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Empower Organization ?!

(To Be World Class University)

Agus Santosa
SIM Consulting

SIM Consulting

Everyone has had experiences of
poor quality when dealing with
business organizations. These experiences
might involve an airline that
has lost a passengers luggage, a dry
cleaner that has left clothes wrinkled
or stained, poor course offerings and
scheduling at your college, a purchased
product that is damaged or
broken, or a pizza delivery service
that is often late or delivers the wrong
order. The experience of poor quality is exacerbated when employees of the
company either are not empowered to correct quality inadequacies or do
not seem willing to do so. We have all encountered service employees who do
not seem to care. The consequences of such an attitude are lost customers
and opportunities for competitors to take advantage of the market need.
Successful companies understand the powerful impact customer-defined quality
can have on business. For this reason many competitive firms continually
increase their quality standards

MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement) / MEA ( Masyartakat Ekonomi Asean)

8 profession that will compete in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

Engineer (Insinyur)
This applies to all engineers, which if in Indonesia using the title ST alias engineering degree. The
engineers join a professional organization called Indonesian Engineers Association (PII).
Today there are 14 types of the engineering profession in Indonesia, ranging from mechanical engineers,
geodetic, engineering physics, civil engineering, and chemical engineering.

The scope of work of the architect very broad and covers the interior, the scope of the building, the scope
of the building complex, until the scope of the city, and regional.

Tour Guide
Tourism workforce is a profession that is needed in Indonesia because the Indonesian tourism potential of
the object is quite a lot.
Basically, this type of tourism labor quite a lot because of the many professions that relate to this one
sector. Some examples might include the fields of airline ticket agents, pilots, flight attendants, catering,
and others. Can also the hospitality field, which is involved is the manager of the hotel, room service staff,
controllers, and others.

SIM Consulting

MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement) / MEA ( Masyartakat Ekonomi Asean)

Accountants are those who are experts in the field of accounting. The accounting profession
divided into several kinds, among which are public accountants, internal accountants, government
accountants, and accountants education. Each task accountants also vary. There is managing the
financial accounting (financial), cost accounting (cost), even a tax accounting (tax).

Currently taking the dental profession in Indonesia is still small, so a lot of employment
opportunities for the profession on this one.

Generally, surveyors or surveyors come from schools that teach the measurement of earth
sciences, among them the Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering graduate from the university or the
National Land High School graduate (BPN), and other institutions engaged in engineering
construction. Until now, the need for a survey team is still very high in Indonesia

medical practitioners (doctor)


SIM Consulting

MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangement) / MEA ( Masyartakat Ekonomi Asean)

Ahead of the MEA, the Indonesian labor can be a threat from Vietnam &

Age labor in Vietnam is also younger and they want to learn more and receive
training in order to be able to work better.

Indonesian Manpower Minister, Hanif Dhakiri, wanted to help the company in

this difficult situation. He encouraged to apply national certification which
proves the quality of their employees in every sector.

"So armed with the competence and professional certification that our
workforce can be competitive, be competitive. Talk competence there are two
based. One, based formal education, the second on skill. Yes, it's true
competency certificate.

SIM Consulting

Quality What Is It?

The degree of excellence of a thing
(Websters Dictionary)

The totality of features and characteristics that satisfy needs

(American Society for Quality Control ASQ)
Fitness for consumer use meet or exceed customer


The Evolution of Quality

Dimensions of Quality


Performance - characteristics of the product or

Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste
Special features - extra characteristics
Conformance - customers expectations
Safety - risk of injury or harm
Reliability - consistency of performance
Durability - useful life of the product or service
Perception - reputation
Service after the sale - handling of complaints,
customer satisfaction

Costs of poor quality

Prevention costs

Appraisal costs

Costs of inspection, labor and equipment, moving &

handling materials

Failure costs - Internal

Training, improved specifications, improved process,

employee empowerment, improved technology &

Scrap & disposal, rework & re-inspection,

opportunity costs of lost time, moving & storage of
reworked units

Failure costs - External

Scrap & disposal, rework, opportunity cost of lost

time & lost future sales, legal damages

Quality Management?

Quality management ensures that an organization, product or

service is consistent. It has four main components: quality planning,
quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.[1] Quality
management is focused not only on product and service quality, but
also on the means to achieve it. Quality management, therefore, uses
quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to
achieve more consistent quality.


