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Aklavik possible atomic-powered electric generating station

2. Whitehorse developed as Yukon capital. $3 million hospital and bridge over Yukon
3. Nickel discovered at Kluane Lake, YT
4. $700 million electro-metallurgical development on Taku Inlet under advanced survey
5. Copper discovered at Stewart has revealed the presence of 16 million tons of ore
6. $500 million Kitimat project: destined to be worlds largest aluminum smelter;
ultimate installed capacity, 2.4 million hp.
7. Mercury mine may resume operations in Bralorne
8. Worlds record pulp and paper construction 4 new mills planned, others planned, all
companies expanding.
9. $10 million power development at Ladore Falls, Campbell River; capacity 105,000 hp
10. $25 million power development at Cheakamus; capacity 200,000 hp
11. $70 million expansion at Trail, worlds largest lead-zinc producer.
12. $120 million gas pipeline surveyed from Peace River to Vancouver, to connect with
U.S. distribution system.
13. 7 million ton asbestos deposit at Cassiar, 500-ton mill operating now.
14. $70 million petro-chemical plant near Edmonton, produces industrial chemicals and
15. 270-mile railway surveyed, Prince George to Dawson Creek, cost: $50 million
16. 718-mile pipeline from Edmonton to Vancouver, capacity 120,000 barrels.
17. Extensive surveys near Great Divide for power, irrigation and flood control projects.
18. Detailed preparations for $65 million integrated forest operations in the Kootenays.
19. Base metal development at Pine Point. Surveying 300-mile rail link to Grimshaw,
20. $24 million nickel leaching plant at Fort Saskatchewan; daily capacity 25 tons ore,
important by-product.
21. $30 million pulp mill under construction, Edson, Alta.
22. $8 million steam electric power development using both oil and gas from surrounding
fields as fuel.
23. $5 million cement plant constructed at Cadomin, Alta., by large European firm.
24. Expanded plant at Jumping Pound, Atla, has daily output of 80 tons of sulphur, vital
for uranium and pulp processing.
25. Gas turbine locomotives using low-grade oil are possible for long-distance rail
26. World-famous Beaverlodge uranium camp, many companies active, expansion
27. 125-mile rail link planned from waterways to rich mining area on Lake Athabasca
28. Athabasca tar sandsNorth Americas largest reserve of petroleum, awaiting
economic development
29. Canadas first gas-turbine electric generator at Vermillion.
30. Canada has 7,000 producing oil wells with estimated reserves of 2.5 billion barrels.
31. Possible Saskatchewan power-irrigation project would produce 150,000 hp of
electricity and irrigate million acres.
32. New dry ice industry based on natural carbon dioxide wells.
33. Nationwide microwave net for TV and communications to be completed in 1957.

