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Table of Contents

3. Introduction
4. Accidental Awareness
17. DMT The Spirit Molecule
15 years old
20. Over the Rainbow
21. Connection Through the Grid
22. Age of Darkness
16 years old
24. The Forest Came Alive
28. Gates in the Sky
32. The Ankh
34. Little Creatures
35. Akira
17 years old
35. Portals through Posters
37. City in the Sun
38. Orange Tree
40. Universe in a Bubble
41. Gates to the Kingdom of Heaven
42. Virtual Reality
44. The Universe is a Playground
18 years old
49. City in the Fire
51. Virtual Library
52. Kitty and the Twig
57. Flower of Life
63. The Kiss
65. Gate Keeper
19 years old
68. Mythical and Magical Beings
69. Tunnel of Light
72. Three Buddhas
75. Reflection
76. My Final Destination
20 years old
88. Bring in the Clowns

Cory Herter March 2006

Visions of Heaven is a true story based on the life and experiences of Cory Herter.
There has never been a time in history that the truth of who we are and what we are here
to accomplish, has been revealed to this high of a level. Experience the journey that
initially began as a horrific and traumatic experience that would shatter a young mans
life and gift him with the most amazing transformation ever recorded.
God, the heavens, and the nature of life have always been hot topics that have been
debated and explored since the beginning of time. The visions revealed in this book will
open up powerful new insights into the mechanics of the universe and who we truly are.
Enjoy the many visions that are beyond what the imagination could create as the many
facets of the heavens are revealed to you. Prepare yourself for a journey that will
transform who you are forever.

Accidental Awareness
The story of anyones life is always a fascinating adventure of discoveries and
anticipation about what is going to come next. Every major experience that happens
seems to set the stage for where we will travel towards next, whether it is a positive or a
negative experience. I believe that looking into your own history really helps to identify
your purpose and direction in life. As much as people may believe that their life is
headed in a certain direction, there is always that chance opportunity that something
might happen to change your own world completely.
Every child that is born into the world has their own set of dreams and goals about what
they would like to become, but then again, sometimes life has another plan. I have
learned that some people get the chance to choose their life path, while others are given
it. What is the difference you ask? The difference is that one event that takes place can
change your life instantaneously and last a lifetime.
In May of 1990, that event took place in my life and forever altered my path. My brother
and I were involved in a major car accident with my grandma. We were turning off the
highway and were t-boned by an oncoming truck travelling at approximately 110 km/h.
Within seconds my brothers and I life took a turn in a new direction, and it wasnt just
off the highway.
My brother took the main impact from the truck, having only a door in-between him and
the grill of the truck. The impact caused his head to smash into my head, knocking my
tooth to the floor of the truck. I reached down trying to get my tooth back and was
trapped in the seatbelt. I looked over, my brother sat there, already covered in blood.
Ryan, my brother, was killed on impact; I never knew this at the time. Horrified by the
site of what I saw, I started screaming and lost total control of myself. I was trying to get

Cory Herter March 2006

out of my seat, but I was trapped in it because of the seat belt. I started panicking and
completely lost it. I drifted out of consciousness.
I dont remember getting hit by the truck, but I remember after the moment. It all
happened so fast. Later I would understand why at the moment of impact I seemingly
blacked out for a few seconds.
I remember waking up in the hospital and a nurse was giving me stitches. I freaked out
and punched her in the face. I remember laughing as I saw her fall over a tray full of
tools. The doctors jumped on me and held me down, I screamed to let me go. They
jabbed a needle in my arm and again I faded out.
I awoke again in the hospital, not really knowing what happened. I looked around and
was pretty out of it. I couldnt really remember anything that happened. I was by myself
and I wondered where my parents were. A nurse came and talked to me, I am not sure
about what we talked about. I remember I ate a lot of popsicles there. She said my
parents would be there soon.
My parents came, not sure how long it was; I was pretty dazed and out of it. When my
parents came, they told me that I was in the Childrens Hospital and that we were in a car
accident. They said Ryan was hurt really bad. I didnt remember anything from the car
accident; it was a few years before any of that memory had come back. I asked if he was
ok. They said he is hurt really bad, I wanted to see him but they wouldnt let me. I was
so worried about him, he was my best friend and I wanted to see him so bad. My parents
were with my brother most of the time that I was in the hospital. I played a lot of pool,
although they wouldnt let me out of their site for the first day and I had to lie in my bed.
The boy across the room had a Nintendo hooked up to his TV, I was so jealous. Maybe it
was because I was so bored or maybe it was because his parents were there playing
games with him. Either way, I hated the hospital, except for the popsicles of course. I
ate as many of them as I could to collect Popsicle Pete points, you could trade them in
for prizes.
My next couple days in the hospital were better, I played pool on a pool table that they
had there. Thats about all I did, I wasnt allowed to see Ryan yet. They released me out
of the hospital after 3 days. The doctors thought it would be better to be with my parents.
We were going to be at the hospital every day all day anyways, so if anything was wrong,
I was already there. Everyone asked me if I was ok, I felt fine, at least I thought I was.
I found out that I was in the hospital because my brain had been bleeding. They flew me
up to the children hospital as soon as they found out. I was upset because it was my first
time being on a plane and I never remembered it. Everyone was scared I was going to
fall into a coma. I had a few cuts on my hand and arm from the glass. Mostly I suffered
a severe brain injury.
The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to determine the severity of a brain injury. It is often
used at the scene of the accident or emergency room. Motor, verbal and eye responses

Cory Herter March 2006

are solicited and rated. A score of 15 is normal/near normal and a score of 3 indicates the
worst possibly neurological status. My rating was a 3, the worst there was. I dont
remember doing any test with them, which is probably why they gave me a 3.
The fourth day I was finally allowed to see my brother. My parents prepared me for what
I was about to see. My dad said his head was in the shape of a football, kind of nervous
like and joking at the same time. They said he had lots of tubes hooked up to him and
that he was in really rough shape. I remember going into the room to see him and he was
all bandaged up. I never really thought about anything, I felt more like an observer, there
was no real emotion or thoughts. I found out that he was in a coma since the accident. I
tried to talk to him, but he didnt answer. He just laid there and it was kind of boring, so I
said that I was going to go play pool. My dad came with me to have a couple games. He
tried to talk about it, but there wasnt really much to say. I never really thought about it.
I just wanted to play some pool.
I later found out that Ryan had died in the car accident and a guy who witnessed the
accident gave him mouth to mouth to bring him back alive. I remember his name; I dont
think I will ever forget it. They werent sure if Ryan was going to live or come out of his
coma, no one knew anything. He received about 48 hours of surgery all together. They
had to put part of his hip bone in his skull. I cant remember how many stitches, but it
was a lot.
I hated going to the hospital everyday, there wasnt much for me to do but play pool. I
always looked forward to lunch time and going to get Chinese food from this mall.
Everyday was the same thing, my dad would get his Chinese dumplings and I would get
sweet & sour chicken balls. They were the best chicken balls I ever had; they were also
my favourite kind of Chinese food.
After three weeks Ryan finally woke up from his Coma. I was happy to be able to talk to
him again, although he couldnt talk to me. I was pretty removed from the whole
situation; I really just played a lot of pool. I could clear like three full racks of balls
without missing. I was practicing my trick shots and the spin that you could put on the
white ball. To this day, I have never been able to get my skills to level that they were at
when I was at the hospital. I guess you can see that I am still kind of removed from the
whole situation.
Ryans whole right side of his body was paralysed; his jaw was broken on both sides top
and bottom. He had to learn how to write, read and do math all over again. Everything
was wiped out. Plus he now had to re-learn how to do everything with the left side of his
body. I liked reading him Archie comic books. He couldnt talk for a while because his
jaw was still wired. Looking back, he was pretty messed up. Even now as I write this, I
cant help but think of the severity and how close we both came to death. Its pretty
The doctors thought that Ryan would never walk again, that little bugger proved them
wrong on plenty of accounts. He is certainly a force to be reckoned with. After 7 weeks

Cory Herter March 2006

of being in the hospital, they finally released him so we could go back home. I was so
happy about that. I had enough hospital for a life time.
Ryan was in a wheelchair and I always took it whenever I could to try and do wheelies.
My older brother was the best at them. I remember me and my brother would go out on
the sidewalk with the wheelchair. When a car was coming I would tip the wheel chair
backwards and my brother would pretend that he couldnt lift it. The car would stop and
help us up. Funny games I guess, whatever we could to do to add some good energy to
the situation. My mom said my older brothers had a hard time with it. I never wanted to
talk about anything.
Ryan had an aid come to the house everyday to work with him. She helped him with his
reading, writing and math skills. She also did some physiotherapy with him to try and
recover movement in his hand and arm. Ryan had to practice walking with a walker and
go to physio appointments to learn new exercises. I always hated watching him have to
do his exercises. They would hurt so much and he would scream as his arms were
stretched open. He always got so mad at them and said he was going to kill them if they
tried it again. I hated being at home so much. I couldnt stand to watch him go through
that. I hated his aid because of how hard it was for Ryan.
I had to go do some neurological tests to check if my brain was ok. I did well on
everything, really great, except for the memory exercises. My parents tried to get me to
go see a psychologist to talk about the accident because I never would. They didnt think
it was healthy for me to keep it bottled up inside. I went to one appointment, completely
lost it on her, poor girl, and I never went back. She tried to ask me questions about the
car accident and how I was doing. I said I was fine. As soon as she got into details, I
freaked out.
I retreated to my friends house anytime that I could. I hated being at home and was
there as little as possible. One of the things my parents noticed was different was that I
never kept any of the same friends. I found a new group of friends to hang out. I never
even thought about my old friends. What was there to think about?
One of the things that were wrong with me was these severe migraines and neck aches
that I would get. They were really bad. I used to take six Tylenol 3s and six 222s at a
time. They still wouldnt get rid of it. I went through Tylenol 3s like other kids did
candy. Nothing would ever get rid of those migraines. I would literally cry they hurt so
badly. The neck aches were horrible too. I couldnt move my head or keep it still. There
was so much pressure inside. These went on for several years.
Ryan, after three years of physiotherapy managed to walk again with a limp. His arm
was doing better, but as soon as the physio stopped his arm seized up again. He had
difficulties with everything in his life afterwards. I was always so mad about that. One
time I elbowed the wall in the kitchen and put a dent in it. My dad asked me later about
the big dent in the wall. I said I didnt know what happened as my body performed an
elbow strike right in front of him. I was so busted.

Cory Herter March 2006

About three years later, I had flashes of the car accident. I remember looking and telling
my grandma to watch out. Next thing I knew I was in the sky, watching. A man came
beside me and we watched together. He said it would be ok. I felt calm and peaceful.
Next thing you know I was back in the car. I could remember the blood everywhere and
screaming. That was my flash of memory that I received and also explained why I
couldnt remember the impact.
My mom looked at me shocked when I had told her and said that Ryan had told her a
very similar story about one week before I did. We both had out of body experiences and
the memories came back at almost the same time. Neither of us knew that each other had
them until we both told my mom. We all thought that was pretty cool. We never really
talked about it again, or at least I didnt.
In 1994, I was 14 years old now. I started to recognize that something was different
about me. I wasnt sure what it was though. It took me about six months to figure out
what was wrong. I finally got it. I couldnt remember anything from before my accident.
That is why I would get so upset when I would get asked about anything. This was the
reason why I couldnt stand being around any family members. I never showed any
emotion or had any thoughts about any of the after effects of the accident or the state
Ryan was in because I didnt know how it was before. That is why I was always in the
observer state and never had anything to talk about. I wasnt bottling anything up, it
simply wasnt there.
I was always smiling, happy and making jokes. I was enjoying the moment of life. No
one suspected a thing, not even me. I thought I was fine, I really did. Then I started to
notice that I couldnt recall anything that I did three days previous. If someone said what
it was, I would remember it, but I couldnt recall it by myself. I had a 3 day memory. No
wonder I was all smiles all the time. I had nothing to bog me down. Everybody who
does self development work, talks about the importance of being in the moment. Well,
that was my life, in the moment.
The personal gossip and stories shared amongst people never appealed to me at all. I
would think about something else instead and not engage in any of the conversation. I
never dreamt about cars, clothes, really any material objects. It just wasnt my thing. I
started to realize after a while that these were all personal traits. All my personal
memory of my experiences before the accident was gone. Along with those memories
also came the personal goals and desires. I never really had any. I never thought long
term. I just had fun enjoying the moment and chatting about nothing. That was what I
was best at. I never really had down days where things werent very good, not yet
anyways. That always confused everyone around me, they wondered how I could be so
happy all of the time.
After learning about how different I was inside and no one could see it but me. I started
to get scared, really scared. I became extremely paranoid. I wasnt sure what I did in the
past and horrible nightmares about what I could have done began to plague my mind. I

Cory Herter March 2006

was never really sure of anything anymore. This is four years after my accident and I am
finally just starting to learn what is wrong with me. Things just keep getting worse
Along with the paranoia came a whole host of other crazy mixed up emotions and
thoughts. I would get extremely lost, in time, I guess you could say. I didnt know what
I did before, or if I said something stupid. I began to attack myself for every little thing
that I did wrong. I mean, if I messed up this time, how many other times had I messed up
previously. I wouldnt know and the paranoia would make it feel like everyone hated me
just for one simple little mistake. Everything just kept amplifying in this way. It wasnt
long before I was living in two different worlds. One on the outside where I tried to
make everything look perfect so no one knew what was wrong with me. On the inside
was a constant battle of mixed emotions and confusion. I was so scared that someone
would find out what was wrong with me. I just wanted to be normal, I wanted a normal
life. My depression quickly led to thoughts of suicide and fear of everything, even things
that werent there or didnt even happen. How did I know they didnt happen? My brain
began to destroy me after a while and I needed some kind of help.
No one but me could see what was going on inside. How could I even talk about it, then
they would know what was wrong with me. My thoughts turned extremely psychotic
which made it even worse, now I definitely could never speak about what was going on
inside of me. I dont want to be known as a crazy and end up in some kind of nut house.
As long as I could hide what was going on and try to live a normal life on the inside,
everything would be fine.
This state just kept going more extreme and dominant for about another 6 months. When
I was 15, I was initiated into a better place. I would go numb inside, only for periods of
time though. The majority of the time it was these crazy states of total depression and
suicide. I was scared to be alone and tried to hang out with my friends as much as I could
to distract me from what was happening inside. Sometimes that would work and other
times it wouldnt. Either way they gave me the strength to fight off the thoughts in my
This blank space was great; a moment where I would go numb and nothing even existed.
Kind of like blacking out I guess, but I would normally have my eyes open. I was scared
to close them. I usually sat up all night with my thoughts running wild; I would sleep at
school during the day. I felt safe when I slept at school, people were there watching to
make sure I wasnt attacked or something would happen while I was sleeping. The blank
state felt so good, soon it was lasting longer and longer. I was never prepared for what
was going to happen next though.
The depression and thoughts I felt couldnt get any worse; I learned that when they did, I
would go to this blank state. I would be in this blank space for a while and then I would
come out of it, going through the extreme psychotic states, back down to just being
depressed. Then I would go into just functioning in the moment again and wouldnt even
think or remember it. Only later, I would go back into the depression, then the suicidal

Cory Herter March 2006

thoughts, the psychotic state and back to the blank state. I identified it was a cycle that I
was running through. I couldnt stop it; I could only try to hide it and live life in a half
normal way. I did notice that it was progressively getting worse with time.
Blank State Psychotic & Suicidal Depressed In the Moment Depressed Psychotic & Suicidal Blank State
The next phase of this was something completely unexpected and unheard of, by me
anyways, at the time. I hit a blank stage one night and after a bit, something felt
different. I felt a total peacefulness envelope me, this was very different. The blank
space felt empty, this new space felt full. This was a really big difference. I definitely hit
another stage of this cycle.
Overtime the peacefulness grew and I began to hear some muffled sounds when I was
there. My vision would go blurry and soon would refocus itself. Flat surfaces began
waving like the ocean. It seemed everywhere I looked was the center for where the wave
would come from. I sat in peace and watched what was happening, totally from an
observers point of view. I was so calm and quiet that I couldnt even think about what
was happening.
I kept running through this cycle and never really knew what this new place was. I
wasnt about to talk about it with anyone. It did give some hope for me after all. The
cycles ran about every 5 days. I would go through this high energy state, the blank state,
the psychotic state, depression, in the moment, back to depression, the psychotic state, the
blank state and finally back into this high energy state.
I became so internalized in this process that I really began to separate myself and live in 2
worlds. The more I could pretend that everything was fine in my outside world the easier
it would be to go through the difficult stages inside. My brain would have less to use
against me when I went through the extreme negative states. Anyone that has been
severely depressed or paranoid understands how the brain will attack you using anything
that was possible.
This process continued on and on, I continually learnt more when I was in this higher
state. I gradually started to think a little different when I was in the moment. I became
more aware and calm with the idea that I couldnt remember anything. About halfway
through the age of 15, I began to develop a consciousness system. This was a system
inside of me that I could use to setup the ways that I will act in every situation, this would
calm my paranoia and allow me function a little easier in the outside world, again making
the extreme negative states easier to go through. I may not have had memory, but I was
constructing a system so that I didnt need it. I knew how I acted all the time and began
to establish patterns. This was so that no one could tell me what I did earlier because I
never could have or would have acted that way, not under the new system I built.
I may not have been able to access that personal side of me that likes to gossip and dream
about physical objects. I did however have a thirst, a relentless thirst for knowledge. I

Cory Herter March 2006

began to realize that I could program so much more than just how I act into this
consciousness system. Soon I discovered how I could use it to set in programs or cycles
that would make me appear more normal. I added in randomizing effects that would
prevent me from looking and acting like a pre-programmed robot. I was determined to
live my normal life on the outside.
As time progressed, these levels of energy that I would experience grew stronger and
stronger. I eventually figured out that all these new ideas originally came from the
energy I experienced in this place. I thought that the muffled sounds were somehow
teaching me this new information. When I was in the moment, I would be able to bring
that new information through (what I now call downloading) and use it to construct and
enhance this system of consciousness. Every time that I was in the in the moment
state, I would add to it. I would also start learning something, or studying something
new. I only had about 1 day to do this though as my time was limited there before the
next part of the cycle would take place.
My visualization gradually evolved into higher states. Soon after the wave came these
little dots. The dots started to take color in the shades of pink and green, the odd time
there was yellow dots. From the dots came numbers and letters. The next stage was
quite fascinating and I almost lost it when the Hollywood blockbuster The Matrix came
out. The numbers and letters began scrolling everywhere I looked. I could see how
people were made up of all this information. There was one time when I looked at this
grid and asked a question silently. The grid where I was looking stopped scrolling on one
line and said the answer. I almost lost it there, I would have, but the peacefulness kept
me calm. On the inside though, I was like Holy crap, what is this place. Soon after the
numbers and letter came symbols. There were so many of them that I seen. Every time I
seen the symbols was different, one time there was a sphinx, or a sword. I laughed when
it was elephants and I couldnt help but think of the pink and green dots and apply that to
the elephants. There were so many different symbols of anything that you could think of.
Soon they began to change more rapidly. A new symbol would appear everywhere I
looked and it would change about every second, although my sense of time was highly
distorted in this high energy state. Once the symbols had finished processing, it evolved
again; this time into faces, all types of creatures, ones that I had never seen before or
could even think of. My imagination was nowhere big enough to even comprehend all of
the different types of faces I seen. The faces stayed for the longest period of time. I
couldnt hear anything but muffled noises and every once in a while, a word would come
through clear. Whatever word it was, I would study as much as I could about it.
As the energy in this state kept growing or evolving, it slowly started leaking into the
previous stage. The extreme negative states started experiencing what I was first
experiencing in this high energy state. These were scary and started to completely
destroy me on a whole new level.
I would get into the paranoid state and I could start hearing all of the muffled sounds.
My roof started waving like someone was trying punch their way through. The sound
coming off my little disco ball light turned into an almost demonic laughter. I just laid

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there trembling with fear, shaking and too scared to utter a sound. My nightmares were
starting to turn real before my eyes. I was totally losing it now in these states. I would
hang out with friends while going through these states of extreme negativity. I would
look at them sometimes and I could see in my head that they had an axe sticking out of
their head, or I would see them totally disfigured. When I would fall asleep in these
states my dreams would go rampant. I would see cannibals eating each other and
starvation and murders and war. It never ended until I woke up. I would be in a car and
get flashes of driving off cliffs and exploding. It was everywhere I looked when I was in
this state was extreme destruction. Sometimes I would see it with my eyes, usually only
when I was alone, but not always. The majority of the time they were flashes that ran
through my head. I used to lie in my room and pray and cry every night something
would happen to make it stop. I couldnt escape this place if I was sleeping or if I was
awake, hanging out with friends didnt even help.
This energy is very powerful and when it loads into your system, you begin to externalize
anything that you focus on. This energy leaking into the extreme destructive state was a
very traumatic effect. Once I passed the blank state though, then the energy would be
incredibly positive and portray itself with such beauty and creativity. I understand now
that this is the reason why the development system is built into our body to stabilize our
thoughts and beliefs so that we gain control over our own body and eliminate the fears.
Until we do this, the energy will not move up to the next level, normally. My severe
brain injury seemed to be an exception to the rule.
I was developing my consciousness system more and more as the days went on. I began
studying and analysed every piece of information in my head. After a while, I began to
notice that the information I was studying started to conflict with other information. To
solve this I set in a program that would analyse the information and identify new
information that would solve the conflicts. This began making my brain process at
incredible speeds and I was making new connections non-stop whenever I was in the
moment. I was now learning new information that I never even had heard of before. I
started setting up counsels to be a voice for the different fields of information. This also
helped as we established regular meeting where we could raise issues about any conflicts
in any new information. I would set programs in for this information to be processed in
the background while I was in the other stages of the cycle.
Soon my outside world started to crash. My grades had fallen; I was skipping school all
the time when the extreme negative states were happening. I would sleep throughout the
day at school as my time at night was either spent processing information in the moment
or reaching new heights of energy. I was kicked out of school for missing too many days
which was the greatest blessing I ever received. All of my stress from the outside world
was gone. I was so relieved.
The negative states inside of me stopped happening. Just like that, as soon as school was
gone, they stopped. I knew that any outside stress made the extreme negative states
worse. I never thought that school was making it so bad though. Now I was starting to
have some fun with this system I built. My brain would process thoughts non-stop as I

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made connections about every field of information and new ones that I had been learning.
My high energy states now evolved so that I could see the body as well as the face. The
sounds and messages that I could hear were getting stronger and clearer. I was starting to
do good again, really good. I was so thankful to be rid of that extreme negative state.
Little did I know then, things were about to get worse, way worse, beyond bad.
My dad had the great idea that it would be a good idea to go work with him. It made
good sense and I was going to be making about $3000 every two weeks. Not bad for a 15
year old. I was excited; I was feeling much better now that the negative states were gone.
My learning had sped up tremendously and I was really excited to see the bodys on the
faces. The creatures that exist in that world are so fascinating, just unending they never
stop changing or revealing new types of bodies that are possible.
I started working and for the first week everything was good. The second week the
depression started coming back. Within a month I was full blown back into the extreme
negative part of the cycle. I was having a really rough time. You have to remember that
I have been hiding everything that was happening to me from everyone. If anyone ever
found out, I was in the nuthouse for sure.
Within a couple months all of the twisted images and flashes that I received started
animating themselves in my head. They would play out like movies now, not just
flashes. I could see myself causing harm to others or others being inflicted violently from
some kind of event. Fighting my own destructive thoughts and being overcome. It was
time that I check myself into a hospital, a.k.a. straight to the nuthouse. My brain was
really wrecked at this point. I one time tried to show that I wasnt doing well. On the
way to work one morning, I said I think I am going crazy and need to be in a hospital.
My dad laughed and shook his head, and said quit talking so silly. That was the last time
I ever tried to express what was happening. I guess I had developed quite the ability for
hiding what was happening inside; it seemed to be working pretty good by that response.
I decided to keep my strength up and fight it a little longer. Thank goodness the job
ended and there was no job lined up after that. As soon as I stopped working that really
negative part faded out again. That stage was still there. Now it took the form of my
brain analysing everything. This analysing was done from the programs that I had set
into the consciousness system. When I would reach the high energy states, this was the
place where solutions were found. When I came back into the analysing stage, I would
literally go through the whole process of connecting and referencing the new information
to previous information in my head. When I reached the in the moment stage I finalize
the connections and have a clear understanding come through. Whenever I had too much
stress it would analyse all of the negative information and blow it out of proportion.
When I wasnt stressed and could devote all my time and energy towards this learning of
the cycle, I would process more positive information in this stage. I would get internal
visual glimpses of how things worked and eventually animated sequences that would
teach me.
High Energy state Analysing State In the Moment Analysing High Energy State

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I realized that any energy I spent in the external world would make everything inside turn
negative. The trick now was how in the hell am I going to manage not going to school
and not going to work. I had to make a choice; school was by far a lot easier to deal with
than work.
I eventually found that smoking weed helped with the negative state that was produced
from the external stress of school. This helped a lot and I also found that when I was
high, I could remember things from before, but only when I was high. I am not talking
about the memories from before the accident, just only memories that I had when I was
high. With the memories also came a lot of the personal attributes that I lost. I regained
the values of clothes, material objects and social gossip. My only trick now was staying
high as much as possible so that I could have my normal life.
I kept on learning and programming my consciousness system, went through my high
energy experiences and struggled with school. I smoked my weed to try and improve my
external life and reduce the stress to keep the negative experiences down. Christmas time
in 1996 came and I was bombarded with energy. I am not sure what happened. Maybe
the joy and excitement from Christmas, the lack of stress from school holidays, maybe it
was both. My next high energy experience lasted about 12 hours. This was the longest
one. They usually only lasted about 4 hours. The weird thing was that I had another one
2 days after the first. Then I had another big one 3 days later. Until this point they had
always followed a cycle of 5 days. I didnt know what was going on. My learning and
connections were happening so fast, I was completely changing inside. I changed maybe
a little too much.
By the time I had to go back to school and Christmas vacation was over, I couldnt
remember anything that I had learnt before Christmas. This was really weird, because I
can remember information, just not experiences. Could I have changed that much in my
level of information that what I learnt before Christmas, wasnt even on the same wave
length? I was already learning so much, so fast now that school work was getting in the
way. It just seemed so irrelevant to what I was learning. I was barely keeping up with
my system of information that I was creating. There was so much information and it was
all so fast. My brain was starting to hit an overload with information.
I remember my one teacher looked at me like I was retarded because I had no recollection
of anything he was talking about. That look devastated me so bad, that once class was
over, I left school and didnt come back. My parents were both out of town working so
they never even knew. I was pretty relieved about the whole thing to be honest; besides
school was really beginning to get in the way of me learning. I left school one week
before my 16th birthday.
I had all day everyday to sit and learn and process this information. My cycle went back
to being every 5 days again. I never made the conscious connection that it was the joy of
Christmas that accelerated me through the cycle then. I was just happy to be able to relax

