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Physics 241 Problem Set No.

Review QM Math Skills and the Wave Function Formulation
(For 17 Aug. 2016; Due on 24 August 2016, 4:00 p.m.)
A. Show that

exp(z 2 ) dz = (/)1/2 .


B. The wave function at time t of a free particle (V = 0) in a one-dimensional

model is:
(x, t) =

exp [(a2 /4)(k k0 )2 ] exp (i[kx (k)t]) dk . (2)

For this particle, obtain its probability density at time t = 0.

C. The wave functions 1 and 2 are normalized eigenfunctions corresponding to the same eigenvalue. If

1 2 dV = D


where D is real, find normalized linear combinations of 1 and 2 that are

orthogonal to (C.1) 1 and (C.2) 1 + 2 .
Reading Assignment: Review the Hilbert Space specifically the linear
algebra and axioms defining linear vector spaces.

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