Women Rights

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Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Wife: why you are biting me? What I have done? Did I anything wrong? I did not.
Husband: why? I will not bite you? Tell me the reasons. Have you brought 10,000 taka
from your parents? They had promised me to give 10,000 taka within one month of our
marriage. Where are they now? They have run away and hidden themselves not to
provide me the money. Why I will consider you as my wife? But you also could not
provide me the money in sixth months after marriage. I have no intention to put a wife
who can not provide me dowry. Get out from my home now (Husband kicked her wife
This is an incident of slum in Dhaka city named Agargau slum society where the husband
was biting his wife for dowry. The agreement of their marriage was that the girls parents
will provide the groom 10,000 taka within 1 month of their marriage. Unfortunately, the
poor parents could not provide that money and the new married woman is biting by her
husband. This dowry problem, one kind of deprivation of equal status of women is
occurring very often in our country. Although, the modern society is saying the equal
rights for both men and women; but society of Bangladesh does not change much.
There is a phrase --whatever the world gained, half is done by men and half is by women.
The universal truth indicates the contribution of women in the entire development. But in
all cases, women are not meeting their human rights properly. The gaining amount is less
than their deprivation. From birth to death, women are facing discrimination and violence
at the hands of the society, the state and the family. Catching feature is women are now
against the violence and struggling against deprivation to gain their rights in indeed. To
be efficient and successful, women are struggling with unfavorable situation created by
nature and society. They are going out of home to get a new era of being self depend and
to make her efficient in possible approaches and sectors.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

The scenery is not finished here. Women are struggling but most are not being able to
reach their destiny. They are not getting proper treats in every perspective. But they could
not enhance their power and ability in every perspective of life. Such as, girls who are
getting opportunities to be educated, most are not allowed to have a job after completing
study. In verse, working women are facing troubles from both their family and workplace
perspectives. And the rural women have no bounds to their miseries. They are facing
dowry problem, early marriages, eve teasing, acid terrorism, divorced and negligible life,
various health problems etc.
Somewhere women are suffering; and somewhere women are struggling and fighting
against deprivation. Women who are trying to change the evil status of survivors are also
facing lots of social problems.

Basically, society and culture are responsible for

deprivation. Women are the part its entire economic growth. Moreover, they are
presenting better performance than men do in some cases. Having equal rights they are
till depriving. The development process has started. But till now women are depriving
from their demands. Social awareness of Bangladeshi society needs to rise.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh, a coastal area beside the Bay of Bengal, achieved independence through a
bloody liberation war in 1971. It has made a remarkable progress in many sectors in the
last thirty-six years in spite of many obstacles. The development of such a newborn
country hardly could develop except both men and women contribution. But
unfortunately women are not getting proper evaluation like men from the earliest time.
After 36years of independence, women are not completely free to do something
according to her demands. They are little bit like puppets in most cases where the
handling power is in mans hands. Though the Bangladesh government of several
elections has taken different steps to develop womens worse situation and status but till
now women are depriving of their human rights.
It is logically true that the situation before thirty-six year has changed in vast. But some
sectors are still negligible especially women society to society. Bangladeshi culture and
society absorbs women as 2nd status. Whatever facilities women have got, they are
struggling and facing problem to their road of success. Although lots of obstacles are
standing in next to their way, they are performing better than me in most practical and
technical cases. Women represent not only half of the worlds population, but also control
and influence the growth of the other half. Unfortunately they are not getting proper
promotion to next step for their contribution till now.

Before 36years, women were not so out of home right now. But present environment is
pretty different. Todays women are not only for reproduction and traditional housewives
activities but also for individual identity and social developments prosperity. Now-a-days,
women are working in corporate sector, education and administration department,
medical and health development activities and features, national security services etc.;
those were out of imagination before thirty sixth years. Girls are regular in school with
different creative productivity. But all girls of Bangladesh are not going to school till now
though the number of given facilities are growing high. All educated women are not