Quality management focuses :
firstly on achieving quality and can be defined as a philosophy and a
set of guiding principles that intend to meet and exceed the needs
and expectations of various external and internal customers
through an integrated system of tools, techniques and training (Bradley
1993:169; Herman 1993:2; Pike & Barnes 1994:24; Greenwood &
The second focus is on the acceptance and pursuit of continuous
improvement as the only useful standard of attaining quality of all
processes, resulting in high-quality products and service and reducing
wastage and rework (Williams 1994:5; Schargel 1994:2).

Business rationalization

To achieve competitive advantage, must proactively

implement business strategies to

meet customer requirements & enhance customer satisfaction

achieve, maintain and improve overall organizational performance &


Why Adopt QM ?
The Business Case

Increase Revenue
Higher Customer Satisfaction & Market Share

Higher Quality becomes a Differentiator against the Competition

Minimize Defects, Rework, Waste and Warranty Charges
Reduced Inspection Costs (Sampling, Skip lots)

Lower Cost of Integration (Eliminating Interfaces to 3rd Party Systems)

Lower Operating Costs

ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out

the requirements for a quality
management system. It helps
businesses and organizations to be
SYSTEM (QMS)? more efficient and improve customer

What benefits will it bring to my

business or organization ?
Assess the overall context of your organization to define who is affected by
your work and what they expect from you.
This will enable you to clearly state your objectives and identify new
business opportunities.
Put your customers first, making sure you consistently meet their needs and
exceed their expectations. This can lead to repeat custom, new clients and
increased business for your organization.
Work in a more efficient way as all your processes will be aligned and
understood by everyone in the business or organization. This increases
productivity and efficiency, bringing internal costs down.
Meet the necessary statutory and regulatory requirements.
Expand into new markets, as some sectors and clients require ISO 9001
before doing business.

Identify and address the risks associated with your organization.

Registered companies site the benefits

of ISO 9001 Registration as:

Improved management
86% of respondents

Better customer service

73% of respondents

Improved efficiency
69% of respondents

Reduced waste
53% of respondents

Improved staff motivation

50% of respondents

Reduced costs
40% of respondents

There are many good reasons for

your organization to invest in a
quality system. I suggest that the
'top ten' reasons are:

Cutting costs
Saving time
Increasing customer satisfaction
Developing better business processes
Improving product quality
Reducing response times
Creating competitive advantage through
investment in quality
8. Utilizing best practice through
collaboration and focus
9. Helping you grow your business
10. Reducing risk

ISO 9001:2015
Awareness, Understanding & Implementing

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ISO 9001

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ISO 9000 Series

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ISO 9001 Revision history

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Area of perceived weakness in 2008 Version

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Revision of Quality Management Principles

SIM Consulting

Revision of Quality Management Principles

SIM Consulting

Revision of Quality Management Principles

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Sistematika proses

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Revision of Quality Management Principles

SIM Consulting

Revision of Quality Management Principles

SIM Consulting

Revision of Quality Management Principles

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High level structure

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High level structure

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How The Competition Shaping Us

Operation Excellent

Change The Mindset







World Class Lubricants Player

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SIM Consulting

ISO 9001:2015

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Komponen Penilaian

Bobot (%)

Mutu evaluasi-diri PT (Penilaian kualitatif laporan evaluasi-diri institusi)

Mutu data dan informasi pemenuhan tujuh standar akreditasi perguruan tinggi
(Penilaian kualitatif dan kuantitatif berdasarkan Buku V: Matriks Penilaian






Bobot (%)

Standar 1. Visi, misi, tujuan dan sasaran, serta strategi pencapaian


Standar 2. Tata pamong, kepemimpinan, sistem pengelolaan, dan

penjaminan mutu
Standar 3. Mahasiswa dan lulusan

Standar 4. Sumber daya manusia

Standar 5. Kurikulum, pembelajaran, dan suasana akademik

Standar 6. Pembiayaan, sarana dan prasarana, serta sistem informasi

Standar 7. Penelitian, pelayanan/pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dan





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ISO 9001:2015

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SIM Consulting

Flow of process development base on QMS

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Risk base thinking

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Membuat SOP yang menarik

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SIM Consulting

SIM Consulting

quality is not something you inspect into

a product/service, it is the result of the
mental attitude of the person who is
producing or delivering a product/service,
either you have the mental attitude or you
do not if you do not, you can be trained
to have it some people choose to
some do not
at any rate, in your business careers it
will be easy to spot those who have it and
those who do not you will know it when
you see it
Hodges, 1998

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