The Role of Gene Influenced by Sex

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The complete report of Genetic and Evolution experiment unit V with
experiment title ³The Role of Gene Influenced by Sex´ created by:
Name : Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi
Reg. no : 071 404 193
Class : ICP Biology
Group : VII (seventh)
Have been investigation by assistant and assistant coordinator and this report
is accepted.

Makassar, November 2009

Assistant Coordinator Assistant


Reg. No: 061 404 069

Known by,
Lecturer of responsible

NIP: 1974 04 05 2000 003 2002

?  ! "
Genetic is one of the Biological science branches which of vital
importance domicile him in life of us. Genetic is science studying to regarding
the nature of by generations. Degraded substance is mains to the clan of in the
form of heredities substance, referred as ordinary of gene. On file Gene in
chromosome in the form of acid of nucleate which consist of deoxyribonucleate
acid (DNA) and ribonucleate acid (RNA).
At an organism, the amount of genes bigger than amount of chromosomes
so that every chromosome has to contain many genes. Locus is a place of
chromosome which contains certain gene. The both allele which controlling a
certain traits are in same locus each chromosome of homolog. The gene that play
a part in determination of traits which in sex chromosome position, there is
influenced by sex and also there is limited by sex.
The gene that influenced by sex will delivery traits which will is endowed
into its offspring. One of the examples is the differences the long of index finger
and ring finger. At human, the long of index finger and ring finger usually are
different. Usually, the index finger is shorter than ring finger or the index finger is
longer than ring finger, rarely we can found a human has the index finger is same
ring finger or even tough is nothing.
Based on many scientist before is the differences of the index finger and
ring finger are influenced to inelegancy level. This traits is connected with sex
which expression with grow of finger of someone and can be endowed to it
offspring. Caused that thing make us to do this experiment. At least we can
measure index comparison of people who has longer the index finger than the ring
finger of or people who have shorter the index finger than the ring finger of in the
form of class data. Observation to bald head doesn¶t doing because these traits
usually will appear after someone reaching 30 years old.
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The purpose of this experiment is to determine the genotype of her self
and other person based on the index finger measure.
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The benefit of this experiment is the student can know way determine
genotype based on the index finger measure, comparing itself with genotype had
by others and also know genotype which dominates or recessive.
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If the traits that influenced by sex caused by recessive allele, so a girl will
appear that phenotype only if she is homozygote. Because the boy only has one locus,
the term like homozygote and heterozygote are not meaning to describe the sex
influenced genes. Each the boy take recessive allele of his mom will look that trait.
Because that reason, the boy has disparities which endowed by sex influenced
recessive allele more than the girl. But, even though a opportunity of a girl to get
double dose mutant allele less than probability the boy to get single dose mutant
allele, still there is a girl that has sex influenced disparity. Such as, blind color is not
dangerously disparity which endowed as sex influenced trait. The blind color girl is
possibility born of blind color father and carrier mother. But, because sex influenced
allele for blind color disparity is rare, possibility male and female to meet are low
(Campbell, 2004).
Besides chromosome sex connected genes that we are known, we are also
known sex influenced gene and sex limited gene. This is will know a trait which
caused by sex influenced genes (Hartati, 2009).
Phenotype is outer form or the reality that in an individual. It comes from
phainen word is mean seen, and typos is form. Auburn hair, straight hair, blue eyes,
high nose, A blood type, the blood is easy to clot when there is a wound, foreign
human, etc are phenotype. Genotype is form or genetics arrangement of a trait which
contain in an individual. That means in each body cells. AA, Aa, Cc, AA Bb, r¶ R¶,
are genotype. It comes from genos word is mean genesis, gene, and typos is form the
phenotype and genotype are introduced by W. Johanannsen (1909), beside establish
the ³gene´ term. (Yatim, 1991).
Some traits are carried on the sex chromosomes, X and Y. Most traits carried
are present on only the X-chromosome. The Y-chromosome is smaller, and so, very
few genes are located on this chromosome. Sex traits can be categorized into three
types of inheritance: sex-limited, sex-linked, and sex-influenced. Sex-limited traits
are traits that are visible only within one sex. For instance, barred coloring in
chickens normally is visible only in the roosters. Sex-linked traits would be
considered traits like sickle cell anemia and color blindness. They are said to be
linked because more males (XY) develop these traits than females (XX). This is
because the females have a second X gene to counteract the recessive trait. Thus, the
trait is more likely to be visible in the male. Sex-influenced traits are autosom traits
that are influenced by sex. If a male has one recessive allele, he will show that trait,
but it will take two recessive for the female to show that same trait. One such gene is
baldness. A lot of sex-limited traits can determine parental carriers by using a
pedigree. The colored blocks indicate a recessive trait phenotype, and from there,
carriers can be traced back. This is an effective method when determining the
probability of an offspring receiving that trait (Anonymb, 2009).
Usually dominant gene is look it influence at male/ man also female/ woman.
In recessive homozygote condition, that dominant influence will not look in
phenotype. If we put our right hand or left hand on a pallet where there is a line level
off that way aspect so that tip of ring finger touch the line, hence can know, is the
index finger we will longer or shorter than ring finger. At most people, tip of index
finger can not touching that line, it is mean the index finger is shorter than ring finger.
Index finger is short caused by dominant gene at a man, but recessive at woman
(Suryo, 1998).
Sex-influenced traits are those that are expressed differently in the two sexes.
Such traits are autosom, which means that the genes responsible for their expression
are not carried on the sex chromosomes. An example of a sex-influenced trait is male-
pattern baldness. The baldness allele, which causes hair loss, is influenced by the
hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, but only when levels of the two
hormones are high. In general, males have much higher levels of these hormones than
females, so the baldness allele has a stronger effect in males than in females.
However, high levels of stress can lead to expression of the gene in women. In
stressful situations, women's adrenal glands can produce testosterone and convert it
into dihydrotestosterone, which can result in hair loss. Sex-limited traits are also
autosom. Unlike sex-influenced traits, whose expression differs according to sex, sex-
limited traits are expressed in individuals of only one sex. An example of a sex-
limited trait is lactation, or milk production. Although the genes for producing milk
are carried by both males and females, only lactating females express these genes
(Anonyma, 2009).
Genes influencing the traits of which affect sex can reside at such autosom
even also or at shares of homolog chromosome of sex. Dominancy expression or
recessively by allele at locus which affect inversely proportional sex at male and
female. That thing is resulted from big a half of difference of internal environment
which created by sex homolog. Thereby, follow the example of the traits of attached
by easiest sex found at high level animal with endocrine system which good develop
(Elrod, 2007).