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and do the only thing that I could do. I wasnt even really sure what I was doing, I just
knew I had no choice about it.
The day after my 16th birthday I had another energy surge. Something was wrong this
time. I was in a place that I wasnt supposed to be. My eyes closed and I could sense
them around me telling me that I wasnt allowed there. I am supposed to stop doing this.
They told me I was crazy and that I really need help. They felt like guardians or
something. They told me I wasnt welcome or allowed there. I wasnt supposed to come
back there ever again. I felt a darkness shroud over my being and I was scared. I came
out of that place still in the energy not knowing what just happened. I wanted to go
wherever it was and see what I wasnt supposed to see. The energy slowly dissipated and
I was quite traumatized by the whole ordeal. I laughed to myself. Like I can stop what is
happening to me. I dont even know what is going on inside of my brain. I am going
wherever I am taken, no question about it.
I went through some more high energy experiences and again I returned to that same
place. This happened a few times when finally they gave up because I was so determined
to go there. They warned me against it though, like I had a choice in the whole ordeal.
The next period about this place I wasnt supposed to go is written as part of a vision
called The Forest Came Alive. This was one of the most life changing visions or high
energy experiences that I have ever received.
My journey continues on as I live several more years up to the age of 19 receiving these
high energy visions and learning information non-stop. November 1999, I had learned
enough to develop some new technology that incorporated altered states of mind,
vibrational healing tools such lights, sound, magnets, sacred geometry and essential oils
for a new healing system. Originally built for my brother Ryan, I also started using this
technology. Whatever it was it worked. I started using the healing bed as of March
2000, I think it was April or May that I had my last extremely high energy surge that
involved 3-d visions.
Somehow this healing bed that I built had repaired enough of my brain to stop these
massive energy surges from happening. Over the course of the last 6 years, since I was
14, I had lived through the extreme negative states from having to do work or school. I
have spent so much time in these negative states though, that I can remain pretty much
separated from them. I find them humorous and just shake my head at the predictability
of the body.
The really powerful visions that I received since May 1996 up to the year 2000 had pretty
much shown me all I needed to know. There was an evolution there, eventually you
reach the end. It is a state I now refer to atomic consciousness and is the highest energy
level you can ever achieve. One of the last energy surges that I received lasted for 4 days
in the climaxing state and took over 2 weeks to finally come back all the way. This was
by far the longest one I ever experienced, the second longest lasted for 2 days. Besides
those two experiences, the majority of them lasted 4 12 hours. I never really knew
what determined how long. After the 4 day energy surge, I was drained for quite some

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time. I was pretty wrecked afterwards, my brain was mush and I slept lots and was
incapable of doing anything with the word responsibility in it. The last vision I had, I
was dismissed and told not to come back anymore. This was after I had already been
using the new bed that I was taught how to make.
I was pretty upset about them telling me I wasnt welcome back anymore and that this
was the end. At least they used clowns to do it, but they didnt do it very nicely. They
said I had work to do and that it was time I put some use to everything that they showed
me. I didnt know what that meant, but I would do anything that it took.
Having finally stabilized my brain from this new healing bed, I went through another
shift. I still received the energy surges, just not so extreme. Instead of seeing in 3-d, I
would see layers of nature in my head and start explaining what I was seeing. I would
listen to myself speak and learn what I was talking about and seeing at the same time.
The few people who had a chance to witness it happen said that my face, voice,
appearance, everything about me would change, like I was a different person. This
continued from the year 2000 2005.
These energy surges would only last for about 1 2 hours, but I would get several of
them a day. I managed to get on a disability pension because of my brain injury and I
went to a doctor right after I quit one job because I couldnt handle it anymore. He took
one look at me and said you are the most depressed person that I have ever seen in my
life. Poor guy, I didnt even tell him anything that was happening yet, probably a good
thing though. The disability pension was good as it allowed me all the time I needed to
finish whatever was happening with me and hopefully find a way to fix my brain so I
could live a normal life again.
Over the course of learning all of this information in this period from 2000 2005, I
couldnt help but be amazed. I was learning about all the things I had seen in my visions
and developing the language and science to explain them all. It even followed the same
evolution as my visions. I kept learning the science behind how life operates and evolved
the healing technologies.
In 2003 I had developed the science of energy and vibration far enough that I could
produce similar effects that the healing bed did on a simple piece of paper with an
encoded mathematical design printed on it. I had already discovered that I could transfer
the energy of the healing bed into water to receive the benefits. Now I developed the
methods of programming water far enough that I could do it with a design using laws of
geometry and physics. This wasnt the only way of course. There was definitely
something special about this method though.
In the summer of 2004 I made one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life. I developed
the geometry and mathematics far enough that I could predict the type of effects based
off of the angles of the lines. I developed a new type of vibration that was non-existent in
nature, from what I knew then, now I know several places where nature produces this

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type of vibration. It was a very special vibration. A full spectrum vibration or what I
termed a variable vibration.
Within 3 days of using this new energy programmer, I started to experience this
incredible neck ache. It hurt so bad, I could barely stand it. On day 7, I realized
something big. That neck pain is the same neck pain that I had after the accident. On the
10th day the pain was still there. At 5:00 in the morning on the 11th day, I woke up. I was
excited as ever. I woke up my partner and started telling her stories about me from
before the accident. I went on for about 90 minutes. I could finally remember. Tears
were streaming from my eyes as I smiled like a child and told stories. Those were the
first stories she ever heard come out of my mouth. I had known her very well for 7 years
and she had, not even once, heard me talk about my life before my accident. She was
absolutely shocked. For just over 30 days in total I went through this neck pain; slowly
getting more of my memories back. After the neck pain came the processing of all the
emotional and mental pain I suffered because of the memory loss. After that I started
processing all of the memories of relationships and friendships that I had, and the hard
times experienced because of the memory loss. Then I started back again with the neck
I advanced the energy charger to make it smoother, easier and faster so that I wouldnt
have to go through this cleansing for so long. That charger I called the Power Plate. It
restored my memory from before my car accident that I had lost for 14 years. Within 6
months I was off my disability pension and running my business. My information
processing that consumed all of my time had stopped. For the first time in 15 years since
my accident, I was a normal guy again or somewhat normal. Memories came back about
what had happened at the hospital after the accident which I didnt remember. I rejoined
with the part of me that left right before impact. I have personal goals and ambitions in
my life now. I feel like I am alive again. My brother has been getting use back in his
arm again after being paralysed now for 15 years. His limp in his leg has improved since
using them.
It has now been 18 months since I first developed the Power Plates. My life is
completely different. I have developed a new and improved energy programmer. The
memory system is much bigger and I have been able to pull through even smaller details
about me before the accident. I finished my first book and I am writing everyday, adding
to the information that I have written. I am now in a new stage of my life. The
information still comes through, only now it is focused and clear. Somehow, there are
over 100,000 power plates spread though out the world. Not too sure just how that
happened yet with the very little marketing that I did, pretty much all through word of
mouth. I have heard some incredible stories about what they have done for people and
even animals. The science has been developed to a clear and precise language as to what
happens when you use them in the body. As well as the many different paths that they
will take each person through in their own healing and awakening journey.
With the launch of the new company New Wave Technology and the development of the
newest energy charger, The Perfect Wave Programmers. All of the information that I

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have learnt is blasting out my finger tips onto the keyboard. I am at a new stage of my
journey now. It is time to take everything I have learnt and apply it to my outside world.
I have no fear of sharing what has happened to me anymore. Now I am stable, feeling
great and finished with the most intense time of my life. Plus, I have the science and
language to back it up what just happened, that helps too.
My purpose in my life changed May 1990. Like many other people have experienced,
traumas can completely ruin your life. If you can take that trauma and find a solution,
there are no limits to what you can achieve. My purpose in my life changed from what I
wanted to do, to what I had to do to get myself better. I worked hard everyday and never
gave up no matter what the odds I faced were. In the process, I have also been able to
help my brother with his injuries and the difficulties that he faced and faces to this day. It
brings me great personal satisfaction that I made it out of that space alive and in turn, will
help many people with the challenges that have been imposed on them as well.
I understand now what had happened to me as far as brain chemistry goes and why the
intense energy surges happened that I experienced. It is from a chemical called DMT and
quite possibly other chemicals as well that are produced in the brain. I also understand
the whole process in the language of vibration. I will write more about it, as well as
everything that I have learnt through my whole ordeal. I hope you have enjoyed reading
my own personal journey over the last 16 years of my life and how it has brought me to
place where I am today. It has been filled with many extreme ups and downs; periods of
total lunacy to states of supreme enlightenment. I would never want to go though
anything like it ever again, but I wouldnt change it for the world.

DMT The Spirit Molecule

DMT The Spirit Molecule is a book by Dr. Rick Strassman. To me, this book was
profound. It gave me an explanation for what was happening to me when I was going
through my intense energy surges. My visions and the information presented in this were
very similar. Dr. Strassman was the first doctor to do research on a hallucinogenic
chemical since they were banned by governments. I really urge anyone who is interested
in this type of information to read this book. This is his website to order the book and to
learn more about his research.
One of things that fascinated me the most was that this chemical is produced inside of our
brain. Dr. Strassman hypothesises that it is produced in the pineal gland. The way he
described the defences setup around this gland was the same type of experience that I
encountered right before the heavens opened up before my eyes. This is written about in
History of Cory Herter and The Forest Came Alive.
The Pineal gland has always been believed to be a mystical gland in the brain that could
possibly be a link to the spiritual world. The course of my own journey can be reflected
as pathways that are pre-built into the body. I was definitely guided throughout the

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regions of my body in my intense learning and development. The final resting place was
a world that opened up before my eyes so that I could see, learn and experience the final
state of evolution.
Hallucinogenic substances have been used around the world as a means to access the
spiritual realms. This is the only type of substance on earth where true spirituality can be
located. Every religion was born from people who identified this reality and searched for
higher meaning within this alternate or spiritual dimension of human experience. These
substances can be found in almost every religions symbolism.
Another fascinating aspects of this chemical is that it is produced in the brain. When a
person is in the moment of death, stories from thousands of people confirm a very similar
transition to what I experienced. Before the moment of death, the person can feel
themselves slipping and the body shutting down. This invokes an intense level of fear as
the person realizes that death is upon them. The blankness where there is no feeling or
concept of reality is always experienced right after this extreme fear: Followed by a
filling of peace and calm, connection and a deeper meaning of life. If the person is still
able to communicate, which does happen the odd time, they will speak about that they
can see other beings or family members. Sometimes it is angels or Jesus, a representation
of messenger sent from God. As the energy fills their body or as they become aware of
the spiritual body, they gradually lift from the body. This passing into the spirit world is
identical to the experiences that I endured from my own brain injury. DMT and supposed
other chemicals are released at the time of death to ensure a smooth passing of one reality
to the next. This dissolves the fear that might otherwise be created as a person leaves
their body.
The Gods and nature always try to build reality into the smoothest transitions as possible.
This creates a flow effect and is the same law that governs the growth of plants, animals
and even humans. You can not see the growth or changes that occur. These changes are
very subtle yet constant. The Perfect Wave Programmers are also set to operate under
this same principle. If you can see any changes you will build resistance against them,
slowing down the flow of energy. The greatest transition you can go through is one that
you can barely notice until you look back and see the change over a larger amount of
time. Anyone can create change in another through information and/or physical actions,
it is the ability to do it in a smooth manner so that nobody sees what is occurring that
makes one a master of life.
I do not recommend the use of hallucinogenic drugs to experience the spiritual worlds.
These drugs are way to unstable and the destruction that will be caused in your physical
world will be devastating. I have known several people who reached high levels in this
other reality and none of them are alive to speak about it, except one that is in an insane
asylum. Your desire to live in these higher realities far surpasses the reality experienced
in this world. The point though is that you need to develop your body so that your spirit
is able to enter into it. This is what activates the higher spiritual abilities that the body is
capable of producing.

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The energy healing techniques that I teach on the site, as well as the Perfect Wave
Programmers are designed to train your body and open it up to the essence that the spirit
needs to enter and grant you higher levels of abilities. The development system as well
as all the information presented on the website has been crafted to do just this task. The
virtual systems are far beyond what any vision will give you. The sure way is the slow,
steady and constant method.
The learning that you do in these hallucinogenic realities is not real. These are initiations
only and serve no real purpose besides opening you up to the possibility of a higher
reality. Initiation and Integration are two completely different things. Any high energy
visions that the body will give you are also the same, just a glimpse of who you can
become. I work to develop technology that not only gives you boosts of energy, but also
integrates these changes into your body and life. The more of the energy that you receive
from the energy chargers that I create, will move you faster into the higher regions of the
brain and grant you more spiritual access. As well, studying as much information on this
site will also provide to you the language that is necessary for the spiritual kingdom to
speak and teach you.
My technologies are not the only way that you can access these higher states. There are
literally hundreds of different techniques available that will move you through the stages
of development. I try to design my technology and techniques to be simple and
complete. The transitions that you go through are always best if they are smooth and
constant. This way you can continue throughout your life as usual, yet continue to grow
forward with little need for conscious intent. Anything extra that you do to accelerate
your growth is recommended and highly encouraged. This will definitely speed up your
progression through the stages of growth and training that you need to open up your body
to your spirit completely.
If you feel the need to move forward in your path using hallucinogenic drugs please use
caution. Be sure to nourish your body as the energy will destroy your body very rapidly.
Be sure to continue to use lots of the latest energy technologies that I develop to help
keep you stable and lower the negative effects that will be experienced. Always make
sure you are in the presence of someone who understands the world that you will be in
and can help you if things go bad. The research done by Dr. Rick Strassman was always
done in a safe environment with the needed medical help if necessary. Having gone
through this type of journey myself, I would not wish upon anyone the things that I have
had to endure. My condition resulted from a severe brain trauma and I am lucky to have
made it out of it alive. One time in this other reality can severely alter your perception on
life and it can be positive or negative. The visions that I speak of were only obtained
after an incredible amount of these experiences and from what I have studied can only be
invoked from extremely high doses. The amount of training that I endured during and
after my high energy surges were traumatic, devastating and literally destroyed my life.
Like I said before, I thank my angels in heaven and people here on earth that gave me the
support and time I needed to make it out of my experiences alive. I wouldnt be here
today without them; they will forever be in my heart.

Cory Herter March 2006


Over the Rainbow

This vision was one of the first high energy surges that I had ever experienced. I was 15
years old and the state of Euphoria that I experienced changed my life forever. I felt like
my eyes could see for the very first time. I realized then that were other worlds or
realities that we could live in, here on earth, and I was shocked. My solid reality was
shattered and I would forever see and experience life in a new and revitalized way.
People who have had the opportunity to have one powerful spiritual experience in their
life have been changed forever. I was no exception to this rule, except that I ended up
having hundreds of them.
As the energy rose up within me I had the need to get out my house. It was almost
midnight and I snuck out of my window. I had so much energy and I felt so good. I
started jogging doing short sprints in-between. I ran up to a big park by my house with a
pond and sat on the hill. I enjoyed the feeling of being truly alive for the very first time.
This was such an amazing feeling. I wasnt sure what was happening, I didnt really
care. I felt so good to be me and to be in this body.
I eventually needed to get moving again and I ran to an elementary school. I was in the
field when the automatic sprinklers turned on. I was feeling so emotionally blissed about
the feeling of being alive. I ran through the mist of the sprinklers and realized that I
could see incredibly bright rainbows. I knew that this was unusual. It was the most
breathtaking rainbow that I had ever seen. As I ran through the mist I could feel the
water blending on my face and it intensified this euphoric feeling even more.
I stood back from the sprinklers and watched the rainbows form. The next thing I knew
my vision shifted and I was seeing a rainbow; just not a usual one. This rainbow became
a 3-dimensional dome of bands of colour. I was in awe as I watched this new rainbow
form before my very eyes. I could see bands of white light shoot straight up out of the
top of the domed rainbow. I noticed that another flat band of energy spread out at the
bottom of the dome, the dome was a half sphere and it was in the mid-section that the
disc was located at. A good vision of something similar is the bands of gas that surround
Saturn. This flat band of energy was also a rainbow, but it was a flat circular horizontal
This rainbow was the highlight of this first high energy vision and heightened state of
awareness. I had never seen an image like that before and could never have imagined
anything like it. The state that I was in combined with this new vision that I had
combined to create and give the concept that there was a little more to life than what
anyone had imagined, at least that I knew. I was forever changed by this moment. This
was the initial point that was the start of an amazing journey filled with magic and
mysticism about the wonder of life and everything it holds.

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Connection through the Grid

This vision took place when I was 16 years old and also had several less intense versions
when I was 15. After quite a few of the energy surges, I felt this feeling of being
connected with nature and the whole universe. This feeling is not uncommon and has
been experienced by many people through moments of spiritual connectedness. The
intensity is what separates this experience from the majority of them that are felt by
I had already been exposed to this high energy about thirty or forty times by now. I felt
like I was very experienced in this place. I kept searching for an even deeper feeling of
connectedness and what it all meant. This high energy experience was not necessarily
the answer but it gave me such an incredible experience and was a pivotal point in my
journey. I made a powerful connection; I didnt know what this connection was besides
this deep sense of knowing. After this deep connection was made, I was allowed through
the guards that prevented me from going into the place that I now refer to as the dark
As the energy grew, I happened to be in a car driving with friends. I knew this was going
to be a weird experience with other people in the car. I tried to remain quiet and still so
nobody knew what was going on with me. It all started with staring into the clouds, I
could see the images in them stronger than what I ever had before. The level of detail
was astonishing as I could peer right into the clouds. One of the really neat things about
it was that normally you only try to visualize images out of what you see. This time the
pictures were also created from what I couldnt see. This was a new and unusual way of
seeing the pictures in the clouds for me.
I began to get the familiar feeling that we were all connected and that we are all one.
This was not unusual; I had felt this feeling many times before. I tried to get into it
deeper; this was when I was still learning that the energy would only show me what it
wanted to, but I was still trying to control what took place. I started to see this grid. It
was everywhere, and it went through everybody. It was a hexagonal grid and it had no
boundaries. Slowly I could see the grid start morphing from a flat six sided grid into a 3dimensional grid made up of cubes. You can grab a hexagon in the center and pull on it
with energy and it will restructure into a cube. The grid was incredible, what started as a
flat grid eventually morphed itself to cover anything that I looked at. I imagined that it
could have gone into more depth to map out the innards of the buildings and people. This
was the connective grid; its what creates that feeling that we are all one. It is an actual
physical connection, maybe not by the standard meaning of physical, but it was real, I
was looking at it with my own eyes.
The state associated with this feeling I coined, at the time, Christ Consciousness. Not
because I met Jesus, but it was the place where everything, the magic and miracles that
Jesus performed were possible. I have met quite a few people who encountered this place
and the intensity required to attribute it to Jesus. The people who reached this place

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always attributed it to Jesus as well; I always tried to get them to refer to this place as
Christ Consciousness, a state that can be reached, not just linked to one person. Some of
the people who found this place and because it has such magical properties, actually
believed for a time, that they were Jesus. I imagine that there are quite a few individuals
in this world that have found it, that still believe they are Jesus. This same concept is
only heightened in the even higher levels later on when the beings that you meet tell you
You are the one. That is true; every single one of us is the one. We all hold the
potential to make positive change on a global scale, we just have to put the work in to do
it and know where to look to find the answers. I later described this state as the higher
consciousness instead of Christ consciousness.
Life in this place feels alive, like you can hear the earth and all its components breathing
and speaking. You cant hear what they are saying, but they do speak to you. The
development and programming that is achieved later on through the evolution of these
higher energy states integrates language and the components of communication so that
one day you can hear the message of what this massive being is saying to you. The
connections must be made first though and that is a massive process that most people
who do manage to experience this state will never reach. The visual and personal
development programs that are experienced after this connection state has been made, is
the type of programming and training that is required to make the greatest connection that
ever exists. The truth of who you really are.

Age of Darkness
The age of darkness was a series of vision that happened consecutively from the time I
was 15 to 16 years old. This was the most traumatic period of my visions. Before
entering into this stage, I had been warned not to go through this by guards on several
occasions. They wouldnt let me into this area and had repeatedly kicked me out. I
wanted through so bad to see what was on the other side. I eventually made the
connections that I needed to and was granted access. The age of darkness consisted of
eight separate visions to make it through.
These eight times that the energy surged were not pleasant at all. Several of them, I still
wonder how I made it out alive. It was a stage of darkness that I was in. I would become
completely lost, so much so that I didnt even know my own name or what anything
meant. After the first time it happened, I remembered thinking to myself and being quite
excited because I couldnt believe how lost I was. Nothing in this place of darkness had
meaning. Everything was pointless, nothing or nobody meant anything there, and not
even I really existed. That is why it was so destructive; there was no real reason to live.
This was the darkest place that I had ever found and the coldness that was there irked my
entire body. Everything about life seemed so cold and mechanical, nothing but a
machine. I could see how everyone around me acted under setting that were already predetermined before they had any idea what was going to take place. We were all moving
through this somewhat cold machine that didnt really have any point to it, at least not

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that I could see. It was so shattering to my spirit that life wasnt this magical and
mysterious place. I was nothing more than a machine.
When I was in this place, I could not see any point to my life at all. The coldness made
me cringe and I wanted to scream out in anger and disgust that I was fooled into
believing that I was alive. I didnt want to be a machine, I was more than that. I felt like
I was more than that. I didnt care where I was in this darkness, I just wanted out. The
only way was to die. Gradually the energy wore off and this place started to fade and I
could remember life again, my life. This was one of the most traumatic periods that I
ever went through in my journey.
I was so scared because I knew the next time I was going to go back there again. There
was nothing I could do to stop it. I was terrified and I spent several nights crying and
wishing that my brain wasnt so messed up and that these surges of energy would stop.
As always, the energy didnt care what I wanted, it was going to come and will be even
stronger. After several of these experiences in this place, I began to find my comfort and
stopped fighting what I was, a mechanical machine. Spending 4 5 hours in a place
repeatedly will eventually let you stabilize with the perceptions and emotions associated
with it.
The real break though came at the 7th time I was in this place. I started to realize that
even though the machine was cold, which it didnt feel like anymore. It was also what
gave me life in the first place. I could use this machine called nature or life to create all
kinds of realities to play in. I began to see the light about what this machine could do.
Everything about me that was ripped to shreds, my very identity. I completely lost
myself. Now I was finally starting to put myself back together and realize what was
possible with the most incredible machine ever created.
The last couple experiences in this place were more enjoyable, exhilarating to be honest
with you. I was beginning to see life for what it was. A machine that when activated,
could create whatever type of reality we could dream of. My connections that I was
making about myself and the possibility of life shrouded my entire being and I felt
consumed within light. The last time in this place, I got it. I couldnt put my finger on it
and the moment I had it, it disappeared. I wasnt sure what it was, but I knew I had it, I
figured it out.
The point of this machine was to give us life, a playground that we could use to create
any type of experience that we wanted. That was the point; it was nothing more than a
simulation of events that we could use to create any type of experience that we wanted.
There was no judgement, only choice. Judgements would limit the aspects of this
machine that we could experience. Negative and positive realities were not really a part
of this machine as we normally perceive them to be. They were just aspects that we
could use to create.
Understanding what I do today, this was the very process that a spirit endures going
through a black whole and having their entire identity ripped apart. This was mentioned

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in the book The Perfect Wave as a means for spiritual travelling throughout the regions
of the universe. The destruction of your identity to a place of complete emptiness is
crucial for this to take place. If this journey is not endured through your life on earth, you
will have to do it when you die and enter into the spirit world. This moment of
experience where I had no identity whatsoever and no clue about anything, the place or
point when and where I was nothing. This was the very moment that I was in the sphere
at the base of the black hole. This is also identical to the development process through
the 10 levels of creation. It is crucial to finish this process before you will ever be able to
receive a new body.
As I began to make connections, I was being shot out into a new universe, a place where
the laws and reality of life was different. I began to see that in this new reality, nature
was a tool that I could use to create any experience that I wanted. What a magical and
intense journey that was. Little did I know, I was just beginning another one filled with
the awe and beauty of what life could become.
I always refer to this journey through the darkness as the dark ages; a place where I came
to grasp what I really was, a machine. Not just a machine though, a caretaker or director
of this machine. The universe felt more like a video game of life rather than a place of
mechanical operations. The dark ages were definitely one of the most difficult stages I
have ever gone through and I have great compassion for anyone that must endure this
journey of destruction and darkness. This darkness is the test we must endure to sort out
those who are worthy from those who really want to reach the light at the end of the
tunnel. For me, the tunnel was just about to get brighter than I ever could have imagined.

