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Autocratic Leadership

This management style is based upon strong close supervision, the leader is
whom take decision based on his own thoughts, ideas, and judgments.
Autocratic leaders assume full authority, taking all decision not giving chance
to employees. Employees cannot take a decision about a given situation, and
the autocratic leader assumes full responsibility. (Hulman)
Some of characteristics autocratic leadership include:

Leader makes the decision.

Little or no participation of group members.
The opinion of group member is not considered or rarely trusted with
Leader is who dictate all work and the method to get it.

Benefits of autocratic leadership

Autocratic leadership have benefits in some situation, such as, when the
strategy needs to be fulfilled in short period of time without consulting of
employees. Also there are situation when a project or the strategy require safe
and strong character to achieve the goal quickly efficient and effective.
Downsides of autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership is more problematic, in instances get the worst part from
employees, because punishment is fundamental part of autocratic style, then
employees dont try to work more than it was dictated, and employees work as
hard as is required to avoid punishment, they give the minimum effort to dont
get a punishment, though.
Example of autocratic style; such as Cisco systems, John Chambers was Cisco
systems CEO.
Paternalistic Leadership
Paternalism is an interest construct to investigate as it could be understood
from different approaches and therefore lead to a series of contradictions. The
paternalistic leader assumes his or her function in a fatherly way, the
relationship between the leader and the employees is similar between the head
of family and the members of the family. The paternalistic leader plays a roll
protecting his group and its members. As a leader of his family, the
paternalistic leader provides good work and benefits. If in an instance of project
one of his subordinates get wrong or doesnt do a correct work the leader take
part of responsibility, though. (Zeynep Aycan)
Benefits of Paternalistic leadership
A parent is supposed to always seek on their children welfare. Under this
approach, the paternalistic leadership is beneficial as it is supposed to always
look for the welfare of all the members of the group. Furthermore, the role of
the superior is to provide protection and guidance. Therefore, the subordinates

will almost never have problems of misunderstanding a job they must do and
will never feel anxious while working as the know they have someone to
support them. In general, the benefits of this type of leadership is that it
creates a family atmosphere in the workplace, establishes close and
individualized relationships with subordinate while maintaining position ranks
and the authority status.
Downsides of Paternalistic leadership
By one side, problems with this type of leadership arise depending on the
culture where it is applied. Paternalism could be valued in collective cultures
(Latin America) but not in individualistic ones (Asia). By the other side, a
paternalistic leader tends to make their subordinates to depend on them and
that creates problems at work as sometimes the subordinates tend to become
lazy and have zero initiatives.

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