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Check folders daily, clean out

and initial behavior sheet.

The Preschool Post

What we are learning:
We will begin our unit on pumpkins
soon. If you would like to donate a
pumpkin of any size, shape or color, to
help with our unit of study, we would
greatly appreciate it!

Students are working on counting

objects up to 5. Please encourage
your child to count objects (pennies,
erasers, pencils, etc.) at home up to
10 or more.
We are continuing to learn letters,
letter sounds and numbers. Please
continue to work on this skills at home
as well.
Encourage name writing at home.
Your child works very hard on
handwriting. They are learning how
to write their names and letters
correctly and from left to right. Also,
ask your child to say the letters in
their name and make each sound!
We will be sending home a family
pumpkin project on Oct. 7th. This
project will be due on Friday, Oct. 14th.

Thank you families for

all of your continued

Please send medical excuses for

your child if they are out.
Students are only allowed 10
Unexcused absences and a
parent note can only be accepted
for 5.

K4 Teachers

Take Note:

We will be having a 50th day celebration this month. If

you would like to donate a bag of individually wrapped
candy or treats (pencils, erasers, etc.) please send to
school by Wed. Oct. 26th. Information will be sent
home regarding this fun-filled day!

We will be having our monthly birthday lunch on Friday,

Oct. 21st. Parents of students with Oct. birthdays
please plan to attend lunch with your child. Be looking
for a letter home regarding this.

Read for the Record will be held on Thursday, Oct.

27th. More information will follow. Please make
arrangements to attend this parent workshop. Fall
pictures will also be taken.

Upcoming Events:
Oct. 14th Pumpkin project due
Oct. 21st -All field trip money and
forms due
Oct. 21st- October Birthday Lunch
(letter will be sent home)
Oct. 26th Please send a bag of candy

Oct. 27th- Fall Picture Day & Read for

the Record
Oct. 28th-Pumpkin Patch
Field Trip
Oct. 31st -50th Day Celebration!!

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