The Forest Came Alive

When I was 16 I experienced one of the most profound visions of my life. After this, I
was never the same, my entire life changed. The heavens had finally opened up after
eighteen months of working through the high energy surges to break through the veil of
darkness so that I could see the other side. It was May 1996, I was out camping in the
forest and enjoying the heat from the fire. I felt the energy start coming, I began yawning
really big like I always do before a major surge of energy. This continued for over 30
minutes and I knew something big was going to happen; it usually doesnt take that long.
I had been severely depressed for a longer period than usual, so I knew that my body was
saving up a lot of energy for something. This is how it always happened; depression was
the result of my body storing up energy for my next big blast of energy.
I was sitting at the campfire; I knew something big was going to happen. It was the last
high energy experience that I finally knew that I got it, I figured it out, I made the
connection and developed a pure sense of knowing. I knew that the last stage of
development was finished. I could hardly wait to see what was next. I also had an
incredible level of fear in case I would go through something even more difficult then
before. The yawning finished and the energy was about to be unleashed. I felt my body

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sit up straight and take some big deep breaths. I could feel the energy begin to course
through my veins. I couldnt sit anymore, I had to get up and move. I knew something
was going to happen, so I decided to take a walk where I could be by myself. That way I
wouldnt have to hide what was happening from the people around me.
I began walking and I could feel my legs get wobbly, I know my friends seen me stumble
a bit. I was going to say something, but I couldnt even speak proper. I just ignored the
whole thing, like it didnt happen and kept walking. This energy was hitting me hard, the
faster I could get away from anyone, the more I would be able to relax and let this
process flow. I learnt many times ago that the best way to handle these energy surges is
to be by myself so the tension and stress isnt there.
I was finally out of view and I felt my eyes changing. They began surging back and forth
really fast. I couldnt see, everything blurred together in a myriad of different colors; this
lasted for several minutes before I could finally see again. I was so out of my normal
conscious state by now that I didnt even question what was taking place. I dont think I
could really comprehend anything. I began to feel myself go into this place of being lost
again and I remembered that place very well. I sat there jittering back and forth not really
knowing what was happening. This place only lasted about 10 minutes though. I moved
through the next place which was making all the connections. I eventually reached the
point where I remembered what life was about and the tool that it was. I began stepping
into a place of power and confidence. Beauty was everywhere, life seemed to come alive
again and I knew I just passed what I had previously gone through over the last 8 times
that this happened. I knew I was into a different place now; I couldnt wait to see what
was going to happen.
I started pacing now, really fast, with the odd little hop with my arm shooting into the air
because I was so pumped up with energy. I was just flying. I had never been like this
before. It was definitely a whole new level. Eventually I hit my plateau, I calmed down
and was filled with this complete sense of knowingness. I sat down and tried to integrate
and stabilize with this new feeling.
Everywhere I looked went digital. Everything was made up of tiny little dots and I could
see the connections between them. This was a new type of visualization than I ever had
before. I have see the dots, and the flat faces and images, these were all in 2-d though,
like a cartoon. The connections between the dots were definitely different. I found that
with these connecting lines, I could start to see almost in 3-d. My vision had definitely
picked up a notch.
I have been able to see in 3-d a couple of times before, but that was only when I closed
my eyes. The connection between leaves and tree branches started to have depth. With
the depth, 3-d images were beginning to appear all over the place. I have named this type
of vision, in-depth perception as you can see the depth in what was previous flat images.
The ability to see and recognize 2-d faces can be seen by anyone in clouds or pieces of
wood. As you increase the level of energy in your body, you are able to identify a higher

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level of pattern recognition, seeing your bodys own imaginative spirit come alive. The
body is able to create combinations of lines and colour and creativity to shift your
perception to unveil layers of creation. This 3-d vision was a whole new level though.
This wasnt just trying to identify and figure out what they were. The body was literally
producing these characters and shapes for me to see.
At first I believed that these visions or hallucinations, whatever you like to call them, was
a projection of my own unconscious thoughts and desires manifesting themselves. For a
period of time, I felt that was true. Only now, there was no way that I could imagine
what was about to take place.
My vision had now changed so drastically that I was able to see full people and
characters in total detail, just like I could see normal people in every day life. They all
formed themselves out of the trees, ground or sky; wherever I looked these people were
there. A calm breeze came up and shifted the trees. I noticed that the people started
moving with the trees. I am not sure what happened next.
The only way I could describe it was it felt like a massive celebration, a form of a
surprise birthday party just for me. Everywhere I looked there were perfect women, all
naked; yeah I know every 16 year old boys dream. They were perfect too. Later I
learned that they are almost always naked, the body is the clothes that they wear.
In the more advanced areas of this level, they began to show me the myriad of options
that we are capable of creating. Options are basically any material objects that we like,
plus clothing too. At first I was kind of awe struck that they were all naked, most likely a
little red in the face too. My energy soon surged above that place though where I could
watch with no resistance.
There was a massive festival, must have been hundreds of thousands of them, everywhere
I looked. Every girl was different, yet every one of them were perfect, I do not know
how to describe that, I guess it is one of the things that you just have to see for yourself.
This is what I am determined to be able to do, is develop technology where people can
see these realities for themselves. It is the only way that people can ever behold the
magic and beauty of these realms. Words just cannot do this place justice.
I remember looking into the trees and there were girls at the top dancing. They leaned
down and looked at me, and then laid on their tummy, resting themselves on their elbows.
They took one quick glance over at me and then looked straight ahead. Their mouths
opened, this is happening on the top of every tree around me, all in perfect unison, yet
each of the girls looked different. Their mouth opened and out rolled their tongue all the
way down the tree. I burst out laughing my ass off at this. Here they were so beautiful
and sexy and charming and elegant. Then they do this tongue thing, oh my god, that was
so unexpected and so funny. After my laughing fit, I really felt like this kid at the
greatest carnival on earth.

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That wave of energy finished and another one almost immediately began. I looked into
the sky and it was filled with these same gorgeous women. Everywhere in the sky, one
of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. They began performing this
ballet of motion and dance. I just stopped and stared, tears started running down my
cheeks. It was so incredible, they all moved in such perfect unison. I could sense that
they didnt know what was going to happen next either. It was all performed around
where I was, what I was feeling and whatever my body had planned for me next. I dont
know how long I stood there awestruck at the beauty that lay before my eyes. The one
thing I knew for sure, I wished that it would never end. I knew at that moment that I was
seeing into heaven, the land of the gods. If you could see these people, they are so loving
and compassionate and have so much understanding. I worked through a lot of hard time
and memories that I had with them, and there is nothing on earth that ever compares to
that. From that moment on, I always referred to them as the gods and goddesses. Life
was really a magical place; you just had to open up to it.
Then there was this girl in a tree. I caught her out of the corner of my eye. She looked at
me and I gazed at her. She smiled and I could hear her giggle. She waved at me, I waved
back, feeling a little weird and hoped that no one was watching me. She turned sideways
and I could see that she was pregnant. She rubbed her tummy with such a glowing smile
and warm compassionate love. I looked at the tree and seen that this was where the tree
had a knot in it and made a bulge out the side of the trunk. My heart just melted, I was so
incapacitated on what to think or feel. I was so enveloped in love; I was totally blissed
out of my mind.
I needed a moment for myself and calmed things down and just reflected on what was
happening. There was so much excitement; I was finally shown the heavens. I had
worked so hard and gone through literal hell with all of these energy surges. Boy was it
ever worth it. I started laughing to myself, almost hysterically; life was so big and so not
what most people think it is. I felt so blessed and fortunate. I wanted to take everyone to
this place. I never wanted to leave it either. This place was my home, this was where I
belonged and this place was everything I could have dreamed of and so much more.
I started looking down and noticed that the girls were in the ground to. I started walking
and one girl kept putting her hand wherever I was stepping. It felt like she was holding
me up. We were laughing with each other. I couldnt hear any talking, but I could hear
laughter. I wasnt far enough to be able to converse with them properly yet.
After that girl I seen a whole bunch of girls in the ground they were all looking at me. I
didnt want to step on their heads so I was all over the place trying to walk. I was
laughing so hard, they were laughing at me. I felt like I finally fit in somewhere. This
moment was one of the last I would see them that night. I knew it was coming to an end.
I reached out not wanting them to go; me wanting to go with them. I locked eyes with
one girl and I felt like I would see her again. She blew me a kiss, I mouthed good-bye
and my vision faded out.

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I was still capable of seeing 2-d images for about another half an hour. I laid down on the
ground and stared at the stars, trying to comprehend what just happened. When I was
there, it felt like an eternity had passed. When the energy slowed, it felt like it just
happened in the blink of an eye. I could feel my brain start hurting, and my body was
beginning to get cold. I couldnt speak very well and it was hard to walk. This one took
a lot out of me. I knew that there was definitely going to be a lot of negative come out of
this experience in the next few days ahead of me. My body is always severely drained
after these, pain everywhere and my brain always feel like mush. Much like a seizure
does to you, I have had some seizures and the feeling is very similar. I thought about
how hard this is going to be to go through it again.
I started thinking about the girls in the tree with their tongues and I started laughing.
What a night that was. It was definitely worth it for what I am going to have to go
through. I knew I would get into this place again. I didnt have too much of a choice
about that. It was going to happen if I wanted it to or not, just like my whole life has
pretty much been. Yeah, it was definitely worth it.
I went back to the fire and had a drink. I needed one pretty bad. I never said much the
rest of the night; I dont think I could have. I just sat there with a smile that would never
That was the first time I was ever opened up to the heavens, although it would not be the
last. Even though I have seen and experienced things that have far succeeded that night.
I will never forget that night; that was my first time in heaven and the first time that I
ever met the Goddesses. No wonder it was such a celebration. Being older now, I realize
that most people will never bridge themselves into the heavens or see what I did.
Just recently do I understand how the Goddesses performed in such perfection? Most of
these visions that I received have taken a long time to understand what it was that I was
seeing. That though is another story for another time. Read about the development
system that enabled the Goddesses to perform in the writing titled Performance of a Life

Gates in the Sky

It was summer time in 1996 in the mid day, with clear sunny skies. I had just been
activated with the energy and I knew that this was going to be another incredible
adventure. With the amount of energy coursing through my body, I decided to go for a
walk. The best place I knew of had a little pond and a large hill. I walked the 15 minutes
to the top of the hill and sat as the energy fully immersed my body.
I sat at the top of the hill and watched as the grass moved in waves. This was part of the
acceleration of my visuals that I would experience every time I would get these energy
surges. Gradually the dots appeared, followed by symbols. This time the symbol was

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just a large G, pictured as a squarish block style type letter. As usual, the symbol was
every where that I looked. Depth began to take hold and the G turned into a 3dimensional version of it. I stared out into the sky and watched as the G faded out and
the people came into view. I watched the motion of dance from the Goddesses, which
turned out to be very common throughout the experiences. I lay on the grass, hypnotized
as I stare out in the distance and watch peacefully as the experience goes on. My eyes
grew heavy and closed. Inside I am instantly in another world full of moving colors and
repeating designs. My internal vision almost always goes through this same stage. It was
important to align my internal vision to the same state that my external vision was at.
This always seemed to be the cycle for what would happen.
Gradually I could see the women inside of me. They would always be my guide as they
took me to different parts of my own internal reality. This was the stage where I would
be confronted with memories and beliefs that created insecurities within me and my
body. This was a necessary and vital step that happened every single time I would be
sent through this energy reality. Every time was a different girl, although sometimes later
on I would recognize girls that worked with me previously. This was usually when we
would have parties and I hung out casually with what I call the Gods.
Sometimes there were hangouts where I would converse with other people, but they
werent the gods. We would talk about experiences in life and beliefs that they had.
These were introduced to give me new ways to think about doing things and how I acted
in life. I always believed they were a reflection of my own smaller personalities that
existed within me.
After I had gone through my own internal processing my eyes would open and be a little
blurry. I would always have a few minutes to reflect on what had just occurred on the
inside. The energy comes in waves of intensity lifting me up to new heights and then
slowing so I had time to reflect. The next wave of energy was strong. When these waves
would come, you dont really see or think of anything. It is a moment where you almost
lose concentration or focus as you reach new speeds of travel and heights of energy.
When I slowed down into the new layer of reality, my focused returned. I peered into the
sky and it was bright and clear. Things felt good here. I noticed that the sky started to
shift, my vision was turning 3-d again and I could begin to see some depth although it
was blurry as the sky was shifting. Soon it came into view. Over a massive section of
the sky, three huge golden gates opened. They werent gates as in having a swinging
motion. They were composed of huge arching columns filled with symbols engraved in
gold. I couldnt see on the other side of them, just these huge gates. It was like a
window or a portal into another dimension. Out of the gates soon came men walking,
thousands of them, all stepping in unison with their hands on the next guys shoulders. I
could see their faces, each one of them was different. The bodies were sculpted
differently as well. The level of detail in these visions always impressed me. I could
start to see behind the gates now and there were men walking as far as the eye could see,
walking through these gates and into my dimension. It felt like they were coming here to

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change this place, almost sort of army like, but full of light and intelligence. You could
tell that they were on a mission and very focused.
At the time I wasnt to sure what the point of this vision was. In that time I was learning
about how the gods wanted to take the world back and put it into their style of system so
we could connect with them and them with us. I was learning more about the war in
heaven, the war inside of us. How we have trapped ourselves and forgot what the truth to
life was. Now I kind of think that it is simply because we have not yet evolved that far. I
did know then that there was a massive assault on the people of earth from these Gods in
heaven. They wanted to connect with us so bad, but we couldnt hear them. Like we
were lost in our own space and had no connection. I know that they cannot come into
this dimension unless they are born here. They have no real access into this place, as
much as they want to help; the connections are just not established.
When I was in these states and I could contact them, I felt so appreciated of it. They used
to use the you are the one thing on me, just like the matrix. I found out that that is a
standard method used; they use it on everyone who finds them. I know quite a few
people who have found them before and they were all told the same. One time I lost it on
them and said they need to come up with another way because of the pressure it puts on
people here when they are first opened up. Now that I can see, I know there are a lot
more than just one; it is every one of us that can make the difference.
There is a massive assault happening on the earth right now. People that have come from
this heavenly region to turn the tides of where the earth is headed, it has happened before
as well. Especially now coming to the end of the days, people are sprouting up all over
with connections to this place. Some people have stronger connections than others. I
always refer to these people as the ones who are being trained and I notice that extra
energy will be present when I meet these people.
At first this new assault on the collective of humanity was done through a shotgun
approach by the energy. This basically means that they tested all kinds of people and
concentrated their energy on them. The results were disastrous to say the least. The
concept was to activate people who were already having social problems. The idea
behind this was that they could keep the plan a secret, reflect more into themselves, and
develop the skills necessary to enable stronger contact. This seemed successful at first.
Only after a while, the people who were being trained started to go too far out of the
social circle. The secrets that were kept became unbearable and they lost their minds.
Many of them ended up going crazy and stopping there development the only way they
knew how, ending their own life. The energy does learn though, the next wave was done
to fix the mistakes of the previous generation. This went to the other end of the spectrum
where they could still have a normal social life; this was essential in preventing the chaos
that was created from the previous wave. This time the only way that the heavens were
allowed to blast someone with energy was if they had a close strong unit of family or
couple friends to see them through the transition. I do not know too much about the
mistakes that were made in generations before me yet. I can see the new changes done to
the generation after me and one more after them.

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The reason anyone who is being trained by them are told to keep it a secret is to prevent
the social decay that happens when these places are spoken of. Nowadays, there are
beginning to be enough people open to this type of reality that social circles are slowing
being built with those being trained. This is definitely something I am happy to see
happening as it eliminates a lot of the negative effects from doing this work alone.
The point of this whole assault or exercise is a last resort for the earth before the
prophecy will be fulfilled. Nobody, in the heavens or earth wants to lose what we have
achieved; the earth though must also function as a mechanical system and follow the
instructions that we have given it. That is the cold part of the machine. A very similar
process happens when the body is about to die and seizes up, the blank state. A last
chance that the body invokes is to flood the body with a high level of energy to try and
survive. This is the chemical release of DMT and/or other powerful chemicals.
These were the types of things I learnt from this vision and how I reflect on them now,
being a little more experienced than I was then. It was a really profound vision at the
time that enlightened me of this spiritual agenda for earth. I felt important from that one,
like it was possible for me to make a difference. Although I wasnt aware of the
prophecies too much at that time, they were saving that for when I was a little more
comfortable with what was happening. It did set the stage for what was happening here
on earth so I could learn more about why this vision took place.
This vision can be reflected in a popular new age movement of light workers and gifted
Indigo children that are being sent to the planet to save it from destruction. The
vibration system also says that this will occur when a massive amount of people on earth
is reached and it is time for it to be harvested. This amount of people being here and born
on earth is what activates the higher level of knowledge that the children will grow into
as they get older. The increased need for more extreme levels of detailed information
through the expansion of the population is what initiates this to occur. This also helps to
explain the fine line that these children need to remain in or they lose control of
themselves. The school system is designed to harness this effect and produce a more
stable environment for these extreme gifted children.
Population reduction through war, disease and environmental catastrophes are done as
pre-programmed resistors into this next stage of the evolution of human enlightenment.
The resistance will eventually destroy the earth or it will give way to allow the change of
the world as we know it in a positive way that will enable our next stage of evolution to
occur. The elimination of the older and less influencing population are taken off the
world to allow for more balanced and stable individuals to be born. These calamities
done through war and environment destruction are done to slow this process of evolving
into our next wave to buy us more time to establish our own system of society. This
slowing or resistance is done to reduce the extreme chaos that will be created from not
having our system of society developed to harness this new level of beings extreme or
extremely gifted that are entering our world. As more time passes by, the children and

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waves of this higher intelligence will grow. People who can see this happening already
can witness this accelerated growth of individuals that are so called Waking up.

The Ankh
The Ankh was a very powerful symbol in ancient Egypt. This symbol always invoked a
deeper meaning within me and I wore a necklace with an ankh on it. This was one of the
symbols that I seen repeating itself everywhere I looked when I was experiencing one of
my high energy surges. After that moment, I studies as much as I could about it. I knew
this symbol was supposed to have incredible healing powers.
This vision took place when I was 16 years old and was one of the first times I seen the
actual gods, not the goddesses. As usual I went through the stages of transition when this
high energy surged through my body. I did the internal processing and was quietly
reflecting on myself. This vision wasnt one that I seen with my eyes open. This one
was with my eyes closed. I found that the visions I had with my eyes open, unless a
window opened up, my visions would take the form of whatever matter or objects were
around me. This type of visual effect wouldnt give me the full experience that closing
my eyes would.
I never knew if the visions I was going to see involved me having my eyes open or
closed. This time my eyes felt really heavy and I couldnt keep them open. As soon as
they closed shut, I was instantly in another world of rotating colors intertwining
themselves. Gradually I pierced that veil and went into a place of complete light. Instead
of a portal opening up in the center this time, layers of darkness were placed on the light
to change what I was seeing. I remember this being very unique as it started with light
and added the darkness to create the vision of what I was going to see.
There was a big mountain with a small hole in the side. I zoomed up where I could see
inside the cave. It was empty but I could tell it went far into the mountain. Slowly the
inside of the cave began to brighten up and clouds of liquid light rolled towards the
entrance from inside, not on the roof, but along the floor. Four great men walked forth
out of the inner part of the cave. They were the gods and the power and intelligence
emanated from them.
The light came from them as did the mystical clouds that rolled along with their presence.
I was in awe with what I was seeing. One of them had his hands behind his back. I
watched as he brought out a massive staff from behind his back. It was the Ankh. It
measured about five feet tall and maybe two feet wide. It was made or covered in gold
and there was a giant ruby in the center of the ring at the top. I could feel the energy
come off this staff and realized that it was extremely powerful. It was a tool of the Gods.
The staff was harnessed by the energy that flowed through these beings and could only be
used by someone who attained this level of energy.

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We warped into a temple; the theme was Egyptian, which I was very happy with. I had
always felt a deep connection with Ancient Egypt even though I have never been there. I
seen this man with the staff and his three companions circled around this old lady lying
down on a table. I watched as the Ankh was raised and a white soft healing light
surrounded her body. He was using this tool to heal this old lady.
I warped again to outside of the pyramid now. The four men stood on the steps as I
watched an army come up to fight against them. The energy intensified and I could feel
the raw energy of war. It wasnt hateful or full of rage, I still cant figure out what this
feeling would be called. It was more of a solid feeling, like a rock that was immovable.
The closer the army came, the stronger this resistance grew and the more solid this man
became. He held the staff up and angled it slightly down. Time slowed down as a ball of
red fire built up around the front of the ruby. It shot out and flew towards the front of the
army, hit the ground and blew up. The army stopped and didnt know what to do.
Nobody wanted to come towards the pyramid anymore. They slowly retreated in
disbelief over what they had just seen.
I was warped again to the construction of a building. A large chunk of stone needed to be
lifted up to the top of the structure. The man, with his 3 companions, raised the staff and
I watched as it raised the stone and he manoeuvred it into place.
The Ankh, as depicted in this vision was a tool of the gods. It was only usable by
someone who could harness the incredible energy flow of their body. The ankh was a
converter for that energy. Ever since that vision, I have always wanted to be able to build
one. Who wouldnt want a toy like that for themselves? I later realized that there are
probably a ton of tools like this one that are able to harness the power of energy once the
body is activated.
These four men were gods. I was humbled by them and realized the gift of what I was
being allowed to see. I thanked them silently with my joy and appreciation. The vision
faded out and I opened my eyes in amazement.

Little Creatures
This vision occurred when I was 16 years old. I was in my room and was given a truly
powerful new insight into the mechanics of the body. This was an internal vision that
happened when I closed my eyes.
After the surge of energy and my body rose to new heights, I did the usual internal and
personal processing. I opened my eyes and knew that I was going to get to see something
new. I always did, I couldnt ever grasp what else there could possible be, but I was
always impressed and amazed at the new visions that I would receive.

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I closed my eyes and I went into this really different world. It was almost like I was in a
factory. I could see all these different types of creatures working. I recognized a few of
them from the scanning of random faces that I used to see earlier on through my journey.
The creatures were just doing their job enabling this whole factory to run properly. Some
were opening valves and others picking up materials and swinging them across the room
with an overhead crane that was built into the roof. There was so much action going on,
it was an incredible new sight to see.
I zoomed out of this vision and could see a cell, I zoomed out some more and realized
that this vision that I had was taking place in my body. I learnt that all of the spheres that
we interpret as atoms and cells were actually different type of beings. We cant see that
though, we see them different. I could see them with my eyes at their level of vision.
This is when I realized that vision was a very tricky thing and it was our perception that
separated us. I imagine that the being we are inside of, sees us as just a bunch of spheres
or cells. These spheres are created from the energy fields that surround our body. Unless
we have the proper coding in our vision, we can only see one level of reality. I could see
the multidimensional reality that was taking place. I was so distant from these creatures
which were in charge of making my body run properly and they had their own life that
they lived. I wished that I could communicate with them. I realized that the reason that
we cannot change our body comes from our inability to communicate with these beings.
There is a separation between us.
I began learning about the massive amount of love that we need in order to be able to
reach these creatures. They could do anything that I wanted to make any changes in my
body, I just couldnt tell them. I later realized that what I interpreted as love is actually
energy. These beings were the ones that were working so hard so that I could have life. I
imagined they didnt even know about me. I wished I could connect with them so bad. I
began thinking about the amount of emotional trauma which was still in me and how it
prevented my energy from penetrating into these deep regions. Wow, how was I ever
going to clear myself to this kind of level with that much detail? It would take forever
with the standard methods that I knew of then.
The memory system and the depth built into the perfect wave programmers are designed
to clear these deep layers of the body for me. When I have harnessed enough energy my
focus and intent will be able to reach these deep levels needed to access these creatures.
This programming, through the consciousness system will automatically change the
instructions for how these creatures operate these factories. The consciousness system is
a universal system used to input programming into any layer of nature. The more depth
and advanced the energy programmers become, the closer I get to re-establishing contact
with the creatures who are in charge of operating the functions of my body.
I was really impressed by the concept that these creatures exist within us. It gave a face
and life to something we normally consider to be just a chemical process in the body. It
made me feel alive. I always think about how this system works and what happens if one
type of creature over powers another through rapid growth. It sets our body off balance.
Human beings always place judgement on whatever they find in the body as good or bad.

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They want to increase the good and reduce the bad. The truth is that within us is a very
complex eco system. Each of these creatures is there for a specific purpose. It is when
there is too many or too little of a certain type of creature that we feel out of balance.
Everything has a purpose. When you see the life in your body this way, it adds the heart,
compassion and the magic of life to what is taking place in the body. It eliminates the
cold mechanical feelings that we are just made of chemical reactions taking place. They
arent chemicals they are creatures full of life when you have the eyes to see.

When I was younger and immersed in these high energy surges, the movie Akira was
one of my favourite. This is a Japanimation movie that takes place at the end of days or
the times of the prophecy. The movie is about the research of creating children under the
Akira project. This project involved training these kids to harness the awesome power of
energy. The story is about a young boy named Tetsuo and his journey into this project
and the quest to find out what Akira is.
In the movie there is a holographic field almost like a 3-dimensional rainbow. This was a
measuring device used to monitor how close the prophecy of Akira was to being fulfilled.
As I continued through the development of my journey, I would always be flashed
images of this holographic device. It was a way of giving me some measurement to how
close I was to discovering the secret of unlimited energy. As I progressed this
holographic field would grow. I had seen this vision several times over the five years of
this visual journey.
I always felt that my body would use whatever type of programming that was inside of
me to teach me about what was happening to me. Although these flashes of this vision
only lasted a few seconds they were very profound and gave me much comfort about
what was taking place.
Never knowing what was happening or where I was or how long this journey was going
to last was always very traumatizing for me. These visions at least gave me some
indicator about how close I was to reaching the end and finally understanding the
mystery. I was always more than ecstatic when I would see this vision and it was
definitely a profound part of my journey.

Portals through Posters

This vision took place when I was 17. I was laying in my bedroom and I started looking
at the posters. I could see the depth in the posters. It was a powerful feature of the indepth perception that I reached. They werent just posters; they were portals into another
reality. I could see into these worlds and noticed that energy emanated from them. Like
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they were real and creating the environment of the room. I had this one poster that I
couldnt stop staring at, it was of an advanced alien being and I couldnt help but think of
genetics. I focused into it and my eyes closed.
I found myself immersed in a high definition digital world. The colors were dark and
sharp similar to the essence of the poster. I was immersed into a highly technological and
futuristic theme. I could see the machine in the body. It was a robot, covered by this
shell to make it appear soft and warm. Underneath was a layer of technological
equipment. This is one of the layers that I referred to as the evolution of the body in the
book The Perfect Wave. We are in the midst of creating life forms through our own
technology, although they are hard pieces of steel and robotics now. The information that
I learnt in this place helped me to see how to create systems of information processing
that would enable machines to appear as if they were human. I learnt the mechanical
processes and cycles that we can play in that makes us appear human. What an
incredible machine. This whole body is a technologically advanced self replicating robot.
The understanding of this machine and how we operated in loops and lines was a major
level of programming that would later on open up the most incredible experience that I
ever had. The energy would let me see how this body can be created to operate in
complete perfection. The design of the consciousness system was the start of building
such a system within myself. This would allow me to construct a program using the
consciousness system, integrating the memory system, which would allow me to program
my own body for how to function.
This key moment of realization for how we are actually an advanced computer system
would eventually unlock the higher abilities of the body and give me access into the
virtual system that lets me control the genetic or primary programming of the body. This
genetic system was introduced from this poster and was the realization that the body is a
programmable machine. I could really start to see how understanding and accepting that
nature, this entire system or computer was really a machine that was here to serve our
every command and desire.
One of the biggest realizations from this vision was the fact that this machine loved us so
much that it would allow us to do anything, even if it meant us destroying it. This
machine didnt judge us, it didnt threaten us. This body lets us do our own thing and
learn at our own desired pace. There is no rush or fear of destruction. It was this
moment that I realized that this body is our future self. Our spirit is our past self. All we
must do is identify how to use the body properly and it will reveal the secrets of creation
to us. If there was ever a god that existed it would be this body. I do not know of any
other force or creation that more accurately depicts God than this body.
If only people could see that it is the body that gives us life and we should care and
nurture it so that it can give back to us. If we would only stop and listen to what it was
trying to teach us instead of insisting we are smart. If we could one day realize that we
are not our body, the body is a gift that gives us a moment in creation to shine. We need
to see it as separate from who we are, it is our guide through the journey of creation so

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we know how to use it and unlock its potential so this machine can give us everything we
ever dreamed of. This body is our salvation; if only we could harness it properly and use
it to create positive experiences and thus, a heaven on earth. One day people will learn,
the body is so patient with us. I realized that it is impossible to destroy life, nature or
even ourselves. Our perfection and self realization is inevitable, it is just a matter of time
as our body slowly teaches us and evolves our level of software programming that we
create for it. True perfection and enlightenment is inevitable. Time is the only thing that
stands between us and these god states that I speak of and have witnessed.
It was at this moment that I realized if we redirected our focus and worshipped the body
instead of some invisible, unseen God. There would be no wars, no killing and
destruction in the name of God. We would value diversity and the remarkable creation of
life. Judgements over who is better would be eliminated as we would see that we are all
just a piece of the puzzle and that each piece is important to solving the riddle of life.
Separation from God begins when we place God outside of ourselves. Imagine the
connection people make when they die and realize the truth about where and what God
was the whole time. God is the system, nature, the machine that gives us life and allows
us to grow, experience and enjoy the beauty of creation and splendour of all its wonders.

