speakers next to a busy
sidewalk. When your victim walks by,
play a loud recording of cars braking
hard to avoid a collision. Have friends
suddenly start running out of the way
when they hear the sound.

If your victim has TIVO or some other
on-demand entertainment, change all
their favorites, subscriptions and other

settings to Christian Public


Send your victim a professional
looking email that says they are in
trouble or being fired.

Tape a plastic bag full of hamburger
along with a bunch of fur or feathers
under your victims lawn mower so
the bag is just above the blades.

Put a fake Spider or Rodent on a piece

of string and pull it across any floor

when your victim walks into the room.

Fill your victims hair-dryer with baby

Start finishing all your sentences with
the words: in accordance with the

Send your victim fake emails from a
secret admirer that continually gets
crazier over time until they reach

stalker level.

Put liquid soap on the door knobs.
(This is done easiest by covering your
hands with soap and not rinsing your
hands before using the door knobs.)

Squeeze a small amount of hand
sanitizer into the palm of your hand
right before you fake a sneeze. Wipe
the hand sanitizer on your victims
arm when you are done.


Call people to schedule various

appointments for your victim (yoga
training, college courses, party clowns,
etc.) Make sure the appointments are
scattered on various days so they
receive calls over a long period of

Make several photocopies of just a
paper-clip and put those copies back
into the blank paper feed tray. People
will think theres a paper-clip stuck in
the copier.


Keep a notebook with you and when

youre talking to your victim, make a
tally mark in the notebook every time
your victim says a specific word. Dont
explain why.

Take the knobs off all your victims
kitchen cabinets and switch them
around so the knobs are on the inside.
(NOTE: This will take longer than 60
seconds to complete.)

Use clear packing tape to tape
everything down on your victims


Put a note on your victims car that
says Sorry about the dent. Call me to
swap insurance details. Include a
fake name and number. (Or, put a
note on somebody elses car and leave
your victims phone number.)

When you and your victim are on an
elevator, tap on their shoulder and
then pretend it wasnt you.


Point at your victims chest, acting like

they have a spot on their shirt, when
they look down, slap them in the face
with your other hand.

Dump a large amount of liquid dish
soap into the bottom of your victims
dish washer. Suds will be everywhere
the next time they use it.

While your victim is sleeping, use a
needle and thread to sew their
pajamas to the bed.

Leave cryptic notes warning your
victim of an impending prank that is
planned to be played on them that
day and then dont do anything to
them all day.

Put black shoe polish on the earpiece
of your victims telephone. (This
works if your victim has a black

Crawl under your victims desk and
duct tape their center drawer shut.

Put a layer of plastic Saran Wrap over
the lenses of your victims eye glasses.

Write a funny message on a piece of
paper and put it upside down on your
victims chair (the paper should be a
similar color as the chair). Put clear
glue or double sided tape on the sign.

Use your cell phone to film yourself
sucking the chocolate off several
chocolate-covered peanuts and
spitting the peanuts in a bowl. Give

your victim a bowl of peanuts and

when theyve eaten several, show
them the video.

Balance a glass of liquid on the back of
your hand as its lying on a table and
say that its physically impossible to do
the same with both hands at the same
time. When they try, leave the room.

Unroll a couple of rounds of toilet
paper and place a dead or fake insect
in the roll and re-roll the toilet paper.

Put food coloring in your victims
hand soap dispensers.

Put shaving cream or whipping cream
in someones hand while theyre
sleeping and then tickle their nose
with a feather of something similar.

Hard boil all the eggs in your victims
refrigerator and place them back into
the carton.

Replace the contents of any Elmers
glue bottle with ranch salad dressing.
(Preferably simple ranch dressing
without any extra pieces of spice in it.)

Put a thin layer of cooking oil on your
victims car engine (around the
manifold). It will begin to smoke after
only a few miles.

If your victim is sensitive to
paranormal activity, hide something
that can play scary noises and ghostly

sounds. Leave your victim alone,

making sure you turn off the power
when you leave.

Switch your victims pet to an animal
that looks very similar but is a little bit

Install the Blue Screen of Death
screen-saver on your victims

Flip a half empty bottle of ketchup

upside down so all the ketchup fills

the tip of the bottle. Add two
spoonfuls of baking soda and close the
bottle. The ketchup will explode out
of the bottle when they try to use it.

