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Isaac coyier

7th science
26 sept 2016
Egg ink
Hypothesis: if a egg is placed in a series of solution then its follum will change offer time
Large egg
400ml beaker Triple beam balance
Light corn syrup
Distilled Water
1)take initial mass of egg using triple beam balance
2) plaisted egg in beaker and filled it until the egg was covered
3) let egg soak in the vinegar for 24 hours
4)dry off egg and carefully wipe off the shell
5) teke mass of egg
6) take egg mass
7)place egg in beaker and filled the beaker until the egg until its covered
8) let soak in light corn syrup for 24 hours
9)toke egg out of beaker and pat gera
10) take mass of egg
11) plass egg in beaker in distilled water for 24 hours
12) remove egg and pat egg
13) teke mass of egg
14) dispose egg

Table on change of egg over three days

day 0

day 1

day 2

day 3


Chart 1:

Use osmosis, hypotonic, solution, passive, transport,
Egg plus vinegar it will get all like mochi and
The hypotheses
Egg plus vinegar
Egg plus corn syrup
Egg + distilled water

What would you have dune differently the lab

What did you learn from this lab

When we weighed the egg we had to minus .5 because the tray weighed .5 then we
put it in a beaker and we put vinegar then we took the mass of the egg then washed beaker.
Then we put the egg in the beaker and then we put corn syrup and it pushed the water out of
the egg and then it shriveled up. Then took the mass again then we pushed lightly on the egg to
clean the egg shell of then we popped it. Then we cleaned the table.

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