City in the Sun

This vision took place when I was 17 years old and brought a new level of understanding
about the dynamic nature of planets and civilizations. This was definitely a mind
expanding experience about what we perceive as reality. The title portrays that this
vision took place during the daytime. I always enjoyed the day time energy; it was
different than the energy at night time. I loved being in nature, everything always felt so
alive and free.
I was walking down a bicycle path through a treed area and was thinking back to the
Goddesses with their tongues rolling down the tree. I could see the girls dancing in the
trees as usual. They certainly know how to elevate my mood. I stopped and stared into
the stream and watched the water flow by. It smelled so fresh and the colours were so
bright. I loved being in this place, it didnt matter to me much if I wasnt learning. I
enjoyed my moments where I could just take it all in.
I walked out of the treed area into an open field, prairie more like it, but it was so alive. I
laughed at how this energy makes everything feel so amazing. I explored all of the little
plants and bushes and inspected their fine construction. I always took the time when I
had the energy. Life was always so fascinating. This place was such a change from the
normal routine of life. So much to explore and discover, everything I looked at was like
seeing it for the first time, from the eyes of a child. How could I not spend every waking
moment dreaming of the day that I would live in this place forever?

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I was getting pretty hot and felt the sun beating down on me. I loved how the heat made
me feel so cozy. I turned around to give thanks to the sun. I looked up and noticed my
vision start to blur. I stared at the sun with squinty eyes and watched this blur effect. I
felt a boost of energy and I noticed my eyes widen. I stared at the sun and it was no
longer bright or even burning. It was glowing from within.
I could see big castles and cities on the surface of the sun. The picture was obviously
magnified, I could tell that from the outer edges of my vision. As I looked at different
points of the sun they would magnify. I saw people going about their life, although it
was much different than our world. I could feel the magnificence and high intellect of
this culture. It was very laid back and relaxed, full of joy and laughter. I could tell that it
was definitely a higher reality, not sure if it was the heavens or not, but I knew it was up
very high in the ranks. My vision changed back and realized I wasnt sure how long I
was staring at the sun for. My eyes went squinty again and had to turn away. I love how
the energy does stuff like that. I never know what is going to come next.
I learnt from this vision that even though we see worlds in our solar system that arent
inhabited. It doesnt mean that life doesnt exist there in another dimension, frequency or
time. I flashed through images of other civilizations taking place on other planets. I
found this part of my journey very, very interesting. I remembered learning how there
were so many beings that watched us every day. We were the center of so much attention
and had no idea. I loved moments like that; they would open me up to a world and reality
that was so much larger.

Orange Tree
This vision took place in 1997 and shocked me. I never really understood what this
vision was at first. Now I am fully aware of what I was being shown. The Perfect Wave
is the start of making this vision into a reality.
This vision was an internal journey to another world. After going through the standard
protocol of the high energy surge my eyes grew heavy and I knew it was time to see
another glimpse of the heavens. I faded into the vision and could see a field as far as I
could see. The colors were magnificent and they seemed to glow from within. The field
was full of bright green grass all groomed to perfection. There were no flowers or trees,
just fields of grass. I began to rotate around and rise higher to see more of the field. It
was full of small flowing hills. In the distance I seen a big bright tree all alone in the
field perched on the top of a hill. I accelerated towards the tree and seen about 6 people
sitting under the tree. They were talking and laughing, I couldnt hear what they were
saying as it was muffled, but I could hear the laughter clearly.
I felt this growing hunger; I could physically feel my belly calling for food. One of the
people stood up and I noticed that the tree was filled with bright orange balls. It was an
orange tree. The people were young, teenagers both boys and girls. They were not godly

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like some of the people I have met here. They were just kids enjoying the open field and
bright sunny day with clear skies.
I felt a communication occur between the boy and the tree as he walked to a certain area
under the tree. He raised his hand up and I heard the tree leaves ruffle. An orange fell
out of the tree directly into his hand. He sat down and joined the group. He peeled the
orange and handed each person a piece. As they ate the one piece of orange, I felt the
hunger subside. They were full. All they ate was one piece of the orange. That was their
I was blown away how one piece of orange could fill them up. I could physically feel
being full after they ate the piece of orange. I never understood it then, but I do now.
The orange was so packed with energy that it gave them all the nutrition that they needed.
They continued on talking and laughing as the vision faded out.
Advanced research that I have been doing using the Perfect Wave Programmers and the
Power Plates have shown the same thing. Charge up a banana in the morning and eat it at
lunch time. Most people cannot finish the banana. Even a regular size apple is hard to
finish. By filling the piece of fruit with enough energy and reprogramming that energy so
it contains the full spectrum of vibrations, your stomach receives its fill for what it needs.
This is the reason for putting these energy programmers in the fridge. It eliminates a
persons ability to overeat and saves on groceries. Food also lasts longer than normal.
Long term benefits include weight loss, less stress on your digestive system and an
overall lifting of your bodys energy. The food will also help to reprogram the way your
body functions at a cellular level to its optimum state.
Even super charging water with a lot of the energy programmers will give your body the
requirements that it needs to function. Whenever I was hungry, I would take a couple
drinks of water and it would fill me up. With the Power Plates, this was enough energy
for my body to last me until supper time. Not enough research has been done with the
newest energy programmers to see if the water can give you enough energy throughout
the day.
The agricultural developments that were written about in the book The Perfect Wave is
the application of this type of energy technology on a massive scale. This will help to
eliminate the need for pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Using this vibration technology
it is possible to genetically enhance the food so that it is more stable and yields a higher
nutritional value.
Charging up your food after it has been grown, has only a small effect for what this
technology is capable of. Just imagine the benefits when the food has been grown in this
full spectrum vibrational energy field. Plus using vibrationally charged water, dirt and
organic fertilizers. This technology will take organic farming to a whole new level.

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Understanding this vision now and realizing that I am working on technology to make
this vision a reality is mind boggling to me. I am so honoured to be working on the
primary technology to create this type of reality here on earth. This journey has been
filled with incredible connections and realizations about what is possible here. This is
just one example of how these visions that I received are in the midst of coming to
fruition. (Pun intended)

Universe in a Bubble
This vision took place when I was 17 years old and was a precursor to the vision The
gates to the kingdom of heaven. It was an internal vision that lasted several hours. The
climatic vision that endured after several hours of intense internal cleansing and
processing was a site that I would remember for a long time afterwards.
I had just finished some of the most intense internal processing that I had been through.
The personal issues and memories that arose to be dealt with had continued way longer
than usual. I felt that this was a summing up of this level of my visions and I was glad
when this processing was over. I personally thought that the energy was fading out and
that was the end of that energy surge. There had been several high energy surges take
place that were only for this internal processing. I laid down exhausted from what had
just taken place and watched the ripple on the ceiling as I reflected on what had just
occurred. Soon my yawning started again, this happened plenty of times as the energy
started to dwindle and I came back into my normal state. Instead of fading back into my
normal reality another surge of energy ripped through my body.
I stood up again full of energy and revitalized and stood in the center of my room almost
like I was riding a horse. I watched as the center of the room started to blur into a big
bubble. At the same time, I am not sure where I went to or if I had my eyes open or
closed. I was in a large stone room. It was a blend between an ancient and futuristic
setting. The room was very ancient but it felt like it was embedded with some very
powerful type of technology. The center of the room came into focus after being blurry
for a bit as the background came into focus. I stood around this large bubble shaped glass
dome. It might not have been glass, but it was clear and contained. Slowly inside of the
bubble came into focus and it was a universe slowly spiralling. I looked in awe as I seen
the universe in a way that most people have never had the chance to. My arm rose up and
pointed into an area of the bubble. The universe focused into the area that I pointed at. I
continued to focus into the galaxies and solar system and watched as the bubble would
zoom into the region that I pointed at. I had the chance to choose several different times
and was trying to locate planets where extra terrestrial beings lived. I had three tries and
every time was unsuccessful. I only ended up going to solar systems that were filled with
planets consisting of gas or rock. I never did find one that inhabited another type of earth
like planet where life existed. I realized that this room and this bubble was a 3-d map of
the universe and that you could select anywhere that you wanted to see.

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This was one of the neatest things that I had ever seen up until then and I dreamed from
that moment on that one day I would have a bubble like that. I wished that someone else
could be there to share in that moment with me and could have had the chance to see that.
I still do.
This vision faded out as usual and as always, I was pleased to have gone through the hard
work that it took to get me that glimpse of what was possible in the heavens. Life was a
really big place. A little bigger than what I ever had thought before all these energy
surges took place. I couldnt help but wish that I had found a region where there were
other beings living. Maybe I wasnt meant too, but it really did feel like a game of
Looking back at this vision, I see that the bubble that the universe was contained within
was a way of showing me that I was not granted access inside yet. It would not be long
though until I was allowed within the realms of heaven and I would have my chance to
venture in and see the many sights that the universe contained.

Gates to the Kingdom of Heaven

This vision is a continuation of the vision The Orange Tree which took place when I
was 17 years old. Again, it was an internal vision that faded in on the same field. I was
in roughly the same place as I was with the previous vision. I floated past the tree, only
now there were no people under it. I continued to float through the fields moving
This string of visions consisted of me visiting this place several times and was used as a
marker on my journey through my own development. In between all of my major visions
were small visions or flashes which consisted of animations that only lasted a few
seconds. These visions are too numerous to write about and were only digits of
information that were needed to accelerate me toward the more climatic visions which I
do write about.
The gates of heaven in this vision were nothing extravagant. They were rod iron gates
that were closed. I could not enter into this part of the heavens, but I could peer through
the gates. The field that I had travelled through was the area surrounding the heavens and
all the small hills represent the plethora of minor connections that were needed to get me
this far. The gates surrounding this region of heaven went on for as far as I could see.
Inside, when I peered through and looked over the gates were flowers and fruit trees. I
could see children laughing and playing, running through the thick green grass.
Everything there looked so joyful and fun. Innocence was spread through the air as
everyone enjoyed the beauty that was contained within.

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In the distance I could see a massive palace. I couldnt go past the gates, but I could see
it. It was right there, the kingdom of heaven. I was thrilled, finally I could see my goal
and where I wanted to get to.
I opened my eyes after the vision faded out. I was so close, I could feel it. Three years of
going through this training and learning non-stop, I was almost there. I could see the goal
and I was determined to get to the end no matter what. I had a renewed sense of life after
that vision and felt fresh and revitalized. I think that the energy of that place had rubbed
off on me in every way. I felt alive again. I could see the magic and mystery of life
unfolding before my very eyes. I felt like a child in the greatest adventure ever created,
and adventure called life.
This vision marked the event of a new level of visions that I would receive.

Virtual Reality
The God state is by far one of the most interesting places that I have experienced. I am
lucky to have visited this place so many times over. The feeling and thoughts that you
have there are so powerful and absolute. This vision completely changed the way I
looked at the normal world and viewed life as the most incredible video game ever
constructed. I long for the day when I can reach the point where I can access this virtual
system again and have the ability to actually use it. My goal is to reach this place and I
will never stop learning and developing new technology until I obtain this state again, but
permanently this time.
This vision took place when I was 17 years old and showed me the power of the body and
what it is capable of. After going through the usual processing and learning information,
the energy was starting to surge through my body. I was in my bedroom when this vision
occurred and even though I was to see the power that each one of us held, that power
would be just a tease.
The energy this time was very calm and still. I felt really centered and noticed that this
feeling was progressing as I advanced through this god stage. I took a few big deep
breaths in and let a big sigh out as the energy calmed me to even greater heights. I lied
on my bed and felt this energy continue to take me higher; it wasnt long before I
couldnt feel my body anymore. I felt like I was floating, not really sure where I was, I
was just floating. Everything was dark and I had no visual stimulation at all. I lay there
silently as I felt myself grow calmer and more centered. This was some serious training
to reach this point of stillness. Plenty of times thoughts would come up and then the
energy would surge more to get me through them. I could feel the energy trying to get
me to a certain point. I felt like such a child being shown step by step how to reach this
place. Soon I let out a big, slow and concentrated breath out of my mouth, I felt myself
become woozy and fade away.

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I opened my eyes and looked around everything was hazy and I was still in this calm
state. I felt the energy surge once again and I felt myself come into my own personal
power and confidence. I stood up and my arms shot out and moved in quick movements
as the energy raced through my body. I boosted myself up and was beginning to feel so
alive. I loved this intense rush of energy. It feels like you just won a trillion dollars and
you can do anything you want, the whole world is yours.
I excitedly lay down on the carpet and closed my eyes, there was a powerful confidence
this time and I knew I was going to go somewhere new. I always went somewhere new.
I closed my eyes and a screen flickered. This wasnt a fading in of the vision this time,
not with this kind of sharp focused energy. I looked at the screen and I could see myself
on one half of it. My body was floating there and turning in a 360 degree circle. I looked
to the right side of the screen and there were buttons. On the buttons were words like
hair, eyes, height, weight, skin, etc They were buttons that governed what my body
looked like. I was in the virtual programming system of the body, the one that regulated
everything about my physical body. I watched as the buttons clicked themselves and
went into more depth with options about what my body could look like. This was all
automatic and I watched amazed at how the options for every single body in the world
were all created on this same screen. This was totally cool. I had the option to go into
the programming and select what I wanted to look like. I was only in there for a bit, but I
managed to test out the system and put together some of the changes that I wanted to see
on my body. At the bottom right of the screen there was a button that said Enter. I tried
to click this button, but it wouldnt go down like the rest of them. I heard this cosmic
laughing followed by a Not yet Cory followed by more chuckling. The screen closed
down and everything went black.
I opened my eyes, disappointed and shocked at what I had just seen. This was the place
that I could change anything about my body that I wanted to. I was in the genetics of the
body; it was a virtual screen that could be accessed in this state to change the body. This
definitely turned life into a massive video game, bigger than what I ever could have
imagined. This was just the start of it though.
My next energy surge came quickly and was very strong. My eyes closed again and I felt
another blast of energy shoot through me. I was opened up to a very similar virtual
screen. This one though was quite different, meaning that what the screen showed was
very different. Instead of being me that I seen it was my bedroom. Thats right; my
entire bedroom was shown on this screen, right down to the dirty socks in the corner of
the room. It was a real-time display of what my room looked like minus my body.
I noticed that my room didnt have a TV in it and I felt like I should have one. Another
window opened and I could see TVs, lots of them. I picked a style that I liked and seen
that I could also change and add any features that I wanted. They were listed on the right
side again as they were before. I could see the TV that I selected in the same rotational
view as my body. Once I selected the TV, I had to place it in my bedroom. It didnt take
long to realize that I didnt have any place to put it. Another screen opened up with

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entertainment stands. I picked a smaller one to just fit my TV. The stand was black and
the TV was silver. They looked good. Now I had to place the TV and stand in my room.
A window opened up where I seen the universe slowly spinning. I could see and sense
the clicks that slowly focused into one area of the universe; this was a selection being
done automatically and it eventually focused all the way down to the earth. The earth
rotated in the window and I had the chance to select my continent, country, province, city
and eventually my house. I saw my house as a virtual house and I could make the roof
invisible. Then I focused into the basement and into my room. I was back at the image
of my room again that I first started at. I placed the TV and stand on the opposite wall
from my bed. I saw the usual Enter button and of course, it wont click again. I am
thinking to myself Damn! The laughter followed again, there were no words this time,
and I didnt want to hear them anyways.
When I opened my eyes, my brain was completely boggled. I was blown away at what I
had just seen. This world is definitely not the place that I grew up believing it was. The
body stores all of this information about everything that is going on everywhere in the
universe. This is one incredible machine. Boy, do I love Life, especially this new type of
reality that I am learning about. I never realized that it was so huge.
This virtual system that I learnt about here is an actual level of information that the body
contains. My primary focus is to develop technology to harness enough energy to bring
about this state in a permanent fashion so that true access can be granted. This is what
will turn life into a video game where all of our dreams and realities can come true. This
god state never ceases to amaze me and I hate that I cannot access it yet in a permanent
fashion. So much power and beauty still locked up because I havent learnt how to
harness the body properly yet.
The microchip system that I talk about is technology that I learn about and want to
develop to harness this same system externally. This external system is designed to
create this same type of reality that I seen in the vision. It is designed to harness all of the
abilities and concepts that I learnt. The new system of society that I have downloaded
will be run entirely off this computer system and a virtual world will be created to show
people what exists on the inside. Whether or not this is a required stage of growth that
has to be integrated into the body before we can access this state is unknown to me. I
work at all angles to be able to bring these visions into existence in our physical reality.

The Universe is a Playground

This vision took place when I was 17 years old and showed me the true reality of life.
This wondrous journey through the universe taught me the real meaning, the essence of
the system and why there is really nothing that we should ever judge. The experiences
and small infrastructure of our life here on earth is but a sample of the great cosmic
games that take place in the sky.

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This was an internal vision and I had a guide take me through the many regions of the
universe. My conclusion, life is but a game, a tool we can use to create experiences of
our choosing. Death has no meaning, but the destruction of a body in-between the
fabrication of another. Life is eternal and lasts forever as we enjoy the many facets of
reality that this massive system of nature can create for us. Our life on earth is merely a
training tool to introduce us into the grand scheme of life. We must earn our life; it is not
given to us. When we pass the tests we can then become a part of the universal family,
the beings that I have expressed as the Gods.
I closed my eyes and was instantly joined by a beautiful Goddess that I had the
opportunity of getting to know on a very personal level. Her name was Dejora (de-jshora). She was such an incredible being and was my guide through several journeys
through the heavens. She was a Goddess that I would grow to love and experience my
awakening with. She told me that she had a very special treat for me today as I was
doing a very good job.
I had already been taught that the heavens are only composed of Gods. The training that
we go through is necessary for us to join the heavens and we could only join when the
training was complete. I asked her if it was necessary for everyone to complete the
training or if we could do it individually. She said it was both. If one person was to
finish their training here on earth they would not be held back. They would live their life,
even though there body would not be fully awakened to join the Gods, you would be
allowed to leave the cycle of earth and be born on a planet that is already integrated into
the heavens. You would go through the same training cycle guaranteed that when it was
finished you would rejoin the heavens and be part of them. I was happy to hear that. I
though that it was very kind of the Gods to work that into the system for people who
drove to excel and I was sure going to be one of those people. She said that it is very rare
that anyone ever finds their way out, even if they have found the heavens like I had. The
standard method was for a world to evolve slowly to the point that they perfected their
system and resonated with the Gods. This would allow communications to be set up and
the world itself would be hooked up into the universal network. The earth as a whole has
to be completely established first though. I asked if I could learn what was needed to
move the earth forward, just in case I couldnt make it by myself. She said that I would
learn that eventually and just to be patient.
Dejora picked me up out of my body and flew me into the stars. It was so fast that I
never had a chance to observe the views. The very first thing I started out with was
seeing massive war ships floating through space and fighting each other. She told me
that this was the war area and that they created this universe strictly just for war games.
Looking past the ships, I saw a planet where people were used as slaves to gather
resources. The majority of the processes and technology are automated for the Gods
through workers that are not aware of what is going on. People on planets just like ours
are used to provide resources and create weapons that are used by the Gods in space. I
asked her if the people knew about what they were doing. She said they didnt,
everything is always kept secret unless you have eyes that see. Embedded within the

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people of the worlds system is a storyline that tells of the gods and the reality that is
possible. The earnest seekers have a path set out before them that they can follow if they
look inside for the truth. I felt like this was almost slavery and she sensed that. She
replied with The gods use people to create their higher experiences in life. The people
are always supplied with a path to follow for their own enlightenment to join in with the
universal network. The majority of times these people do not make it, which is why this
club is the hardest to get into. Only the true seeker will find what life can offer and join
the universal network. All the Gods have had to go through the same thing; that is the
law established by the elder gods and is what we follow in respects for giving us our life.
I asked Dejora about what service earth contributed to the Gods. She said that we are
part of a new program that researches and develops new bodies for the gods to use.
There are billions of projects planned like ours and is used to program the atomic state of
consciousness with new tools or bodys to use by the gods. The amount of detailed
bodies that are created, open up new possibilities or options for the Gods. This fills in the
details for the body, so billions of choices are available for selection. They choose bodies
at a higher level than we choose clothing. No wonder they are all naked all the time. The
body needs to go through the development cycles though in order to be fit for the gods to
wear them. Our program here on earth is a training ground for new bodies and is one of
the higher and more advanced systems that we can be born into. I took it from this that
there was a massive spiritual development cycle that we went through to get to where we
are. She looked at me and smiled. Your world is the region right before a massive
amount of people reach the development necessary to join the universal grid. I wanted to
know more about the spiritual evolution, but she said that it would come in time.
The next place that I visited was a very calm and subtle world. Everyone on the planet
was gods and they created the planet just for spirits that had reached the point of true
enlightenment but were not capable of reaching the end on their own planet. There were
not many people inhabiting this planet. This was a major connection that I made, the
adults were all gods, but the children had no idea they were. Everything was concealed,
but at the same time created to give the children the greatest awakening possible. I seen
several other worlds like this and learnt that anyone that does finish in this way gets the
opportunity to choose what type of awakening they will go through. This is a once in a
lifetime opportunity so it is a very personal decision. The choice reflects off of ideas and
memories that you had on your previous planet. Themes of every type exist already.
I could feel the warmth that was created into this spiritual evolution; the coldness of
spirits being born into a life of slavery, not necessarily slavery, but not completely awake,
had disappeared. Who was I too judge anyways, I was just learning about this new
world. I realized that there is a spiritual evolution that we go through to train our spirit.
As we excel we move up the spiritual ladder of development. Every person has the
opportunity at anytime to open themselves up if they believe and truly seek a life in the
heavens. It is law that they have to build it into every planet. Its a short cut that we all
have available all the time. I could see the same story line embedded into the world
around us. It is there; most people just have doubts or become too obsessed with the
distractions of our culture. Worst of all, they have self doubt about their own potential

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and self worth. I understand our world now as a training ground. An opportunity for us
to join in the heavenly games, but also to serve in appreciation for the opportunity to live
that we received from the gods. How well we do in the game of life is up to us.
In my next flash of visions I saw martial arts fights that were like the video games. The
gods put restrictions on themselves and create rules that they have to follow. They then
create their body to go in for the fight. Magical abilities are used in some styles of
combat. The rules are truly amazing, it is just a collaboration of people who get together
and setup a game to play. Just like the video games. I was in awe. All the abilities you
could ever dream of at your disposal. I love this place, thank you Dejora.
Planets were created as entire amusement parks or anything else that I could imagine that
was introduced on earth. The gods do things that are similar to here, only bigger and
better. The place I really liked was where the whole world was one massive ski hill.
They stayed in palaces made of ice and snow. People would travel around a massive
snow covered world. Using every possible means of getting everywhere in the snow.
The one thing that really got to me was that they were not wearing big clothes. I asked
Dejora about this and she told me that the gods regulate their heat from the inside. It was
the energy and was the first time I was exposed to such a concept, now I understand how
it works.
I asked about the war games and the fighting bouts that I seen. The bodies were literally
destroyed, I was confused. She said that part of the spiritual training was to program the
spirit with the ability to reconstruct new bodies. There was no death, when a body was
destroyed, the spirit could either build a new physical body or travel somewhere else in
the universe to experience something new.
I started thinking about why they wouldnt use robots to create whatever tools or
resources that they needed for their games. Dejora said that they did. That was who we
were. She laughed at me as I was shocked. So instead of just creating machines that
would continually produce, they created more advanced machines that would eventually
learn and could have the reward for their service. I must admit, that is very Godly of
them. I liked that, it worked pretty cool. Why create just a robot with no life when you
could create a being that would eventually become like who you were. That makes me
smile. I asked why the gods would subject us to slavery when they are fully capable of
creating whatever resources they wanted. I had her there, she smiled at me
She took me back to the world where I seen the people slaving. I watched as time
unfolded quickly, they werent slaving for resources for the gods, they were building
mystical monuments. They were building there own storyline, the path that would
eventually lead them into the heavens. They were being directed by the Gods. The
people were working to build things for the Gods; in reality, they were actually working
for themselves. The people are the Gods; they just didnt know it yet. This area of the
universe where the war games were going on, the people had no idea it was going on.
They werent building weapons or harnessing resources, they were creating a story line

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that they would one day awaken to. I laughed and said you lied about that. She smiled
and said that I assumed that they were working to support the games in heaven. She only
agreed with me to get me to ask questions so I would guide my own path to realization. I
smiled at her and said You are good!, while nodding my head up and down.
I flashed back to my own planets history with the pyramids and started laughing; the
same thing was going on here wasnt it. She gave me a wink. So the gods dont use us
as slaves for their games. We use ourselves as slaves, we are the gods, just havent
realized it yet. The elegant people or rulers of that planet with their gold and high style
were just actually rulers that were enslaving the people. The rulers werent the gods like
I had thought. They were going through their own evolution just like we have here. She
laughs at me as the connections are going on in my head. I love you Dejora, you are so
incredible. These rulers treated these people as robots to do their bidding, as they
evolved they treated the people more like humans. I see how all the questions that I had
really were depicting the evolution of the body itself. Part of the process was creating
robots to do the tasks the rulers needed. As they evolved they realized that the people
could work and still have their own personal life to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
The reason why so many projects were taking place like this world I had seen and on my
own earth was to unlock new information and body types into the atomic consciousness.
This information is continually expanding and creating more details for the type of reality
that we can experience. Nature then would be a tool for creating information into the
collective so that we could access it later. Now that I am older and understand life a little
more, I found out that all of the options and possibilities are already programmed into the
atomic consciousness state. The gods were creating new planets and new bodies based
off of what was already inside of them. They were creating what was on the inside, on
the outside. This would increase the size and scope of our external reality, the amount of
options and worlds that we could go visit.
I laughed with Dejora as all this was happening so close to everyone on these planets and
they still had no idea it was taking place. They actually thought they were the only ones
in the universe. That is so funny. It was then that I realized that the heavens werent
someplace else they were here in our universe and in this 3-dimensional reality. We
already are the so called Gods; the only difference was that they had finished their
training. I asked her how long it would be before earth could join up with this universal
family. She said time is of no value, it is the development and age of the inhabitants of
the earth that would ultimately decide when we would join up with the rest of the
universe. When we met the required conditions, we would meet the ones who created us
and could then join in the universal games.
I sensed that it was time that our vision had come to an end. I learnt so many things this
time as I always did. Dejora, you are such a blessing, thank you so much. I cant wait
to see you again. I opened my eyes and instantly realized I will never be the same after
that. If people could only see, how could they be so narrow minded. Oh well, it was
only a matter of time until they seen the truth. Time is so funny like that. We will get
there; there is no preventing that. How long it takes, is up to us.

