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British International College Cairo

BICC Chocolate Day
Wednesday 26th October 2016
18th October 2016

Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce a special chocolate day as part of our
Science and Topic curriculum. We have invited in to school a
professional chocolate education company who will provide a fun and
exciting programme to celebrate the end of our first half term.
Please kindly sign the slip below and enclose 100 EGP to cover the
costs of the company and their expenses and materials. Please return
by Monday 24th October 2016
09.00 11.00 Y4, 5 & 6 Chocolate Moulds
11.00 13.00 Nursery, FS1 & FS2 Lollipops
13.00 15.00 Y1, 2 & 3 Chocolate Making

Thank you
Sam Finlayson
Primary Head Teacher
BICC Chocolate Day
Wednesday 26th October 2016
I / We agree to allow our child__________________________ Year group ______ to attend
the chocolate curriculum session.
I / we enclose 100 EGP contribution


Parent Signature_____________________________________
Print Name __________________________________________


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