Wait 20 seconds to respond to
anything your victim says. Dont
count, just stare at them blankly.

Pop a balloon or set off fireworks
while your victim is sleeping.


Take one half of a wire your victim

needs to charge a device and hide it.
Leave a note from someone else in
proximity taking the blame. Both
these people will be confused and

Put pop rocks in your victims cats
kitty litter. Their cat will shriek while
it pees all over the place.

Organize as many people as possible to
start adding a y or ie to the end of
your victims name. You can do this

on specific days or only during specific

times to confuse your victim even

Organize some friends to follow your
victim around in single file and imitate
everything they do without speaking
to them.

Put black shoe polish around the
edges of the eyepieces on a set of
binoculars. Point out an object of
interest and hand the binoculars to
your victim.

Tell the person taking your drivethrough order that you would like to
place a to-go order please.

Scatter toilet paper or confetti around
your victims home or workspace
while they are gone.

While your victim is asleep, reset all
their clocks ahead two hours. Then,
just before the real time they normally
wake up, burst into their bedroom
and tell them theyre late.

Replace the food in your victims
cupboard with something else. For
Example: Take out all the cereal and
replace it with dog food.

Stuff the toes of all your victims shoes
with toilet paper (or half a dozen

Send your victim a message Online in
explicit detail about how much you
hate someone who matches their
description without directly saying its

them. When confronted say you sent

that message to the wrong person.

If your victim is not a good typist,
switch around random keys on their

Have your co-workers spend the day
walking in front of, or bumping into,
your victim. Each time they see the
victim approaching co-workers should
change directions or get up and
accidentally cross your victims path.

Turn on the parental controls on your
victims television and set it to turn off
the television at sporadic times.

When you are in line with several
people randomly start pulling out on
the collar of your shirt or opening
your purse slightly and looking inside
and say: Do you have enough air in

Send someone an official-looking
letter with no return address that talks

about the latest mission and includes

odd details. Write at the bottom that
the letter must be kept confidential
and must be destroyed.

Find some people to help you fill your
victims answering machine with fake
voice mail messages about stupid
things. For example: This is the CDC
and, This is the dry cleaners and
your lingerie is ready, etc.

Put little dots of electrical tape over
the bottom of your victims spare light

bulbs. Do the same to a light fixture in

their house. None of their spare bulbs
will work when they try to replace it.

Wrap your heavily sleeping or passedout victims hands with plastic Saran

Remove all the plastic bags from inside
the cereal boxes in your victims
cupboard and switch them around so
they are all in the wrong boxes.


Replace the raspberry jelly in your

victims doughnut with ketchup.

Hide food in a trash can and when
your victim walks by grab some and
eat it. Offer to share some with your

On Facebook, change your birthday to
April 1 then when people start
wishing you a happy birthday, change
your status to April Fools!


Make your victim a sponge cake out of

actual sponges. Be sure to cover it with
plenty of frosting.

Replace the Oreo cream-filling in
some cookies with toothpaste and
offer one to your victim. (BTW: Dont
let your victim swallow a large amount
of toothpaste.)

Whenever your victim finishes saying
anything only give them one of two
answers, either And then what? or
Prove it!

Unscrew the lid on your victims salt
shaker and put plastic Saran wrap over
the top with about a teaspoon full of
pepper on it. Screw the lid back on
and tear off the excess plastic from the

Find out what brand of TV your
business, teacher, or the local sports
bar uses and purchase a universal
remote and enter that brands code
into the remote and start secretly
changing channels.

Fill your victims salt shaker full of

Cut the bottom out of your victims
cereal box(es) then remove the plastic
bag(s) inside and dump the contents
directly into the box while the box is
setting in your victims cabinet.

Dip the tips of your victims pens and
pencils in clear nail polish so none of
them will work.

Paint your sleeping or passed-out
victims fingernails a bright and
embarrassing color.

Order absurd amount of awful food to
be delivered to your victims house
(For example: Anchovy & Pineapple

Put a small piece of duct tape on the
faucet and leave it slightly loose in the
front so when the water is turned on it
will spray directly at your victim.