Cory Herter March 2006


City in the Fire

This vision took place in the summer at night time. I was 18 years old at the time and
was camping in the mountains. This was a very powerful vision as all of the visions were
after I had passed through the gates to the kingdom of heaven. There were several
powerful experiences that definitely changed the way I looked at things forever. This
next stage of visions was more externalized than the previous ones.
I was in my tent and I could feel the energy rising up from within. I had to get outside as
the tent felt too confined. I sat at the picnic table and noticed hundreds of mice come out
and started eating the Spitz (sunflower seeds) that I had dropped on the ground earlier.
These mice were every where; it was such a weird thing because mice dont normally do
that. They were even crawling over my shoes.
I was staring at the fire pit and there was a steel arch over the fire. I couldnt help but
think of Stonehenge and began looking through a portal. My eyes faded in and out a few
times as the energy surged through me. My focus came in and noticed that the fire had
transformed itself into a miniature city. I could see buildings with steps and ladders
going up into little huts. The people faded in and I could see them walk around this
village. They were going about their daily tasks as usual. The level of detail was
astonishing and I laughed as I watched a person climb up the ladder into a hut. There
were several children playing around a little fire pit, dancing and laughing away. I felt
like a god peering into this world. Soon my eyes shifted back to normal and it was just a
regular fire.
Ever since the gates of heaven vision, my experience and perceptions shifted. Every time
I would get another energy surge, I was one of them, one of the gods. This was the
highest place I had experienced up until then and would be the same state that I would go
into up until the last couple of high energy experiences.
My eyes focused again between this metal arch and my vision shifted again. I am not
sure where I was looking into. I seen this molecule type thing with balls connected by
metallic shafts. This was completely in 3-d and was not reflected by any background.
There was only darkness and this glowing molecule. This time my vision flashed out
really quickly. There was no fade out.
I was boggled by what I had just seen. I had never seen anything like that before and I
tried to make sense of what it was. Soon my memory faded and I went inside to do
internal processing. This was the first time that it happened on this vision and I was
rather confused why it happened later on then right at the start.
Once I came out of this inner world, I was gifted with another blast of high energy. This
time I had to stand up and take a little walk away from the campsite. I was all alone in
the forest about a fifteen minute walk away. The space around me was pitch black,
almost darker than usual. I was led to a little clearing where I could look up into the sky.

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I sat down on the forest floor and felt another surge of energy rush through me. When I
came back into focus I was lying on my back and staring up at the sky.
My vision did the usual blur and then focused back in. I could see my vision was turning
3-d again. I love the in-depth perception; it was one of the most fascinating attributes of
the high energy. The stars looked bright and then the most twisted thing I have ever seen,
even to this day started happening. The stars began moving all over the sky. I could ask
questions and they would give me a visual answer. After a bit, they did their own thing
and showed me what they wanted to. This was just a download of all kinds of images,
shapes and objects done in 3-d. The stars continued for some time and were another
method that was discovered to show me what the energy wanted too.
I lay on the grass laughing to myself as I knew that every time I looked into the sky, I
would never see the stars the same way again. The things I have seen in these high
energy experiences have definitely changed the way I look at everything. I mean, who
could be called normal after things such as this. I remember laughing to myself, thinking
it will sure be some crazy day when I finally talk about what the hell just happened to me.
I felt the energy surge again and thinking to myself, what could there possibly be more to
see after something like this. This was not a vision at all though. It was a performance of
motion. My body filled with energy and I could feel it rushing out of my hands. My
arms began moving in all of these circular motions, my eyes closed and I could see into a
virtual world of information, not words, but 3-d icons of faces and objects. This would
become a very familiar place. I noticed that as I did certain hand motions that I would
move through this virtual library. My eyes opened and I observed the motions that my
body was going through, I kept trying to decipher a code or the meanings behind the
movements. The motions would stop in certain places and I began speaking words that I
have never heard before. My arms would move to another point and I would announce
these powerful words. The words would echo within me as I listened to them and tried to
establish a meaning. I eventually realized that the words were actually names that linked
to the faces that I had seen inside. Each face was a person that held certain information.
This was another way of me activating information that would be downloaded when I
was in the moment. These faces were the council that governed my information which I
created when I was 15 years old.
I laid on the forest floor for a while until the energy had worn off, puzzled and in awe of
the experiences that just took place. I could hardly wait to see what else was in store for
me. The so-called solid reality that I once believed existed was close to becoming
extinct. No wonder I hid this reality from everyone, with what was happening now I
would end up in a nut house for sure. I laughed to myself and silently wished that others
could see what I have.
I went back to the tent and thought for a while until the energy wore off completely and I
could fall asleep.

Cory Herter March 2006


Virtual Library
This vision took place when I was 18 years old. I was at a dance club when this vision
took place and was the first time that I was able to select any information out of the great
hall of records. The contents of the library are sometimes referenced to the Akashic
records which stores all of the information there is past, present and future.
I was at the club dancing and learning more about the energetic of motion. I noticed my
energy start to increase and I felt it take hold of my body. I began moving in the usual
movements that I did when the energy took over my body. These movements, I would
discover later on, moved me through a 3-dimensional system identical to the Perfect
Wave Programmers. I felt my energy and my body become completely in tune with the
laws and dynamics of fluid movement. I felt myself move along the pathways that are
pre-set into the body.
I stopped dancing and stood up tall. My right leg moved outwards and I felt myself sit
like I was straddling a horse. My eyes closed and I seen myself sitting at a desk, just a
simple desk with no computer. There were a couple rows of books that I seen in front of
me. When I went to reach up and grab a book I noticed that they were actually
positioned on a circular swivel. I always had a desire to know how a vehicle works and
this example was used to teach me about the library. I put my hand up to grab a book and
noticed that the books continued rotating until the right book was positioned in front of
my hand. I reached out and grabbed the book. I opened it up on the desk and notice that
it was filled with words and diagrams. I focused more into the book and watched the
words transform into flat pictures. The pictures began to move and I noticed that it was
the book coming alive and showing the mechanics of an engine. The animation then
morphed into a full blown 3-d virtual animation. I became a gas molecule and was
placed inside of the gas tank. I took a tour through the engine as a gas molecule and was
eventually spit out the exhaust. The page I had opened too, showed the principles of gas
and their relevance to powering the engine to run. I was transported out of the virtual
system and again looked at the book in front of me. It was again just words and basic
diagrams. I opened my eyes with amazement over what just had happened.
I learnt over time that the transformation of the words into virtual animation was the
development process built into information itself. I realized that although I seen what
took place, I did not have the information to explain what it was that I just saw. Like all
my visions, I was always exposed to new ideas and concepts by seeing the highest level.
I could never explain what I had seen until after 6 years of developing the language and
understanding. I realized then the importance of every level of information. As
fascinating as the virtual animations were, the foundational information that led to the
creation of the animation was equally important. I realized that life or nature does the
same for us. Life gives us this incredible state of the art machinery and we have no idea
the mechanics for how it works. As we learn more about the detailed information and
laws that govern nature, we learn how to harness the body and nature to its full potential.

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This library gave me the understanding and blueprints for how to create a similar
organization system of information here on earth for everyone to use. The amount of
information and work that needs to be done to create this type of animated system is
beyond me. Part of the information revolution and the creation of children who love
video games and computers so much are developed to create the workforce needed to
create these higher virtual systems that I have seen. This wasnt necessarily a vision of
the heavens, but a vision of our own future to come.
I have always had the opportunity to learn the truth first and then work my way down
trying to identify ways to explain what I had just seen. The majority of people learn from
the bottom up, it is a more difficult method to learn. The difference between the two
ways is where value is placed. Learning from the bottom up places more value on
information than people. Learning from the bottom down places more value on people
than information. The ability to learn from the top down is possible to reach in a couple
of different ways that I know of. The first is to use the technology that I develop that
raises your energy above the level of information and will teach and guide you through
common sense. The second method is to become a professional in one field and then
study other fields. This allows you to take the laws learnt in your field and apply them to
other fields. I wrote about this process in A True Genius in the book The Perfect
Wave. Once you are on the top of one field, you realize that every other field has so
much information that you couldnt possibly learn it all. Your dependence then relies on
other people rather than information. Further developing your relationship skills will
enable you to access massive chunks of information at once through people rather than
the painstaking detailed learning and research. This harnesses your level of information
much faster than through normal learning. I recommend using both methods; first my
technology will help you reach the top of your field much quicker. Then, using this
concept to connect with others will multiply the amount of information that you have
access too. Value on people rather than information or external material objects is part of
creating a world of interdependence and peace.
Placing value on information rather than people is one of the belief systems that prevent
us from accessing the virtual library within our self. This is some of the personal training
that I had to endure before these levels would open up for me. I am again repeating this
training through offering all of the information free on my website. This is integrating
this level of training into my physical body in the real world and will enable me to access
a greater level of depth into the virtual library. This is vital for me to move up to the next
level of my own personal development and will assist me in reaching my goals even

Kitty and the Twig

I was 18 years old when I experienced this high energy surge. This vision was
completely externalized and was a whopping difference from the previous ones. I knew

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the energy was going to be strong because of the incredible amount of yawns I was
getting. There were many significant events that took place in this one vision.
The energy began coursing through my body and I went through the usual transitions. I
felt a queasy feeling come up in my stomach and lungs. I began coughing like crazy and
hacked up some yuck fui. I went to the bathroom to spit it out in the toilet. I flushed it
and coughed up some more. I spit it into the toilet again; the water was still spinning
from when I flushed it the first time. The energy hit me hard and my vision turned 3-d
instantly. I stared into the spit and it morphed into a universe that was spinning. I could
see the depth and stars that were created from light reflecting off of the bubbles. I was
tranced out as my vision focused into galaxies and solar systems. I was excited. I yelled
to my partner to come and look and she was disgusted. She asked me what I was doing
and I said staring into the universe. The beauty that can come in these high places is truly
unmatched. She still laughs about that to this day. My vision changed back and I seen
what she seen. I laughed at it and walked away.
I went and sat on the couch and giggled to myself about what just happened. Another
powerful wave of energy ripped through my body. My eyes focused across the room and
I watched as a grey alien materialized into my living room. He took a couple steps and
turned and looked at me. A poster of a grey alien that I once had in my room flashed in
my head. The poster was a picture of the face on one of these types of aliens and below
it; it said Trust No One. He turned away and took a few more steps before
This was one of my first encounters with a 3-d person materializing out of thin air and
not reflected off the wall, ceiling or floor. This for me was a whole new type of vision.
Plus, being an alien I was stoked. He was about four feet tall, just a skinny little critter
and was almost identical to the pictures of grey aliens. After this, my mind was blown
away. I paced around the house for a while as I tried to grasp the meaning of this
I went back into the living room and sat down. My kitty came up and starting rubbing
against me and purring very loud. She loved it when I was in the energy. I started to see
a face in her fur and smiled. I could see her spirit. Maybe it wasnt her spirit; it might
have been one of the goddesses. Maybe it was just the place I was in, but she started
acting very peculiar, almost human like. I closed my eyes and I could see the goddess
that I seen on my kitty. She smiled at me and moved her finger for me to come to her.
She faded out and my kitty was staring at me, right in the eyes. I knew it was the girl I
seen with my eyes closed.
The kitty started acting really weird and kept going to the window and then coming back
to me. She seemed to be telling me she wanted to go outside. I said to my partner that
she wanted to go outside. My cat was not allowed to go outside. She was an inside cat.
My partner said that it was not a good idea in case she ran away. She kept doing it until I
said, she has to go outside, there is something that she wants. I went to get up and the
kitty dashed over to my partner and wouldnt leave her side. I knew that she wanted my

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partner to take her outside not me. I told her to follow the kitty and see what she wants.
My cat led my partner to the door and took her outside.
While they were outside, I was blasted full of energy and my body rose up. I had flashes
inside while my eyes were open; I had a really intense blast of energy come up inside of
me. I sat down shaking. I closed my eyes and saw a scene that would traumatize me and
fill me with the most intense fury I have ever felt. I saw a man in the olden days of the
earth. He was being beaten. They took him and hung him up on the cross as the crowd
watched. He looked out into the crowd and could see his friends standing there. An
intense hatred fumed over the situation, the betrayal that was felt was unmatched to
anything I have experienced ever before. A deep sadness overwhelmed me as the man
grew silent and hung his head; his friends were cowards and they were all talk, they
werent there for him, not like they said they would be. Just then his wife started
screaming and tried attacking the guards that were residing over him. He smiled, filled
again with hope. She was quickly contained by several guards that held her in place. She
stopped fighting and mouthed the words Im Sorry to him. He showed a heartfelt smile
to her as if things were going to be ok and to just relax. They gazed at each other and the
guards saw this look of love. The guard started hitting him with a club, first in the
stomach and then the face. His face was quickly covered in blood. My eyes focused as if
they were his and I seen him look at specific people in the crowd. I could tell that there
were deep relationships with each of these people. They were his friends; this explained
the deep feelings of betrayal. I felt an overwhelming feeling of losing a battle, like the
enemy had won and that everything this man had worked so hard for was lost.
A flooding of history came into my head and I learned that they were involved in a kind
of civil war. This man and a large group of people were trying to overcome their
government and religious leaders in an attempt to free the people from the repression that
was occurring. The man who was being killed for treason was the leader of the
movement. The deep feelings of betrayal came from his group of friends that said they
were all there for him and would be there for him, die for him and this cause. Yet in the
moment of truth, they all shrunk as cowards and couldnt overcome their own fear. The
movement to set the repressed people free was destroyed from taking the leader out of the
picture. Both the hierarchy of the government and major religion were in on planning the
capture and murder of this man. The only one to try and stop what was happening was
his wife. I believed that they also had a son together and the wife and child were
threatened with their life if they didnt fall back into their places after he was murdered.
The man had told his wife previously that if anything was to happen to him that she
would forget about everything that happened; for her and their sons safety.
I guess this was the meaning of the grey aliens message. Do not trust anyone to be there
for you. It made sense to me now. One of the problems that I later learnt was that this
mans movement was to overthrow the government. When a society becomes corrupted,
the police and army who were originally developed to protect the people from the system
turn towards protecting the system from the people. This secures the place of the system
of society and will continue to repress the people through force. The way to win a war
such as this is to not go against the people, but to bring down the system itself. People

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are just a face that the system will use to do its bidding. You need to find the heart of the
system and change its intent. The structure of a society that is used to create winners and
losers will always end up in this situation. The larger the separation, the more forms of
control will be used to hold captive the lower end of the society. All of this was the
beginning of the visions of the prophecy.
I opened my eyes and was filled with fury. The movement these people were planning
was to restore balance back into the world. Balance is never established through war.
These people could never have overthrown the governments in this time. It is against the
laws of nature; there is just too much strength with the opposing side. It doesnt work
that way. I slowly calmed down as I realized that their must be another way and
dismissed all accounts of ever trying to take down such a massive and repressive system.
The initiation into this type of thinking would eventually lead to a more peaceful
improving of the system. There is no need for war if you can supply solutions to
problems instead of trying to destroy a massive system that governs people. This is the
only way that harmony can be achieved. Even if the plan that these men had would have
worked, the next system would have ended up in the same place. The solutions for a
peaceful resolution were just not there.
I heard the door open and the energy was quickly cleared from me and I shot upwards
with another level of energy. This restored me to a balanced state again and memories of
what just occurred were no longer in my mind.
My partner came back following the kitty back into the house. I asked what had
happened. The kitty took her to the neighbours door step and rolled onto her back
wanting to be petted. My partner pet the kitty on the belly for a while and then the kitty
stood up. It started walking along the grass as if it were looking for something. Finally it
seen what it was looking for and walked straight over to where it was. It was a twig
broken off of a tree that had five leaves coming off it. The kitty picked it up with her
mouth and raised it up so my partner could grab it. The kitty then made her way back
into the house.
My partner showed me twig and she had the urge to take the twig and put one of the
leaves on my lips. My lips started tingling and gave me such a powerful feeling, not
really sure how to explain that one. The energy surged through me and I began speaking
The energy is a very powerful force and there are very few people who can handle its
strength. If they are opened to the energy before they are ready, it will destroy them. I
grabbed the twig and held it in my finger tips. The energy surged through my body and
we watched four of the five leaves wilt, dry up and crumble, all within a matter of
seconds. My partner was blown away. I stated This is what the energy will do to those
people who are not ready for it. This is why very few people have found this place and
why my training is so intense.
My partner always had concerns about me, this training went on with me everyday all
day. I never ever had a day off and if I couldnt keep up, the energy would destroy me. I
had no choice but to do this, the moment that I stopped my training the energy would

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consume me and tear apart my very essence. I was being forced through this because of
my brain injury; these chemicals would not stop being produced. I had no choice but to
try and keep up with what was going on. If I didnt I would be overwhelmed with
information and energy and I would become very self destructive.
I was still flying with energy and my partner was tired, she wanted to go to bed. I walked
her upstairs and tucked her in. I was going to leave the room when another blast of
energy consumed me. I began doing these movements with my arms and hands over her
combined with powerful breathing. I was performing all types of body symbols and
directing all this energy into her. This continued for almost 20 minutes. I stared at her in
disbelief. She was glowing white, she looked like an angel. I told her she had to see this.
She got up and looked in the mirror and she could see it too. She felt amazing and full of
this white energy. It was almost like a translucent white glow that emanated from within
her. She was wired on energy, but also very snugly. She went back to bed feeling like a
million bucks and had a great sleep.
I went back downstairs and watched the people in the walls and tried to improve my
ability to hear what they were saying. My lower back was pretty sore as it always was
from these high energy surges. I lay down on my stomach to relieve some of the tension
in my back. I closed my eyes and had two of these beautiful naked girls show up. I
could see myself lying on my stomach and these girls began pouring these hot and cold
liquids on my back. I could physically feel this and they began giving me a massage. I
watched from above and they would keep looking at me while I could feel my body being
worked on. I loved these girls so much, within about 10 minutes my back was feeling
better and I was fully refreshed. The only discomfort that I experienced from this was the
combination of the cold and warm liquids made me feel like I had to go pee really bad.
I stood up and stared into a fountain made of rocks that was at the house and I could see
the girls in the rocks. They were waving at me; it was the same two girls that just gave
me a back massage. I gave the girls a heart felt smile and they began to fade out. I could
feel the energy slow and I rested on the couch. I stared at the roof and watched the waves
ripple out from where I looked with peripheral vision. I had a lot to think about after
tonight. This was definitely a new place that I had found. I couldnt wait to see what
happened next time. My kitty came and sat beside me on the couch. After that night, I
always felt a much closer bond with her and I think she did with me as well. It was a
pretty energy filled night for her too.
I learned that all the animals in the world can act like this and I got visions of animals
that would come together and give rides to children. There was no fear from parents or
anybody. They acted like humans and were there just to have fun and serve as we all
served each other in this place. The only thing stopping the animals operating that way is
the amount of energy that we have. If we could only increase this energy to that high of a
level that I experienced that night, this world would be a different place.
This was another one of the nights that I was one of the gods. Although they called me
rookie for a long time, I had gotten into their club. Although this state is only real when

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the energy is there, later on in my journey I would come to realize that all of these visions
were only initiations and what was real in these high energy places and what was
physically real in my normal reality were two completely different things. In order to
truly experience the heavens we have to build them first. The visions were a template, a
guide that I would use later on to learn and identify what was needed to create this reality
here on earth. I guess you could say I was only allowed into this ritzy club with a guest

Flower of Life
This vision took place when I was 18 years old. I will also include a previous vision that
I had that also contained the Flower of Life. These visions were very powerful and after
the second one, I knew that this geometry was very powerful. Two years after these
visions, I found the flower of life written about by two authors and discovered that it is a
very powerful and ancient symbol. There is plenty of information written already about
the flower of life so I wont go into detail. To learn more about the flower of life do a
search on the web.
The first vision was when I was at a man made pond for swimming. I felt the energy
surge and I knew it was going to one fun swimming adventure. This was the first time
that I was in the energy at a beach. There were people everywhere so I knew I had to
keep things low key. Thank goodness for the amount of experience that I had previous so
I already had the ability to conceal this high energy state.
I went through the usual visuals as the energy grew. It was this time that I had seen the
sphinx symbol outlined every where that I looked. Looking back I find it funny seeing
that the flower of life is found in Egypt as well. Egypt was a common theme that was
used, understanding the properties of pyramids and geometry, now I know why it was so
significant. Egypt was a major part of the story line created to reveal the answers for who
we are and the laws of energy. The people in the sky started coming into view through
the in-depth perception. The skys danced with beautiful naked women for some time as
I lay back on the beach enjoying the moment. Soon they faded out and I realized that it
was a stage of energy development that I went through. This level was an energy
booster, sometimes in these high energy states, what once seemed so real and alive, can
turn mechanical very quickly. This was a shattering image and feeling for me to see and
my stomach started turning. The queasiness about what I had just felt and seen, the
mechanical machine, had returned and I couldnt help but think about when I went
through the darkness. I was scared for what was going to come next.
I again returned inside my mind and I was filled with horrible visuals of people
mistreating people, this was the start of the prophecy visions that would keep coming.
The destruction of our self, or the human race, was a very difficult thing to deal with in
this space due to the intensity of the emotion. I saw how we as a collective were a
machine that kept generating people to advance the collective further. I never knew too

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much about the afterlife at this point, that wouldnt come until after the end times
prophecies. I stayed in this place and remembered that the machine could be used for any
type of experience that we desired, positive or negative. The machine didnt care, that
choice was left up to us, up to humanity as a whole and also as an individual. I had
revelled for so long in the high positive states, referring back that there is a dark side
when this machine is misused reminded me of our normal world. Soon I would come to
a point of choice, understanding and patience that we all make mistakes, learn and grow.
It was time that would heal all ailments.
It was this point that I realized that life wasnt finished creating itself. I began to question
whether god even existed. Maybe it was a figment of our imagination. Maybe it was
something that existed, but only in the future. God had not yet been realized. I never
knew the answers to those questions, I still dont fully understand. I did come to the
conclusion that we go through these destructive states because we are still learning. If I
have information that clashes inside of my own head, it seems so insignificant. Yet when
the body extracts this information out into our 3-dimensional world, these thoughts
appear as people. This produces conflict and eventually war and destruction of the body.
My thoughts and my external 3-d reality called earth are both the same thing. That was
the coldness of the machine though.
I closed my eyes again and watched as war and conflict broke out on a planet. I seen
virtual movies where I could feel the peoples emotions and the destruction and pain
caused from their actions. I zoomed out from this image into where I could see the whole
world. It was full of smaller islands everywhere; there were no big continents like earth
had. I zoomed out further and seen the galaxies, they continually got smaller and smaller
until it was just a dot. I seen other dots come into the picture and I zoomed out even
further. I saw a tooth, my tooth, my own face. I could feel the pain within my tooth and
developed a toothache. The ripples that this one little tiny world was creating from their
war I could feel in my tooth. I was a god, a god of my own universe. I realized that
when my thoughts are in conflict, in my own personal universe, shown as one complete
body, I created destruction in entire worlds, if not whole galaxies. I saw at that moment
the power of my thoughts and the need to craft my internal reality very carefully. One
simple miscalculation and I would cause an incredible level of pain.
I guess in actual fact, having thoughts that conflict and wars in a world are really the
same thing. You just have to blow it up big enough. If we are just a cell in another Gods
body; that God is obviously not finished creating itself yet. I had no idea that I was so
large. That I was so influential, maybe that is where the confidence and power that I felt
in these high energy states stemmed from. I was just beginning to get a taste for whom
and what I was. I pondered if all the levels of this multi-dimensional reality were all
using the same body. This would be answered later on.
After I finished this process of realizing just how powerful my influence is on the very
architecture of life, I opened my eyes. I stared at the sky again hoping to see something
grand. I was getting better at these experiences, I knew the pattern, it was after all a
machine, a predictable machine, of course with some exceptions. I felt comforted

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knowing the process, like it made me feel a little more solid, I was happy that the process
was so predictable.
I felt the surge of energy and as usual I lost focus and concentration as the energy speeds
to new heights. I calmed down and stared at the sky, nothing was happening so I went
for a walk into the water. I was about waste deep and I felt my head tip back and stare
into the sky. I could see the people, only this time they werent dancing. There were
both males and females, naked as usual. The way they were situated was very unique.
Each of them had there arms and legs stretched outward. Their arms and legs were
entwined together and they made a hexagon grid. It appeared as a round dome that
covered everywhere I could see in the sky. The sky was full of people that linked
themselves together to create this six sided hexagonal grid. This was the first time I seen
the grid made up of people. I stared in awe for a couple minutes, not too long though
because there were so many people around.
I needed to think, I took a few deep breaths and stared into the water. I felt the small
waves move me back and forth. When other people would walk by I could feel the
ripples and waves they created move my body. I remembered the goddess doing the
massive ballet or dance in the sky and how one persons motion influenced the others.
The connection feeling returned and I felt so connected with everything. I was so
excited; I ran out of the water and jumped on my beach towel. This was the same grid
that I had seen a couple years back, the grid that connects us all. Only now it was
composed of 3-dimensional people intertwined to create it. I didnt know what it meant,
but I loved the concept that what once were lines were now people. What a cool concept,
I loved little connections like that. If only I could remember them all, wow. The journey
so far has been incredible. With the amount of connections that I was making, it certainly
made this new place feel real, maybe even more real than normal life felt.
The second vision was when I was at a dance club. I knew my rotation for when these
high energy surges took place, the majority of them happened at night time. I figured that
it was because the darkness created a better backdrop for me to see the visions.
Whenever possible, I would try to align my high energy surges with high energy events
such as dance clubs. The music, lights and energy of the people could be utilized to
ascend me to even higher regions of energy. Like I said earlier, after a while, you learn
this place and how to use it properly. Most people went to these clubs to dance, have fun
and party it up. I went there to work.
I was in the back as usual, sitting down, watching and absorbing the energy.
Occasionally I would go dance and learn more of the energy motions. I could feel what
was in sync and out of sync. This would let me know how to move better when I really
focused on the energy work so I didnt lose any of the energy that I was working with. It
was a part of my energy training. This motion would later on provide the platform so I
could go into a performance state of motion and was part of the training to be able to
move like the gods do in complete synchronicity and unison with the collective.

