Emerging Technologies

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Running head: emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies
Wendy Murillo
College of southern Nevada
Edu 214
Corrine Blake

emerging Technologies


The fact that technology has become a big part of education can no longer be ignored.
Technology will continue to assist educators and students as it has always done since early
1900s. As technology continues to evolve educators have grown more and more interested in
including laptops, computer software and any other technology that can help the students learn.
This brings us to the emerging technologies that continue to break the mold of traditional
instruction. Cloud computing, 3D printing, wearable technology and virtual labs are four of the
many technologies that will be dissected to fully understand why these technologies are
important. How they work, and how these technologies are integrated into different grade levels
will be one of the main points in this paper. It is very important to see how these emerging
technologies benefit the students in the long run. In the end, that is what is more important, to
find technologies that will help the students grow, learn and be technology literate.

emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies

Technology is quickly changing the face of education with emerging technologies.

Educators need to be very careful when selecting a technology for their class. This brings us to a
very important question, which emerging technologies are better for the students and the lessons?

The Technologies
In recent years, this technology has become more affordable and it now has the potential
to reach many classrooms in the United States. The first technology we will look at is 3D
printing, which allows students or teachers to take a virtual object and make a tangible 3D
model. The 3D printers work like many other printers, but instead of regular ink, the 3D printer
uses plastic. According to Murray, The machines use ABS plastic, like that found in Legos, as
well as PLA plastic. (Tech solutions p. 12). Interest in 3D printing has also grown because this
technology can be integrated into any grade level and any subject. In the elementary grade level,
students have proven that they are not too young to start working with 3D printers. It is simple
enough for students to print objects that can help them see what a dinosaur physically looks like
or visualize a word. The interest continues to grow and the technology will create excitement and
that excitement will bring creativity to the classroom.
For middle school students, the possibilities grow when it comes to using this emerging
technology. Butler Millsaps, states, the public school in Northeast Ohio is intent on allowing
kids on the cusp of heading to high school to have some pretty cool technological moves before
they get there, via 3D design and 3D printing. (3D printing, para. 2). At this grade level, the
students are more engaged and will start learning more about the process of 3D printing. The

emerging Technologies

students have the ability to be more creative with projects and begin to familiarize themselves
with the mechanics of the 3D technology.
The high school grade levels will be by far the most interesting and exciting time for
students in regards to 3D printing. The projects for high school students require creativity and
research. The Smithsonian like many museums around the country now has a collection of 3D
virtual images of artifacts. Students can be in the classroom and create a 3D print of any artifact
that is available through the websites of the museums.

Cloud computing
Another technology climbing the charts in public schools is cloud computing. Cloud computing
is a networked environment made up of multiple computers, often in different locations, that
offers small slices of computing resources on demand to users. (Duff &McDonald 2011).
In basic terms, this technology joins computers together online to give students or teachers
ability to maximize power, share resources, and data. Data is stored in the cloud until the users
are ready to retrieve it using any computer in any location. It is possible that the use of memory
sticks could dwindle down because it is easier to save information on the cloud. This emerging
technology is not only flexible, it is accessible as well. The cost of this technology is also
reasonable for the amount information that can be shared through the internet. The cloud offers
stable connections and savings by reducing photocopying. Assessments, assignments, and a test
can now be taken on the cloud. Students or teachers do not have to be logged on the classroom
computer to access classwork or files. Another great feature of this technology allows the user to
acquire the software of other computers in the cloud and use it in the computer they are currently
using. The cloud can be accessed by smartphones, tablets and laptops as well. In all grade levels

emerging Technologies

from elementary, middle school and high school can benefit from cloud computing. It is easy to
implement and helps the teachers, students and parents to stay connected on the cloud. The cloud
definitely increases mobile computing throughout schools and districts.

Wearable technology.
Wearable technology is the technology that has been gaining popularity in recent years.
Wearable technology is one the newest emerging technologies and the most expensive right now.
This is the reason why the technology is currently available to few classrooms around the
country. It is possible that in the next few years we see this technology grow because it would be
a great piece of equipment to have in the classroom. Wearable technology like the virtual reality
devices has already shown a large impact on students and educators alike. Some devices
already in the market or soon to be are the Sony PlayStation VR, which has an LCD screen and
according to Lamkin, (2015) tracks your head movements to provide 3D imagery to its
stereo screens. Another company joining the virtual reality device competition is HTC with
their creation the HTC VIVE. The VIVE has 70 sensors, 360 degrees head tracking, and the
[controller has] [Ability to] shoot, move and interact with elements in the virtual world.
Another VR device is the Muse headband, life-logging devices like autographer or narrative clip.
Technology like this allows the user to clip it or wear it on clothes and capture their daily life. I
believe this could be useful for field trips because students can capture what they saw and what
they learned. It is possible that this technology could run into some legal issues in regards to
recording in the classroom whether its the teacher or students. I believe that as time goes by the
technology will grow and better uses will be integrated into the classroom.

emerging Technologies

Again, this technology has not been integrated into classrooms long enough for us to
know if it will work.
Virtual and remote labs.
The virtual and remote labs are a technology that is very beneficial, especially for
distance learners. First let us focus on the differences of virtual labs and remote labs. The Virtual
Laboratory is an interactive environment for creating and conducting simulated experiments: a
playground for experimentation. It consists of domain-dependent simulation programs,
experimental units called objects that encompass data files, tools that operate on these objects.
(Mercer et al., 1991). Remote labs according to (Gustvasson, 2003) states, exercises are run in
the remote laboratory A number of people located in different places around the globe can
perform experiments simultaneously using client PCs connected to a laboratory server via the
Internet[are] used outside ordinary working hours. Virtual labs are great to run experiments
over and over again online. I think students that are home schooled, would benefit greatly
because the can do experiments from home without the mess. Students who are visual learners
can learn by practicing without being in the lab that is only open during school hours. The
students learn the same and achieve the same learning as students who do labs in person. Remote
labs are also a great emerging technology, the difference is the interaction with real equipment.
Remote labs are more expensive than virtual, but lab calibration, realistic data no time and place
restrictions are what makes remote labs a great technology. Students from all grade levels can
benefit from this emerging technology especially elementary grades with virtual labs. K-5th
grades can start working on labs without the danger, it is possible for them to start learning about
techniques and responsibilities of laboratories. The older students greatly benefit from these

emerging Technologies

online labs because they do not needs to be in school to complete certain labs. If a student is
injured, sick or need to be out of town, these technologies help students stay on track.

emerging Technologies


Butler Millsaps, B. (2015, February 12). Chesterland, Ohio 8th GradersTake on

3D Printing Projects and Topics in New Quarterly Class. Retrieved September 24, 2015,
from http://3dprint.com/44249/ohio-8-grade-3d-printing-class/
Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2003). Teaching and learning with technology. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon.
Gustavsson, I. (2003). Remote Laboratory for Electrical Experiments.Running Real
Electronics Experiments via the Internet Lab on the Web,175-219. Retrieved September 26,
2015, from http://www.ni.com/pdf/academic/us/journals/User_defined_electrical.pdf
Lamkin, P. (2015, September 16). The best VR headsets. Retrieved September 25, 2015,
from http://www.wareable.com/headgear/the-best-ar-and-vr-headsets
Lieberman, H. (n.d.). The Virtual Laboratory Environment. Retrieved September 26,
Murray, S. (n.d.). Retrieved September 24, 2015, from
Nield, D. (2015, July 28). Retrieved September 25, 2015, from

emerging Technologies

emerging Technologies


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