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Evaluator. Dee.” Grade, seuden Bret SIPPS Assessment Evaluator’s Form Mark each item 25 the student responds. Use « check (/) for correce and NR for no response. Wrive each incorrect answer next 19 or blow the missed item. PLACEMENT Lesson —_Begioning Leel 1.11. 21-3141 Teeenson Ler P1()16 26 eyou are assessing a indergarven or first-grade student, begin with Challenge Lert the Screening for Consoriants and Vowels and follow the instructions — With prerequisite lessons afer the screening: Ifyou are assessing a sudentin grade 2 or higher, with single-sylleble phonies >eein with ch Screening for eve Wer an Sight Wor, nd follow __ eich sight words ‘he instructions after that screening. 1.Screening for Consonants and Vowels (Por kindergarten and grade 1, start bere) Thais section provides information about the stadent’s Imowledge of basic phonics spellings in isolation, Ic is most eppropriate ‘or kindergarcen atid grade t seadens, 3. Consonants and Consonant Digraphs "Tell me the sound of each of these.” Count distorted sounds as correct (e.g., mah”). mos Lh continuous sounds) bed ig pk ky stop sounds} sh wh ch. th hoiced or unvoiced) Nomber tight __/25 Peer (6-25 igh] or Not Pass ». ShortVewel Sounds ‘Tell me che sound of each levees.” Ifthe student gives the long vorrel somnd ask, “Do you know another sound?" Mark above ‘ach letter with” for short and ~ for long vowel sound. a Lee ee Numbor right ___/3 Pass (J-$ dh) or Not Pass Tithe Ke1 smudenr passes both 1e and 1b, go on to the mext screening, 3° _F the K-1 smdent dots not pass both a and {b, go on to Section A.” 1. Screening for eve Words and Sight Words (For grades 2 and above, start bere,) [want to see how well you can zead these words without any help.” shenics: Zip. yellv/ jobs duck W wet six von gum top Phen Number risht A/10 Pass (6-10vigif or Not Poss ight Words (threececond ln rd) litle Y put ¥ what T do like of out_v some be” come Number ight AL /10-Pase (810! or Not Poss lf the student passes both phonics and sight words, skip to Section D of the assessment. — Hf the student does not pass both phonics and sight words with 80% accuracy: Kel: Contine the assessment st Section A. 2-3: Place the soaden in Rxemnsion Level prerequisite lesson 1. Consider administering the cresning for consonants and vowels for backegronnd inowledge. 4 Place the seadent in Challenge Lerel, — Hthe srudene did not pase phonics, sare at prerequisite lesson 1 and inchude single-pinble phonics. The student didnot pes sigh-words, include sight-word instruction. Section A (Kindergarten snd grad: 1: axessing the material in Beginning Level leons 1-10) Phones “Tell me the sound of each ieiter", set Number right___/4 Pass (24 rh) or Not Pass! Sight Words fforee-sacond limit pee word} “want so see how well you can read these words without any help.” 1. see__ the__ you_=“can__ me__and_.wo__ ~ Nomber right JB Pass (7-8 righ or Not Pass __- Ff the srudent passes both phonics and sight words, continue the assessment, ‘__E the seudent does not pass both phonics and sight wards, place her in Beginning Level lesson 1. Section B (Kindergarten and grade 1: assessing the material in Begining Level lesons 11-20) Phonics sol jah fon 3 Number fight__/10 Pass (0-10 ght or Not Pose Sight Words (fhee-second limit per word) on__ is__ yes. are__ no__ Number right __/S Pass (25 ighf oF Not Pass _— If the student passes both phonies and sight words, continue the assessment. “¥ the student does not pass both phonics and sight words, place him in Beginning Level lesson 11. Section C (Kindergarten and grade'l: accessing the material in Beginning Level lemons 21-30) Phonics cut__ rub__ him__ my__ sock__ mod__ fun__ kick fat__ hot__ umber Hight __/10 Pare /8-10'igh or Not Pas Sight Words {ihreesecord limit per word} be__ get__ under__to__ was__.go__down__ sow___ where__ here__ Number right__/T0 Pass (8-107ghy oF. Not Pass ___ Kf the stodent passes both phonics and sight