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

getting adequate opportunities and support from their family to work outside in
challenging environment. Working women are facing several problems in their working
sector which deprives from their basic human rights.
There is common myth about women rule in society; an original sin story in which Eve
leads Adam off target by making him eats from the forbidden apple. Thats the way to
show the rule of women which has been set from ancient times; a woman must keep
under a restriction like a wild animal, she must be controlled and shaped so that she can
be useful and productive. If woman is out of the restrictions, she will definitely take her
man into the darkest path and destroy him and herself. This common myth is running in
our society till now which causes deprivation of rights or victims of violence.
Deprivation of rights and violence against women are merely relevant. Violence
represents an under burden on both physical and psychological natural ongoing system.
Violence is basically a cluster of dowry, rape, acid, attacks for rejection of marriage
proposals from men, teasing and extra marital affairs including wife beating, etc. the
protection form these kind of violence is a basic right of women which they are not
getting. Other deprivations are unequal wages, sexual abuses and harassment, different
types of psychological affairs etc. Women are human being an excellent creation of
almighty who have equal rights like men to enjoy a peaceful prosperous life through their
demands in the world. But, unfortunately, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, traditional
view, societys negligence toward women, confidence and remaining silent etc. are
pushing women to be deprived from their basic rights in Bangladesh.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Areas of research
At this topic of my research paper I will state and investigate the following areas.
Specific reasons behind women are suffering.
Most of women of Bangladesh are illiterate and poor. They are leading miserable leaves
under poverty line. For that reason they do not understand their rights and thus they are
suffering. They have less confidence which turn them to be silent though they are
suffering from deprivation. Tradition and culture of Bangladesh is responsible to make
women weak and less confident toward their rights and force to obey mens decision.
The present situation of Bangladesh women society.
The present situation of Bangladesh women society is better in employment but worse in
crime sector. Today, women are getting opportunities to get education, work in offices,
opportunities to be self dependent and to contribute directly in economic growth by
reorganizations. But in other hand, the rape, dowry, suicide, murder, acid terrorism,
sexual abuses, psychological effects, physical problems and infertility, wages
discrimination etc have increased.
About the sufferers of deprivation and their struggling life.
Including female child, girls, adult women, women society is suffering and struggling to
conquer the battle of success. The victims of acid terrorism, rape, psychological effects,
marital sexual problems, dowry problems etc are leading a miserable life; but trying to
win the battle of getting their rights absolutely.
Societys contribution to improve Bangladeshi women society.
Society now understands the necessity of womens contribution. Different NGOs and
organization are arranging concerts, various development programs to donate money to
help the victims financially. Women rights preservation organizations are working from
field level to improve the rural society. Governments contribution is the support toward
the development programs.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Women are being deprived of their basic rights from the ancient time. But my research is
based on present perspective of Bangladesh. In present situation, women are in against of
the crime and violence. Women of Bangladesh are now together to struggle and conquer
the obstacles to their success.

I have relied on the both primary and secondary data in order to do my research. Here I
tried to explain the methodology of gathering data in details.
Secondary data
To collect my secondary data, I took the help of the books that related to my topics. I
searched in internet; but there were a tiny script related to my topic. But I was
disheartened when I did not find any specific book on my research topic in North South
University library. I had to read lots of books that related to my topic somehow. After
storing the information in brain, I summarized all and started pasting in MS Document
for research paper. I collected lots of articles from newspaper and summarized through
my instruction in Ms Document to make an informative research paper.
Primary data
As an essential part of my research paper, primary data got the most importance in my
research. I have followed only two methods interviewing as well as survey, to collect
primary data.


I have taken interview from three categories-----service holders, physical labor workers,
and students. They have helped me a lot by providing information according to their
thoughts and knowledge.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.


I also did a primary survey to know the often occurred problems of deprivation those
women are facing in Bangladesh and what people think how can women overcome the
problems. I have done the survey among three categories. From the survey I have got a
clear idea about peoples thoughts and wants; fortunately support my hypothesis.
Sample size and design
To do the survey, I have designed my targeted samples interestingly and effectively. To
separate my defined samples, I set a pre response question: have you ever noticed the
deprivation and rights of women in Bangladesh? I have collected around 28 responses. I
gathered all types of data and information personally to that I could make my research
reliable at least to myself.
Data processing and data analysis
To process and analysis the data I took the help of MS Excel. I would analyze the data
through table, graphs, and charts.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Primary data presentation and analysis

Total number of people who took the survey: 28.
Question 1: Gender

a) female
42.85% ; 12

b) male
57% ;16

Question 2: In which age group do you belong?

