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1. Which of the following is one of the most important protections you have when giving first
A. Wearing leather gloves
B. Hand washing
C. Supervisor backup
D. Gauze dressings
2. You should phone your emergency response number (or 911) when
A. you cant find the keys to the office.
B. someone is seriously ill or injured.
C. you know exactly what to do in an emergency.
D. you wish to check if your phone is working.
3. If a child is choking and is still responding, you should give thrusts. What is the correct
position for giving thrusts?
A. Put an arm around the choking childs waist.
B. Put 2 fingers above the choking childs belly button.
C. Stand in front of the choking child and put 2 fists between his shoulder blades.
D. Get behind the choking child and put a fist just above the childs belly button.
4. If a choking adult stops responding, you should
A. Check whether the person needs CPR.
B. Give 5 compressions and 5 back slaps.
C. Give forceful breaths to push the object down.
D. Continue stomach thrusts until the object is removed
5. Before applying a bandage to an injured body part, you should
A. Give the person aspirin to help thin the blood.
B. Apply a tourniquet below the injury.
C. Remove all soaked dressings.
D. Use direct pressure to stop any bleeding.
6. A tourniquet should only be used as the 1 st step in First Aid for
A. A traumatic amputation.
B. A severe abrasion
C. A severe laceration.
D. Severe bleeding.
7. You should suspect a neck or spine injury if the person
A. Was in a car or bicycle crash.
B. Cannot climb a ladder without help.
C. Has severe bleeding from a foot injury.
D. Complains of stomach pain.
8. You are by yourself and find an unconscious child in the church nursery. You should
A. Make sure the scene is safe, check for a response by tapping on the shoulders, call for
help, check for breathing, begin compressions
B. Make sure the scene is safe, call for help, check for a response, tell someone to call 911
and get an AED
C. Make sure the scene is safe, call 911, begin giving 30 compressions and 2 breaths for 5
D. Make sure the scene is safe, check for a response by tapping on the foot, call for help,
check for breathing, begin compressions


9. When

you give compressions to an adult, push the chest down

one half the depth of the chest.
one third the depth of the chest.
only 1 inch.
at least 2 inches.


giving breaths, you can tell enough air is going in if you

see the chest rise.
see the person start to breathe.
see the person start to blink.
see the person start to respond.

11.Once youve started giving compressions and breaths, you should keep going until
A. you collapse and need medical attention.
B. you get tired and do compressions incorrectly.
C. the AED arrives, the person responds, or someone with more advanced training takes
D. you decide that CPR has been performed long enough.

giving CPR to an adult, you should give sets of

One breath and 15 compressions.
Two breaths and 20 compressions.
30 compressions and 1 breath.
30 compressions and 2 breaths.

13.A sign that a person is having trouble breathing is that the person
A. can still cough hard.
B. is able to walk and talk without difficulty.
C. can only speak a few words at a time.
D. agrees to lie down until EMS arrives.
14.After each compression, you should
A. let the chest come back up to its normal position.
B. check to see if the person is breathing normally.
C. reposition the hands on the persons chest.
D. pause and rest to prevent fatigue.
15.Which of the following is true regarding use of an AED?
A. It doesnt matter where you put the pads on the victims body.
B. To use an AED, you must know everything about the conditions an AED can correct.
C. The pad or pad package will show you where to place the pads.
D. You should count to 10 after the AED tells you to press the shock button before doing
anything else.
16.If you

are giving breaths with a mask, you should

cover the face completely with the mask.
make an airtight seal between the persons face and the mask.
never touch the inside of the mask.
choose a mask that fits your hands.



should you use an AED?

If a person groans and moves after a tap and shout
If a person complains of chest pain and shortness of breath
If a person does not respond and is not breathing or is only gasping
Only if another rescuer has completed 1 set of 30 compressions and 2 breaths

18.You are giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths. A bystander arrives with an AED. What
should you do next?
A. You should finish whichever set of 30 compressions and 2 breaths youre working on.
B. You should use the AED.
C. You should make sure someone has phoned the emergency response number (or 911).
D. You should put a blanket on the person receiving CPR.
19.In which of the following situations should you suspect that a person is in shock?
A. The person has warm, red skin, is hungry, and has a headache.
B. The person has pale, cold, clammy skin and feels weak, dizzy, and thirsty.
C. The person has warm, dry skin and is not responding.
D. The person has cold, dry, red skin and is not responding.
20.When helping someone with heat exhaustion, you should spray the person with which of the
A. A sports drink
B. A mixture of salt and water
C. Cool water
D. Prune juice
21.If you are performing CPR on an infant who is not injured and you are alone, after 5 sets of
compressions and 2 breaths,
A. keep giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the infant responds.
B. you may carry the infant with you to phone 911.
C. check for breathing.
D. see if someone can help.

you help someone with a small burn, you should:

put the burned area in a bucket of ice water until the burn does not hurt.
pack the burned area in ice until it does not hurt, and then cover it with a moist towel.
wear personal protective equipment (PPE), cool the burn with cold water until it does
not hurt, and then cover it with a nonstick dressing.
D. cover the burn with burn cream and dress it with elastic dressing.

23.If an infant who is choking cannot make a sound or breathe, or has a cough with no sound,
you should
A. Give five back slaps.
B. stand by and observe the infant.
C. hold the infant upside down and give 5 back slaps
D. talk to the infant to keep the infant calm.
24.If you

are planning to become a Paramedic, how long would you expect to go to school?
4 years
1 year
6-8 months
18-24 months


25.If you

become a paramedic, how would you abbreviate your title?