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Day / date : Monday/ October 26th 2009
Time : 01.20 until 03.00 pm
Place : Biology Laboratory 2nd floor East FMIPA UNM
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1.? Tools:
a.? Ruler
b.? Pen
2.? Materials:
a.? Paper sheet
b.? The index finger and ring finger of itself
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1.? Prepared the tools and materials.
2.? Made a clear horizontal line at paper sheet.
3.? Put down right hand above paper sheet in such a manner so that seen
comparison ring finger with the index finger at line which we have been
made before.
4.? Determined which finger is longer between ring finger and the index finger.
5.? Determined possibility of genotype based on description as following :
Genotype Male Female
TT Short index finger Short index finger
Tt Short index finger Long index finger
Tt Long index finger Long index finger
6.? Noted the result of observation.

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1.? Data of group (VII Group)
No. Name
Short Long
1. Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi + -
2. Qadriani Maria ulpa + -
3. Satriani + -
Total 3 -

2.? Data of class

ƃ Ƃ
No. Name of group
Short Long Short Long
1. I 1 - 1 1
2. II - - 3 -
3. III - - 2 1
4. IV - - - 3
5. V - - 4 -
6. VI - - 1 1
7. VII - - 3 -
Total 1 - 14 6

Data analyze (Data of class)
1.? Phenotype frequency
a.? For male (ƃ)
Short index finger
Ȉƒƃƒ ƒ ƒ
(TT & Tt) = x 100%