10.7 % ; 3

64.28% ; 18

10.7 %; 3

10.7% ; 3

10.7% ; 3

Question 3: Occupation
a) student

b) housewife

67.85% ;19

0% ; 0

c) service holder




25% ; 7

like day labor does.

7.14% ; 2

Question 4: The reasons behind the deprivation of the basic human rights of women are
in Bangladesh is
a) Illiteracy & b)


of c)

Physical d) Traditional e) All of them.

power &threats disabilities



family like- infertility, cultural view



& paralysis,
problems etc.

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

21.43% ; 6

0% ; 0

3.57% ; 1

14.28% ; 4

60.7% ; 17

Question 5: most common problem for women society in Bangladesh

a)dowry & acid b)Prostitution





d) e) all of them


32.14% ; 9

0%; 0

21.42% ; 6

7.14% ; 2

39.29% ; 11

Question 6: most women do not seek help in case of illegal treatment by husband and his

a) yes

b) no


the d)

sometimes e)all of them

serious troubles depend


does not occur husband and his

53.57% ; 15

10.71% ; 3

in health
21.43% ; 6

family behavior
14.29% ; 4

0% ; 0

Question 7: state your opinion, in case of family troubles; women are not used to sharing
with any women rights preservation agency in Bangladesh
a) yes

b) no

c) sometimes

d) Before the e) other

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

vast difficulties


10.7% ; 3

10.7% ; 3

21.43% ; 6

personal life.
57.14% ; 16

0% ; 0

Question 8: women face the most oppression if

a) They have a b)They can not c) They face d) They face e)
female child

provide dowry eve tease


7.14% ; 2


acid throwing


28.57% ; 8

21.43% ; 6



32.14% ; 9

10.7% ; 3

Question 9: the most common women health problems are

a) Complication during delivery
b) Demand of nutrition
c) Weakness and physical diseases and disabilities
d) Psychological stress and problems
Ranking percentages for option (a)
1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


42.86% ; 12

3.57% ; 1

10.7% ; 3

3= sometimes


42.86% ; 12


Ranking percentages for option (b)

1=the most common 2= often happens




Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

39.29% ; 11

35.71% ; 10

14.29% ; 4

10.71% ; 3

3= sometimes


53.57% ; 15

17.86% ; 5

3= sometimes


17.86% ; 5

57.14% ; 16

Ranking percentages for option (c)

1=the most common 2= often happens
7.14% ; 2

21.43% ; 6


Ranking percentages for option (d)

1=the most common 2= often happens
21.43% ; 6

3.57% ; 1


Question 10: the problems faced by working women

a) Eve teasing
b) Harris by family members and official partners
c) Discrimination in work place
d) Threats to individuals from outer society

Ranking percentages for (a)

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes




Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

17.86% ; 5

57.14% ; 16

21.43% ; 6

3.57% ; 1

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


7.14% ; 2

64.29% ; 18

10.71% ; 3

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


64.29% ; 18

10.7% ; 3

7.14% ; 2

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


7.14% ; 2

7.14% ; 2

78.57% ; 22

Ranking percentages for (b)

17.86% ; 5


Ranking percentages for (c)

17.86% ; 5


Ranking percentages for (d)

10.7% ; 3


Question 11: Death of women is most often caused

a) Eve teasing and threats
b) Dowry and acid terrorism
c) Unexpected marital problem and sexual abuses like rape
d) Health problems (pregnancy and delivery complication in most case)

Ranking percentages for (a)

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes




Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

3.57% ; 1

17.86% ; 5

14.29% ; 4

64.29% ; 18

3= sometimes


53.57% ; 15

3.57% ; 1

3= sometimes


25% ; 7

7.14% ; 2

3= sometimes


3.57% ; 1

14.29% ; 4

Ranking percentages for (b)