Put your victims phone number on
Craigslist. Claim that your victim is
giving away a signed, hand-drawn
painting done by Willie Nelson.

Duct tape the trigger on an air horn
and throw it on the roof of your
victims house. (This is the most
annoying in the middle of the night.)

Tape magnets to the bottom of a cup,
put it on the roof of your car and drive

Get several feet of bubble wrap (the
kind with the large bubbles) and tape
a strip on each front tire of your
victims parked car.

Hide a cup full of dog crap in the most
hard-to-find-place in your victims
home or office space.

Record or download a dog-barking
ringtone and leave your phone in the
trunk of your victims car. Have people
call the phone throughout the day

when you know people will be

walking by the car.

Make new Push and Pull door signs
and put them over existing door signs
so theyre the wrong way around.

Put a bumper sticker on your victims
car thats either offensive or the
complete opposite of something they
believe in.

Get some really hot peppers and cut

them up. Smear the pepper juice all

over door knobs. Watch as your victim
rubs their eyes and makes it worse.

Take something from your victims
office and leave them a ransom note.

Turn off one (or both) of the water
supply feeds under your victims
bathroom or kitchen sink.

Scrape off about half an inch of your
victims deodorant and replace it with

cream cheese.

Frantically run up to your victim
looking over your shoulder and hand
them a paper bag full of salt and tell
them youll need to get it back from
them later and not to lose it. Then
continue running.

Place a House for Sale classified ad in
the newspaper for your victims home.

Secretly change the coffee in the office

coffee maker to decaf for two weeks,

and then switch it to espresso.

Write a letter B on a Sticky Note and
put it on your victims back then tell
them that there is a bee on their back.

If you know someone with a skylight
in their house, put on dark clothes
and a ski mask and climb on their
roof. When they walk into the room
make a loud noise and stare at them
before running away.

Change the language on your victims
smart-phone to a language they dont

Super glue the caps on all your victims
ink pens and markers.

Tape a dollar bill to the end of the
fishing line on a fishing pole. Hide
behind a bush and wait for your
victim. As they reach for the money,
pull it away (try to make it look like it
is the wind blowing it).

Spring out of a garbage can, a hamper,
or a cardboard box when your victim
walks into the room and gets close by.

If your victim has long hair, tie their
hair to their headboard while theyre

Conference call two victims then dont
say anything, just listen.


Hide a piece of frozen fish in your

victims home or office.

Organize several of your classmates or
co-workers to make a soft humming
noise around your victim for 2
minutes at specific times of the day.

Put child safety guards all around
your victims house. Make sure you
coat them thoroughly with Vaseline.

Obtain a small hypodermic needle

and syringe and fill it with Habanera

pepper extract, hot sauce, or vinegar.
Inject this into your victims fruit,
vegetables, cakes, ice cream, or
anything else thats edible.

When your victim is telling you
something very important, suddenly
walk away.

Replace your victims important
project thats spread out on a table
with un-needed papers while they are
in the bathroom. As theyre returning

spill your drink on the fake papers and

start cursing.

Add a few drops of food coloring in
the bottom of your victims cereal
bowl or empty drinking glass or water
bottle. Pouring in any liquid creates a
colorful surprise.

Put a paper cup full of confetti or
water on top of a door that is slightly
ajar and wait for your victim to walk
into the room.

Blindfold your victim and tell them
youre taking them somewhere special
then take them to the worst place you
can think of (like a basement with the
lights turned off, for example).

When you are sitting in a silent room
with other people, look around and
ask someone next to you: Is that your

Have a small radio play very loud and
annoying music from a place where

its almost impossible to find the

source. (Inside air ducts or under the
floor boards, etc.).

When you get off the elevator,
whisper to the others who stayed on:
Id get off the elevator now if I were

Get inside your victims Facebook
account and change their status to
Coming out of the closet.


Rearrange your victims drawers or file

cabinets into a different order.

Sneak into your victims car and adjust
everything: radio at full volume,
wipers on high, air conditioning on
max setting, seats pushed all the way

Put a small cardboard box in the
corner of an elevator and when your
victim gets on the elevator ask them if
they hear something ticking.

