Rome - The Rise and Fall of An Empire Questionnaire

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Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Questionnaire

Directions: As you watch the documentary pay attention to what is being said and
answer the questions as they come up. Your answers should be in COMPLETE
SENTENCES! Be as specific as you can when writing your answers.
1. By 1 B.C.E. what had become just as important as the ballot box in the
Roman Republic to help decide important political issues?

2. What did Julius Caesar want to do for his family? Why?

3. Where does Caesar get his first taste for war? What was he doing there?

4. Why did Caesar want to become a Consul? How did gain the Consulship?

5. What did Caesar expect to find when he entered Gaul? Why did he want it?

6. Who did the Romans meet as they traveled North? What did these people

7. What did the Romans do to block the Helvetii from entering Roman lands?

8. As Caesar chased them, what did the Helvetii do to the legions? How many
barbarian soldiers were there compared to the Romans?

9. What did the Romans do the Helvetii as they began to beat them? Why might
they do this?

10.Who does Caesar orchestrate a war with in order to invade Aeduii lands?
What did he tell the senate?

11.Why does Caesar seek to force the Germans into battle? How could this help

12.After beating Ariovistus, what does Caesar claim that he is to the people of
Gaul? What does he do with Gaul after the battle?

13.How does Caesar notify the people of Rome of his victories? Why would he do

14.How are these successes viewed by conservative leaders in Rome?

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