1=the most common 2= often happens
21.43% ; 6

21.43% ; 6


Ranking percentages for (c)

1=the most common 2= often happens
39.29% ; 11

28.57% ; 8


Ranking percentages for (d)

1=the most common 2= often happens
42.86% ; 12

35.71% ; 10


Question 12: to save women rights which can impact more and stimulate the
development progress of entire women basic human rights against deprivation?
a) media and press
b) Face to face conversation
c) Health centers
d) Counseling halls
Ranking percentages for (a)
1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


89.29% ; 25

3.57% ; 1

7.14% ; 2

0% ; 0



Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Ranking percentages for (b)

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


17.86% ; 5

3.57% ; 1

3= sometimes


71.43% ; 20

10.7% ; 3

1=the most common 2= often happens

3= sometimes


3.57% ; 1

7.14% ; 2

75% ; 21

21.43% ; 6

21.43% ; 6


Ranking percentages for (c)

1=the most common 2= often happens
3.57% ; 1

14.29% ; 4


Ranking percentages for (d)

14.29% ; 4


Question 13: obstacles to the psychological and physical development of women society
a) Wage rangenot equal
b) Sex discrimination
c) Inefficiency and educational background
d) Less productivity and moral support
e) Other
7.14% ; 2

32.14% ; 9

14.29% ; 4

3.57% ; 1

2 options
14.29% ; 4

14.29% ; 4


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Question 14: women in developed countries are enjoying luxurious lives compared to
the women in poor and developing countries



c)luxury does not d)other


67.56% ; 19

3.57% ; 1


quality of life
28.57% ; 8

0% ; 0

Question15: women are the worst victim of human trafficking added to todays crime
world in forced prostitution and drug trafficking. Do you think this statement is true/
89.29% ; 25

10.7% ; 3

Question 16: to help women to save themselves from the tyranny of their husbands, their
family and entire obstacles, what types of steps do you recommended?
82.14% ; 23

No answer
17.85% ; 5
Data analysis

Question 1: Gender


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

In survey 57% was male and 43% was female participants.

Question 2: In which age group do you belong?
Age circle








Participants of 13-18, 25-31, 32-37, 38++ all age group were individually 10% and 60%
was from age group 19- 24.most of my survey participants were from university.
Question 3: Occupation




House wife
Service holder

Physical labor



Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

65% participant was student, 25% service holder and 7% was from physical labor and 0%
was housewife. As I mentioned before most of survey has taken from university the
students as occupation will be the highest amount.
Question 4: The reasons behind the deprivation of the basic human rights of women are
in Bangladesh is
a) Illiteracy & b)


Physical d) Traditional e) All of them.

power &threats disabilities




family like- infertility, cultural view


21% ; 6

of c)

& paralysis,



0% ; 0

problems etc.
4% ; 1

14% ; 4

61% ; 17

In question 4, 21% answered illiteracy and poverty, 0% answered option b; 4% answered

Physical disabilities like- infertility, paralysis, psychological problems etc; 14% answered
Traditional & socio-cultural view and rest 61% answered option (e). In summary, the
option (e) provides the highest percentage which includes all the options as the reasons
behind the deprivation of the basic human rights of women in Bangladesh. In reality,
illiteracy and poverty is the 1st reason for which women are suffering. If women of
Bangladesh were educated then they would be able to struggle against poverty with


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Question 5: most common problem for women society in Bangladesh

a)dowry & acid b)Prostitution





d) e) all of them


32% ; 9

0%; 0

7% ; 2

21% ; 6

40% ; 11

Most common problem for women in




Question 5 indicates the most common problem for women in Bangladesh. 40%
participants answered option (e); 7% answered early marriage, 21% answered
Psychological & physical effects (sexual activities); 32% answered dowry and acid
terrorism and rest 32%. Early marriages are little bit inactive in present situation. Dowry
and acid terrorism are occurring in vast. I found lots of cases of acid victims and dowry
sufferer through my research. Another most common problem is psychological &
physical effects (sexual activities).my assumption was that psychological and physical
effect is the most common problem of women in Bangladesh. But this question proved
my assumption false.
Question 6: most women do not seek help in case of illegal treatment by husband and his

