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A Demons Account

Flash Fiction
Sophie Fouts
Crossroads of Life AG

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

Tick, tick, tick, tap, tap, tap, ding.

I. Have. Lost.
Its inconceivable! Undeniably preposterous! She was mine!
When I received her file, I analyzed it. Every single aspect of her character was at my
disposal. She should have been an easy target! She was just another face amongst the crowd,
nothing special. Merely another victim to which my order could lay claim. Her file was marked
with the red insignia. It had been time to collect.
At first she could only see me from a distance. I was leaning against a tree gazing at her
in the school yard. I loved watching her face morph from happiness to horror. Her eyes widened,
and her cheeks drained into that beautiful color of white ash. I smiled at her.
You know me, I mouthed gleefully.
Tick, tick, tick, tap, tap, tap, ding.
I let it fester for awhile; I let her squirm at knowing that I was there, watching, waiting.
Finally, it had come time to approach.
I stood beside her. She shivered in my shadow. She said nothing, I said nothing. I drew
out a cigar. Breathing in deeply, I began to puff little clouds of smoke into the air.
You know why Im here? I asked nonchalantly.
Her back was erect. Yes, she whispered.

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

I will get rid of you.
I barked a harsh laughter that made her jump. Now we both know that is not possible for
you to do, but it doesnt mean we cant be friends. Why not give me a month, and then you can
I always offer a hopeless choice. It makes them feel more in control. She contemplated
my offer. Uneasiness marked her complexion.
Indulge me? I extended my hand.
Click, click, click, clack, clack, clack, ding!
The month passed by in a blur. She slowly began to let me sink my claws into her life;
they always do. She let me escort her down the halls. She let me whisper pleasurable things into
her ear. She would giggle and smirk at whatever I told her. I gave her advice on how to deal with
subjects of all kinds. I challenged anyone who dared question my presence with her, especially
those prevailers of virtue. I was the advocate of her soul.
She was dancing with me, and anyone who dances with me never dances for long.
I began to tell her other things. Things that made her blood curdle. I wanted more. She
ordered me to stay away from certain areas of her life. Ha! What peculiar things humans are.

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

I would follow her everywhere now: to her afternoon practices, to the movies, and even
to her room. I would watch her as she slept. Breathing, always breathing! Waiting, watching!
Why didnt her chest stop rising!?
I awoke her and took her towards the lake.
Jump! I yelled at her.
I cant swim! she said through falling tears.
I cant!
Click, click, click, clack, clack, clack, ding!
NO! She ran away into the darkness, my element, but like a fool I had not realized we
were near one of those sanctuaries.
I watched as she entered, much to my chagrin. I had been so close to breaking my record,
too! I shrunk back into the shadows of the forest. Waiting, always waiting. I would get my
masters due.
I did not appear to her for quite some time. I wager she thought she was finally free of
me, that she had been strong enough to resist me. The month was about up. I came to her at the
third hour.

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

She saw me. Her classmates were rising from their chairs, and like a phantom I swept up
beside her. Her heart thumped with a dread so intoxicating and fragrant, it gave rise to my
nefarious intentions.
Then we were on top of the school. I stood beside her as we looked down at the crowd.
So many of my brethren walked among them, clad in their dark suits. I nodded and they smiled
like the wolves that we are, hideous and vile.
Jump. I commanded my charge.
Click, click, click, clack, clack, clack, ding!
No. She quivered.
I rolled my eyes. Honestly, why do they hold on for so long?
Jump. I stated it a little more firmly this time.
My ire was rising. Did this girl really think she could stand up to me?
Jump! I snarled.
No! People were beginning to notice her on top of the building. Some were screaming
and shouting.
Impudent child, jump!

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

I drew on my masters power. My brethren jumped and snapped at the air. They clamored
for her soul to join the heat of our home below.
Jump! I roared. No one can save you!
Click, click, click, clack, clack, clack, ding!
I was wrong. Someone could save her.
I screamed in agony as the Voice of the Ages rattled the blackness of my spirit.
Thats not possible!! I wondered in agony. There was no way she could have--the
sanctuary! That blasted sanctuary! He must have been waiting for her there! I had been, so close,
so close!!"
I watched Him, paralyzed by His presence. He was holding the little vermin in his arms,
speaking softly to her. His face shone like a blazing fire and his eyes twinkled with majesty.
They both glowed with the light of His life. Two guardians came, and He placed them in charge
of her. Then, He stepped towards me.
The file.
I reached shakenly into my coat and pulled it out. He took it, and put His seal upon it.
It appears my records are more up to date than yours. Go!

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

And thus ends the account of my failure. Another quarry lost to the realms of truth. It
seems to be happening more and more these days, but our catch is still plentiful. Perhaps their
screams will soothe my villainous heart. There will always be those, however, that find the hole
in our net created not by the hands of their humanistic deeds, but by the hands that bore the mark
of sacrifice. So, in a way I suppose I did tell her the truth. She couldn't be rid of me on her own.
Tick, tick, tick, tap, tap, tap, ding. Rip.

Unpublished work 2015 Sophie D. Fouts.

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