34. Major potash deposits under development near Saskatoon.

35. Far-reaching rural electrification program in Saskatchewan.
36. 5000-mile Trans-Canada highway under construction; costmore than $500 million.
37. Flying laboratory carries ton of electronic equipment in simultaneous search for
many minerals.
38. Zinc copper nickel production, Lynn Lake. Present nickel production 18 million
pounds annually.
39. Promising nickel development at Mystery Lake.
40. $150 million long-range power development program in Manitoba.
41. Latest rust-resistant wheat developed at government lab in Fort Garry, Man.
42. $25 million hydro-electric plant under construction; capacity 80,000 hp.
43. $10 million expansion at Fort Whyte to double Manitoba cement production.
44. Worlds longest crude oil pipeline1772 miles. Capcity: 210,000 barrels/day.
45. Rich nickel deposit at Rankin Inlet.
46. Canadas greatest resourceher people. Population: 16,000,000; rapidly growing.
47. Continents first turbo-prop airline service
48. $45 million expansion program for pulp and paper mills in NW Ontario may be
49. Steep Rock iron ore production expected to expand to 10 million tons annually.
50. Drilling under way in base metal discovery in Tashota-Armstrong area of Ontario.
51. Spectacular Manitouwadge base metal development.
52. One of the worlds largest uranium deposits at Algoma-Blind River, $1 billion ore
53. Drilling indicates more than one billion tons of ore deposits at Belcher Islands.
54. $200 million expansion at worlds largest nickel producer at Sudbury.
55. 2,250-mile gas pipeline from Alberta to Toronto-Montreal at cost of $300 million.
56. Rail spur for unique nephaline mine, Nephton, Ontario.
57. Magnetite development at Marmora; expected output million tons yearly.
58. $22 million synthetic textile plant at Kingston, largest chemical expansion in Eastern
59. $343 million power development near Niagara, capacity 1.8 million hp.
60. $100 million expansion of two steel mills in Hamilton.
61. $12 million power transfer plant constructed at Guelph.
62. Advanced design uranium refining plant under construction at Port Hope.
63. 19 new river valley conservation programs in Ontario.
64. Large new rock salt mine near Windsor.
65 New Seaway power project to develop 2.2 million hp. Other proposed hydro
developments nearby.
66. Atomic reactor at Chalk River for research into peaceful uses of atomic energy.
67. 15 million tons of high-grade lithium under development near Val dOr, Quebec.
68. Extensive work at new Rouyn mine, latest addition to Canadas gold mining industry.
69. Huge deposits of high grade iron and base metals under exploration in Ungava.
70. Over 400 million tons open-pit ore in Quebec-Labrador iron field. $250 million
invested. Annual output 20 million tons by 1960.
71. 42-mile rail link to estimated billion-ton iron-ore deposit in Labrador.
72. 155-mile rail line to Chibougamau base metal camp.

73. $16 million nickel-copper smelter and refinery proposed at Chicoutimi, 400 ton daily
74. New hydro development at Manicouagan, capacity 270,000 hp. serves nearby forest
75. New hydro development at Bersimis, capacity 1.2 million hp. will serve Gaspe via
worlds largest underwater power cable.
76. Revolutionary electrolytic process at Shawinigan to produce titanium sponge metal
77. $40 million 2-mile vehicular tunnel planned from Quebec to Levis.
78. St. Lawrence Seaway project, 27-ft canal will open Great Lakes to 85% of worlds
79. $70 million program with 7 companies developing new mines and mills at worlds
largest asbestos deposit.
80. $1,000 million development under survey at Hamilton River. Potential 7 million hp of
electricity, mine, smelting, and forest operations.
81. $35 million copper project in Gasp, 3500 ton per month capacity.
82. $27 million invested by one company alone in 5,000-ton mill near Bathurst, site of
major base metal discovery.
83. Promising tungsten mine under way at Burnt Hill.
84. $45 million development on St. John River, capacity 135,000 hp.
85. $18 million expansion in St. John pulp and paper mill.
86. Marshlands, some of the most fertile lands in Canada, being reclaimed.
87. Widespread rural electrification in P.E.I.
88. High grade zinc deposit on Cape Breton Is.
89. $50 million steel mill expansion on Cape Breton.
90. $10 million newsprint mill proposed for Sheet Harbour.
91. $6 million invested in gypsum project near Halifax.
92. $30 million oil refinery built at Halifax. Canada is second in oil refineries in the free
93. Steam-electric generating station at Tufts Cove, capacity 300,000 hp.
94. Atlantic Provinces Economic Council formed to promote industrial expansion.
95. 600-ton research ship to develop improvements in fishing industry.
96. Newfoundland has great hydro-electric potential. 20,000 hp development surveyed at
Pipers Hole.
97. Big new machinery plant serves as air force maintenance centre.
98. Concentrator planned for Bell Island Iron Mine, which ships 2 million tons annually.
99. $60 million for worlds largest transatlantic telephone cable built by Canada, U.S.A.,
100. $20 million Causeway built to provide vital road and rail link to industrial Cape

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