Replace your victims sun block with

Place a pair of pants and shoes inside
the only toilet stall in a restroom to
make it appear someone is using it all

Pretend to be very good at something
like pool or poker. Convince your
victim to put money down for the
both of you. After you lose, get
extremely angry at your victim and

claim it was all their fault.

Hang a mask just outside your victims
door so when they open the door and
walk though they walk directly into it.

While your victim is away from home,
unscrew all the light bulbs in their
house, just far enough that they will
not come on when you victim flips the
light switch.

Add food coloring to the windshield

washer fluid of your victims car.

Twist up a rubber band until its a
tight coil when you pull the 2 ends.
Pull the rubber band apart, while still
being coiled, and then release it into
your victims hair.

Make a batch of caramel apples and
pass them around to a group of
people, your victim included. Make
sure your victim gets the one thats
actually a caramel covered onion.

Put clear cellophane or plastic Saran
wrap across your victims toilet seat.

Replace your victims entire
underwear collection with creepy
versions such as Pee Wee Herman or
Miley Cyrus.

Only talk to your victim about things
that make them angry then act very
offended every time they get mad at

Put a large sign in your victims front
yard the reads Congratulations! Its a

Take a squirt gun into the rest room.
While in the stall next to someone,
shoot little drops over the wall every
couple of seconds while pretending to

Change your victims screen saver to
something embarrassing.

Glue or tape a musical chip out of a
greeting card to a door frame so it will
play an annoying song each time the
door is opened.

Put Vaseline on your victims

Remove your victims shower head
and place a small piece of plastic wrap
over the water pipe and screw the
shower head back on. Tear off any
excess plastic. This should keep the

shower from working.

Replace the chocolate chunks in your
victims cookie mix with chunks of
crumbled, chocolate laxative.

Find the busiest hallway you can and
super glue dimes to the floor (dimes
are thin and hard to pick up).

Get your victim a gift from somewhere
with an iconic box (Tiffanys, etc.)
then put something very cheap in the


Get a bit of dog crap, (the fresher the
better) and stick it under your victims
car door handle so it cant be seen.

Laugh loudly at everything that your
victim says as if they just told a funny

Glue all the eggs in your victims
refrigerator to the egg carton.

Cover your victims toilet seat with
baby oil. Just enough slippery oil so it
cannot be seen.

Hide a small radio in the ceiling tiles
above your victims desk, or in their
house, and turn it on very softly.

Paint your victims bar of soap
completely with clear nail polish and
let it dry so it wont suds up.

When your victim is not looking use a
thumbtack or a pin to put a small
pinhole in the side of their soda or
beer can (just below the hole they will
be drinking from).

Sign your victim up for useless
newsletters they have no need for.
(Usually for organizations you know
they would hate to be associated

Put as many mini-marshmallows as

possible on the top of your victims

ceiling fans blades.

Film your victim with your smartphone or a video camera. Dont
explain why this is happening just tell
them that you were instructed to do

In a restaurant, put Tabasco sauce or
vinegar in your victims soda while
theyre in the bathroom.


Get some window-glass broken into

pieces. Scatter the broken glass in the
seat of your victims car and roll down
the window. Leave a note that says:
That should teach you how to park
next time!

When your victim is in the shower,
sneak in and take all their clothes, all
the towels, and the bath mat.

Put a few strips of bacon under your
victims car hood, on the engine block.
Place the bacon next to the manifold

and it should begin to smell nicely

after a few miles.

Duct tape your victims chair-height
adjustment lever on their office chair
so when they sit down the chair will
immediately bottom out from their

Switch your victims cell phone
background image to a photo of
broken glass.


Send your victim a long email message

about how much you love them and
have always wanted to be with them.
After you receive a response from
them, tell them you sent that message
to the wrong person.

Put a For Sale sign on the back of
your victims car for a ridiculously low
price (along with their phone

Buy some underwear, write a coworkers name in them, and leave

them on the floor of the office or

dorm bathroom.

Every time your victim asks a question
remind them how stupid they are
regardless of how stupid the question

Fill your victims hand soap dispensers
with pancake syrup.

Take the lids off all your victims
shampoo and conditioner and put a

small piece of plastic wrap over the top

and screw the lids back on.

