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HNRS 100: Honors First-Year Seminar

Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:20 pm, SSS 0321

Mackenzie Amundsen
Honors Director
Dr. Jeff Vahlbusch

Rachael Nichols
Honors Program Associate
Pam Golden, MA

Course Description
This class is designed to help you make a smooth transition into life as an Honors student at
UWEC. We want to introduce you to college life not only at this university, but also as a part of the
Honors Program. You will get the opportunity to connect with peers and professors, explore your
school and the services it offers, and learn good academic practices and the intricacies of the
Honors Program that will set you up for success in your years to come.

Attendance Policy
Participation and attendance are a huge part of Honors 100. Each one of you is a vital member of
our class and discussions so weekly attendance is highly encouraged. As a seminar class, it is up to
the students to steer and engage in the course so that you can get the most out of it. If you will be
absent, late, or must leave early, please try to let both Mackenzie and Rachael know ahead of time.
We only meet once a week, so frequent absences may adversely affect your grade. Be there or be

Student Accommodations
Any student who has a disability and is in need of classroom accommodations should contact the
instructor and the Services for Students with Disabilities Office in Old Library 2136 at the beginning
of the semester.

Statement on Academic Integrity:

Any academic misconduct in this course is a serious offense and the Honors Program will pursue
the official academic penalties for such behavior. The disciplinary procedures and penalties for
academic misconduct are described in the UW-Eau Claire Student Services and Standards
Handbook in the section titled, Chapter UWS 14Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures

Throughout the semester we will have some small assignments including written blog posts,
discussions, presentations, and a final reflection. All assignments will be straightforward and will be
used as tools to encourage involvement in class and on campus. Please email the PowerPoint
presentations to us by 2pm the day it is due.
Campus Happenings Each week a group will attend some sort of educational, academic
event on campus and give a short presentation to the class. This could include a Meals with
Honors, Chancellor's Round Table, or most of the Centennial events just as long as it is academic. If
you want to attend something but are not sure if it meets the requirements, please ask. Calendar of
Events Link -
Get Involved There are many organizations on campus that cater to different interests.
Choose one that you are either currently involved in or you would like to join and prepare a short
presentation (about 2 min) telling the class what the organization does, meeting time and place,
why you wanted to join it, and anything else you would like to add. If there are two people in the
class who are involved in an organization, you are able to partner up but it has to be approved.

Ultimately, this class is for you and your peers. Our grading policy will be a pass/fail system.
Participation in activities, both in-class and outside of class, along with the timeliness and quality of
assignments will affect the final decision.

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