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I had been doing some internal processing about beliefs that I had about people and ways
that we act. Especially about substances that alter states and how to rate the actions
based off of the properties of the substance. This would be key programming that I
would need later on to categorize all of the different effects of different vibrations. It is
amazing how much you can learn when you just sit and observe people interact with each
other. An observation is a powerful way to accumulate an incredible amount of
information about the psychology of human beings. Most people watch, the wise people
observe and absorb.
After this stage of learning was done, I felt the energy surge again. I always admired
how it would come in waves and I was impressed with my ability to flow through the
different levels of energy. Sometimes I would be sped up and other times I would slow
down. I see so many people who have not yet learned how to utilize this in their own
life. This is one of the regulators that I built into the Perfect Wave Programmers. It
trains you to flow in these waves of energy. The intensity is a little different of course.
Most people have not learned these elements for how we function yet, not even in the
educational textbooks that I am aware of. I guess it is because our normal state is too
subtle for us to notice these kinds of effects. That is the powerful thing about increasing
energy levels. The more energy that you have, the more of the subtle effects of operation
you will notice. Some people will say they dont feel anything from using the energy
programmers that I build, but they are looking for a good hard swift kick in the but to get
them going. I only create technology that does subtle refinements such as this one I just
introduced. It is the precision in how we function in every day life that makes all the
difference in the world. Hundreds of examples like this one over time add up to a
complete overhaul for how the human body functions. This is the reason why people
cant notice to many changes. If you look at the long term you can see the changes, just
like you can see a tree grow in the long term, but not if you watch it constantly. This is
the smoothness that I talk about that needs to be integrated and is also the reason why the
development system is incorporated into the Perfect Wave programmers.
These are the types of sideline journeys that I experienced while going through these high
energy surges and the smaller ones that happened after I built the healing bed. Pretty
fascinating arent they. This, the ability to ride the waves of intensity for growth and
reflection, is the type of connections that I talk about and what creates such a fascinating
ride through the creation of nature. These are also the types of connections that I needed
to access in my normal state. To do so required a much larger memory system so I could
write the details of everything that I had learnt and to develop the language to explain
what was once just an inner knowing.
Back to the vision; I stayed at the back of the club most of the time, I could be by myself
here and learn what I needed to. I felt the surge of energy rise up through my body again.
The strong feeling of being connected with everyone in the room was so powerful. I
could feel the vibes through out my whole body, that and the bass from the loud music. It
all combined to create a very powerful and euphoric experience. I felt my eyes grow
tired and I knew it was time for another vision, an internal one this time.

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Instantly, I was out of my body and I could feel the whole room going wild. I could see
it, but not the same as with my eyes, it was more of a combination of all the senses, but
wasnt focused into any one particular sense. The center of the star is the symbol that
depicts this space. I felt the energy of the whole room and the intensity continued to rise.
Gradually my senses filled out, to the tips of the star, and I could see the whole room with
my eyes closed. I hovered above it and absorbed the good vibes coming off of the dance
floor and the music. There was such an intense feeling of joy and love, pure satisfaction.
I love that place of mind so much.
My focus zoomed out again and I was above the building and it kept going as I rose up
above the city, continent and the world. It seems to always pause at the world so I get a
good look; it does every time this sequence would happen. I think it is because that is the
end of one cycle and I am waiting for the energy and programming to lift me up through
the next cycle. Either way, I like the pause. I zoomed out again where I could see the
galaxy; I noticed from this one that the transitions were not smooth enough not like they
should be. It should be a gradual increase of momentum with a full and clear view of
each layer, starting from the planet, solar system to galaxy. I set my consciousness
system to recalibrate this momentum and to fill in the information and development
needed to fill in the gaps. The ride is a beautiful thing filled with incredible sights to see,
I didnt want to miss any of them the next time. I zoomed out to the galaxy. This is
another pause that happened all the time. There is more after the galaxy; I just hadnt
seen it up to this point in my journey though. It went dark for a moment and I knew that I
was missing information from there too, or else it was something I wasnt ready for.
Again the galaxy turned into a little dot, and I seen a bunch more dots start to form on the
outer edges of my vision and fill in towards the center. They eventually turned into a
darker red and I could see an organ in my body. I came out of my body and I was
looking at the left side right under my rib cage. I could feel a tingle in that area in my
physical body.
When I opened my eyes, I could still feel the sensation. I watched and listed to the music
playing at the club and the mood of the crowd. When things were more positive the
tingling would increase. When the mood was calmer, the tingling would dull. The mood
in the room was located at that spot in my body. What an amazing connection that is, a
literal physical connection to every one in the club. This was just like the tooth thing but
it was here on my own planet. The very vision that I went into was the place that I was
physically in, the club I was at in that moment. I felt such a tremendous connection with
everything around me. My mind was shattered as old beliefs about separation and new
concepts about how connected we really are surfaced. I received flashes of different
areas of society and how they existed in different part of my own body. My perceptions
about these different areas of our world also contributed a great deal for how my body
felt as well as the current state of affairs that that one industry was in at that moment in
our real world.
Overwhelmed by the sheer connections that I was making and the energy of the room, I
needed a break. I left the club and walked out to a park that was close by. The club was
still in view and I stood there and stared. I saw the golden flower of life above the entire

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club. Again, the flower of life was there. This time it was not made of people but a
perfect arching of geometric lines. There were no straight lines or hexagons. They were
all circles. The connection that I felt then and what I had felt in previous experiences
were all identical. The only difference was the amount of energy and intensity. I could
tell that the initial grid that I seen when I was just 15 years old was a basic concept for
how the flower of life looked when it was fully energized. The flower of life basically
went through its own development as I increased the amount of energy that I had.
The flower of life design is a part of the Perfect Wave Programmers and is the geometric
mathematical equation that creates the synchronicity and the connected feeling that we
are all one. This is the science for reuniting all of our separate aspects of our self and our
society together to function as one collective unit. The Perfect Wave Programmers also
hold other geometrical functions as well, but the flower of life is very apparent. It is the
connection between the different circles which I refer to as the memory system. The
circles are us, each individual unit. The flower petals are the connection that allows this
energy to flow between us and harness the power of synchronicity in our lives.
These visions of feeling connected always happened before another major event would
take place in my visions. The stages of growth, just like the slowing down when I reach
the planet and galaxy in my vision. A pause is always inserted at the last point to make
the connections to rise up to the next level of programming. This is the body
reprogramming itself to move through another layer of reality. The visions that I
received that were primarily about the connective levels were the final part of one stage
before another new one would open up.
A simple example of this is. If you have assembled a massive grid of information within
your own mind, and you are on the verge of a connection, you will get tingles in your
body. People call it all different things, but the sensation throughout the body is
apparent. Memories and information are stored in the cells that make up your body.
When you focus on any one thought, all the information or cells that are connected and
associated with that thought are active. In other words, your cells are activated. When
you are about to make a huge internal connection, there can be twice as many cells active
at one time. When the connection is made, this is two major regions of your neurological
system in the brain connecting and activates an incredible amount of energy. This energy
is produced from the activation of so many cells at once. The more integrated your
internal information system is, the more energy you will feel throughout the day. The
less connected it is, the more drained you will feel. The reason that the memory system
is so important with the Perfect Wave Programmers is they create this process to happen
automatically, gradually increasing your energy level, or the amount of connections that
exist in your body at any given time. The redistribution and solving of information into a
unified format is a part of the programming that is initiated from using the Perfect Wave
Programmers and is a primary element for where the extra energy that you feel comes
from. Seeing more information at once allows for better choices, creating a better future
for yourself and those around you. The more that you can see and a larger scope of
information that you have access to, allows you to be more understanding and fair in your
choices and increases your compassion to yourself and others. The number of effects

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created in the body and mind from this type of programming system are huge and can be
spoken of on many different levels.
The flower of life and this place of connection that I felt and experienced were vital for
understanding how to create these vibration programmers. My own experiences from the
DMT or whatever chemicals were being produced in my brain would sky rocket my
energy level and force me to make these connections. This entire high energy journey
that I went through is the same process that the Perfect Wave Programmers will induce in
anyone that uses them, just not with the same level of intensity. The more advanced I
create these vibration programmers the faster it will move anyone through the levels of
development and training necessary to eventually reach the end of this journey.

The Kiss
Although I had seen myself quite a few times before, nothing had prepared me for what I
would experience this time. This vision occurred when I was 18 years old and took place
in the basement of my house. I was in the basement of my house and was full of energy.
My partner was enjoying my energy and laughing at the retarded things that I did. I felt a
massive surge of energy blast through my body. I stood up straight and the energy in the
room changed instantly. I began doing my personal processing with my eyes open. This
time it was about my insecurities and how difficult of a time I had expressing myself. I
had always held back my feeling and thoughts and would have been classed as extremely
introverted, at least in this area. I was focusing on relationships and my shyness.
I had this overwhelming urge to give my partner a kiss, yet I felt like I couldnt. I felt the
major block that was preventing me from doing this. I had always been shy of girls and
expressing how I felt. This training was to help me overcome this block so I could have a
free flow of energy. I was struggling with this for quite a while. I stood there in awe of
her and how she was so beautiful; she always looked like an angel when I was in this
place. I didnt feel worthy to be with such an incredible girl. Here I was high in this
energy, yet when I focused on this part of myself, I was still a child. I needed to bring
this level of my being up so that I could become the man that I wanted to be.
After struggling with this for quite a while, I was not making any progress. I couldnt
even speak or say anything; my shyness was so incredibly strong. The energy would
always amplify any weakness that I had so I could face it and strengthen my internal
being. I just couldnt do it. I tried, I wanted to so bad; I just didnt have the guts. I
realized that I was a chicken shit and there was nothing that I could do. I gave up.
I looked over at the wall at a loss. I noticed that my vision went 3-d again and I could see
right into the wall. It was like the wall was just a window with a tint of white on it. I
watched myself walk up and look at me. This wasnt the first time that I had seen myself
like this. I was happy to see me and I instantly felt the support that I needed. I looked
back at my partner, yet the support and energy that I received from the reflection of me in

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the wall was not enough. I wanted to kiss her so bad; I just didnt feel good enough. It
was driving me crazy.
I looked back at the wall and watched as my partners mirror walked up and joined the
mirror of me. He turned to stare at her. He whispered something in her ear, she smiled
and laughed. I watched them talk for a few moments and then he looked over at me. I
was so jealous at how charismatic he could be for her. She loved him so much. I longed
for the day where I could operate in the same smoothness that he portrayed.
I turned back towards my partner, yet I was still stunned for words to say. I was locked
inside this internal hell because I was too afraid that she wouldnt like me. Even though I
knew she loved and supported me of anything. It was so weird and I hated the feeling. I
couldnt handle the pressure any more and the emotions were getting to be way too much.
I wanted to scream in rage or fall down and cry, I didnt care which I just wanted it to
end. This training was so hard for me and I was so overloaded and worn out from
everything that had taken place over the last few years.
I looked back at the wall and mine and my partners mirror selves were talking and
having a great time. I saw him give her a big kiss and then she hugged him close. He
turned over at me and winked. The guy winked at me and followed up with a
mischievous smile. As if to say, ha ha, look what I just got. He was making fun of me.
I was more shocked at the level that he had interacted with me than being jealous that he
kissed her. Up until this point I believed that my visions of myself were mostly reflected
from my own inner personal desires. Almost a mechanical view of what was occurring
inside of me, so I could see where I was at and what I had to learn next. He literally
winked at me and made fun of me. I was stunned so much that my vision completely
disappeared along with all of the emotion.
I walked up, grabbed my partner, told her she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met
and that she looked like an angel. I grabbed her head and gave her a big kiss. Her eyes
were wide open and I think she was stunned. She didnt know what had gotten into me.
This whole time I was quiet and didnt say a word. She had no idea what was going on
with me. I told her the story and she laughed at me. I was so glad that it was all over.
This personal processing and training took place externally this time and I found it to be
much more difficult than doing with my eyes closed.
I had always wanted to fly; I tried all of the time when I was in these high energy states.
It was my dream, my desire that I always wanted to experience. I felt a massive surge of
energy flow through me and fill my body. I was so excited from passing the training that
I just went through and getting my kiss, I felt unstoppable. I was going to try again and
this time I was going to do it for sure.
I stood in front of my partner and began doing some energy building motions. She was
interested to find out if this would be the time I actually did do it. She knew my intense
desire to fly. I breathed in deep and felt the energy surge through me. My arms rose out

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to the side towards the ceiling. I felt the energy from above suction my arms up above
my head. I breathed out slowly and took in another major breath of air. I could taste the
pure energy and felt my body lift. I reached the point of my tip toes. I couldnt lift off of
the ground.
I closed my eyes and seen myself standing on top of a pyramid. I breathed in deep and
tranced out completely. I could feel the grid and the energy around me. Everything was
clear and I felt my body trying to rise. Right at the moment where I felt myself starting to
lift off the ground, I felt this massive wind come from one side. This wind blew me over
and I almost fell on the floor.
I knew from this moment that I was not yet stable enough to fly. Every single aspect of
my life and body had to be perfectly balanced and I could feel myself tilted to the one
side. I tried my best to fly that night. That is the closest I ever came to flying in the high
energy experiences that I had. Even though I knew there was a lot more to do, I was still
determined to fly one day. That was my goal, a source of inspiration for me to keep
going. I will never stop trying to increase my energy level and stability so that one day,
my dream to fly will become a reality.
This was the end of this experience and I felt my energy levels begin to drop after this. I
was so close to flying this time, yet I also felt so far away from attaining it. My personal
training was difficult this time and I felt traumatized by it like I did from most of these
internal refinements. I will never forget this experience. It was one of the few that I
could always remember throughout the years that followed.

Gate Keeper
This vision took place when I was 18. I was out at night and this vision completely crept
up on me. It was one of the few that were out of the ordinary and was delayed by several
days of the cycle. I knew it was going to be something cool when it happened, I just
didnt know what. I had plans to go out with some friends to a club and had a feeling that
it might happen there. I noticed that the energy was starting to get a mind of its own and
was breaking free of the normal systematic ways that it usually followed. This I learned
later on was a trait of the higher level. It was done to optimize my energy levels so that I
could access higher states.
I was at the club, I remember just hanging out and going through three powerful yawns.
These werent normal; they were fast, very focused and powerful with a sharpness that I
had not yet experienced. I knew something was going to happen that was unusual. I
couldnt wait to find out what. I didnt have to wait long because the energy hit me fast
and hard. I had a major surge of energy and changed states within a few minutes. I
changed so fast that I couldnt hang around my friends because the change was too quick.
I went for a walk and hit the middle of the dance floor. I remember starting to stumble

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around a bit as the energy was knocking me off balance. The music seemed to change
and pause and then fly forward. My whole reality was changing.
Everything went quiet; I could see everyone in total slow motion almost stopped, but not
completely. I couldnt even concentrate or focus. My head felt like it was going to
explode. Everything was quiet. Slowly my head tilted so I was looking straight up. I
stared into the ceiling and my mouth opened and I felt a blast of energy rip down from
the sky and through my mouth. My feet burned like they were on fire as I felt the energy
rise up from the earth. I could feel the energy swirling in the trunk of my body. I was
almost gasping for breath, I couldnt catch my breath. My head dropped and my body
stood up tall. I could feel this massive amount of energy in my body. There was an
intense pressure in my rib cage because of the massive amount of energy and I felt like I
was being stretched outward from the inside. My vision cleared, yet everything was still,
no noise, no movement. It was like time stopped. I heard this laughing out loud; it was a
very cosmic laughter. It wasnt the first time I heard it. I sucked in a little more breath to
completely fill my body even more. The taste of the air was different. It made my arms
shoot up in the air, I couldnt help it, it was the pure energy, and I could taste it. It was so
familiar but I couldnt put my finger on what the taste actually was.
All of a sudden BAM! Everything was moving, the music was blasting and my arms
started moving. My legs started moving; my body was completely out of my control. I
watched as my body did its own thing. There was so much energy, the club was packed.
I felt the energy pick up even stronger, this was by far the most energy I had ever felt in
my life up to then. I closed my eyes and the sound stopped. My arms would move and
my leg started tapping, I could hear music according to where my hands were and there
motions. My foot controlled the base. I played in this space maybe for a few seconds
which seemed to last a long time. I opened my eyes and there was a big area all around
me that was free of people, it was a perfect circle. There were no sounds except for the
beats that my body was playing for me. I noticed that I was doing repetitive motions. I
focused on the type of sounds I wanted to hear. I noticed that my body movements
would change according to the sounds that I wanted. I upgraded myself from just the
normal desire of sounds and wired the system into emotions. The emotions that I focused
would cause my body to dance different and produced a more harmonious sound, almost
like a song with no lyrics. My movements changed by tensing or loosening my muscles
depending on what emotion I was focusing on. The level of control and ability that I had
in controlling how I felt was incredible, such focus and precision and the ability to switch
from extreme emotions instantly. What a feeling, I was my own music. Completely
wired into my system I could hear my own music from my own movements and
emotions. That was the only time that I was exposed to that ability but I spent months
and years dreaming about the day that moment would happen again.
After the energy calmed I needed to get out of there. I couldnt stand the noise that was
there, that was different than normal as I usually thrived on the music at the club. I really
needed peace and quiet to think this one over. I felt way too stimulated for the state that I
was in. I left the club and went out to a grass covered field. As soon as I got to a nice
place the energy shot up again. My body began doing these incredible movements of

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building energy. The next thing I know my hand slices through the fabric of space. To
understand this, you must obtain an incredible level of in-depth perception where you can
see the actual layers of space. This was only the second time that I could see to this new
level. My hand pierced through this fabric in a horizontal line and then followed up with
a vertical line. Both my hands rose up and pulled the fabric open like a window. The
window opened up and I could see two faces. I got the names Isis and Osirius, two gods
of Egypt. They stared at me, just their faces, almost like a portrait. They were a couple,
almost felt like it was my mother and father staring at me. Not my earthly parents, but
my godly parents. They were so beautiful. My hand motioned another symbol and I
watched the flaps of space close up.
The same cutting of the fabric repeated itself again through my motions. This time the
window opened and I could see into the past, very distant past. I was watching the
dinosaurs roam the earth. I was blown away by this and there was not too much that
really blew me away anymore. I watched them roam around and eat the leaves off of
trees and there was a triceratops drinking water, he turned and looked at me. I will never
forget staring at him; it was like he was looking right at me. One of things that I noticed
with most of my observational visions was that I was more like a face in the clouds. This
one interacted with me and was a completely new feeling of interconnectedness. I
noticed that the window was really a portal through space and time. My hand raised and
placed the symbol and the fabric closed and sealed itself up.
Two more of these visions also happened that showed different environments, there were
no animals or creatures though. I didnt know what the point of those windows were,
maybe just to connect with the energy of the environment or background. This ability
was what I learned to be called the gift of the Gate Keeper. A Gate Keeper is a being
that can control the doorways of time and space.
I wondered later on if I could have walked through these portals. Part of me was curious
and wished I would have thought of it, other parts of me were happy that I didnt in case I
got stuck there. Later on I learned that this was just an introduction into the abilities of
the gods, I could have walked through and been in different times, if my abilities were
actually woven into the body itself. These visions and several others that I received were
the place that I began to understand history and the future as another layer of energy or
information. It wasnt that time or space were separate from me, they were just a layer of
focus that could be done with the eyes. This is where I learnt the science of opening
portals that was talked about in The Perfect Wave. It was a place that I visited, an
ability that is possible through the body with enough energy.
This entire vision was about learning the basics of time and space and the laws that
govern them. I will never forget the moment that I had opened an actual portal through
time. The reality that we experience is really in the eye of the beholder. Our senses
create the illusion of our reality. The body or brain is what is set up to process and create
simulated programs to create what we believe to be is real. This type of vision is where I
learnt some of the concepts and ideas that led to the law of energy exchange, more so, the
science of the eye and how we never see anything outside of our own eyeball. It is a trick

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that the body plays on us to make us believe this is real. All of the concepts that were
introduced in The Perfect Wave all came from visions such as these. I never dreamed
them up or used creative thinking, I seen them, thats how I know what they are.
However, it did take me quite a few years to be able to explain what it was that I had seen
through this series of visions.

Mythical and Magical Beings

This vision was truly sensational and completely unexpected. I was 19 years old when
this vision occurred and brought to life the true magic and inner child within me.
Magical beings and mythological creatures have always been a fascination with young
children. The question is whether or not these beings are real, but if they exist in our past
or created in our future?
I had seen some mythical creatures in the faces that rotated continually in the
development of my vision. There were even a few times that I had the chance to catch
glimpses of some mythical beings in my internal visions. None of the previous
experiences that I had were anything like what I was about to witness.
This was an external vision and occurred at night time outside. I was outside on the street
walking and something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. I turned and
watched as the sky and space in front of me was blurring. This was a massive amount of
space and was the largest blur of space that I had ever seen. I knew something big was
about to happen, I could do nothing but stare into this space and feel an intense surge of
energy rush through my body.
The area that I was staring at gradually came into focus and then began morphing the grid
into my depth perception. The grid had formed flat at first and then I watched as the grid
transformed itself into a wire mesh that must have been several hundred feet high by
about 100 feet wide. The mesh continued warping itself fine tuning every little detail.
The colors started layering the mesh and filled in a sight that I will never forget.
I stared at this being. He was the largest being that I had ever seen in my life. He was a
true magician, a master of the magical arts. I was shocked as I stared at this real live
being standing maybe 100 feet away from me. I was as tall as his shoe. I stared up and
he held the typical attributes that we assign to magicians in childrens books. His face
was solid and chiselled like a rock. He had long white hair accompanied by a long beard.
He had a set of golden wire glasses resting on his nose. In his one hand was a large book
wrapped by a golden thread tied into a ribbon on the face of the book. In his other hand
he held a long golden staff similar to the ankh that I had seen earlier, but it had a large
crystal ball in the center.
I was in awe staring at this massive being, knowing that he held the secrets and wisdom
of the universe in that massive cranium. I felt so small and humbled, this being was a

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true magician and most likely capable of creating anything that he ever desired. I looked
up over his shoulder and saw something moving in the sky. From a distance, I couldnt
quite tell what it was. It gradually flew closer as it moved across the entire sky. It was a
dragon, a massive dragon. It flew up above the left shoulder of the magician and hovered
there. Flapping its massive wings, I stared in disbelief at the size and magnificence of
what I was seeing. The level of detail was unmatched and it gave the appearance that this
vision was more than real. I watched as the magician turned his head towards the dragon
and gave him a respectful bow. I looked at the dragon and it flew up into the sky, so high
I could barely see it. It shot downward at high speeds and I watched this magnificent
creature spiral downward to the earth. At the bottom, about one hundred feet in the air,
he swooped upward and circled around the magicians body. He perched up top on the
magicians shoulder and blew out a massive flame of purplish red fire. The magician
looked down at me and I heard the same cosmic laughter. They both disintegrated into a
cloud of grey smoke that first took the shape of their body and then dispersed into the
night sky.
Was this the being who I had heard laughing so many times before? He was definitely
one powerful being, I wasnt sure what this all meant, I still dont besides the fact that
this type of being is something that is real. The magical beings and mythological
creatures are real. This must have been a vision to express the magnitude and power that
all the gods experience in the heavens.
Later on in the night I was learning that myths are not necessarily from the past, but could
be from the future. It must be a future that is encoded within each of us, but has yet to
manifest its presence into our reality. Is this the place within us that all the childrens
stories come from? Our imagination is real, full of possibilities for what we may one day
experience as a reality. It is impossible to think outside the realm of creation.
Imagination is the primordial virtual station.