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

a) yes

b) no


the d)

sometimes e)all of them

serious troubles depend


does not occur husband and his

54% ; 15

11% ; 3

in health
21% ; 6

family behavior
14% ; 4

0% ; 0

Womens demand for help




In question 6, most participants around 54% answered yes, 11% answered no, 21%
answered option (c) -- before the serious troubles does not occur in health; 14% answered
sometimes depend on husband and his family behavior. Through this question my
assumption comes out absolutely correct. Most women in Bangladesh whether educated
or illiterate both women are not keen to seek help. Some educated women seek help when
the situation goes over.
Question 7: state your opinion, in case of family troubles; women are not used to sharing
with any women rights preservation agency in Bangladesh
a) yes

b) no

c) sometimes

d) Before the e) other

vast difficulties


personal life.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

11% ; 3

11% ; 3

21.% ; 6

57.% ; 16

0% ; 0

Ineffective to human rights agencies




In the digram, 57% answered option (d) -- Before the vast difficulties occurred in women
personal life, 21% answered sometimes, option b and c individually got 11%. Option (d)
was my hypothesis and it came true. In Bangladesh, most women are not interesting to
seek help from any women rights preservation agency until the problems get a big threat
toward their existence. Some affected women try to tolerate the problems and touchier.
Question 8: women face the most oppression if
a) They have a b)They can not c) They face d) They face e)
female child

provide dowry eve tease


7% ; 2


acid throwing


21% ; 6

29.% ; 8



32% ; 9

11% ; 3


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.






From the diagram, 32% answered option (b), 29% answered option (e) ---indicate to
infertile, 21% answered option (d) acid terrorism, 7% indicated female child and 11%
answered eve tease. In this modern era, dowry has turned its identity into new name
somajer niyom. Educated or illiterate both kinds of women are suffering from the
dowry social problem. Eve teasing is common in all over the country. Its now a matter of
habitual. Most women are now habitual to eve teasing by facing this problem regularly-my assumption. But dowry was proven as the most oppressive problem toward women
through survey.

Acid throwing incidents are now in a decreasing level by people

awareness. Female child issue happens often in illiterate and lower class family. Women
who are infertile to extent generation do not talk about their disabilities. They suffer the
oppression silently. Thats why their percentage is low.
Rating: 1=most common. 2=often happen, 3=sometimes, 4=comparatively less.
Question 9: the most common women health problems are
e) Complication during delivery
f) Demand of nutrition
g) Weakness and physical diseases and disabilities
h) Psychological stress and problems
Ranking percentages for option (a)


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

1= m.c.o.
2=o. hpn.
3= smtim.

In the diagram of rating for option (a), 43% answered rate1 (43%=1), 42%=2, 11%=4
and 4%=1.

Ranking percentages for option (b)





In the diagram of rating for option (b), 40% answered rate4 (40%=4), 20%=2, 10%=1
and 30%=3.
Ranking percentages for option (c)


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

In the diagram of rating for option (c), 54% answered rate 3(54%=3), 21%=2, 7%=1
and 18%=4.

Ranking percentages for option (d)

In the diagram of rating for option (d), 57% answered rate4 (57%=4), 4%=2, 21%=1
and 18%=3.
My assumption was that demand of nutrition is the main problems that women suffer in
Bangladesh. Highest priority toward the demand of nutrition has proven the present
situation and problems of women. Complication during delivery and weakness and
physical disabilities are little bit higher than psychological stress and problems.
Question 10: the problems faced by working women


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

e) Eve teasing
f) Harris by family members and official partners
g) Discrimination in work place
h) Threats to individuals from outer society
Ranking percentages for option (a)

In the diagram of rating for option (a), 57% answered rate 2(57%=2), 18%=1, 21%=3
and 4%=4.