Trace around the outside of a quarter
with a pencil so the edge has graphite
all around it. Tell your victim they can
have the quarter if they can roll it
down the middle of their nose and
catch it.

Use a rubber band to tie down the
kitchen sink sprayer handle. Make
sure the sprayer is pointed directly at
where your victim will be standing

when they turn on the water.

Take a door knob off a door and put it
back on backwards. Now lock the
knob and leave the door open.

Hide gummy worms in the center of
your victims sandwich.

Wait for your victim to fall asleep then
put some VERY hot sauce on their

Hide all of the desktop icons on your
victims computer and replace the
monitors wallpaper with a screenshot
of their desktop.

While your victim is away, turn the
volume on their television to
maximum and set the channel to the
most obnoxious channel you can find
then turn the television back off.

Dilute sour candies (warheads, etc.) in
a small amount of water. Soak your

victims toothbrush in it overnight.

(You could also use cayenne pepper or
extremely hot chili peppers.)

Put an ad in the newspaper for a
garage sale at your victims house that
begins at 6 a.m. on a Saturday.

Buy some poppers and carefully place
them under your victims toilet seat so
they are not visible but will pop when
they sit down.


Take the top cookie off an ice cream

sandwich and scoop out a small
amount of ice cream from the center.
Fill the area with baby lotion and put
the top cookie back on before serving
it to your victim.

Fill your victims mayonnaise jar with
vanilla pudding.

More Fun with

If you enjoy pranks then youll get a kick out of these
additional fun-filled books. Add them to your
collection and your sharp wit and great humor is
guaranteed to become bigger than life!

The Top Insults: How to

Win Any Argument...While

Hundreds of the freshest insults sure to give

you a verbal advantage in any situation!
I wouldnt Pee in Your Ear if your Brain was on Fire!
Have you ever been so angry that you just couldnt
find the right words? Never again! Now youve got
hundreds of hilarious insults, put-downs, and zingers
right at your fingertips.
Youre about as useful as a windshield wiper on a
goats butt.
Keep this book handy, someday youll be glad you
have it.
Lets play horse. Ill be the front end and you just be
Pick any of the many jaw-dropping insults then laugh
at the look on your adversarys face when you whip
one out and use it on them. Youll leave no doubt in
their mind that you are a master of sarcastic insults!
In addition to the fresh and hilarious insults in this
book, youll also find great sarcastic observations
about life hidden inside this books pages, like

I think the reason so many people have smart phones

is because opposites attract!
Youre no idiot so you need this book to start your
new life as the master of sarcastic insults and
Hey! Who left the Idiot Box open? Now theyre

The BIG Triple Joke Book 1,289 Funny Jokes, Fun

Facts & Brain Teaser

Here are the cream-of-the-crop, most hilarious
short jokes available!
Each joke inside this big book has been thoroughly
tested on highly intelligent plus a few other test
subjects, so you can rest assured that each joke is
totally worthy of being a part of this top-comedic
All you need to do is start laughing!
This BIG collection is suitable for all ages, so youll
always have an expansive number of great jokes, funfacts, and brain games ready to be read or used in any
Bonus: Fun Facts
Hundreds of fun trivial facts you can use for trivia
games while traveling or simply killing time with
your friends, family, or co-workers. Discover
hundreds of unknown, unknowns that surround you
in your daily life.
Bonus: Riddles

The brain game puzzlers in this book are designed to

stump and amuse. Hundreds of brain teaser puzzles
each designed to get you and your friends to think
outside the box. Expand your mind more and more
with each challenging riddle and brain teaser you
YOUR SOCIAL NETWORK - All the jokes, fun facts,
and riddles in this book are perfectly designed for
sharing with your friends and family on Facebook,
Twitter, and your other social sharing sites. All your
friends will look forward to your posts as you give
them a never-ending and lightheartedly-fresh new
posting in their news feeds daily.

...One Last Thing

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one sentence like, maybe...
... I laughed so much my cheeks got numb.
... Im going to start using these on my friends right
... I love this book, my favorite gag was...
... I pooped myself a little on every page.
... Without this book my life would be over.
You could even just use a simple headline like,

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