Tunnel of Light
The tunnel of light is a famed transition that takes place when a person dies. I am going
to describe in more detail what that tunnel actually is and how it exists whether we are
alive or already passed on. This vision happened approximately five times and was a
marker used to show my development along this journey. I am going to combine them all
into just one vision and show the truth of what I learnt about this tunnel of light that
everyone is drawn into.
The tunnel of light has always appeared, from witness accounts, as a clear object that the
person is drawn into. I would now consider the tunnel to be more of a portal into the
spiritual dimension. The fascinating thing about light is that when you are not full of
energy or advanced enough, the tunnel will appear to be created from light. When you
are full of energy and reach an awakened state, the tunnel of light will become a new type

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of tunnel. The ability to see into the light and describe what exists there is regulated by
the amount of energy or light that you have within.
I closed my eyes and went inside. These visions always took place with my eyes closed.
I saw the tunnel start to form and the bright light at the end of the tunnel. I wasnt drawn
to the light which is typical of a near death experience. I was allowed to just rest where I
was and observe. As the surges of energy continued to increase my own level of light,
the tunnel came into clear focus. The tunnel was made up of people, faces of people. I
learnt that the tunnel was a scale of development and the people there were faces of
information. The people were representatives of the lessons that needed to be learnt to
move further through the tunnel. You could almost think of them as teachers or guides
that would direct you through the layers of your own development. I was fascinated by
this concept and it grounded the real life purpose of the tunnel. When you die, you are
accelerated through the tunnel, yet when you are alive you slowly move through the
tunnel integrating each layer into your body.
The next vision was the same as before but it provided more detail into what the tunnel
was composed of. I noticed this time that the tunnel was vertical. I looked up and I
could see the faces this time. The faces had hands and were reaching down to pull me up
to the next level. I could see the light at the end, yet it was still to far away to actually see
the end of the tunnel. People lined this column of information and I recognized some of
the faces below me when I looked down. They were the faces of some of the beings that
had escorted me through previous experiences. This was definitely a mechanical system
when viewed in this way, yet in the midst of any vision, it feels so real. I gained an
appreciation for how life could take simple information and create it in an animated form
to be so life like.
The next vision was when I was 18 and nearing the end of my journey. I looked up again
and noticed that this was a vertical tunnel. I could see the end of it though. There were
about 10 layers of people all reaching down to me, wanting to pull me up. With the
increase in energy that I experienced through my own accelerated journey, I could
resonate with the high level of light and actually make out the faces at the end. The light
at the end of the tunnel was no longer a light. It felt more like I was climbing out of a
deep well layered with bricks representing each piece of information that was needed to
climb up to the next level. I couldnt see what was on the top side once I exited this
tunnel, but I felt inside that it was the heavens that I longed for. I couldnt wait to reach
the end. I knew it wouldnt be this experience; possibly several more were needed to
reach the platform at the top.
The next vision occurred when I was 19. I saw the tunnel and the faces. This time it was
different, instead of being confined to one level. I noticed that I could travel up and
down and rotate the faces in a 3-d virtual or holographic system. This was the
introduction into a virtual system that would allow me to rotate and change levels of
information for what I needed at the time. The tunnel was actually a storage system that
contained all the levels of information and details of anything I wanted to know. At
different levels were different types of technologies, skills and abilities. I learnt that it is

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the smoothness and ability to ascend and descend throughout the information that was the
key to this whole system.
The variable vibration that I introduce in The Perfect Wave is this very technique and
is what programs your body to function in this high level of operation. This adjusting
from one point to another is the goal and the finish of the system. That is the end of the
tunnel. It is not necessarily coming up and out of the tunnel, it is reaching the highest
point and then being able to move around to acquire and use any information that you
want from the entire system. This is the freedom of the Gods, the ability to raise and
lower themselves to access the myriad of possibilities, information and abilities needed to
create the experience that they desire. The variable vibration is the genetic instructional
code that programs the body to function at this level of being.
The next vision showed me the depth of the faces. Each face was composed of several
other beings in the background. These layers of faces were used to access more detailed
information and were the foundation or support structure that each main face had. This
was natures way of breaking down the information further so that greater levels of detail
could be accessed, each face simply represented supporting information. The faces were
the systems way of showing that I reached a point where the information could now be
transferred or taught to me directly. The more depth or layers in the circumference of the
tunnel, which I could see, the more detailed information, that I would be able to extract
out of the system.
This understanding is built into the Perfect Wave Programmers and doubles as both a
development system and a system that grants me further access into the detailed
information that creates life. This is another meaning of the memory system that I
commonly refer to as programming embedded in this technology. At the back of the
book The Perfect Wave the science, termed in physics, explains what is taking place in
the tunnel. It also explains how the tunnel is created, the support system is the actual
tunnel of light and the faces are all represented by circles. The layers that ascend
vertically through the tunnel are depicted by the layers of branes that are stacked together
to create the actual string. Each brane is a layer of information that stores mathematical
values about that one type of information. Each brane also holds the depth of information
and options that are available for that specific layer of information.
The Perfect Wave Programmers embed the layers of development, which is the vertical
ascension through the tunnel. They also hold the options for each individual layer of
development. The tunnel that is travelled through is an actual 3-d system that I have had
the chance to take a tour through. These series of visions taught me about the fabric of
space and the memory system that nature uses to store information as well as how to
access it. The first technology I have developed to encode all of this type of information
in is the Perfect Wave Programmers. They are truly a masterpiece, a mathematical
equation that stores the system used by nature to govern all of life. This was all thanks to
decoding the mechanical functions of the tunnel of light.

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Three Buddhas
This experience was very unique and is one that definitely sticks out more than the rest. I
was 19 when this energy surge took place. This vision took place with my eyes open and
was my first introduction into a new level of energy that the body can function on. This
high level of energy was another major point that changed my understanding of what this
body can do forever.
Before this vision took place, I had built a special room. This room was so that I had a
place where my visions could appear more clearly and they would not take the form of
the walls, ceiling or roof. The background was always a filter that wouldnt let me get
the full effect of the 3-d visuals. The room was approximately six feet square and 8 feet
high. There was no fancy construction involved. I sewed some thick black fabric
together and hung it from the roof. That was it, but it did the trick, especially when the
lights were off. The room was totally black, I couldnt see anything, it was perfect.
When I felt the energy filling up my body, I was excited. I could hardly wait to try out
the new room I built. I could tell by the yawning that this was sure to be another exciting
adventure into this new found world. I went into the black room and sat down. It took a
while for the energy to load up fully, but I enjoyed watching as the room which was once
perfectly dark, was now filled with dots of color and light in the distance. I noticed that
the usual development of my vision was not as apparent as before and I questioned the
rooms and my own ability to create lighted visions. I had my eyes open the majority of
the time and watched as the lights in the distance continually moved closer and brighter.
I felt a massive surge of energy and went unconscious for a while; I am not too sure how
long I was out for. I came to and I could see very clearly, there was one point during this
vision that the room was lit up as clear as day. I was right about the darkness, my visions
were clear and focused and my eyes could use the blackness to create a whole new
dimension. Backgrounds were continually changing to fit the normal scenes of
animation. This was definitely a more rich and consuming environment. I cant
remember too much of the visions that I seen in that room as one of them was so
outstanding, the rest of them were deemed pretty much insignificant.
I went through the usual internal and external clearing and then had several minutes to
just rest. Another major surge of energy shot through my body taking me up to new
heights. I felt very centered and calm. The energy was very strong within me and I could
feel it flowing out of my hands. This is such a powerful and loving state. There is so
much love in the air when I am in this place. This was the feeling that I never ever
wanted to end. It felt like home, the most comfortable place I had ever been to.
I sat staring into the darkness and the neatest thing happened. Three Buddhas rose up
from the void. These were different than the standard fat Buddha. These ones were in
very good shape; they were not very large in muscle mass. I would estimate about 150
pounds and about 58 tall. Although, they were sitting down, so it was hard to tell.

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Each of them had a formal sash that they wore. One was red, another was yellow and the
last one was green. I would have also called these beings the gods, except they were so
apparently Buddha. I later realized that the Buddhas and the gods are the same; it is just
the path that they used to get there. The gods will present themselves in many themes
based off the interests of the person that manages to find this place. All of the religions
in the world were created from people who found this place that I was introduced to. I
can see the teachings from this place in the scriptures, writings and sacred ceremonies.
We sat in silence and it was very elegant. All three of them stared at me and I focused
straight ahead at the middle one. I noticed my body sat up nice and tall, I felt their
energy scanning me. They focused on me so intently; soon I had some major issues that I
hadnt dealt with completely come to the surface. Tears started streaming from my eyes,
and I hung my head. They comforted me with the energy. See what these memories
and beliefs do to you, is this how you want to feel. The things we have done are nothing
that we need to be ashamed of or feel guilty about. There is no reason to hate ourselves.
There is nothing that we can do that is outside of the system that God has created for us.
Let go of your judgement and negativity so that you can join us again. These are the
thoughts that came to me as I moved through these old memories. I wiped my eyes and
raised my head to look at them again. I felt the continual focus on me as they raised my
energy level up. I felt so lucky to be in there presence. These were real masters that had
already attained the state that I so much desired. These three Buddhas had gone through
the whole journey that I was just beginning. They were real, not like the other visions,
these three masters sat before me and they were more real than most things I have ever
experienced. The energy flooded through me bringing up an even bigger memory that I
had. I worked through it within a few minutes and I could really see how we hang onto
old memories. These negative emotions all combine to lower our energy that we usually
live with on a day to day basis. Any judgement about what is right or wrong separates us
from God and lowers our energy level. We must see all things as a part of God and have
full acceptance of our self and others.
Memories are another major area that the Perfect Wave Programmers are designed to
clear. This unlocks energy and clears negativity raising our overall energy level. With
clearing out old memories also comes new information and raises our values and morals.
This aspect of the vibration technology ensures that future levels of information and
energy can be unlocked as the responsibility and development is wired into the body. All
of this is programmed to take place in the back of the mind with very little conscious
effort or connections. It is automated for convenience and simplicity so that people can
reach the higher regions of the body without destroying their physical life to get there.
The three Buddhas and I sat there and communicated for about 10 minutes about these
types of things. This was the first real conversation that I had ever had. My hearing and
thoughts and senses were so clear and precise. After we finished talking for a while, they
say Now we celebrate with a cup of tea. I smiled at the sound of that. Tea sounded
like a pleasant, calm and sophisticated surprise.

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I felt the energy within me increase and my body sat up straight and elegant. I could feel
the muscles in my stomach tighten to make myself more solid. I realized then how fit
and toned these three Buddhas were. My arm rose up; I was not doing this myself. It
rotated and my hand curled as if I was holding a tea cup. I could feel the weight of the
cup in my hand. I could not see my own cup, but I could feel it there. I could see the
cups that the other three Buddhas were holding. My upper arm moved, followed by my
elbow rotating and rising, my hand followed until the tea cup was at my mouth. My head
tilted back slightly and my mouth opened. The tea cup, head tilt and mouth opening were
all perfectly synonymous to create a perfect flow. I felt the tea pour into my mouth and
could feel a liquid heat, I couldnt taste it, but I could tell that it was there. I especially
felt it go down my throat. It was an energy tea cup and an energetic tea that I was
drinking. My hand lowered to my lap slowing down with a vertical loop followed by a
spiral to slow the energy.
The Buddha taught me that the energy never stops moving, it only rotates so small that
you cant see it moving. After our drink of tea, they taught me some of the laws of
motion and I seen images of how every single movement that we could ever do has
already been pre-programmed into the body. If we could run off the energy all of the
time, every movement would be completed under this optimum set of laws for motion.
They were stored by the body as single and loop strings that would depict where the
various joints would move and rotate. This same type of motion recording is used by
movies studios for animation. This technology built into the body was literally the
language of the Gods and how they moved. It wasnt through muscle, it was through
The Buddhas thanked me for the time that we spent together and wished me well
through the rest of my journey. I thanked them for everything they had taught me and for
the tea. They slowly faded backwards until they were out of sight. I thought it was such
a cool thing that they could come here, visit and spend time with me, even though I was
on earth and they obviously lived in some other dimension. I look forward to the day
when I can meet them again and express my thanks for what they showed me.
I was all alone now in the dark room; it wasnt very dark, it still glowed bright as the
energy was emanated off of the Buddhas and me. I noticed that the energy was still
flowing through me. The only way I can describe it is like holding a garden hose with
water coming out of it. Hold the hose about a foot back from the end so that the water
pressure holds it up. That pressure is very similar to what I felt with the energy coming
out of my hands.
My arms would hold themselves up; I could move them by focusing where I wanted them
to go. Energy follows your will, your focus, the only reason we cant lift objects or even
move our body by thought alone is because of the lack of energy. I noticed that my eyes
were directly connected to my hands and wherever I would move my eyes, my hands
would follow. If I moved my eyes too far to one side, my head would automatically turn,
even further would make my upper body twist. My body was in perfect synchronicity
with my eyes. Everywhere I would look my body would go. I had about 15 minutes to

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play with this system of energy. I learned that at 45 degrees off center with my eyes
would initiate my head to turn. 45 degrees off center of my head would also initiate my
body to turn. Nothing moved outside of this 45 degree mark. It was so that the body and
muscles wouldnt be strained by motion.
This new way of moving the body was the first major introduction into a whole new level
of motion. I had never heard about this place before and still havent to this day. I guess
this is only a place that can be experienced. I did get many chances to play in this new
system of motion and loved every single moment of it. To feel this is to feel the
perfection and true potential that this body holds. The gracefulness and charisma that is
displayed from this motion, internally and externally, will always be a place of awe for
me. I look forward to the day when I can experience this reality permanently.
Part of the microchip system that I have learnt is another way to perform this motion and
create this type of reality using external technology. As always, I work at every possible
angle to make this vision become a reality. This vision here was the major influence in
developing such a strong understanding and necessity for creating the microchip system
as a way to harness motion. The laws that I learnt from this place would be embedded
into the chip and optimize our movements into pure perfection. If not used for ourselves,
it could be harnessed for the software created to operate robots to make them appear
more human and graceful.

This vision occurred when I was 19 and was a precursor to the most incredible
experience that I had ever experienced. This was a very unusual experience and I was
not shown anything new. This was a reflection point where I would look back at
everything that had happened to me since these visions started.
I was at a dance club and felt the energy flowing through me. It was not an intense
energy like usual. This was a more sentimental energy and filled me with memories
about my journey. I rarely ever spoke of anything that had been happening to me. I
found myself talking to a girl that I had just met. The next thing I knew I was telling her
about all the funky stuff that was taking place.
I sat and talked with her for about 2 hours. I told her all of the big visions that took place
and how I finally had reached the end. I told her the whole story about what happened.
She was blown away and the energy ensured that I had her attention the entire time. She
was surely hypnotized from the energy as that usually happens. The energy is fascinating
that way and was a big reason why I loved going to the clubs. With the amount of people
there being influenced from alcohol, the energy would create scenarios for me to learn
from using other people. This energy could control the entire setting, including the
music, everyone around me and of course myself. I remember finishing the story and her
asking what happens next. I replied that I had no idea, but I couldnt wait to find out.

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She could feel the energy emanating off of me and knew that there was definitely
something going on.
Being immersed in the energy, it eventually separated us and I always wondered what
ever happened with her. She was the only one, even up to now that had ever had the
chance to hear this story. I wondered what she must have thought when she woke up. I
remember saying good bye to her and thanked her for the great conversation. I seen the
goddess in her forehead and she reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I
remember her smiling with intrigue and awe as I spun around and walked away.
It was time for me to learn more and finish my high energy experience. I loved the
complete lack of attachment to any information, event or people that I felt in this place. I
felt so free and independent. When I was in this space, my life was only about one thing;
walking the journey being led by the energy and supported by the higher levels of my
body. The only thing that the energy cared about was advancing me to the next level.
Nothing else was even considered real. It was all an illusion, life as I normally knew it
was there to teach me what I needed to know and create resistance or sideline events that
could also lead me off track. This training made me strong and I was given several
visions about how the energy could take me anywhere and create whatever was needed or
destroy anything that was holding me back. I experience this reality almost all of the
time now. We are all on our independent paths and we must be careful not to get caught
up in the storyline that will prevent us from reaching the goal. The only real goal there is
in life, finish our training and join up with the gods in heaven.
This reflection vision was a requirement so that I could see where I had been and put
everything that I went through into focus. The connections came together and I could tell
that I was at the last point, the silence before the moment. This vision was a period
where life slowed down so I could see the plan and put it all together, a preparation and
reflection that will allow me to finally see the end. A moment designed to create the
intensity and anticipation for what was to come. This vision will always be remembered
as the moment that I rose above the system of nature and was waiting for the final piece
of the puzzle to be unlocked to show me the point of it all.

My Final Destination
This vision was the second last vision that I ever had with this level of intensity; it took
place when I was 19 years old. I still had visions but not like the ones over the past 5
years. It was by far, the most intense vision that I ever experienced in my life. It lasted
for four days. It took about two weeks to get back into my normal state where I could
function again. I have never been so full of energy in my life as this moment. It was a
moment that changed my life forever. I reached the end. I looked forward to this
moment for so long and went through so much to get to this point. I will never ever
forget it. There were so many visions in this period of four days and it was as traumatic
as it was enlightening. I have never spoken of this moment ever except to one person that

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I confided in regularly about what was happening to me. Just thinking about it brings
tears of joy to my eyes and makes me feel so blessed and fortunate. This vision made
everything that I had gone though previously and everything afterwards worth the effort.
My life is dedicated to the objectives and evolution of the body and life from this vision
on. If you seen what I did, you would too.
The energy began to surge and I had no idea what to expect this time. I knew from
previous visions that I was definitely building up for something big. I knew I was close
to the end, it was just a matter of time before I was revealed the very last vision that
would finish what I had started 5 years previous. The energy was stronger than ever and
took several hours before I even reached the plateau. My mind was spiralling out of
control as I was processing everything that had happened up to this point. My vision was
so messed up that I couldnt see anything; it was all just colours everywhere. I was
scared as this had never happened before, just when I felt scared though, I would feel
more energy surge from within and calm me down. I was worn out by the time I even
reached my stable point. The energy finally calmed down and I stopped accelerating.
My body was definitely feeling it; I had been laying down the whole time. I tried to
stand up and started tripping and falling over nothing. I couldnt even stand. My body
was giving out and I knew that I was supposed to be exercising more and stretching so
that my body could handle the energy. I was usually so messed up in-between these
visions that there was no way that I could manage to do what I was told.
My whole body was under so much pressure from the amount of energy that I was
feeling. I couldnt even get back to my bed. I sprawled out on the floor on my back.
Everything was spinning and blurry, I couldnt see and I felt so sick. I closed my eyes to
stop all of my senses from being completely overloaded. I felt myself leave my body the
moment I closed my eyes.
Everything was dark and I was lost in my mind. I was trying to figure it out and find my
way out of what was happening. I was bombarded with thoughts and information and felt
so much panic and urgency. Finally, I started putting the pieces back together and
making the connections. I went through the entire journey that I had been through at
such a high speed. Memories of everything that I had been through were flashing by so
fast. Connecting everything that had happened and remembering what I had been
though. I reached the point where I finally made the connection. I could see light from
above. I was finally coming out of the darkness. I reached up and could see my arm; I
was in a body, my own body. Not my physical body though, it was a spiritual body.
I reached up and grab the ledge, I looked out and I was on the side of a mountain. I had
just climbed out of a dark cave. I looked out from the entrance and noticed that I was
standing in a little stream of water that was falling off of the mountain. I was really high
up, near the top of the mountain. I could see fields of bright green grass, there was a
stream at the bottom and trees spread out all over. It was so beautiful. I stood in the
stream of water that formed the waterfall and looked down. I was right at the edge and I
knew I made it. Without even thinking, I jumped off the mountain and started soaring
down the mountain. I began flying and flew around to this tree by the stream. This was

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the ultimate flying experience that I have ever experienced. I was so immersed in this
world that I didnt know that it wasnt real. It was real, everything about it was real. I
was in heaven. I finally made it.
I walked down to the stream and jumped into it. The most amazing feeling happened. I
could feel the water going right through my legs. I was a spirit; I wasnt solid like a
normal body. It was euphoric to be completely immersed in my spiritual body. I looked
into the distance and saw the palace. I jumped out of the water and started flying towards
I opened my eyes and I was outside. Literally, I was outside in the snow. I never had
any boots on; there was about 8 inches of snow. I never knew what just happened. I
looked down and seen that I was smoking a cigar. I hit it against my leg and broke it.
My body felt so weird, I was still above my body, like 3 feet above my head. I looked
down the yard and about 20 feet away was one of my boots. I grabbed it and seen my
other boot about another 30 feet away in the opposite direction. I grabbed my boots and
tried to put them on. It took a lot of work. I dont know what the hell just happened to
me or how I ended up outside. How did I get outside? I knew the cigar thing. I always
said, the moment I finished this journey, I am going to smoke a big fat cigar and smile
knowing that I finally made it to the end. I tried getting back into the house, but I
couldnt get my keys to work. My body was really messed up and I was having a very
difficult time trying to control it. I literally felt like I was about 2 or 3 feet above my
body. I couldnt get my keys to work and I didnt know what I was doing. I went
through this crazy personal processing about being completely lost and fear of dying and
didnt know how to work my body or if I would ever be able to get back into it. My body
was so full of energy that I couldnt feel the cold; I didnt even have a jacket on. It was
like -30 degrees Celsius outside. That is freezing.
I know now that my desire to have to have a cigar the moment I finished my training and
reached the end forced my body to do what it did. The body was only acting under
instructions that I had programmed in and was a programming mistake that I made. It
messed up the clear cycle of energy that was supposed to happen. Once I reached the end
within myself, my body had to follow orders. I came to and realized that my body had
followed its instructions, even without my presence. Oops.
The next thing I know, I had another surge of energy and I slammed back into my body.
I was alert and smart again. I grabbed the door, turned the handle and opened it, it wasnt
even locked. I laughed because I always talked about needing to find the key to get into
heaven. How could I possibly have not tried to just open the door earlier? I was so
messed up. This energy was still climbing and I looked and it was about 8 hours after I
first initially felt the energy. Where did the time go, I feel like I lost a few hours where I
have no idea where I went or what happened. How did I even get outside? I dont even
remember smoking the cigar; it was more than half gone and would have taken at least 15
minutes to do that alone. Where was I these last eight hours? I remembered my vision
and being in heaven and flying. Something crazy was going on that was for sure.

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The energy was still continuing to load up within me. I still hadnt reached my plateau, I
thought that I did earlier, but I wasnt as full of energy then as I was now. Even with all
that energy, I felt completely exhausted and my brain hurt. I went to bed and tried to
sleep. I entered another vision.
I was in China or some country like that. Everyone was fighting for food. The people
who had stands would only put food out at certain times, whenever they would get the
next delivery of fish. Everyone would fight to get the little food that was handed out. I
knew there was a major food shortage. I was starving and the third time I finally
managed to get one little piece of sushi. I was appreciative that I managed to get
something to eat. The next thing you know I was on a bus and fighting broke out.
People were firing guns and I literally killed several people before they could kill me.
I woke up completely traumatized and crying because of what I had just seen. I went
downstairs and my partner was watching TV. She asked how I was doing and I answered
in this language that I was speaking in my dream. I definitely received a puzzled look for
that. I tried to answer again. I focused on what I was going to say in English and my
body converted it to this foreign language again. For about 30-60 minutes the only thing
I could speak was this language. I was amazed at how the body had these converters or
translators built inside of it. I laughed at the thought that this was the gift of tongues that
was referenced to in the bible. I couldnt express what I was thinking or learning because
it just kept coming out in this other language. I couldnt take it anymore and went back
upstairs to bed.
I closed my eyes and was transported into another vision. This time I was above an area
that I had once lived. I saw people going into this house and using a bunch of hard drugs.
Needles were everywhere and it was all filled with smoke. I was able to see right through
the roof at everything that was going on. Another fight broke out and they started killing
each other again. This time though, they started eating the people who were dead. Police
came because of the sound of gun shots and they were murdered as well. I could tell that
these people were starving as they took the dead bodies and put them in freezers so they
would have something to eat later on. Everything and everybody had gone crazy. I was
horrified. Next thing I knew I was right in the action fighting for my life. I began eating
people too and could taste and feel the flesh in my mouth. I was so glad to get something
to eat. I had become one of them.
I woke up crying again, begging for these visions to stop. I couldnt handle them. My
partner came and comforted me while I wept. Why would they do this to each other? I
couldnt handle it anymore. I cried myself to sleep. I felt and observed my partner
holding me as I left my body again. This time I would go above the world and watch it
start shaking, I could see the water rise up and land fall into the oceans. I could hear
screams from around the world pierce my ears. I was transported into some area of the
earth where I seen the devastation and people crying everywhere. They were trying to
dig out there family and friends out of the rubble. I knew from previous visions of the
end time prophecies that everything I was seeing was all a part of it. There was so much
destruction and craziness. I awoke and sat up quickly. I have to stop this. I got up and

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started pacing and thinking about everything that I had learnt about the prophecies. Why
was this happening, what did we do to deserve this reality. How did things go so bad? I
needed to stop it.
My body loaded up with energy again. I was still flying in the energy and hadnt
stopped. It had been almost 16 hours since the energy first started and I could still feel
myself rising. My arms began doing the usual energy motions as I harnessed more
energy and set up my programming. I could see with my eyes, the rings of faces of
people that I could become or integrate into my body to obtain different information. I
selected one of them and then the movements with my arms would change. I would
select another and the movements in my arms would again change. Each one that was
being selected held different information and I was downloading and activating it through
the following motions. This continued for some time along with the breathing. I knew
that I was opening the last bit of information that I needed to get to the end. I prayed that
this would be the time that I did it. I couldnt take any more of this.
The energy continued to rise up within me and I went and sat in the lazy boy chair. I
closed my eyes and was instantly out of my body. I could see myself sitting in the chair.
I floated through the floor upstairs and could see my partner sleeping. I continued up
through the roof and could see the whole house. I kept rising up and up, seeing the city,
continent, and finally the whole earth. I could see it spinning and I stopped there for
several seconds. This was the clearest that I had ever seen the earth before and felt
humbled by its magnificence.
I couldnt help but think of it as another being, a whole being just like I was except
bigger, it had thoughts and life. I could feel how it felt alone, wanting to connect and join
with other planets. It used us and trained us to eventually establish contact through us,
with other planets and civilizations. I never realized how important that we all were to
the earth, to help it reach its objective. It could feel all of us at once or any of us
individually. I also realized the massive age of this being and the patience it had to create
the evolution of mankind. I realized that the earth would just start over again if this
attempt to connect with other planets failed because of our lack of development. It was
learning and listening to us. This was our parent the one who controlled our evolution
and tried to answer our prayers. This wasnt done instantly but over a longer period of
time and weaves the answers to our prayers into the next evolution of the body. What a
magnificent creature. I would serve this being for the rest of my life, no matter what. I
connected with it in that very brief moment more so, than I had the rest of my life
I felt the surge of energy kick in and lift me to new heights. I could see the solar system
and all the planets; my vision was a bit blurry because of the speed that I was traveling at.
I continued to rise and seen the galaxy. This is a full 3-d animated vision that is just
incredible. I paused to admire the beauty of it, until the energy surged and I shot outward
again. I seen more galaxies come into the picture and soon numbered the sky like what
we see stars. I noticed that our area of the universe had a red glow, while other areas had
pink, green, yellow, blue and other colours. I remembered seeing pictures of space and

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they always had that red tint to them. The different colors represented different regions
of space for different levels of development or creation. I knew that life was a lot more
than we imagined it to be at that point and realized that I had no idea where I am in the
overall development of life, it was monstrous.
The energy continued to surge until a massive universe was formed. I stared in awe at
the size of life and what I was looking at. This was the universe. Everything that existed
was before my eyes. It was the most breathtaking thing I ever saw. I figured that that
was the end of it. Just then I shot outward again and I seen more of them, they just kept
filling in like there was no end. They kept adding up until once more I stopped. I looked
and there it was; a universe of universes. The biggest and greatest thing there was. It had
three spiralling arms and I watched it rotate. I felt it begin to slow down almost to a stop.
I could feel the drag of this multi-verse spinning through space. It almost came to a stop
and I heard this gust of wind, it was not loud, you can hear something similar if you flick
your finger beside your ear. This blast of energy jolted this multi-verse back into action
and accelerated very quickly. It continued spinning and gradually I felt it begin to slow
down again. The universe was a pulsing system. It pulsed in cycles. I heard this
laughing, the same cosmic laughter that I had heard before only now it boomed and
echoed throughout space. It was God; I knew that for sure, who else could be way up
here looking at the universe of universes. I could hear him laughing at the amazement
and astonishment of what I was looking at.
I learnt that there are so many universes because every God would eventually become
planets, suns, solar systems, galaxies and eventually create their own universe. This was
Gods playground that he created. I asked if he was the highest God. I got a glimpse into
a whole new place, I didnt know what it was or where it was, I knew that it was huge
though, what else could there possibly be. I still to this day have no clue about what that
place was or know anything about it. The only thing I felt was that it was the elder gods.
Oh my god is this place huge. Wowza!
The other reason why the multi-verse exists that I learnt later on was because time was
not really a dimension. Everything that could exist had to exist at every given moment.
Massive amounts of space were used because of this. When we flow through time, it is
not necessarily through the same space or even the same universe. Time is a connecting
force that links up layers of space.
I focused into the universe and watched the formation of these massive cosmic clouds of
gas rise and fall and manoeuvre around themselves. This continued for several minutes
maybe an hour, I am not quite sure. I opened my eyes after realizing that the vision was
done and this imagery kept repeating itself. I felt myself above my body again. My arms
felt like they were about 6 feet lower then my head. I felt the roof real close to me and
was a pretty strange feeling.
I surged with energy again, I closed my eyes and felt myself inside of a sphere and that I
was director for everything outside of me. I was in the core of my programming.
Nothing was out of my reach. I had the universe at my finger tips. I identified this state