Ranking percentages for option (b)

In the diagram of rating for option (b), 64% answered rate 3, 18%=2, 7%=1 and


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Ranking percentages for option (c)

In the diagram of rating for option (c), 64% answered rate 1, 18%=2, 11%=3 and

Ranking percentages for option (d)

In the diagram of rating for option (d), 76% answered rate 4, 10%=2, 7%=1 and
Eve teasing and discrimination in workplace are the common problem in Bangladesh
got the highest ranking. Others are comparatively less.

Question 11: Death of women is most often caused

e) Eve teasing and threats
f) Dowry and acid terrorism


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

g) Unexpected marital problem and sexual abuses like rape
h) Health problems (pregnancy and delivery complication in most case)
Ranking percentages for option (a)

In the diagram of rating for option (a), 64% answered rate 4 (64%=4), 18%=2, 4%=1
and 14%=3.
Ranking percentages for option (b)

In the diagram of rating for option (b), 54% answered rate 4, 21%=2, 21%=1 and

Ranking percentages for option (c)


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

In the diagram of rating for option (c), 29% answered rate 2, 25%=3, 39%=1 and
Ranking percentages for option (d)

In the diagram of rating for option (d), 43% answered rate 1 (43%=1), 36%=2,
14%=4 and 7%=3.
Through survey unexpected marital problems and sexual abuses like rape; health
problems are often happened. Dowry and acid terrorism occurred sometimes & eve
teasing happened comparatively less.
Question 12: to save women rights which can impact more and stimulate the
development progress of entire women basic human rights against deprivation?
e) media and press
f) Face to face conversation
g) Health centers


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

h) Counseling halls
Ranking percentages for (a)

In the diagram of rating for option (a), 89% answered rate 1, 7%=4 and 4%=3. and o
% answered 2.

Ranking percentages for (b)

In the diagram of rating for option (c), 57% answered rate 1, 21%=2, 4%=4 and

Ranking percentages for (c)


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

In the diagram of rating for option (c), 71% answered rate 3, 14%=2, 11%=4 and

Ranking percentages for (d)

In the diagram of rating for option (d), 75% answered rate 4, 14%=2, 4%=1 and
Media and press are impacting most in case of the stimulation of development progress of
women basic rights from deprivation. Face to face conversation, Health centers and
Counseling halls are working serially but not over the media and press.

Question 13: obstacles to the psychological and physical development of women society
f) Wage rangenot equal
g) Sex discrimination

Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

h) Inefficiency and educational background
i) Less productivity and moral support
j) Other

37% answered sex discrimination, 8% answered wage rangenot equal, 17% answered
Inefficiency and educational background, 17% answered 2 options, 4% answered less
productivity and moral support and last 17% answered 3 options.
This question was little bit tricky to participants because of most options were commonly
relevant to each other. They have answered more than one. The percentages show the
highest priority is to sex discrimination. Most answered 17% individually to the two
category together Wage rangenot equal and Sex discrimination; Inefficiency and
educational background & less productivity and moral support. Individually wage rate
and less productivity and moral support got minimum percentages.
Question 14: women in developed countries are enjoying luxurious lives compared to the
women in poor and developing countries



c)luxury does not d)other


67% ; 19

4% ; 1


quality of life
29% ; 8

0% ; 0


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

67% participants answered yes, 4% answered no, 29% answered option and o%
answered option (d).
Survey shows the luxury of developed countries impact most over the lifestyle of
developing countries womens life style.
Question15: women are the worst victim of human trafficking added to todays crime
world in forced prostitution and drug trafficking. Do you think this statement is true/





96% answered true and 4% answered false.

This question has showed the reality of present crime world run by women.
Question 16: to help women to save themselves from the tyranny of their husbands, their
family and entire obstacles, what types of steps do you recommended?


