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Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a multinational body

concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling
the export and re-transfer of materials that may be
applicable to nuclear weapon development and by
improving safeguards and protection on existing materials.
The NSG was founded November 1975.
As of 2014, the NSG has 48 members.
Chinas announced that it intends to oppose Indias
membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group unless it
agrees to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Four UN member states have never joined the NPT:
India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan



Pakistan has launched a fresh drive to gather support for its
efforts to join the 48-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
with a request to the White House this week to support its bid.
Reportedly, Pakistans Ambassador to the US Jalil Abbas Jilani
held a number of meetings with senior officials in Washington,
and called upon US State Department and Congressional leaders
to support Islamabads membership to the NSG group. The fresh
move by the Pakistani authorities gives an insight into the
seemingly wrong set of priorities. Against the backdrop of a
struggling economy, declining foreign export and with a large
population living below the poverty line, Pakistans bid to join
the elite group of the NSG lacks prudence. In retrospect, these
efforts would be viewed as a policy aberration rather than a
move with any lasting impact. These are the things that suit a

Prepared by Aamir Mahar


nation that has made remarkable progress in other fields of life,

and its social indicators present positive signs about living
conditions of common citizens. Why is Pakistan competing with
India in its quest to join the NSG in the wake of so many other
important areas that need immediate attention of rulers? On the
surface, Pakistans rationale looks flawed.
At a time when the social sector is in utter distress, the rate of
unemployment is high and corruption is rampant, how can the
government convince 48 countries about its credentials as a
responsible state? Pakistan needs to give preference to
improving the living standards of people instead of pursuing the
membership of the NSG with an aim to undermine India, which
has also applied to join the group with the backing of the US. By
endorsing India for the membership of the elite group of nations
dealing in nuclear technology and its control, Barack Obama has
already signalled the US intention to create a deeper partnership
of the worlds two largest democracies. The US is relying on
India due to it being a huge consumer market and its progress in
home industries. Pakistan is concerned about the deepening of
relationship between India and the US, and seeks fair treatment
regarding Pakistans plans to join the NSG. However, there are
certain allegations that provide grounds to the US to resist
Pakistans ambitions of joining the elite group of the NSG. The
presence of banned outfits like the Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Jaish-eMohammad in Pakistan as well as the accusation of transfer of
nuclear technology to bad actors like North Korea make
Pakistans stance weak about its capability to become a part of
the NSG.
The US views India favourably, both as a counterweight to
the rise of China, as well as because of Indias huge emerging

Prepared by Aamir Mahar


economy as a vast consumer market with untold business

opportunities in addition to being a huge buyer of weapons. A
trust deficit exists between the US and Pakistan due to the
alleged duality of policies of Pakistan in the past, which still
causes suspicion despite a belated crackdown against militants,
stated now to be irrespective of good Taliban and bad
Taliban and their supporters.
There is no doubt that joining the NSG group has great
prospects, but first of all, Pakistan needs to establish its
credential as a responsible nuclear state that has put its economy
on right track, and is actually making efforts for the wellbeing of
its citizens.

Prepared by Aamir Mahar

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