26. When assisting someone who may be having a heart attack, you should
A. help the person walk around to help blood flow.
B. cover the person with a blanket.
C. keep the person calm and phone 911.
D. do nothing until the person collapses.
27. Fainting is a short period when someone
A. stops responding for less than a minute and then seems fine.
B. responds but is confused.
C. stops responding for long periods of time.
D. responds but has trouble breathing
28. Which of these is a sign of stroke?
A. Sudden trouble seeing
B. Sudden shortness of breath
C. Weakness on one side of the body
D. Sweaty, pale skin
29. Which of the following are signs of severe choking?
A. Cannot breathe or talk
B. Can make sounds and talk
C. Can cough loudly
D. Can breathe, talk, or cough
30. When assisting an unconscious victim with normal breathing this should be performed:
A. Elevate the feet at least 12 inches and cover with a blanket
B. Remove clothing out of the way to observe breathing while victim is in supine position
C. Place victim in prone position to avoid choking
D. Turn to the side recovery position, Call 911, and stay with victim
31. When someone has an electrical injury, you should
A. be sure to get to the persons side as soon as possible.
B. not wear gloves, because they are not required for electrical burns.
C. phone or send someone else to phone the emergency response number (or 911).
D. apply ice to the burn as soon as it is safe to do so.
32. A coworker is struck in the abdomen while on break. The coworker has a bruise and
has signs of shock. What should you suspect is wrong?
A. Bleeding you can see
B. Cardiac arrest
C. Bleeding you cant see
D. A head injury

33. A sign that a person is having trouble breathing is that the person
A. can still cough hard.
B. is able to walk and talk without difficulty.


C. can only speak a few words at a time.
D. agrees to lie down until EMS arrives.
34. The first step in assembling an inhaler is to
A. remove the cap from the front of the inhaler.
B. shake the medicine.
C. attach the spacer if available.
D. put the medicine canister into the inhaler.
35. If an adults chest doesnt rise when you give a breath, what should you do?
A. Stop CPR and wait for help to arrive.
B. Stick a finger in the patients mouth and look for a foreign object.
C. Give another forceful breath for 15 seconds to make the chest rise.
D. Reopen the airway and then give another breath.
36. How hard and fast should you push during adult CPR?
A. Push straight down at least 2 inches and at a rate of at least 100 compressions per
B. Push straight down no more than 2 inches and at a rate of at least 100 compressions
per minute.
C. Push straight down 2 inches and at a rate of 30 compressions per minute.
D. Push and hold the chest down 2 inches for at least 5 seconds, then release, and repeat
for 1 minute.
37. When performing each set of CPR, how many compressions and breaths should you
A. 30 compressions and 30 breaths
B. 30 compressions and 2 breaths
C. 100 compressions and 2 breaths
D. 100 compressions and 30 breaths
38. What should you do if you tap and shout and the adult doesnt respond?
A. Tap the person and shout until the person wakes up.
B. Phone, or have someone else phone, the emergency response number (911) and get an
AED if available.
C. Check for breathing for at least 10 seconds.
D. Slap the person on the back to see if an object is lodged in the throat.
39. When giving breaths, you should
A. press down on the soft part of the neck.
B. push down on the chest with 1 hand.
C. watch for the chest to rise.
D. roll the person to the side position.
40. If someone is confused and needs first aid, you should
A. assume the person wouldnt want help and walk away.
B. yell at the person until the person makes eye contact.
C. assume the person would want help.
D. pretend not to see the person and walk away.
41. If you suspect someone is having a heart attack, you should
A. make sure the person keeps walking around.
B. keep the person alert by asking a lot of questions.
C. let the person drive to the hospital and follow along.
D. send someone else to get a first aid kit and an AED.


42. When you give compressions to an adult, push the chest down
A. one half the depth of the chest.
B. one third the depth of the chest.
C. only 1 inch.
D. at least 2 inches.
43. When giving breaths, you can tell enough air is going in if you
A. see the chest rise.
B. see the person start to breathe.
C. see the person start to blink.
D. see the person start to respond.
44. There are only a few reasons to stop or interrupt compressions. Which of the
following is not a reason to stop or interrupt compressions?
A. The AED arrives.
B. The person starts responding.
C. Someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over.
D. You think you arent doing compressions correctly.
45. If you are alone and a child needs CPR, when do you phone 911?
A. Right after giving 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths.
B. Right after making sure the scene is safe.
C. Before giving 5 sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths.
D. Only phone 911 if you know CPR.
46. What should you do if you tap and shout and the adult doesnt respond?
A. Tap the person and shout until the person wakes up.
B. Phone, or have someone else phone, the emergency response number (911) and get an
AED if available.
C. Check for breathing for at least 10 seconds.
D. Slap the person on the back to see if an object is lodged in the throat.
47. When giving CPR to a child, you should
A. make a fist and put it just above the belly button.
B. use 2 hands if you cant push the chest down about 2 inches with 1 hand.
C. put the heel of 1 hand on the top half of the breastbone.
D. push at a rate of 150 compressions a minute.
48. How do you protect an amputated body part?
A. Place it directly on ice in a sealed bag and send it to the hospital.
B. Wrap it in gauze, place it in an airtight bag, and send it to the hospital.
C. Put it in a red biohazard bag and send it to the hospital
D. Place it in a watertight plastic bag inside another container with ice or ice and water.

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