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

82% answered the open ended question and 18% did not answer.
82% suggest the following points to improve women to safe themselves from the tyranny
of their husbands, their family and entire social obstacles -------Be independent,
Complete Education, Social support, Be Enthusiastic, Traditional view changes, financial
solvency etc.
If women get proper education with social support, they will get more confidence and can
be enthusiastic personality to be independent and to get financial solvency. But traditional
view must be changed.
My primary sources includes interview also. I have taken interviews randomly in deputy
commissioner office & Nazrul Mamorial School in Comilla, Ispahanay School & College
and North South University on Dhaka. Most of the participants have supported my


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Secondary data presentation and analysis

From the paper articles, I found lots of violence those are quite relative to women
deprivation. I got the following womens rights
Women are born free and lives equal to man in her rights. Social distinctions can be based
only the common utility. No woman is an exception; she is accused, arrested and detained
in cases determined by law. Women, like men, obey this rigorous law. Once a woman is
declared guilty, complete rigor is to be exercised by the law.
Mohammad, F., Rahman A. & Hossain S. (2006, November 24). Declaration of women
rights. New Nation.
The constitution of Bangladesh grants equal rights to women and men in all spheres of
public life. However, due to a variety of cultural factors as well as the misinterpretation
of religion, womens human rights are often violated but a changing trend is visible at
present. Legal rights of women in Bangladesh (2006, December 19). The Daily Star.

Though in this two paragraphs, authors have stated the rights of women as human being
like men; but in reality in most cases women are suffering more than men do. In rural and
urban area Women are suffering for their familys men unlawful activities. Someday
before, the wives and female children of corrupted ministers and MPs have arrested for
their husbands and fathers unlawful activities and misuse of power.
Property belongs to both sexes whether united or separate for each it is an invisible and
sacred right; no one can deprived of it, since it is the true patrimony of nature, unless the
legally determined public need obviously dictates it, and then only with a just and prior in
demnity. Mohammad, F., Rahman A. & Hossain S. (2006, November 24). Declaration of
women rights. New Nation.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi women contribute substantially to their households and majority of women
workers are primarily involved in the informal sector of the economy. Within the formal
sector, a large number of women work in export-oriented industries e.g., garments.
Women participation in the development of Bangladesh (2006, December 19). The Daily

The intellectual personalities are stating different philosophy to save womens right. But
in reality how much women are getting their absolute right? They are deprived of their
basic demands in most cases. Women are suffering from equal wages though their
performance is efficient and effective than men. Demand of equal wages of women
(2007, November 14) New Nation. Here, women are suffering from discrimination.
Although law has stated the rule of wages and salary for both men and women workers;
but in reality it hardly found the equality in wages and salary between men and women

Women are facing eve teasing, acid terrorism, sexually harassed by male which results
psychologically inability to continue a normal life and commit to suicide. Newspaper
reports in the country clearly indicate that the prevalence of violence against women is
very high. The estimate of the prevalence of physical violence against women by
husbands in Bangladesh varies between 30% and 50%. Violence against women (2006,
september15). The Daily Star.

Women are suffering from moral support from family for which they are not eager to
seek help from outside. Single and divorced women have no bounds of miseries. They are
negligible in most cases. They do not get proper moral support and financial support to
regain anew life. Single and divorced women are facing more social accommodation with
psychological problems than married women in Bangladesh. Miseries of divorced women
in Bangladesh (2006, October 10). The Daily Star.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Research shows, in most cases law must be active with human social awareness. Men
have to understand women as human being equal to their qualification. They can not go
ahead without womens support. A husband has to understand his wife and has to help in
most cases where his wife keeps silence like psychological, physical problem and social
problems. Divorced and single women must get social help to survive as natural person.

In verse, Married women are not intensely reliable on doctors. Their thought against
doctor is so tricky and unclear that in most cases pregnant women are not willing to go
hospital or clinics for a safe delivery in rural area. In married life, infertile women are
facing more social and psychological problems silently. Married women have many
sexual abuses by their husbands and in-laws family members. But they can not rely on
anyone to seek help whether they lose their family. They silently cover them to have a
peaceful family.

Dowry problem of women in Bangladesh is destroying womans life with family issues.

the situation has started to change through social awareness and educated

personalities efforts. Another issue of deprivation of not good looking women is Ads of
fairness creams. So-called advanced modernity use women as products here, they try to
say that the ugly women have no potentiality in one sense. This situation needs to be
changed. Another common problem of third world countries like Bangladesh is the
trafficking of women, children and young girls. Women are now the transistor and
supplier of crime-sector like drug supply etc.