= x 100%

= 4, 8 %
Long index finger
Ȉƒƃƒ ƒ ƒ
(tt) = x 100%

= x 100%

b.? For female (Ƃ)
Short index finger
ƒƂƒ ƒ ƒ
(TT) = x 100%

= x 100%

= 66, 7 %
Long index finger
(Tt & tt) = x 100%

= x 100%

= 28, 6 %
2.? Genotype frequency ƃ
p2 (TT) + 2pq ( + q2 (tt) = 1, where p + q = 1
For ƃ long index finger q2(tt)
q2= = =0 q=0
3.? Genotype presentase ƃ
TT = p2 x 100%
= (1)2 x 100%
= 100%
Tt = 2pq x 100%
= 2(1)(0) x 100%
tt = q2 x 100%
= (0)2 x 100%
= 0%
Total genotype
Long index finger (tt) ƃ
Ȉtt = %tt x Ȉƃ
Short index finger (TT, Tt) ƃ
ȈTT = %TT x Ȉƃ
= 100% x 1
ȈTt = %Tt x Ȉƃ
= 0% x 1
4.? Genotype frequency Ƃ
Short index finger (TT) Ƃ = p2
p2 = = = 0, 7
p = 0, 84
p+q =1
q = 1 ± 0, 84
q = 0, 16
5.? Genotype presentation (Ƃ)
TT = p2 x 100%
= (0, 7) x 100%
= 49 %
Tt = 2pq x 100%
= 2 (0, 84)(0, 16) x 100%
= 26, 88%
tt = q2 x 100%
= (0, 16)2 x 100%
= 2, 56 %
Total genotype
Long index finger (Tt, tt) Ƃ
ȈTt = %Tt x ȈƂ
= 26, 88% x 20
= 5, 38
Ȉtt = %tt x ȈƂ
= 2, 56% x 20
= 0, 51
Short index finger (TT) Ƃ
ȈTT = %TT x ȈƂ
= 49% x 20
= 9, 8
6.? Determine the free degree

ƃ and Ƃ Long index finger Short index finger

Observation (o) 6 15
Experiment (e) !
x 21 = 5, 25 x 21 = 15,75
Deviasi (d) 0,75 0,75

ƃ bertelunjuk panjang = 
Ƃ bertelunjuk panjang = +

ƃ bertelunjuk pendek = ƒ&ƒ

Ƃ bertelunjuk pendek = +

a.? For X2 long index finger =
ƒI#+",#"( )

= 0,012
b.? For X2 short index finger =
ƒI#+",#"( )

= 0,746
c.? Total X2 = 0,012 + 0,746
= 0,758
After see at chi-square tabel so total X2 (0,758) is in possibility position at 0,
99 and free degree at 5 to 6, so I can say that data which found of this experiment is
?  !
Based on data analize of data class is know the male phenotype frequency
that has long index finger is 0 %, for short index finger is 4, 8%. While to female,
the short index finger phenotype finger is 66, 7 % and to long index finger is 28,
6 %. This things is prove almost student has index finger shorter than ring finger
for male anf female. The data is get from 21 student. Based on, genotype ratio for
male, tt genotype for long index finger and TT or Tt to short index finger. The
female ratio genotype, several has short index finger with genotype is TT and
several has long index finger with genotype are Tt or tt. When phenotype ratio
from calculate result, phenotype to female is higher than male for long and short
index finger.
Genotype presentation for male is male that has short index finger
homozygote (TT) equal to 100 %, male short index finger heterozygote (Tt)
equal to 0 %, and long index finger for male (tt) is 0 %. This things is proved the
male that has homozygote (TT) is has amount at most. Genotype presentation for
female short index finger homozygote (TT) is 49 %, that long index finger
heterozygote (Tt) is 26, 88%, and to long index finger homozygote (tt) equals to
2, 56%. From those data I can conclude is the female that has short index finger
is the bigger genotype presentation. But if we compare the male and female that
has short index finger the biggest genotype presentation is male with 100%.
For free degree, the X2 value for long index finger is 0,012. While to
short index finger the X2 value is 0,746. After test by chi-square we get total X2
(0,758) is in possibility position at 0, 99 and free degree at 5 to 6, so I can say
that data which found of this experiment is valid. This is prove that trait (index
finger shorter than long finger) not only influenced by chromosome but also
influenced by sex. Generally, individu (practiciant) has genotype which almost
found at society. That suitable with Suryo (2003) theory, is usually dominant
gene influence at male and female in homozygote recessive condition, that
dominan influence did not look at phenotype. The differences of genotype for
each people and role of gene in this observation, has describe us is there is no
gene in autosom (body cell), but in genosom.

? !+ !
After done this experiment I can conclude several things, that is:
1.? The frequency of male and female have short index finger bigger than long
index finger.
2.? The short index finger caused by sex influenced gene, it has dominant atmale
and recessive at female.
3.? Individual has index finger shorter than ring finger so that I has TT genotype
(homozygote dominant).
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1.? Ought to the practicing more accurate in done experiment so the result which
we get match with the purpose.
2.? Ought to the laborer prepare equipment and materials so activity can work in
( c 

Anonyma. 2009. „nvironmental Influences on Gene „ pression. accessed at October 25th 2009.

Anonymb. 2009. Se imited, inked, and Influenced Traits. accessed at October 25th 2009.

Campbell, Reece, Mitchell. 2004. Biologi Jilid I „disi Kelima. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Erlod, Susan. 2007. Genetika „disi Ke „mpat. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Hartati dan Karim. 2009. Penuntun Praktikum Genetika. Makassar: Jurusan Biologi
Suryo. 1998. Genetika. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Yatim, Wildan. 1983. Genetika. Bandung: Tarsito.

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