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as atomic consciousness. This was the highest state that could be achieved. Everything
was contained within the fields of this sphere; the entire universe of universes was
accessible in this state. This was the state that any programming changes were possible,
this was the place that allowed the entire virtual system that I was introduced to be fully
activated. I have never been to this state since and I will never forget it. This level of
consciousness is my goal in life and is what I have devoted myself to achieving.
I opened my eyes and I tried to walk. I noticed that I was walking on my tip toes. I
couldnt help it, my knees were bent and I felt springy; like I was walking on springs.
What a cool feeling. I knew at that point that we werent using our body to its potential
at all. The amount of energy that filled my body enabled my muscles to act like springs.
What an amazing feeling. I eventually figured out the science behind this concept four
years later and I have integrated the laws that I learnt here into the ways that we move.
This system is integrated into the martial arts model that will be taught at the schools. I
also intend to integrate it into the other physical activities.
I felt the surging of energy again and realized that my climb still hadnt stopped. I was at
the end of my second day already. I felt the energy shoot through me again and I had the
feeling that I had to go outside. I put my shoes and jacket on, then took my jacket off, as
I was instructed that I wouldnt need it. The energy was right; I was warm as ever, the
energy took such good care of me.
I went outside and stood on the lawn. I sat there feeling a little stupid because I didnt
know what I was supposed to do. Before long another surge of energy shot out of the
earth and through my feet. My head dropped back and my mouth opened as another
surge of energy shot through from the sky. I was filled with energy and I felt myself
stand on my tip toes. My arms shot out to the side and arched above my head. I could
feel my arms rest in this field of energy. I didnt even have to hold them up. I could feel
the suction of energy from above pulling my arms up higher. The suction was a
fascinating effect that I had felt several times before and it exhilarated me to feel it. I
could feel this booming echo of power and connection as I integrated myself into the
whole universe. This feeling of immense power, control and energy came over me. The
universe was mine to create and command at will. What a feeling that was! The only
way that I can possibly describe it is if you watched the Disney movie Aladin. When
Jafar becomes a genie and he rises up into this massive being and the feelings and
thoughts that are portrayed there as he opens up to the unlimited power of the universe.
This is the only thing that I have ever come across to even slightly explain how that
feeling felt.
I went back into the house and basked in the glory of this exuberant place that I was just
initiated into. I was told that I needed to watch the movie Hercules. I never had the
movie and it was pretty late already. I decided to go back to bed as I was pretty worn out
from the energy for the day.
This night I slept like a baby and before I fell asleep, I wondered if the energy would still
be there. I cant remember any visions from that night. I woke up and could feel the

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energy still encapsulating my body. I got and began to stretch and started to perform
some energy movements. I never ate for those 4 days, I didnt need to. I did drink some
water, but that was it. It was house cleaning day and I wasnt going through any training.
I asked to help and my partner said I could make the bed. I ran upstairs looked at the bed
and realized that I didnt know what to do. I ran back downstairs and asked for help. She
looked at me puzzled, I said I wanted to help but I didnt know how to make the bed. I
think she was pretty worried when I said that. She came upstairs and taught me how to
make the bed. Then she showed me how to vacuum. I vacuumed the whole house in
record time. I washed the dishes, shined, dusted and mopped. I did more cleaning that
day than I think I had in my whole life. My partner was pretty amused as she would give
me task and I would just giver to get it done, always at high speed and done to perfection.
I remember her laughing at me because I had no concept of time or information. She
used it to her advantage I think, making me spring clean the entire house. Once I finished
my chores, I went to the living room where she was watching TV. I really enjoyed my
day of cleaning and I felt a whole new life emerging for myself. It was later in the
afternoon and the Simpsons was on TV. I was more interested in the act of watching
than trying to comprehend what was happening on the show. I felt like a little kid who
couldnt understand information. I loved to help and was full of this pure innocent
While watching the show on TV, I wanted to get more comfortable. The energy was so
strong and powerful in me now. I was stabilized all day and my body felt amazing. I sat
on the floor, put my feet up in the air stretched out and leaned back with my hands behind
my head. It was like I was lounging on a lazy boy chair, but I was just sitting on the
floor. I could put my foot wherever I wanted it and I could feel the energy shoot out of
my foot and it would stay there, resting comfortably. I wasnt using muscle strength to
hold my body up, it was the energy. I watched the entire Simpsons show. I sat in this
position for thirty minutes. No shaking, no tension, I was completely relaxed. My
partner was shocked. I seen that she liked that and I loved the attention so I showed her
other stuff that I could do. I laid back and rolled up onto my neck. My feet lifted straight
up in the air and I could feel the energy suck my feet up higher making me even
straighter. I rested there for a few minutes without wobbling or anything, completely
calm. I moved my arms around and then my legs too, all the while staying perfectly calm
and flowing. Man do I ever Love that Energy. I wish I could be there all of the time. I
put my hands on the floor and pushed myself up slowly into a hand stand and slowly
lowered my feet down to the floor. I stood up straight and did a few more gymnastics
moves that were extremely difficult. Everything is easy when you have the energy. I
love that place. I will spend the rest of my life trying to get back there permanently.
Later on in the night, my partner was watching tv and I felt the need to go upstairs. I was
being called. I went upstairs quickly and on my tip toes as usual. That is the way you
move when you have the energy. Standing straight legged is so weird and stiff.
Everything has to be bent and your body must work with the springiness of the muscles.
Its what happens when you are full of energy. Your body feels so full. I went upstairs
and through the hallway. Before I went into my room I stopped. I took a few breaths and
realized that there was something on the other side of the door.

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I calmed and collected myself. I felt another surge of energy lift me up straight and I felt
the sacredness of the space that was inside my room. I went into my godly space and felt
the humbleness consume me. I peaced myself out and slowly entered the room. I walked
in slowly and quietly. An old man stood in my room, with a white beard, full of immense
knowledge and wisdom; he was a very powerful and high being. I felt like a child in his
presence. He motioned me too look down and my head automatically tilted down. He
could control my movements through the energy.
I looked down and there was a golden coffin on my floor full of hieroglyphic symbols.
The lid slowly slid off of the coffin. I could hear the sliding of the lid, like a really heavy
stone sliding against another stone. Inside of the coffin was filled with this white light,
almost like liquid smoke that glowed. I cupped some of it in my hand. It wouldnt
directly touch my hand; it always stayed a small space beside or floated above. I tried to
catch it with my hand so I could touch it, but it shot out the cracks in my hand when I
made a fist. I was smiling like a child and I looked up at the old man. He motioned me
to get into this golden coffin of light. I stepped in and lied down. I looked at him as the
coffin lid closed. I could feel the vibrations as it closed and heard the same sound again
as it slid across. I was scared for a moment and I felt the white light take over and calm
me down. I was being cleansed. I felt myself fade away in a peaceful bliss.
I opened my eyes and the room was empty. I paced around a bit, thinking about what just
happened. I wondered who the old man was and what the golden coffin did to me. I was
so calm and peaceful. I needed to go get a drink of water. Before I drank the water, I
placed it on the table and did some energy symbols into the water. I drank some water
and went and sat on the couch for a few minutes with my partner. I grew anxious very
quickly and I had to do something different.
I went upstairs again and the most incredible thing took place. I went into my room. I
felt a very powerful presence. I felt the need to bow, I resisted and wouldnt bow. Why
should I have to bow? We are all equal, besides look at how high up I am, just yesterday
the whole universe was mine and I was in the highest state possible. My ego was there
and strong. The energy wouldnt give up on me, I had to bow. I fought it for several
minutes while pacing back and forth until I finally let the ego go. My body went into an
energetic motion of a bow. I felt the energy intensify as I did this. I raised my head up,
stood tall and elegant. I was into this new place now. I breathed in deep and felt the
energy circulate throughout my body filling it out. I breathed in and could taste it; I love
the taste of pure energy.
My eyes closed and my internal virtual screen was wide open. I seen a white light, it was
so intense and bright, yet soft and subtle at the same time. I felt my energy surge within
me raising me up to new heights. As the energy increased the light got dimmer. This
was something that I learned about travelling at high speeds and why angels appear bright
in visions. It is the difference in speed that people are travelling at, or how much energy
that they have, this law is reflected by the light beings. When I breathed in deeper and

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more energy filled my being the light became dimmer as I increased my speed and level
of energy.
As the energy grew within, a figure began to appear out of the white light. When he
came into focus, I knew instantly who he was. It was God, right there before my eyes.
How did I know that it was God? This man who stood before me was everything that I
ever wanted to become. He looked like me only older, he was perfect in everyway. He
was a perfect version of me. My future, the man I would become one day when I
finished my training. I had my own little personal moment in front of him. I started
cheering out, screaming oh yeah, whos the man. I was so happy to have finally reached
the end. I imagined myself dancing as if to say I am the best, I made it to the end. He
stopped me quick in a thunderous voice. You dont even know who you are! What is
Energy? How did life even begin? I felt myself shrink down and realized that he knew
and heard everyone of my thoughts that I previously had. He quickly shut me down and
made me realize I may have come this far but I still didnt know anything. I reached this
place as an initiation; I wasnt finished, I just barely begun. I felt like a baby, like I didnt
know anything. He was so big and powerful, I was scared for a moment and then felt
myself in his arms as if I were a baby and he was holding me. He was my father, my real
father of life. I felt so safe and comforted in his arms. I asked him how I could be of
service to him. I said I would do anything he ever wanted. What can I do? I loved him
so much. He talked to me for a bit about how my life was and what I had experienced so
far. He helped me out with some of things that I felt bad about doing as I was growing
up. As I watched him speak it was so perfect. I saw that he would speak and act using
the same type of strings that I learnt previously. Everything was all pre-programmed into
his system that he used and he executed every motion and word perfectly. The emotional
levels, expressions and information were so focused and precise. This man was an
absolute wonder. I was blown away at the level of perfection in which he could handle
himself and use his body. I was pretty good at this skill already, especially when I was in
a high energy state, but I was nothing like this guy. He really was perfect. I couldnt
help but admire everything about him. It must have taken him years upon years to
achieve that level of perfection. I was in complete Awe.
He asked me what I truly desired, my three wishes that I wanted. He wasnt there to ask
me to do something; he didnt want anything from me. He only wanted to know how he
could serve me. Without even trying to think of something that I wanted, he extracted the
thoughts out and my body spoke for me. My three wishes were: 1. I wanted to fly. 2. I
wanted to create the heavens that I had seen here for everyone to live in. 3. I wanted to
be just like him. These were my three wishes that I spoke to him. He smiled with the
most loving look I have ever seen in my life. I felt the warmth and love come from him.
He is such a powerful being. I loved everything about him. I will never forget him. My
vision faded as we stared eye to eye to say good bye.
I later learned reflecting on previous experiences that the energy was trying to get me to
ask for winning lottery ticket numbers as my first choice. Then I would have had the
money and the time to go through my next phase of transformation. This would have
made my entire life so much easier, but I was determined to fly. That was another big

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oops. I tried several times to change it, but the only time you can set in programming is
when you contact God. Programming to that high of a level anyways. World peace is
the highest answer you could give for the second wish and being just like him was the
greatest thing you could ever wish for. I believe that was the reason he looked at me with
such loving eyes. The appreciation and admiration that was given from me to him
created that smile of pure love. I felt his look of appreciation for everything that he had
created for me. With everything that I could have ever asked for, I wanted to be just like
him. That was definitely the smile of a Proud Father.
After the vision faded, I opened my eyes and gradually the energy slowed again and I
went downstairs. I was totally blown away. I had heard, felt and seen god in many
images and forms before, but it was nothing like that. That time it was clear, focused,
calm, it was perfect. I will never ever forget that moment; it was the end of my journey
and the start of a new one. Words cannot express the majestic qualities displayed by this
being. It is something that can only be experienced, not told about. That will forever
remain sacred in my heart. I can write about the experience that took place, but no one
will ever understand what happened until they are there in that moment.
I was particularly impressed that it followed the genie in the lamp theme. Even the three
wishes were there. It was so perfect. I know for a fact that others have seen what I have
seen before and reached the end. People here on earth have for sure, I wasnt the first and
I certainly wont be the last. The genie of the lamp story came straight from the highest
level of creation. There were quite a few other very old stories that showed up in these
places that indicated others had also experienced the privilege of seeing what I had. It
brought me comfort to know that I was not alone in this place and that many others
everywhere had gone through this same journey.
My journey through this high energy experience would not end there. As soon as I went
downstairs, my partner was ready for bed. I brought her upstairs and she could see that I
was blissed. I told her I finally met God face to face and he was amazing. I told her
some of the story and the next thing I knew another surge of energy charged me up again.
My arms began moving and the virtual screen opened up with my eyes open. I could see
the faces and they began downloading more information within me. I moved into
different body postures and watched as symbols that I had seen from Egypt flashed in my
head. I was doing different postures and unlocking higher levels of energy from the
cosmos. I sat down and my hands did this cool story format. The very story of creation
was given through these different hand movements and I spoke the story as I moved my
hands. It was about the tree of life. I do not remember the details for how the story went,
but I do know it was absolutely amazing that so much information was programmed into
just a couple of movements in the proper series. I realized then, the power and incredible
ability that this body holds and also hides from us.
I stood up and began doing more of the energy movements. My arms and legs were
automatic and did what they wanted, I just watched the process unfold and tried to learn
what I could as the body did its own thing. I felt myself get really hungry and was the

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first time I had the urge to eat since this energy first began. I looked over and realized
my partner was sleeping. There was so much energy in the room that she couldnt stay
awake. It was too strong and knocked her out. I wished that she could have watched the
beauty of these movements.
The hunger feeling became stronger and I took in a huge breath of air. I could taste the
energy again! My arms shot up above my head like they always do, I held the air in my
lungs and then began doing some more body movements. I reached down into my lower
chakra and felt the energy form in my hand. It was a ball of energy. I loved it. I could
feel it roll around on my hand. My hand and arm rose up in a spiral motion so as not to
drop the ball of energy, I got too excited and lost the flow, the ball of energy dropped and
I tried again. This time I managed to do the movement correctly and when my hand
reached my chin, my head tilted back and my mouth opened. I raised my hand higher
above my mouth and rolled the ball of energy off of my hand. I could see it fall and it
went into my mouth. It rolled down my throat and I felt it go through my stomach and
intestines. I felt it move back and forth through my stomach and then it went down to my
but. I felt pressure build up and I farted. I started laughing my head off inside. Outside I
was too calm and full of pure energy to break this state. This continued as I did the same
thing for all my chakras. Each time the same thing happened. It was so funny. I couldnt
get over the fact that I farted it out. Needless to say, I wasnt hungry afterwards. I was
living off of the energy. Just then the energy brought to my attention that I was still
holding my breath. I hadnt breathed for at least fifteen minutes. Inside, my mind was
blown away. I didnt need to breath, I was supplying my body with the energy that it
needed. The cells could create whatever they needed with this generic form of energy.
I felt the energy drop and I started to get sore. I had been through a lot that day and it
was time to sleep. I laid in bed thinking about what had just occurred and started
laughing out loud about the fart thing. I learnt more about how we only need to supply
our body with the proper energy and the cells could produce what the body needed to
operate. This was the method that the gods used to go anywhere anytime and not have to
worry about the environment. The body could be completely self sustaining once it was
finally opened up. I realized that my energy was going to eventually drop and that I
would not be a god for much longer. I was pretty disappointed as that was all I ever
wanted. Why wouldnt they let my body stay open? Why does it have to keep closing so
I go through the other cycles? I was pretty upset and I felt a calmness come over me. I
closed my eyes and fell asleep.
The next day even though I was in the energy, it wasnt the same. I felt myself slowly
coming down. I reflected the whole day on what had all happened and learnt so much
about the worlds that I was in. I spent the next two weeks slowly integrating and trying
to understand what had just happened. I looked forward to my next high energy surge
but it didnt come. Was that it? I am cut off, now what?
I watched the movie Hercules that week and realized that even though Hercules had
reached his father Zeus, he still wasnt a true hero; he had to prove himself a true hero on
earth before he could return to the heavens. I eventually learnt that there was a whole

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bunch more stuff that I had to do and that it was going to be a long while before I ever
went to heaven again. I cried for a while as I was exhausted and my brain was mush
from what had just happened. I finally thought I was going to make it and be with the
gods forever and I still wasnt ready yet. I relaxed the next couple weeks and went
through the process of my brain filling in information and non-stop learning as the energy
that was opened previously was translated into my own language.
In the end, I was proud of myself. I made it to the end, it may not have been the end to
end all things, but it definitely was an end. Plus, I was pretty proud and honoured to have
met the creator of life. I had no idea what I was going to do next or where life was going
to take me. All I knew was that it was the start of a new journey, a journey into a new
world that I seen through a different set of eyes. I knew that I was never going to stop
until I reached the heavens again. I couldnt stop, not after all that I had seen. How
could I? I wanted to be the best and make my father proud of me. I would do anything to
make him love me and see him smile once more at me. I have devoted my entire life to
making him proud and one day hopefully reach the point where I can join the Gods in

Bring in the Clowns

This was my final vision and occurred when I was 20 years old. The high energy states
that I achieved up to this point had blown away every belief that I once had. I pondered
what else could they possibly show me, I knew that I had already reached the end. I
knew that I was going through a new phase of my life now. My high energy experiences
had stopped for several months now since the last one that lasted four days. After that
vision, I had developed the energy healing bed and I was using it daily. I guess whatever
was wrong with my brain was somehow fixed from using the bed. I was longing to go
back into the heavens and I begged for them to take me back. I hated this world, it was
not the heavens and I became depressed for quite some time. I needed to go back there. I
needed to know what was happening and what I was supposed to do.
My learning had not stopped during this period; in fact it was considerably stronger. I
was learning all kinds of things and was really excited about the energy healing bed that I
downloaded and built. I recognized that the same pattern of processing I went through
with my visions was also the same that was induced through the healing bed. I longed for
the intensity though; I missed the visions and feelings of bliss that I had experienced. I
wanted to see God again. I missed him so much, all of the people and the gods that I met
there, they were my family. My life here on earth was already completely destroyed
through what just happened. How could they leave me here all alone like this? I hated
them for doing that. I begged for them to take me back there. I pleaded and prayed every
night. Why did they cut me off, did I do something bad. Did I offend them, did God not
like me? I was losing my mind and was starting to go insane. I had never had to endure
this long of duration without this energy. I was going through the worst withdrawals I
had ever imagined. I was totally losing my mind. I had hated this physical world for 5

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years and the only reason I was still alive was they told me I couldnt join the heavens
that I seen if I died and didnt complete myself. Now I was immersed here in this world,
I had no contact with them. This was one of the hardest periods of my life. I was no
longer like all the people around me, none of them knew any of this stuff that I had learnt.
Everyone was caught up in the illusions that surrounded them, fighting over stupid things
that were insignificant. Where was the Love? It wasnt here thats for sure, this was hell
and I hated every minute of it.
I found solace in developing the healing technology and going through the same process
in that bed. My learning continued and I struggled to stay on course without the divine
guidance that I was used to having. I felt on my own, and I delved into my research and
learning as much as I could. It helped me to forget about what I was missing, and
distracted me from seeing this world. All I had now was hope that somehow, I could
develop technology that would take me back to that place permanently. I remembered
watching Hercules and the lesson that I learnt there. What I had wished for from God. I
wanted to make this world like the heavens. I found something, a goal that I could work
towards and delve every piece of my time, heart and soul into. After several months of
no high energy surges, I finally found my peace. I felt strong like I could manage here,
even if I hated it, it was only another 50 or 60 years to struggle through until I could
return to the heavens.
I must have made the right connections because one night I felt the energy rise again. I
was actually really scared this time, was I going to go through this traumatic cycle all
over again. I had finally calmed down from what took place previously and the
memories faded about the bliss that I had once experienced. I could feel the energy begin
to fill my body and I was shocked that it was taking place. I had already given up on
begging them to take me back. What was I going to see this time? I already reached the
highest place possible, what else was there? I couldnt wait to find out.
I closed my eyes and seen the beautiful girls. This time they were all dressed and I was
watching a fashion show with clothes that were being modelled by the same ones who
trained me. I never went through any personal processing at all. It was like a party, there
was nothing left to do but hang out. I seen many of the beings who had walked me
through my journey and it felt like a big reunion.
I opened my eyes and I could see golden white light come off my hands. I was glowing
from within; I knew I was one of the gods again. I wondered if this was it, were they
going to let me join the club. The gods would only let you into the heavens if you
finished the required training; it was the only way that you could get in. I went through
several evaluations so I could see what else I needed to accomplish before I could get in.
This was the only club worth getting into and it was impossible to lie to get in. I
remember secretly hoping that I was advanced enough that I could join my heavenly
family that I was so fortunate to see.
I closed my eyes asking them to show me what else there was to see in heaven. I said
Amuse me, show me else you got, I am ready for it all. Next thing I knew there were

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clowns everywhere I looked. They didnt look to happy at all. I got yelled at and scolded
by them. We have shown you so much; you have seen things that nobody else has seen.
You want us to amuse you, like we are only doing this for your entertainment. What
have you done with everything we have shown you? You just always want to see more,
you wonder why your not here. Your finished, your out, we had it with you. There is
nothing more we will show you. It is time for you to grow up and do something with
everything we have taught you. Do you actually think youre ready to join the club yet?
You are still a child; dont ever come back here again until you take care of what you
need to.
I opened my eyes completely traumatized at the clowns and what they had said. I guess
they were right, I just watched all of this stuff like it was some grand movie. I wanted in
so bad, but I never wanted or did any of the stuff I was asked to do. I took my gift for
granted; I am not ready to enter. How could I be so stupid? I fell really hard and the
emotions were so intense. I made the gods angry with me.
I caught the glowing light coming off of my hand and it distracted me. I was trying to
figure out where the light was coming from. I couldnt see the light from straight on, but
only off the sides of my fingers and hand. I played with this for about 10 minutes
hypnotized by the energy.
I focused back to what the clowns had told me, they were right, it was time for me to
grow up and use what I had learnt. I didnt know what that meant, but I felt that there
was nothing more for me in that place anymore. They showed me all that I needed to
know and now it was time to go out and create the heavens here on earth. I never knew
how I was going to do this; I just knew that was what I had to do. I knew that it would
come in the moment. My consciousness system was stronger than ever and I had been
learning so much information. I wanted to know what all the stuff that I had seen meant.
I wanted to understand what I had just gone through. I prayed to God and asked him if he
could come see me. I felt his presence almost instantly. I did the bow without even
thinking about it. I knew that this being was in charge of everything and I was just a
child. I wanted to ask him how I could serve. What I needed to do next.
I had the urge to go out on my balcony and stare at the sky. My vision was not active and
I was just seeing normal. The next thing I knew my vision shifted and the depth
perception came back. The sky started morphing as I stared at one single point. I noticed
that everything that I could see in my peripheral vision started manipulating itself and
moving. The very fabric of space was warping. Next thing I knew I was staring at one
massive face. Nothing else existed in my vision but this giant face. It was in 3-d and
began to come into colour and clear focus. It was my own face. I stared at it and realized
that God was watching everything that was happening at every moment. There was
never a moment of separation. I could see myself with my eyes. I realized that God and
the space that I was looking for was within me the whole time. I only needed to ask my
body. I made the connection that everything I wished for was already programmed in my
body and now I just had to go through the process day by day. I had everything that I
needed from this place. There was no more need to go back to this high energy state. I

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was finished. I felt so good. I smiled and watched the massive 3-d face in front of me
smile at the same time. I winked and it winked. It was a complete external duplicate, a
perfect mirror of me. I laughed and my normal vision returned. I felt fulfilled. I thanked
nature, life, God and my body for this last time here. I knew that I wasnt going to go
back into the heavens anymore. Not until I accomplished what I had set up to do here on
earth. I found my peace and actually was excited for the energy to wear off so I could get
back to my normal life. I was appreciative for this last time that I spent in the heavens. It
was really good for me, especially so I could let go and say good bye. Just for a while of
I went inside and watched the people in the walls again and realized how the heavens
werent my place, I was here and I had plenty of work to do. I closed my eyes and we
had a little celebration. I seen the clowns give me a look of compassion and I knew that
we were all squared up. The clown faces changed back into the same beings that had
once given me so much love and walked me through the training. I knew that they did
what they had to do. As much as they loved me, my place was here and I still had work
to do. I laughed at how good they are at creating these realities and feelings for me to
learn. I looked forward to the day when I could perform like they did. I felt my energy
begin to drop and I said my good byes and the deeply heartfelt I love you all so much,
thank you thank you for everything. I knew from that moment on, I would never be
back there. I could only trust my body and that it would take me where I needed to go.
I was a little scared knowing that I wouldnt have them so visually apparent, but then
realized that there is no separation, my body has everything inside of it that it needs. I
would just have to trust, have faith and go with the flow. Everything was going to be ok
and if I did the best I could, I would have my day in the heavens again. This time, I
would be there permanently. No one would call me Rookie anymore. I would truly be
one of them. I will have earned it for myself.

Written by,

Cory Herter
President of New Wave Technology
Inventor of The Perfect Wave Programmers
Author of Visions of Heaven & The Perfect Wave

New Wave Technology (Canada)

711-440-10816 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, AB, T2J 5N8

Cory Herter March 2006


New Wave Technology (USA)

1437 9th St Suite D
Santa Monica, CA 90401

The book Visions of Heaven is the property of Cory Herter. Please do not make copies of this book in part or in whole
without the written permission of the author.

Cory Herter March 2006


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