In case of recommendation various books and articles provide different suggestions.

Women should be given education. Education will broaden their outlook and make them
ware of their rights, duties, and responsibilities in the society. Women should be
encouraged to go in for higher education. (Sinha.A.M., 1993. women in a changing
society, New Delhi: Efficient Offset Printers.)


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Most of all research has emphasized o education for women at first. I also support this
statement. I think, only education can stimulate women to understand about their rights
and to find out the way of getting out from the sufferings.
Women have to walk out for their rights and must struggle against deprivation. They have
to face the worse ugly consequences with confidence and power. If they do not turn
against deprivation they will never get relives from their miseries. Bangladesh is a third
world country where people do not usually get the opportunity to get three times foods
in a day. A selected number of women will enjoy the luxurious lives and other will die
for no food, is not accepted. Women of high class society have to understand the miseries
of overall women society and have to try to help them at least in a minimum rate.
I am happy because approximately all my thoughts matched with research that I did for
secondary sources. All the information from the secondary sources are quite supporting to
my hypothesis.

When I select the topic I was little bit happy because I thought that I will get information
exactly and I would not have to work hard. Unfortunately, my assumption comes out
incorrect when I searched internet and books for exact Bangladeshi womans information.
I just thanked to North South University library section where I got the paper articles
related to my topic.
I searched in www.jstor.org a lot. But exact information which I wanted to get did not
find out much. Only two internet articles were approximately exact to my topic. Others
were related but I had to go through the whole article and lastly got idea about the design
of writing and the problems presentations of my research paper.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

Another and most important obstacle was the survey. I had to face various questions
about the survey from participants. They were much confused about the answers and
someone did not answer the open-ended question.
Lastly I want to add the security guards worse behavior during the draft checking of my
research paper in English department. Through my facultys instruction, I went to English
department to leave the draft in facultys basket. But the security guard did not provide
me any opportunity to enter the English department. I was waiting from one hour to leave
the drafts to faculty and it had never been happened with me.

Women are the half of the entire population in Bangladesh, working for the prosperity of
entire economic growth. They are working equally with men effectively. But they are not
above of discrimination in 21st century. In this modern society, women are now making
efforts to get their rights and opportunities. They are struggling against deprivation and
ugly faces of society problems. They must get help from family and society. Society has
to understand the necessity of womens contribution in the economic growth. Different
seminars are focusing on this issue regularly. Research on this issue to develop the worse
situation can decrease the miseries of women in Bangladesh through raising awareness
about women and their rights and contribution in society.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.

1. Equal wages and salary (2007, September 7). Star Weekend, 8-10.
2. Womens affair. [North South University Library]
3. Statistical yearbook of Bangladesh (1985). Dhaka: ministry of Bangladesh.

Health education and behavior (2000). Dhaka:

5. Ministry of women and child affairs. Women in Bangladesh (2006). Dhaka:

ministry of Bangladesh.
6. Rahman, M. (2005). Healthcare In Bangladesh Is In Shamble. Dhaka: News
7. Rahman, M. (2004).Human Trafficking: Children and Women Are the Worst
Victims. Dhaka: News Network
8. Sanchez, L. (1993, September).womens power and the gendered division of
domestic labor in the third world [Electric version]. Gender and society, 7(3),
9. Bates, M.L., Schuler, R.S., Islam, F. & Islam, M.K. (2004, December).
Socioeconomic factors and process associated with domestic violence in rural
Bangladesh. [Electric version]. International Family Planning Perspectives,
30(4), 190-199.
10. Azim, F. (2000). Women Movements in Bangladesh. Feminist Review (64),









11. Womens rights in Bangladesh. Bangladesh: country reports on human rights
practices (2000).
12. ADB country briefly paper: women in Bangladesh (2001).
13. Abecassis, David (1990). Identity, Islam and Human Development in Rural
Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Limited.
14. Alam, Sultana and Matin, Nilufer (1984). Limiting the womens issues in
bangladesh:the western and Bangladesh legacy, South Asia Bulletin, 4(2), 1-10.


Women rights and deprivation in Bangladesh.


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