words, place her in Beginning Level lesson 31. the sturent does not pass both phonics and sight words, place her in Beginning Level lesson 21 1 ; {© Derslopmearal Sees Case and John Shbine 208 | sips’ Extension Level Poralaion is grad fr reprolacin of this rel edocaenal ws cy. Section D (AU grader assessing the material in Beginning Level lesons 31-55/lixiensin prerequisite lesons) homies kt i a9 math Osho) quick Y sing much rocks catch judged Vhon_V hopping WZ Number ight SJ /10 poss (6-10cight or Not Poss ight Words three: fit per werd) fromY wore many ¥ call ¥ fo ¥ dose’ your toliw there other. Nomber right 1/10 Pass (@-10 igh) or Not Pass __- Tf the student pesses both phonies and sight words, continue the assessment, the scadent does not pess both phonies and sight words = Kut: Place him in Beginning Level lesson 41. XK. 2-5: Place him in Extension Level prerequisice lesson 1 4s Place him in Challenge Level Jesson. — H the sradent did not pess phonics, inchude single-sllable phonies beginning in lesson 1 — HE che smadent di not pass sight words, inclade sight-word instruction. ection E (Al! grades: assessing the material im Esnension Level lesons 1-15) j\ at 09 & honics ee epi Wines ain ‘hed brave_ slide. 1a closed___stone___shining_-_ cute O™ hummed 0 Numbar right /10 ase (6-0,igh) or Not Pes ght Words {three second limit per word) wor very want ful__ wail find” would give__ any__move___ their__ Number right __/10 Peas “(2-10 igh) or Not Pass — If the student passes both phonics and sight words, continue the assessment. — Hf the student does not pass both phonics and sight words: K-31 Place ber ip Eension Level leston 1. 44: Place her in Challenge Level lesen i If the smdent did not pus phonies, include angle sylable phonits beginning ia lesson 1. “the smdant didnot pas sight words, inclde dighn-wordineseriow action F (Ail grades: aessing te material in Extension Level esons 16-25) sonics sleeps___ reaching ___ fem___ trains___ stirring floated__ stayed__ north__smar__ downs__ Mombor ight __/10. Pose (2-10 lf or Not Pass tht Words {hree-second limit per word water__ again__ great__ who__ because__ censwer__.should__ only__ wemen__ towerrd_ Number right__/10 Pass (G10 cg) or Not Pass If the stadent passes, continue the assessment. , Ifthe student does not pass both phonics tnd sight words: — K3: Place him in Exancion Level lesson 16, ___ 4+: Place hin in Challenge Level leatom 2, — che srodent did not pass phonics, include single-sylable phonies beginning in lesson 1. — Hthe emdene did aot pass sight words, include sight-word instruction. (© Dercopmenal Seuties Center nd Joa Shesbine ‘Peamision is grated for rpeodueon of thi tel fy dace! eon Section G (AU grader assing be mazerial in Extension Level lesons 26-40) Phonics ” beats chewed__ émall___ bright__ flies__ roid poiniee__ fauk— crawling._—_ poss Number fight__/10. Paar [8-10rtgif or Not Pais Sight Words |hreesecond limit per word) beautiful__ Me__ whole__ busy___quess__ shoe__ half__ breught__ heard___group__, Pare ge ere pee ____ the student passes, continse the assessment _ H the stodenr docs not pass both phonies aad sight words: Ke: Place her in Emension Level lesson 26. 44: Pace her in Challenge Level lesson 1. “__Wehe student did not paz: phonies, inctade single-rllable phonies beginning ia lesan 1. : the andane did not pas sight words, inclade sight-word instruction. Section H (Assesing Challenge Level, pobllabie wordt) dlinner___ punish___. moment___ contest station_- crocodile_____relative.__ voleano__decorate____lfficu_ fortes umbrello___ colendar_tomato,__ eraser. education unhappiness____transportation____communicale__ experiment. : Number right __/20 Pass (14-20:igh) or Not Pass ___ Ifthe student passes this section, the stadent may not need Challenge Level. ifthe erudent does not pas this section, place him in Challenge Level lesson 3. : Depa Sens Corsa 8 210 | steps emension Level Pera pruned fi mee co et

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